Mrs. F. E.M. Cole left Saturday for an extended trip in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis of Evanston who have recently purchased the Badger home in Essex road, will move to Kenilworth in a few days.
Mrs. W. I. Woodward gave a tea for Mr. E. R. Williams Tuesday afternoon in her home on Abbotsford road.
Mrs. Claud Burnham has gone to San Antonio, Texas, for a few weeks' visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Holden have taken up their residence in their new home in Warwick road.
Mrs. Bard and daughter, Miss Jessie Bard, are expected to return to Kenilworth in a few weeks, when they will open their home in Abbotsford road.
Mrs. Paul Schulze is visiting her two sons, Paul and Victor, who are students in Shattuck school at Faribault, Minnesota. She will return the last of the week.
Mrs. Charles K. Blackwood has returned to her home in Warwick road after a visit with relatives in Michigan.
Mrs. C. K. Parmelee has returned to her home in Melrose avenue for the summer after having passed several weeks at Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Miles are planning to rent their home in Abbotsford road for a year and take a trip through the Carolinas and other southern states.
Friends of Mrs. Alida Allen, widow of Charles A. Allen and formerly a resident of Kenilworth, will be grieved to learn of her death, which occurred in Evanston last Thursday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted in the home, 424 Hamilton street, Evanston, Saturday. The burial was in Forest Home cemetery.