Mr. N. P. Miller of Charles and Ridge avenue is reported ill with la grippe.
Hattie Prenska of Kenmore visited at the home of Mr. Henry Schwall of 804 Ridge avenue, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Proctor of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mueller of Ridge avenue Sunday.
Gross Point Baseball club will give their first annual dance on Thursday evening, April 3, at the village hall--fifty cents a person. All are invited. Schneider's orchestra wil lfurnish the music.
Mrs. Frank Kreusch, of Ridge avenue, entertained the Saturday Evening club at cards Saturday, March 15. The winners were: First (men), Frank M. Mueller; second Alb. Weeks; first (ladies), Mrs. Charles Hoth; second, Mrs. N. J. Miller. Refreshments were served.