Miss Lucile Trapp, who has been quite sick, is recovering.
Mrs. Benjamin Carpenter is in New York.
Mrs. Orsinger is spending a few weeks with her sister in Chicago.
Mr. R. L. Gonsalves is confined to the house with a severe cold.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Coffin last week.
Miss Grace Harrington, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. W. W. Edwards, has returned to her home.
Mr. G. F. Gonsolves is erecting a house on Euclid avenue, in the Clark subdivision.
Mrs. Murry Nelson, Jr., is visiting her son Thatcher, who is attending school in Massachusetts.
Mr. Joe Dempaki is building a green house and residence on Linden Avenue north of Scott Avenue.
Miss Helen Vincent of Springfield, Illinois, is visiting at the home of her uncle, George F. Gonsolves, on Asbury avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. McIlvaine attended the inauguration at Washington, D. C. last week. From there they went to Princeton, N.J.
Mr. T. J. Enright of New Raymer, Colorado, is calling on his many friends here. Mr. Enright formerly lived in Hubbard Woods, but now is a successful farmer in Colorado.
A mothers' and teachers' meeting was held at the Columbia school last Tuesday afternoon at which light refreshments were served. These meetings will be held from time to time. The object is to bring the parents in closer touch with the school.