Mrs. Henry Taylor gave a luncheon Thursday.
There were fifteen votes cast at the last village election.
Mrs. Claud Burnham is visiting her relatives in Minneapolis.
Mrs. E. D. Parmelee has returned from a trip to New York.
Mrs. C. K. parmelee has returned from a two week's trip to Arkansas.
Mrs. Calvin Case has entertained the Drama club last week at luncheon.
Mrs. F. E. Mellis, Jr., entertained at luncheon Tuesday for her small daughter.
Mrs. Drake entertained a few friends at luncheon Friday for Mrs. E. R. Williams.
Mr. Edward J. Phelps was elected chairman of the tennis committee of the Kenilworth Club.
Tuesday, May 6, Mr. Phidelah Rice will read "The Man of the Hour" at the Kenilworth Union Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin have returned from a short visit with Mr. Laughlin's brother in St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis of Evanston have moved into the house lately purchased from Mr. and Mrs. S. Badger.
Mrs. Burchard and daughter, Marjorie, have returned from California where they have spent the winter.
The handsome floral decorations at the Joseph Sears school were rented for the opening by the building committee.
The many friend of Mrs. C. Elmes of Winnetka will be sorry to hear of the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Faithorn.
Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman was taken to the Evanston hospital at 1 o'clock Saturday morning and was operated on for appendicitis.
The Zeta Beta Psi sorority had its annual luncheon at the La Salle hotel Saturday. The Kenilworth Zetas went down to the luncheon.
Miss Helen Stearns and her brother, Clarence, are quarantined with chicken-pox. Clarence is also having an attack of mumps.
Mr. Robert Dyar will leave next week for the east to take a position with the Pneumatic Tool company, where his brother, Huntington, is employed.
Dr. Charles Horswell was elected president of the board of education of Kenilworth. Mr. George W. Keehn and Mr. W. L. Tinsman were elected as members of the board.d
The annual meeting and luncheon of the guild of the Kenilworth Union church has been postponed indefinitely owing to the death of Mrs. Lovedale, one of the most active workers of the guild.
Mrs. William H. Pratt gave a musical tea last Tuesday afternoon for many of her Winnetka and Kenilworth friends. The program was given by two young ladies of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Miss Helen McNabb and Miss Helen Schreman.
Mrs. Charles Adams, 33 Bellevue place, Chicago, formerly of Kenilworth, who went west several weeks ago to join her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dillingham, in Pasadena, California, will sail with them on Saturday for their home in Honolulu.
The annual meeting of the Neighbors will be held April 24. The luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. The committee in charge Mrs. H. H. Everett, chairman; Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Ridgeway, Mrs. Prentiss, Mrs. Bentley McCloud, Mrs. Wing, Mrs. J. C. Everett, Mrs. Durham, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Kells, Mrs. Nellis, Mrs. Keehn, Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Serrell, and Mrs. Stolp, will have charge of the coffee tables. Mrs Cole has charge of the decorating. Mrs. H. H. Everett will be assisted in the dining room by Mrs. E. D. Parmelee and Mrs. Hugh Dyar. The business meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m., when there will be reports of officers and committees, revision of the by-laws and election of officers. The ballot box closes at 12:30 p.m. Annual dues must be paid to vote.