Mrs. E. H. Dillon is ill with tonsilitis.
MR. G. E. Benton is taking a southern trip.
Mr. William Rankin is quite ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. Sexsmith has been quite ill with quinsy.
Mr. Dudley Edwards has been ill with tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick and family have moved to Chicago.
The Neighborhood Dancing club met Friday evening.
Miss Florence Weeks of Longwood is ill with tonsilitis.
Duncan Jackson is one of the sufferers from the mumps.
Mr. Otto R. Barnett is duck hunting at his club in Hebron, Indiana.
Mrs. Best of Oak Park is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. L. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pierce Pope have returned from their southern trip.
Mrs. James Kent Calhoun entertained the Bridge club Friday afternoon.
Mr. Herman Lorenz from Schermerville was visiting friends in Glencoe Sunday.
Mrs. Alfred Washington and daughter, Gwendoline, have returned from Maitland, Florida.
The Delta Chi Kappas gave a dance Monday evening at the Women's Library Club rooms.
Mrs. Allan G. Mills had for her guest last week Miss Catherine Pantheon [unclear] of Philadelphia.
George C. Ligare of the University of Iillinois visited his mother, Mrs. L. R. Ligare, a few days last week.
Mrs. Talmadge, who has been visiting Mr. Henry Behrens, returned to her home at Carry, Illinois, Saturday.
MRs. Marc W. Darling is visiting among her friends while getting her residence in order for renting furnished.
Mrs. Max Ekelmann was hostess to the Birthday Club members last Monday at luncheon in honor of her birthday.
The Women's guild of the Union church held an all day meeting Tuesday, April 1. Luncheon was served at 12:15.
Mrs. H. H. Brigham and children and Miss Katherine Ziesing were expected home from Maitland, Florida, on Saturday.
[Column 2]
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lorenz was baptized on Sunday at the Lutheran church at Highland Park.
Mrs. Frank E. Miller gave an informal bridge party Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. T. H. Lamprecht. There were three tables.
The Young Women's guild of the Methodist Episcopal church met Friday afternoon with Mrs. C. A. Forberg of Hubbard Woods.
A number of Glencoe's young folks attended the play, "A Kentucky Belle," given by the Zeta Beta Psis at the Kenilworth Assembly Hall.
Children's afternoon at the Women's Library club, which was to have been held Saturday, March 29, has been postponed to Saturday, April 5.
The accident to Sherman Barnett's eye is not as serious as was first feared. The X-ray examination showed no foreign matter in the eye.
Scarlet fever is not spreading. There are but four cases in the village, two of them in the Italian families living on Jefferson avenue between Greenwood and Vernon avenues.
At the next meeting of the Glencoe Woman's Suffrage association the nomination of officers for the coming year will take place. The election will take place at the first meeting in May.
The Women's Auxiliary of the Church of St. Elizabeth met at the home of Dr. Culver Monday afternoon. Mrs. Richard Wyman spoke on "Our Indian Missions." The work in hand was preparing a box for Miss Langdon's hospital in Alaska.
The second lecture of the course "Francesca Da Reminini" by Miss Julia Henry was given at the home of Mrs. George J. Pope Monday afternoon. The third, "Beatrice Portinari," will be given at the home of Mrs. Henry P. Pope April 14.
Mr. James Abbott of Glencoe announces the marriage of his daughter, Bonnie Edwina, to Mr. William Lawrence Pattison of Chicago which took place Wednesday, March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Pattison will be at home after April 15 at 421 Belmont Avenue, Chicago.