Pension application for Mary E. Springer, widow of Civil War soldier Milton Cushing Springer

Brady, Frances Muriel, Transcriber
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Genealogical Resource
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The documents in this collection are fully searchable, but a transcript is provided below as an aid to reading the handwritten pages.
Application of Mary E. (nee Ward) Springer for a widow's pension following the death of her husband, Milton Springer on 26 Dec 1890. The application includes an affidavit of her birth and marriage plus extensive information about her husband's military career during the Civil War and state of his health afterwards.
Date of Publication
Personal Name(s)
Springer, Milton Cushing, 1838-1890 ; Springer, Mary E. Ward, 1845-1927 ; Springer, Nora P.
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  • Illinois, United States
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Box# 39539 Cert [Certificate] # 358747 Mary e. Springer Widow- Bundle #33

1 date birth Nora P. Feb [February] - 24 - 79 [1879] State of Illinois County of Cook -- SS. On this 10th day of February 1891 before me a Notary Public; within and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared Sallie A York; whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares her age is 33 years, her post office address is 972 Wilcox Ave. - Chicago; That she had personal knowledge of the fact and date of birth of Nora P. the child of Milton C. Springer by his wife Mary E. Ward. That said child Nora P. Springer was born on the 24 day of February 1879. That affiants means of knowing personally of the date of said child's birth and of now fixing said date were and are as follows: Here state if personally present when child was born, and also state how you know the date of birth given is the correct one. Affiant was present at the residence of said Springers' and saw the child the day of its birth That affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Mary E. Springer If Witness signs by X two persons who write must sign here as witnesses of signature, and the officer before whom they are sworn must not be one of these witnesses to signature. Witness Sign Sallie A. York Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of February 1891, and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Henry B. Baldwin Notary Public

2 date birth Nora P - Feb [February] - 24 - '79 - [1879] State of Illinois County of Cook -- SS. On this 10th day of February 1891 before me a Notary Public; within and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared Sarah E. Onderdonk; whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares her age is 44 years, her post office address is 3411 South Paulina St. - Chicago. That she had personal knowledge of the face and date of birth of Nora P. the child of Milton C. Springer by his wife Mary C. Ward. That said child Nora P. Springer was born on the 24 day of February 1871. That affiants means of knowing personally of the date of said child's birth and of now fixing said date were and are as follows; Here state if personally present when child was born, and also state how you know the date of birth given is the correct one. Affiant was present at the house of said Springers' and saw the child before it was one (1) hour old. That affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Mary E. Springer - If Witness signs by X two persons who write must sign here as witnesses of signature, and the officer before whom they are sworn must not be one of these witnesses to signature. Witness Sign Sarah E. Onderdonk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of February 1891, and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Mary B. Baldwin Notary Public

3 No p mge either - wrd - [No previous marriage either - widowed] State of Illinois County of Cook -- SS. On this 12th day of March 1891 before me Emily G. Blatch a Notary Public ~; within and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared Josephine D. Hill ~ ; whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares her age is 46 years, her post office address is Wilmette Cook Co., Illinois. That she was well and personally acquainted with Milton C. Springer for 6 years immediately preceding his marriage with Mary E. Ward on the 25 of March 1866 and was also well and personally acquainted with said Mary E. Ward for 5 years immediately preceding said marriage, and knows that neither of said parties had been previously married and there existed at the time no legal barrier to said marriage. That I know very positively that said Mary E. Springer has not married since the death of said Milton C. Springer 26 Dec. 1890. That affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Mary E. Springer If Witness signs by X two persons who write must sign here as witnesses of signature, and the officer before whom they are sworn must not be one of these witnesses to signature. Witness Sign Josephine D. Hill Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March 1891, and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Emily G. Blatch Notary Public

4 No p mge either - wrd - [No previous marriage either - widowed] State of Illinois County of Cook -- SS. On this 23rd day of March 1891 before me Frederick Peake, a Notary Public; within and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared James Frake; whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares his age is forty-nine [49] years, his post office address is 625 Fulton St. Chicago Ill [Illinois]. That he was well and personally acquainted with Milton C. Springer for 5 years immediately preceding his marriage with Mary E. Ward on the 25 of March 1866 and was also well and personally acquainted with said Mary E. Ward for 5 years immediately preceding said marriage, and knows that neither of said parties had been previously married and there existed at the time no legal barrier to said marriage. That I know very positively that said Mary E. Springer has not married since the death of said Milton C. Springer 26 Dec. [December] 1890. That affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Mary E. Springer If Witness signs by X two persons who write must sign here as witnesses of signature, and the officer before whom they are sworn must not be one of these witnesses to signature. Witness Sign James Frake Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of March 1891, and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Frederick Peake Notary Public

5 Mge [Marrage] Certificate of Record of Marriage. STATE OF ILLINOIS McHenry County -- SS. I, Wm. [William] Avery County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that Mr. Mitton C. Springer was married to M[unclear] Mary E. Ward in said County, on the 25th day of March A.D. 1866, by S.G. Lorthrop a Minister of the Gospel duly authorized by the Statute of the State of Illinois to solemnize marriage as appears by his return and certificate of Marriage attached to the License granted therefore by the Clerk of this Court and now on file in my office. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed the seal of said County Court at Woodstock, this 10th day of Feby [February] A.D. 1891 Wm. [Wililam] Avery County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court. SENTINEL PRINT. Woodstock, Ill.

6 MD_ [Confirm - unclear] from about '74 [1874]- date and cause of death Affidavit of Family Physician. THE PHYSICIAN WILL PLEASE READ THIS BLANK ALL OVER CAREFULLY BEFORE TRYING TO FILL IT. State of Illinois County of Cook On this 26th day of January 1891 before me Edwin Drury a Notary Public within and for said County and State, personally appeared Byron C. Stolp M.D., who being by me first duly sworn, declares that he has been a practicing physician for the 18 years last past. That his post office address is Wilmette, Cook County, Illinios, and in answer to questions, declares as follows in reference to Milton C. Springer who claims to have rendered the military service as Captain of F Company 134 Reg't [Regiment] Infty [Infantry] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] to-wit: QUESTION: - State as near as you can the date when you attended him the first time after discharge from the army, or while home on furlough, and with what disease or diseases you found him afflicted. ANSWER: - Date of 1st attendence unknown. Have been his family physician for the past 16 1/2 years and have prescribed for him at intervals during this time, for ordinary diseases arising from colds. My first visit during his last illness Nov [November] 17 - 90 [1890] QUESTION: - State about the date when you attended him the last time. ANSWER: - Dec [December] 26th '90 [1890] The day of his death QUESTION: - About how often between these periods of time did you see said Springer ~ ANSWER: - During the last 5 weeks - nearly every day - QUESTION: - State the degree of his disability during the period he was your patient, for performing ordinary manual labor, as compared with a sound, healthy man. State as definitely as you can. ANSWER: In my opinion said Springer ~~ while my patient was disabled (state 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4) wholly for ordinary manual labor, comparing him with an ordinary sound, healthy man. And now please give a narrative statement in detail of said Springer ~~ case, during the period he was under your professional care. DOCTOR Please don't fail to carefully read this note before trying to fill this blank. Remember this affidavit will be examined by physicians in the PENSION Office and what they desire is such a statement as will definitely set forth the applicant's physical condition while under your care, and the disease or diseases from which he was then suffering and to what extent he was disqualified for ordinary manual labor while under your charge. If you knew him as a neighbor or acquaitance over a considerable period of time while he was not under your treatment, it is very desirable you should state the fact, and all that came to your knowledge as such neighbor or acquaitance concerning his disabilities, [...] On Nov [November] 17th 1890 called to see said Springer and found him suffering from a [congestion - unclear] of the Brain. Almost total cessation of the action of the Liver with frequent and painful urination. On examination found his Liver in an atrophied condition occupying a much smaller space than a [phopiological - unclear] condition would warrant. There were evidences of an interference of the circulation in the [Cavebrae unclear] blood vessels and a partial paralysis of the entire body. Especially the muscles connected withthe organs of speech. This condition continued entire Dec [December] 25th 1890 when he was suddenly [...]

7 [...] and the degree in which he was disabled for ordinary manual labor, over the entire period you knew him. If you regard applicant's diseases the result of a wound or an injury, don't fail to clearly show the pathological connection between the two. If the man died while under your care, state THAT fact, also state the DATE of his death, (which is important,) and state clearly what in your opinion was the direct and IMMEDIATE as well as remote cause of his death. [...] prostrated by an apoplectic attack which continued until his death at 3am. Dec [December] 26th - 90 [1890]. His death being due to cerebral Hemorrhage ; Have known said Springer for the past 16 1/2 years and have known that he has been treated for Kidney and Bladder deficiencies for several years past. It is my opinion that the Liver and the affliction of other important [unclear] has been primarily the cause of the degeneration of the blood vessels of the brain which predisposed them to final rupture causing his death. His life during the time I have known him has been free from every thing which might have brought on the above mentioned attack. And I know of nothing outside the affliction of the above mentioned organ which might have predisposed him to the disease which caused his death. QUESTION: - Is the foregoing statement made from memory or from your notes or records made as a physician at the time you were treating him? ANSWER: - Both This declarant further states that so far as he ever knew and as he believes said Springer ~~ did not aggravate, increase or prolong his disease (or disabilities) by intemperance or other bad habits, and that affiant has no niterest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Springer's widow ~~ Doctor Sign B. C. Stolp MD Wilmette Ill [Illinois] If you served as a surgeon, please state Rank and Reg't [Regiment]. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of January 1891 and I certify that the above affiant is to me well known as a practicing physician in good standing, and that all the blank spaces in the foregoing affidavit were carefully filled before signing or searing, and that I have no interest whatever int he prosecution of this claim for pension. Edwin Drury Notary Public Medical Evidence Application No. FOR ORIGINAL INVALID PENSION Late _______ of ______Co. [Company] ________ Reg's [Regiment]__________ Vols. [Volunteers] Filed by E.S. WEEDEN, Attorney, CHICAGO, ILL. [Illinois]

8 MD Caudter [unclear] Nov [November] - '90 [1890] AFFIDAVIT OF FAMILY PHYSICIAN The Physician will please read this blank all over carefully before trying to fill it. STATE OF Illinois COUNTY OF Cook On this 20 day of January 1891 before me Wm (William) J. Van Keurer a Notary Public within and for said County and State, personally appeared Dr. D. R. Brown [unclear] M.D., who being by me first duly sworn, declares that he has been a practicing physician for the 26 years last past. That his post office address is Chicago Illinois, and in answer to questions, declares as follows in reference to Milton C. Spring who claims to have rendered the military service as Captain of F Company 134 Reg't [Regiment] Infty [Infantry] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] to-wit: QUESTION: - Did you know said Springer before he entered the army in _______ ; if so state whether you regarded him then as a sound, healthy man, and particularly was he at that time free from __________ or any predisposition to said diseases? ANSWER: - [blank] QUESTION: - State as near as you can the date when you attended him the first time after discharge from the army, or while home on furlough, and with what disease or diseases you found him afflicted. ANSWER: - [blank] QUESTION: - State about the date when you attended him the last time. ANSWER: - 22 November 1890 QUESTION: - About how often between these periods of time did you see said Springer ~ ANSWER: - [blank] QUESTION: - State the degree of his disability during the period he was your patient, for performing ordinary manual labor, as compared with a sound, healthy man. State as definitely as you can. ANSWER: In my opinion said Springer ~~ while my patient was disabled ____ (state 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4) for ordinary manual labor, comparing him with an ordinary sound, healthy man. And now please give a narrative statement in detail of said Springer ~~ case, during the period he was under your professional care. DOCTOR Please don't fail to carefully read this note before trying to fill this blank. Remember this affidavit will be examined by physicians in the PENSION Office and what they desire is [...] I saw Milton Springer in consultation with Bob Stolp M.D. of Wilmette Ills [Illinois] on the 22nd day of November 1890 - and I found on [unclear] are atrophied Liver and Evidence of the poisoning of the nervous system by [several words unclear]

9 [...] such a statement as will definitely set forth the applicant's physical condition while under your care, and the disease or diseases from which he was then suffering and to what extent he was disqualified for ordinary manual labor while under your charge. If you knew him as a neighbor or acquaitance over a considerable period of time while he was not under your treatment, it is very desirable you should state the fact, and all that came to your knowledge as such neighbor or acquaitance concerning his disabilities, and the degree in which he was disabled for ordinary manual labor, over the entire period you knew him. If you regard applicant's diseases the result of a wound or an injury, don't fail to clearly show the pathological connection between the two. If the man died while under your care, state THAT fact, also state the DATE of his death, (which is important,) and state clearly what in your opinion was the direct and IMMEDIATE as well as remote cause of his death. [...] The process of auto-infectus [unclear] was the primary cause of the derangement of part of his body and lead [sic] up to the degeneration of blood vessels that was a [unclear] preliminary [?] condition with cerebral hemorrhage that cause his death. QUESTION: - Is the foregoing statement made from memory or from your notes or records made as a physician at the time you were treating him? ANSWER: - [blank] This declarant further states that so far as he ever knew and as he believes said Springer did not aggravate, increase or prolong his disease (or disabilities) by intemperance or other bad habits, and that affiant has no niterest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Springer's widow ~~ Doctor Sign D.R. Brower MD late asst Surgeon U.S. If you served as a surgeon, please state Rank and Reg't. [Regiment] Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of January 1891 and I certify that the above affiant is to me well known as a practicing physician in good standing, and that all the blank spaces in the foregoing affidavit were carefully filled before signing or searing, and that I have no interest whatever int he prosecution of this claim for pension. Wm [William] J. Van Keuren Notary Public Medical Evidence Application No. FOR ORIGINAL INVALID PENSION Late _______ of ______Co. [Company] ________ Reg't [Regiment]__________ Vols. [Volunteers] Filed by E.S. WEEDEN, Attorney, CHICAGO, ILL. [Illinois]

10 Contin [unclear] from Aug [August] '72 [1872] to Aug '90 [1890] - dis kidneys, liver + bladder. This blank is designed for one witness who knew the Soldier part or all the time after his Discharge from the Army. US Pension Office Feb [February] 1891 State of Illinois County of Cook SS. On this 13 day of August 1890 before me, a Notary Public at Chicago, within and for the County and State aforesaid personally appeared John N. Finney, whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to full faith and credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares: My present age is 49 years, my Post Office address is Room 97-187 LaSalle St. - Chicago and by occupation I am Real Estate dealer. I have been well and personally acquainted with Milton C. Springer for the past 18 years. I am imformed [sic. informed] that he claims to have served as a Capt. in F Company 134 Regiment, of Inf. [Infantry] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers], and that said Springer is now applicant for pension on jaundice, disease of liver and kidneys, resulting inflammation of bladder and catarrh. I first met said Springer after his return from the army I think about some time in the month of August 1872. Please read this note. State as definitively as you can what his condition was when you first become [sic. became] acquainted with him after his discharge from the army; how was he effected [sic. affected] and what did he complain of. Make your statment as clear, full, and definite as you can. If there was [sic. were] any particular indications that he was then afflicted with the particular disabilities on which he claims pension, state clearly what they were. Give a narrative history of his case since you have known him, with a veiw [sic. view] of clearly showing the degree of his disability. If you know he has been under treatment by any Doctors, state that fact, and give the Doctors' name if you can. My remembrance is that he was then afflicted as follows: He was not in very satisfactory health, was then thin in flesh. His complexion + [and] general condition indicated liver trouble. A short time after I became acquainted with him, he often [?] complained of trouble with his kidneys + [and] they seemed to grow worse. I have heard him speak of using "Warner safe kidney cure". He has frequently talked [?] with me regarding his health and I am of the opinion he has gradually been growing worse since my acquaintance with him. About twelve or fourteen years since I heard him speak of having inflamation [sic. inflammation] in the neck of the bladder or catarrhal trouble of the bladder. I know he often sought for medicine to give relief. I remember he purchased a tome [?] of ative [?] book which gives remedies for diseases + [and] he used such medicines as were then in [unclear...] - About ten years ago I advised him to consult Dr. C.G. Davis of [unclear] City in regard to his ailments + he did so + was under the treatmentment for some time. I have no doubt whatever but the said Captain M.C. Springer had + [and] now has the trouble or disabilities on which he claims [unclear] + [and] that as the years have gone by the said afflictions have been growing on him. I also believe from my observation and what said Springer he told me from time to time since I first met him that said afflictions were caused by exposure in the service of the army - my acquaintance has been very intimate with said Springer - I have lived with him + [and] was a partner in business for a time.

11 As near as I can estimate it, since I have known of his condition as already stated (since his return from the army) to the best of my knowledge and remembrance he has been entirely disabled for work about most (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, &c. [etc.]) of the time, and when he has worked, to the best of my observation and jugment, he could not do to exeed [exceed] _____ (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, &c. [etc.] as much ordinary manual labor in a day as an average sound man; that is, I mean to say that I think an ordinary sound man could do as much work in one day as Springer could do in _____ days. These statements are made on my personal knowledge and remembrance. My means of knowing personally of his condition and the degree of his disability during the period covered by this affidavit have been as follows: Read this Note. Here state about how near you have lived to him, and about how often you have seen him. If you have ever worked with him state that fact, and state about how much you worked with him, or state any other thing that would tend to show your means of knowing personally of his condition. My acquintance with said Springer has been very intimate. Have lived in his family. Was a partner in business with him for a few years. I have been closely and constantly in contact with him and have known his health & [and] do not think he has been in fit condition to work at manual labor since my acquintance with him. As to being related to said Springer in any way, I declare as follows: I am not related to him and I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Springer. If witness signs by X, two persons who write, must sign here, of whom the officer swearing witness must not be one. Witness sign John N. Finney Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of August 1890 and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness, and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. [unclear] (Signature) Notary Public (Official Character) Additional Evidence _________Claimant Late ________ of __________ Co. [Company] _________ Regt. [Regiment]___________ Vol. [Volunteer] No. [Number]______________ FILED BY E.S. WEEDEN, Attorney, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

12 Conten [?] from Apr [April] '67 [1867] to Aug [August] '90 [1890] - dis of kidneys + liver US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 This blank is designed for one witness who know the Soldier part or all of the time after his Discharge from the Army. State of Illinois County of Knox SS. On this 6th day of August 1890, Geo. [George] W. Prince, a Notary Public, within and for the County and State aforesaid personally appeared Francis A. Freer, whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to full faith and credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares: My present age is 47 years, my Post Office address is Galesburg Knox County Illinois and by occupation I am Post Master of Galesburg, Illinois. I have been well and personally acquainted with Milton C. Springer for the past 23 years. I am imformed [sic. informed] that he claims to have served as a Capt. [Captain] in F Company 134 Regiment of Inf. [Infantry] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers] and that said Springer is now applicant for pension on jaundice, disease of liver and kidneys, resulting inflammation of bladder, and catarrh. I first met said Springer after his return from the army I think about some time in the month of April 1867. My remembrance is that he was then afflicted as follows: Please read this note. State as definitively as you can what his condition was when you first become [sic. became] acquainted with him after his discharge from the army; how was he effected [sic. affected] and what did he complain of. Make your statment as clear, full, and definite as you can. If there was [sic. were] any particular indications that he was then afflicted with the particular disabilities on which he claims pension, state clearly what they were. Give a narrative history of his case since you have known him, with a veiw [sic. view] of clearly showing the degree of his disability. If you know he has been under treatment by any Doctors, state that fact, and give the Doctors' name if you can. By indigestion and billious [sic. bilious] condition his liver troubling him a good deal. He kept reduced in flesh and at times seemed greatly exhausted, although in the prime of life, so far as years go. I knew him well, lived in his house and boarded with him for some time. He certainly was not able to perform manual labor to any great amount. Where I first met Capt. [Captain] Springer he did not foresee very satisfactory health. He complained of liver and kidney trouble, and his complexion and general condition, indicated, disease of those organs. Capt. [Captain] Springer was a teacher in Abingdon Ill. [Illinois] and from 1867 to 1872 I was closely and intimately acquainted with him and know what I have stated relative to his health. Since 1872 I have met the said Capt. [Captain] Springer frequently and from what I have heard him say,from time to time redarding his health, I believe the same old trouble, chiefly in his liver, has been following him all these years.

13 US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 As near as I can estimate it, since I have known of his condition as already stated (since his return from the army) to the best of my knowledge and remembrance he has been entirely disabled for work about all (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.) of the time and when he has worked, to the best of my observation and judgment, he could not do to exeed [sic exceed] [blank] (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.) as much ordinary manual labor in a day as an average sound man; that is, I mean to say that I think an ordinary sound man could do as much work in one day as Springer could do in [blank] days. These statements are made on my personal knowledge and remembrance. My means of knowing personally of his condition and the degree of his disability during the period covered by this affidavit have been as follows: Read this Note: Here state about how near you have lived to him, and about how often you have seen him. If you have ever worked with him, state that fact, and state about how much you worked with him, or state any other thing that would tend to show your means of knowing personally of his condition. I went to school to him four years about two years of the time I lived in his family. As to being related to said Springer in any way, I declare as follows: I am not related in any way. I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Springer. If witness signs by X, two persons who write must sign here, of whom the officer swearing witness must not be one. Witness sign Francis A. Freer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of August 1890 and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was [sic. were] fully made known and explained to witness, and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Geo. [George] W. Prince (Signature) Notary Public (Official Character) Additional Evidence Claimant Late of Co. [Company] Regt.[Regiment] Vol. [Volunteer] No. [Number] Filed by E.S. Weeden, Attorney, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

14 MD. treat [treatment] from Spring of '66 [1866] to [unclear] '72 [1872] Chron [Chronic] inflam [inflammed] liver + kidneys + cystitis. US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 State of Illinois Knox County Madison Reece a practicing physician and surgeon residing in Abingdon, Knox County, Illinois, in his oath says that he was well acquainted with Milton C. Springer, late Captain of Co. [Company] "F" 134 Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers] that he first became acquainted with him in the spring of 1866, that affiant there first prescribed for his applicant and treated him for chronic inflammation of the liver and kidneys and cystitis, these diseases in the [unclear] of affiant having been caused by Army service. Affiant further says that he cautioned [?] to prescribe for, [unclear] [unclear] this applicant at intervals, during the following years, this time he resided at this place ___ 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, and a part of 1872, and that during the above named years he was unable to earn a livelihood by manual labor, totally for the greater [unclear] of the time, and are [?] half for the remaining time. Affiant further says that he has no interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim for a pension. Madison Reece, M.D. Late Surgeon 118th Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer]

15 US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 The affidavit on the other side of this sheet of paper was subscripted and swore to before me this 5th day of August AD 1890 and I certify that the contents thereof were freely made known to affiant before signing: that affiant is well known to us and is a reputable person and a regular practicing physician in good professional standing and that I have no interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim for a pension. C.E. Cleveland Notary Public [unclear]

16 Asst [Assistant] to surg. [surgeon] treatment. Sept [September] '64 [1864] - jaundice, res of congest of liver PHYSICIAN'S AFFIDAVIT TAKE NOTICE - This affidavit should, if possible, be in the handwriting of the affiant; the marginal instructions should be carefully observed before writing out the statement. All the facts in possession of affiant as to the origin and continuacne of the disability should be fully set forth, and the dates of treatment should be specifically given. If the affidavit is prepared from memoranda in possession of the physician, that fact should be stated. State of Nebraska County of Cherry SS. In the Pension Claim No. [Number] [blank] of Captain M.C. Springer late of Co. [Company] "F" 134 Reg. [regiment] Ill. [Illinois] Inf. [Infantry] Vols. [Volunteers] Personally came before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County and State J.M. Jenkins, M.D., a citizen of Merriman in the County of Cherry and STate of Nebraska well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid caase as follows: NOTES. The Physician's Affidavit should show the following facts: 1st. Whether or not he knew the soldier prior to enlistment; the length of time he has known him; how intimately, and what opportunities he has had of observing his physical condition, whether as his family physician or as a neighbor; and how near he has lived to him. If he knew that the soldier was a sound man at enlistment, he should so state, adding, if true, that had he been unsound he would have known it. 2d. If he treated claimant while in the service either as his regimental surgeon or while claimant was home on furlough, that fact should be stated. The claimant's physical condition at such times should be clearly shown, as well as the nature of his disability and dates of treatment. 3d. If he has treated soldier since discharge he should so state, giving the date of his first treatment; what his physical condition was at the time, with a complete diagnosis of the disability; the period during which he treated him should be stated, with dates, as near as possible of the prescriptions. 4th. The extent to which claimant has been able to perform manual labor since discharge. That he is a practising [practicing] physician, and that he has been acquainted with said Soldier for about one fourth year, and that (Here embody all the facts known to the affiant in accordance with the marginal instructions. No erasures or interlineations will be permitted unless the magistrate certifies in his jurat that they were made before oxcenting [?] the paper.) He treated Captain M.C. Springer at Mayfield Ky [Kentucky] for Jaundice caused from congestion of the liver, resulting from exposure from heavy rain and laying out on wet ground which on the march from Paducah to Mayfield Ky [Kentucky], about the last of September 1864. He treated him at his quarters till the sick man were transferred to Chicago for muster out, which occurred Oct [October] 25, 1864. The Captain was a healthy man prior to this exposure, but was unable to do any duty subsequent to it, till mustered out. I have known him only which I was connected with his regiment as Asst. Surg. [Assistant Surgeon]

17 He further declares that he has been a practitioner of medicine for 27 years, and that he has no interest, either direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. J.M. Jenkins M.D. [unclear] Asst. Surg. [Assistant Surgeon] 134th Ill. [Illinois] Inf. [Infantry] Vols. [Volunteers] and Asst. Surg. [Assistant Surgeon] 150th Ill. [Illinois] Inf. [Infantry] Vols. [Volunteers] and Asst. Surg. [Assistant Surgeon] U.S. Vols. [Volunteers] Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of July A.D. 1890 and I hereby certify that the affiant is a practising [practicing] physician in good professional standing; that the contents of the above delcartion, etc., were fully made known to him before swearing, including the figures 493023 erased, and the words [blank] added; and that I hvae no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim, P R Snowden Magistrate's Signature Justice of the Peace (Offical character) I certify that PR Snowden Esq., who hath signed his name to the foregoing affidavit was at the time of so doing a Justice of the Peace in and for said county and State, duly commissioned and sworn; that all his official acts are entitled to full faith and credit, and that his signature thereunto is genuine. Witness my hand and seal of office, this First day of August 1890 A.G. White Clerk of the Dist [District] Court NOTE- This should be sworn to before a CLERK OF COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC, or JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. If before a JUSTICE or NOTARY, then CLERK OF COUNTY COURT must add his certificate of Official character heron, and not on a separate slip of paper. US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 MEDICAL EVIDENCE Affidavit of Claim of No. [Number] for Filed by Printed and sold by W. H. Moore, 511 11th St., Washington D.C.

18 Comrade [?] Origin - Aug [August] '64 [1864] - Cold, jaundice, constipation + dis liver + kidneys [unclear] enlistment. State of Iowa County of Polk SS. On this 15 day of September 1890 before me JM. Orvis a Notary PUblic; within and for the county and state afresaid, personally appeared Benjamin F. Elbus [?] ;whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares his age is 46 years, by occupation he is a Banker ; his post office address is Des Moines Iowa. I served as - in the 134 Regt. [regiment] Infty [Infantry] Ills. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers] - and I well remember Milton C. Springer who served as 1st Lt. [Lieutenant] then as Capt. [Captain] in F-Compy [Company] said 134 Regt. [Regiment] - when he joined us in May 1864. I think he was a sound helathy man. He was with us faithfully performing his duties and the first that I can now recall that he was sick was a [sic. as] follows: Some time in Aug [August] 1864 we left Paducah Ky [Kentucky] on what was called the "Mayfield raid". We encountered a severe storm of rain and this storm was followed by an intensely hot day. We were not used to marching, but after a night of no sleep we made a forced march over roads deep with mud in intense heat. Our (OVER.)

19 U.S. Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 Orders were urgent and the men were crowded to then [sic. the] utmost. Said Springer was with us and participated in this march and exposure and was at once taken sick with cold jaundice constipation disease of liver and kidneys. He did not go to hospital, but was sick in quarters and under treatment by Regimental Surgeon and was a [sic. as] I remember in poor health from these diseases to near date of our final discharge. Springer was a man of good moral character and did not induce aggravate increase or prolong his diseases by intemperance on other bad habits. I was present with the Regt [Regiment] when said Springer was exposed and taken sick and personally knew of the facts as above recited. That affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for Pension by said Springer. If Witness signs by X, two persons who write must sign here as witnesses of signature, and the officer before whom they are sworn must not be one of these witnesses to signature. Benjamin F. Elbus [?] Witness sign Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of September 1890, and I certify the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing, and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. J.M.Orvis Notary Public in + [and] for Polk Co. [County] Iowa

20 Comrade - Origin - psanned [?] Sept [September] '64 [1864] - jaundice + disorder of liver- Contin from '72 [1872] to Aug [August] '90 [1890] of dis of liver, kidneys + bladder. This blank is designed for one witness who knew the Soldier part or all of the time after his Discharge from the Army. US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 State of Illinois County of Kane SS. On this 14th day of August 1890, before me, C.H. Mayne, a Notary Public, within and for the County and State aforesaid personally appeared George B. Richardson, whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to full faith and credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares: My present age is 48 years, my Post Office address is Elgin Illinois and by occupation I am Supt [superintendent] Publishing House. I have been well and personally acquainted with Milton C. Springer for the past 26 years. I am imformed [sic. informed] that he claims to have served as a Capt. [Captain] in F Company 134 Regiment of Inf. [Infantry] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers], and that said Springer is now applicant for pension on jaundice, disease of liver and kidneys, resulting inflammation of bladder, and catarrh. I first met said Springer after his return from the army I think about some time in the Summer of April 1872. My remembrance is that he was then afflicted as follows: Please read this note. State as definitively as you can what his condition was when you first become [sic. became] acquainted with him after his discharge from the army; how was he effected [sic. affected] and what did he complain of. Make your statment as clear, full, and definite as you can. If there was [sic. were] any particular indications that he was then afflicted with the particular disabilities on which he claims pension, state clearly what they were. Give a narrative history of his case since you have known him, with a veiw [sic. view] of clearly showing the degree of his disability. If you know he has been under treatment by any Doctors, state that fact, and give the Doctors' name if you can. I first became acquainted with Captain Springer in the early part of 1864, when I enlisted in his company. He was at that time a strong, helathy man, and so continued during the early portion of our service. At that time he appeared physically sound in all respects and I can testify that he was in perfect health. During, or about, the month of September, 1864, our regiment was ordered from Paducah to Mayfield, Ky. [Kentucky] I was not with the regiment on this march, but I saw Capt. [Captain] Springer leave Patucah a cheerful, healthy man. Two or three weeks later, when I joined the regiment at Mayfield, I found him suffering from jaundice and disorder of the liver, which I was told by members of the company resulted from exposure during the march. These disorders continued until he was mustered out of the service. I did not again meet him until 1872. At that date he yet suffered from disorders of the liver, kidneys and bladder, resulting to the best of my knowledge and belief, from exposure as above stated. about this time (1872) we for several months occupied the same business office in the city of Chicago, and I know that he was physicaly unable to perform active labor, and that such has been his condition to this day.

21 US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 As near as I can estimate it, since I have known of his condition as already stated (since his return from the army) to the best of my knowledge and remembrance he has been entirely disabled for active physical work about all (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.) of the time and when he has worked, to the best of my observation and judgment, he could not do to exeed [sic exceed] 1/4 (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.) as much ordinary manual labor in a day as an average sound man; that is, I mean to say that I think an ordinary sound man could do as much work in one day as Springer could do in [4] days. These statements are made on my personal knowledge and remembrance. My means of knowing personally of his condition and the degree of his disability during the period covered by this affidavit have been as follows: Read this Note: Here state about how near you have lived to him, and about how often you have seen him. If you have ever worked with him, state that fact, and state about how much you worked with him, or state any other thing that would tend to show your means of knowing personally of his condition. Intimate acquaintance during 1872 and 1873, and meeting him several times each year since 1873. As to being related to said Springer in any way, I declare as follows: I have no relationship whatever. I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Springer. If witness signs by X, two persons who write must sign here, of whom the officer swearing witness must not be one. Witness sign George B. Richardson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14 day of August 1890 and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was [sic. were] fully made known and explained to witness, and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. C.H. Mayne (Signature) Notary Public (Official Character) Additional Evidence Claimant Late of Co. [Company] Regt. [Regiment] Vol. [Volunteer] No. [Number] Filed by E.S. Weeden, Attorney, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

22 Comrade - Origin - Sept [September] '64 [1864] - [unclear] of liver of jaundice - psound. [?] Contin dis of liver, kidneys + bladder from Oct [October] '6 [?] - tr Aug [August] - '90 [1890] This blank is designed for one witness who knew the Soldier part or all of the time after his Discharge from the Army. US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 State of Illinois County of Cook SS. On this 13th day of August 1890, before me, a Notary Public, within and for the County and State aforesaid personally appeared Daniel A. Arnold, whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to full faith and credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares: My present age is 47 years, my Post Office address is 148 Monroe St. Chicago Illinois and by occupation I am financial manager of Rand McNally & Co. I have been well and personally acquainted with Milton C. Springer for the past 26 years. I am imformed [sic. informed] that he claims to have served as a Capt. [Captain] in F Company 134 Regiment of Inf. [Infantry] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers], and that said Springer is now applicant for pension on jaundice, disease of liver and kidneys, resulting inflammation of bladder, and catarrh. I first met said Springer after his return from the army I think about some time in the Summer of [blank] 18[blank]. My remembrance is that he was then afflicted as follows: Please read this note. State as definitively as you can what his condition was when you first become [sic. became] acquainted with him after his discharge from the army; how was he effected [sic. affected] and what did he complain of. Make your statment as clear, full, and definite as you can. If there was [sic. were] any particular indications that he was then afflicted with the particular disabilities on which he claims pension, state clearly what they were. Give a narrative history of his case since you have known him, with a veiw [sic. view] of clearly showing the degree of his disability. If you know he has been under treatment by any Doctors, state that fact, and give the Doctors' name if you can. I have known the said Captain Springer since 1864. Was with him in the army service and served under him in his Company to wit Company 7.134 Ills. [Illinois] Vol [Volunteer] Inf. [Infantry] I know he had in September 1864 an aggrevated case of congestion of the liver and jaundice, as a result from exposure in a heavy rain and laying out on wet ground while on the march from Paducah to Mayfield, Ky. [Kentucky] He was rendered unfit for further duty and was muster out October 25 1864_ I know that Captain Springer was a healthy man prior to said exposure but since that time he has had imperfect health resulting from said exposure. I have known the said Captain Springer since October 25 1864 and have met him at short intervals from 1864 till this date, and especially since the early part of 8172 till this date. I have met him quite frequently several times each year - and now that his health has been broken from troubles of the liver, kidneys, and resulting inflammation and Catarrhal trouble of the bladder_caused as I believe from exposure in army service. I have often heard the said Captain Springer speak of his liver, bladder + [and] kidneys troubling him and he showed from his appearance that he had such troubles. I know the claimant has not been fit or able to perform manual labor to any extent since said [unclear] in the army service.

23 US Pension Office Feb [February] 3 1891 As near as I can estimate it, since I have known of his condition as already stated (since his return from the army) to the best of my knowledge and remembrance he has been entirely disabled for active physical work about most (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.) of the time and when he has worked, to the best of my observation and judgment, he could not do to exeed [sic exceed] [blank] (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.) as much ordinary manual labor in a day as an average sound man; that is, I mean to say that I think an ordinary sound man could do as much work in one day as Springer could do in [blank] days. These statements are made on my personal knowledge and remembrance. My means of knowing personally of his condition and the degree of his disability during the period covered by this affidavit have been as follows: Read this Note: Here state about how near you have lived to him, and about how often you have seen him. If you have ever worked with him, state that fact, and state about how much you worked with him, or state any other thing that would tend to show your means of knowing personally of his condition. Since 1872 my office has been about two blocks fromt he office of the said Captain Springer and I have met him at intervals as often as once each month and some times several times in a single month - most of the time in Chicago Illinois. As to being related to said Springer in any way, I declare as follows: I am not related in any way. I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by said Springer. If witness signs by X, two persons who write must sign here, of whom the officer swearing witness must not be one. Witness sign Daniel A. Arnold Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13 day of August 1890 and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was [sic. were] fully made known and explained to witness, and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Hattie [?] Higgins [?] (Signature) Notary Public (Official Character) Additional Evidence Claimant Late of Co. [company] Regt.[Regiment] Vol. [Volunteer] No. [Number] Filed by E.S. Weeden, Attorney, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

24 Rd It [?] Origin Aug [August] '64 [1864] - Cold, jaundice - Constipation [?] + dis of liver kidney State of Illinois County of Cook SS. on this 26 day of August 1890 before me James A. Rose, Notary Public within and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared A. Lucas Hunt ; whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares his age is 46 years, by occupation he is a Hardware Merchant; his post office address is 780 Lake St. Chicago Ills. I served as first lieutenant, Company "I" in the 134th Regiment, Infantry, Illinois Volunteers, and I well remember Milton C. Springer who served as first lieutenant, then as captain, in Company F said 134th Regiment. When he joined us in May 1864, I think he was a sound, healthy man. He was with us faithfully performing his duties, and the first that I can now recollect that he was sick was as follows: - Sometime in August 1864, he left Paducah, Ky. [Kentucky], with the regiment on whta was called "The Mayfield Raid". The regiment encountered on that raid a severe storm of rain, and this storm was followed by an intensely hot day. The men of the regiment were not used to marching, and after a night of little or no sleep, they made a forced march over roads deep with mud, and in intense heat. Their orders were urgent, and the men were crowded to their utmost. Said Springer was with the regiment, and particpated in this march and exposure, and was very shortly thereafter taken sick with cold, jaundice, constipation, and disease of the liver and kidneys. He did not go to the hospital, but was sick in quarters, and under treatment of the regi- [regiment] OVER

25 US Pension Office Feb 3 1891 ental [?] surgeon. He was, as I remember, in poor health from the diseases to near the date of our final discharge. Said Springer was a man of good moral character. Did not incure, aggravate, increase, or prolong his diseases by intemperance or other bad habits. I was not with the regiment when they made said march, having been detailed for duties at head quarters of General Payne in Paducah, Ky.[Kentucky], but I saw the said Captain Springer start on the march, as heretofore stated, and I have heard the men of the Company refer to said march very often, giving strong statments relative to the great exposure to which they were subjected on that march, and how they suffered from said march. I joined my regiment a few days after they arrived in Mayfield, Ky.[Kentucky], and personally remember the fact of the sickness of said Captain Springer, as above recited FILED BY E.S. WEEDEN, Atty.[Attorney] CHICAGO, ILL. [Illinois] That affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension for said Springer. If Witness signs by X, two persons who write must sign here as witnesses of signature, and the officer before whom they are sworn must not be one of these witnesses to nature. A Lucas Hunt Witness sign Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of August 1890, and I certify the contents of the foergoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing, and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. James A. Rose Notary Public in and for Cook County, Illinois

26 US Pension Office Feb 3 1891 Capt. Origin - Aug [August] '64 [1864] - disabit [?] not [unclear] State of Illinois Cook County OSS On this 23rd day of August A.D. 1890. before me Patrick McGrath [unclear] of the Superior Court of Cook County Services [?] Within and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeared Edward J. Whitehead whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence; who being by me first duly sworn, declares that he is fifty (50) years of age, by occupation he is a lawyer, his Post Office address is Room 930 Chicago Opera House, Chicago Illinois. And he testifies as follows. I served as Captain of Company I, in the 134th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry; and I well remember Milton C. Springer who served as first Lieutenant then as Captain of Company F, in said Regiment. He joined us in May 1864, at that ime he appeared to be a sound and healthy man, he was with us faithfully performing his duties as such Officer. I well remmeber what is known in the History of our Regiment as the Mayfield Raid which I think was in August 1864. we left Paducah Kentuckey [sic. Kentucky] in the afternoon and marched all day until about 8 o'clock at night when we went to into camp on the road side; that night, there was a severe rain storm lasting about all night; the following -1-

27 US Pension Office Feb 3 1891 day we resumed the march, proceeding to Mayfield; the day was intensely hot and the roads were very muddy; I regard the march as a forced march. I know my men suffered severely, and I think at least two of them died from the exposure received and the labor performed on that march; our orders were urgent and our men were crowded to the utmost; said Springer was with us and participated in this march and exposure; I can not now remember the particulars of his sickness, but I do remember he was sick either at that time or shortly afterwards, he did not go to the hospital but was sick in his quarters, and continued in poor health until our final discharge. Capt. [Captain] Springer was a man of good moral character and habits, he did nothing to induce, aggravate, increase, or prolong his disease by intemperance or other bad habits. I was present on duty during all the time when I was sick at Columbus, and know personally of what I have heretofore said, and I was intimately acquainted and associated with Captain Springer during his term of service. This affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for a pension by the said Springer. Edward J. Whitehead Late Capt [Captain] Co I 134th Reg [regiment] Ill [Illinois] Vol [Volunteers] Infty [Infantry]

28 US Pension Office Feb 3 1891 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of August A.D. 1890. And I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit are fully made known and explained to the witness and each blank space filled up before signing or swearing, and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Patrick McGrath Clerk Superior Court of Cook Co [County], Ills [Illinois]

29 [unclear] CALL No. 10 [unclear] Division OCT [October] 26 749070 Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS Oct [October] 24, 1892. Respectfully requested of the ADJUTANT GENERAL U.S.A. a report from the records of his Office as to the presence or absence, on or about Aug [August] or Sept [September], 1864, of Edward Whitehead, Capt. [Captain], I, 134 Ill [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf [Infantry], A. Lucas Hunt, 1st St., I, 134 Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf.[Infantry], Daniel A. Arnold, Geo B. Richardso + Benj : F. Elbert [?] members F. 134 Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf.[Infantry], + J.M. Jenkins, Asst. Surg. [Assistant Surgeon] 134 Il. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf. [Infantry] and the station, at that date, of the said command. Widow's Claim No. 496640 Milton C. Springer 1st Lt. [lieutenant] Capt. [Captain], F. 134 Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf. [Infantry] Charles P. Lincoln Acting Commissioner. Address: "Chief of the Record and Pension Office, War Department, Washington, D.C." Record and Pension Office, WAR DEPARTMENT Washington CCT [unclear] 1892 Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. The rolls show that Edward J. Whitehead, Andrew L. Hunt, Daniel A. Arnold George B. Richardson Benj ~ F. Elbert Joseph M. Jenkins mentioned in the preceding endorsement were present during the period named in that endorsement: Return for July shows Whitehead, Hunt, Jenkins present, does not show the others absent, for Sept [September]. Shows Whitehead, Hunt, + [and] Jenkins present, shows G.B. Richardson absent with leave, does not show the others absent. During the period named the station of the company and regiment was as follows: Aug [August] 31/64 [1864] Wayfield, KY. [Kentucky] Sep [September] 30/64 [1864] Bentow Barracks, St. Louis Mo [Missouri] BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: J.C. Anirwonto [?]

30 Write nothing above this line. [unclear] Div. [Division] [unclear] Ex'r. [Examiner] Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C. Oct [October] 24, 1892 Wid. [Widow] No. 496,640 Milton C. Springer, F, 134 Ill [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers] Inf. [Infantry] SIR: It is alleged that Milton C. Springer enlisted May 31, 1864 and served as a Lt. [Lieutenant] + [and] Capt. [Captain] in Co. [Company] F, 134 Reg't [Regiment] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf. [Infantry] also as a [blank] in Co. [Company] [blank] Reg't [Regiment] [blank]. and was discharged at [blank], Oct [October] 25, 1864 It is also alleged that while on duty at Paducah, Ky [Kentucky] on or about Aug [August] or Sept [September], 1864, he was disabled by disease of liver and kidneys and was treated in hospitals of which the names, locations, and dates of treatment are as follows: Date of appointment as Captain requested. In case of the above-named soldier the War Department is requested to furnish an official statement of the enrollment, discharge, and record of service to far as the same may be applicable to the foregoing allegation, together with full medical history. Please give the rank he held at the time he is claimed to have incurred the disability alleged, and if records show that he was not in line of duty during that period, let the fact be stated. Very respectfully, Charles P. Lincoln Acting Commissioner. The Officer in Charge of the Record and Pension Division, War Department.

31 US Pension Office Oct [October] 28 1892 No. [number] [blank] WAR DEPARTMENT RECORD AND PENSION DIVISION Respectuflly returned to the Commissioner of Pensions Milton C. Springer Co. [company] F, Reg't [Regiment] 134 Ill [Illinois], Inf. [Infantry] was enrolled May 4, 1864 and M.O. [Missouri?] Oct. [October] 25, 1864 From [unclear], 186[blank], to M.O., 186[blank] he held the rank of 1 [first] Lt. [Lieutenant] and Capt [Captain] from July 10 /64 [1864] and during the period the rolls show him present: Other mil. [military] records furnish nothing additional bearing for this case. The medical records show him treated as follows: no record found. By authority of the Secretary of War: J.C. Aimwonto [?] [unclear] U.S. Army Per Date Oct 27 1892 (COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS)

32 chart [?] unable [?] [unclear] med so of [?] [unclear] or [unclear] he left is rec [record] of health State of Illinois County of Cook SS. On this 14th day of March 1891, before me Emily G. Blatch a Notary Public, within and for the county and state afore said personally appeared Mary E. Springer who being by me first duly sworn declares That she is applicant No. [Number] 496640 for [unclear] a widow. That she canot obtain any more medical evidence concerning any part of the time [unclear] the date her husband Milton C. Springer was discharged from the army and the date of his death. That there is no public baptismal record showing the date of birth of her child Nora P. Mary E. Springer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 14th day of March 1891 and I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Emily G. Blatch Notary Public.

33 US PENSION OFFICE Feb [February] 3 1891 Declaration of a Widow for pension of for Increase of Pension. This must be Executed before a Court of Record or some Officer thereof having Custody of the Seal. State of Illinois County of Cook SS. On this 30th day of January, A.D. 1891 personally appeared before me Edwin Drury of the Village of Wilmette a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, Mary E. Springer aged 46 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following decaration in order to obtain the pension provided by Acts of Congress granting pensions to widows: That she is the widow of Milton C. Springer, who enlisted under the name of Milton C. Springer at Evanston Ill [Illinois], on the 31st day of May, A.D. 1864 as 1st [first] Lt. [Lieutenant] and promoted Captain F Co. [Company] 134 Regt [Regiment] Infty [Infantry] Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteers] and was discharged on the 25th day of October 1864. That while so serving he contracted diseases of liver and kidneys from effects of which he died at Wilmette, Ill. [Illinois] on the 26th December 1890. She was married under the name of Mary E. Ward to said Milton C. Springer on the 25th day of March, A.D. 1866, by Rev. S.G. Lathrop [?] at Big Foot Prairie Ill. [Illinois], there being no legal barrier to such marriage; Neither had been previously married. That she has to the present date remained his widow; that the following are the names and dates of birth of all his legitimate children yet surviving who were under sixteen years of age at the father's death, to wit: Nora P. born February 24, 1879.

34 US PENSION OFFICE FEB [February] 3 1891 Also personally appeared William H. Kinney, residing at Wilmette Ill. [Illinois] and Maggie Kinney residing at Wilmette, Ill. [Illinois], persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Mary E. Springer, the claimant, sign her name (make her mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquainance with her that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. (If Witnesses sign by mark two persons WHO CAN WRITE sign here) William H. Kinney Maggie Kinney (Signature of Witnesses) SWORN to and subscribed before me this 30th day of January, A.D. 1891 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c. [etc.] were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Edwin Drury (signature) Notary Public (Official character) [unclear] from 90 [1890] 88653 WIDOW Claim for Pension Mary E. Springer Applicant Widow of Milton C. Springer Capt. [Captain] 7 Co. [Company] 134 Reg. [Regiment] Ill. [Illinois] Inf. [Infantry] Vols. [Volunteers] FILED BY E.S. WEEDEN, Attorney, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

35 (3-128) WIDOWS PENSION. [unclear] 358747 Chicago Claimant Mary E. Springer Soldier Milton C. Springer P.O. Wilmette Rank Capt [Captain], Co [Company] F County Cook, State Ill [Illinois] Regiment 134 Ill [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf. [Infantry] Rate, $20 per month, commencing Dec [December] 27, 1890, and [blank] and two dollars a month additional for each child, as follows: By former marriage [blank] born [blank], 18[blank] Sixteen [blank], 18 [blank] Commencing [blank], 18[blank] By last marriage Nora P. Born Feb. [February] 24, 1879. Sixteen, Feb. [February] 23, 1895 Commencing Dec. [December] 27, 1890. Payments on all former certificates covering any portion of same time to be deducted. All pension to terminate [blank], 18 [blank], date of [blank] RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY: Name E.S. Weeden, Fee $25 Agent [blank] to pay. P.O. Chicago, Ill. [Illinois] Articles filed Feb. [February] 3, 1891 APPROVALS: Submitted for Ad., Nov. [November] 22, 1892, Eugene Grissom Jr [Junior], Examiner. Approved for Admission [?], origin of Dis. of liver + [and] urinary organs accepted, Evidence shows death from cerebral hemorrhage - Dec [December] 6, 1892, Stevens, Legal Reviewer. [blank], Re-Reviewer Approved for admission [unclear] ; death resulted from cerebral hemorrhage due to cause which has been legally accepted [unclear] Dec [December] 13/92 [1892], Medical Reviewr. [unclear], Medical Referee IMPORTANT DATES Enlisted May 4, 1864 Invalid application filed Aug [August] 5, 1890. Mustered [blank], 18[blank] Invalid last paid to [blank], 18[blank] Discharged Oct. [October] 25, 1864 Former marriage of soldier + [and] client - none Died Dec. [December] 26, 1890. Death of former wife none Declaration filed Feb. [February] 3, 1891 Claimant's marriage to soldier Mch [March] 25, 1866 Writes.

36 State of Illinois County of Cook SS. On this second day of December, 1892 before me Lewis B. Springer a Notary Public; within and for the county and State aforesaid, personally appeared Byron C. Stolp; whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credence, who being by me first duly sworn declares his age is 47 years, by occupation he is a physician; his post office address is Wilmette, Ill [Illinois] In reference to Milton C. Springer I make statement as follows. I was said Springer's family physician for a number of years preceeding his death. I know him intimately as a neighbor and friend. He had been in such bad health, he has no steady occupation for I think about two years preceeding his death. From the first [?] of Aug [August] 1890 to date of his death he was continually in poor health, had no occupation or employment and was in fact unfit, physically and mentally for any work or occupation or employment of any kind from Aug [August] 1890 to date of his death Dec [December] 26 - 1890. He was for about one month preceeding his death unable to leave his house alone. He was suffering from the diseases mentioned in my former affidavit. OVER.

37 US PENSION OFFICE DEC 1892 Mary E. Springer widow of Milton C. Capt [Captain] F Co. [Company], 134 Ill. [Illinois] Inf [Infantry] No. [Number] 496646 That affiant has no interest whatever in the prosecution of a claim for pension by the widow of said Springer If Witness signs by X, two persons who write must sign here as witnesses of signature, and the officer before whom they are sworn must not be one of these witnesses to signature. Witness sign Byron C. Stolp M.D. Subscribed and sworn to before me this second day of December 1892, and I certify the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully made known and explained to witness and each of the blank spaces carefully filled before signing or swearing, and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim. Lewis B. Springer OFFICIAL SIGNATURE OF CLERK, NOTARY, OR J.P. Notary Public

38 US PENSION OFFICE MAR 23, 1891 MAR [March] 21 1891 224748 Write nothing above this line 3-060a MILITARY SERVICE. Milton C. Springer [unclear] Div. [unclear] L.M.G. Ex'r. [Examiner] Bureau of Pensions March 19, 1891 No. 886532 SIR: It is alleged that the above-named man enlisted May 31, 1864, and serve as a 1st Lt. [lieutenant] & Capt [Captain] in Co. 7, 134 Reg't [Regiment] Ill [Illinois], Inf. [Infantry] also as a [blank] in Co. [blank] Reg't [blank] and was discharged at [blank] on Oct. [October] 25, 1864. No. [Number] of prior claim [blank] The War Department will please furnish an official statement in this case, showing the date of enrollment and date and mode of termination of service. Very respectfully, Andrew D [unclear] acting Commissioner. THE OFFICE IN CHARGE OF THE RECORD AND PENSION DIVISION, WAR DEPARTMENT 0-4 War Dpartment, Record and Pension Division, Mar 21, 1891 Respectfully returned to the COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS. The rolls show that Milton C. Springer mentioned in the preceding indorsement [endorsement], was enrolled May 4, 1884, and M.O. Oct. [Octoer] 25, 1884 as Capt. [Captain] BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: F.C. Ainsworth [unclear] + Surgeon, U.S. Army Per M. 3855 b-50 m

39 ACT OF JUNE 27, 1890 Declaration for Original Invalid Pension. TO BE EXECUTED BEFORE A COURT OF RECORD OR SOME OFFICER THEREOF HAVING CUSTODY OF ITS SEAL, OR ANY NOTARY PUBLIC HAVING A SEAL. State of Illinois County of Cook SS. On this 31 day of July 1890, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid Milton C. Springer aged 51 years, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical man who under the name of Milton C. Springer was enrolled at Evanston Ills [Illinois] on the 31 day of May A.D. 1864 as first Luit [Lieutenant] and was promoted Captain of F. Company 134 Regt [Regiment] Infty [Infantry] Ills [Illinois] vol. [Volunteer] was honorably discharged 25 October 1864. That he never served otherwise or in any other Company or Regiment in the U.S. Army or Navy in the war of 1861, or at any other time. That he has not been engaged, or received pay in the U.S. Army or Navy since he was honorably discharged on the 25 day of Oct [October] A.D. 1868. He makes this declaration to secure pension under Act of Congress approved 27th June, 1890. That he is unable to earn a support by manual labor by reason of the following disabilities: Disease of Liver and Kidneys. Is entirely unfit for manual labor. That he has never applied for pension under Application No. [Number] [blank] That he is pensioner under Certificate No [Number] [blank] That said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits, and are to the best of his knowledge and belief permanent. That he hereby constitutes and appoints E.S. WEEDEN, of Chicago, Illinois, his Attorney to prosecute this claim, and to receive a fee of $10# when said pension is allowed and paid. That his post office address is Wilmette Cook Co [County] Ills [Illinios] Milton C. Springer Claimant's signature When X mark is made, two witnesses who write, must sign here, of whom the party taking this acknowledgment must not be one.

40 Submitted for rejection on ground of decision No. [Number] 29 of the Hon. [Honorable] Asst [Assistant] Secretary of the Interior of Sept. [September] 28, 1892.

41 Orig [original] # 886532 (3-145a) Act of June 27, 1890. INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Milton C. Springer, dec'd [deceased] - Mary C. Springer, wid [widow] competing P.O. Wilmette Rank, Capt [captain] County, Cook Company F State Ill. [Illinois] Regiment 134 Ill. [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] Inf. [Infantry] Rate, $ [blank], per month, commencing [blank] Disabled by [blank] RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY Name, E. S. Weeden, Fee, $ [blank]. Agent to pay. P.O. Chicago, Ill. [Illinois] Articles files, [blank], 189 [blank]. APPROVALS Submitted for Rej [rejection], Feb. [February] 6, 1893, Grissom, Examiner. Approved for rejection on the grouns that Section 4718, RS refers only to invalid pensioners and applicants for pension, and then only when the disabilities are established as having arisen in the service under the conditions of Sections 469Z8 4693RS. See Sectys [?] decision of Sept [September [unclear] 28/92 [1892] [unclear] Legal Reviewer. Feby [February] 8, 1893 Approved for [blank] Medical Referee [blank], 189[blank] Not now pensioned under other laws. Last paid to [blank], 189[blank], at $[blank] Pensioned from [blank], 18[blank], at $[blank], for [blank] SERVICE SHOWN BY RECORD Englisted May 4, 1864, Was honorably discharged Oct [October] 25, 1864. Re-enlisted not, 18[blank] honorably dischraged [blank], 18[blank] Declaration filed Aug. [August] 5, 1890, alleges permanent disability, not due to vicious habits, from disease of liver + [and] kidneys. Writes, (over)

42 Grissom (3-216a) Ex'r No. [Number] 886532 Act of June 27, 1890. Rejected Milton C. Springer P.O. Wilmette Cook Co. [County] Ill. [Illinois] Service: Capt [Captain] F. 134 Ill. [Illinois] Inf. [Infantry] Enlisted: May 31, 1864 Discharged: Oct [October] 25, 1864. Application filed: Aug [August] 5, 1890. Alleges: Weeden [?] 496640 Any other claim filed: No Numerical No. [Number] 280907 496640 Attorney: E.S. Weeden P.O. Chicago, Ill. [Illinois] Recognized [blank] Contract [blank] Cert. [Certification] of Dis. Searched for [blank], 18[blank] IND. [Indiana] March 19, 1891 [unclear] " " " Chicago, Bd. Ill [Illinois] ILL. [Illinois] " " " further service IOWA. Nov [November] 22, 1892- Atty [Attorney] for med [medical] [unclear] of phys [physical] condition from date officially WIS. [Wisconsin]claim to date of MINN.[Minnesota]death + [and] extent of NEBR.[Nebraska] disability - [unclear] KANS.[Kansas] March 8, 1893 - NEV. [Nevada] Atty [Attorney] cause of COLO.[Colorado] rejection - [unclear] CAL. [California] OREGON. IND.TY.[Indian Territory] N.MEX. [New Mexico] DAKOTA WASH. [Washington] UTAH. [Utah]

43 (3-218.) Grissom Ex'r [Examiner] No. [Number] 496640 Acts of July 14, 1862, and March 3, 1873 Mary E. Springer Wilmette Cook Co. [County] Ills [Illinois] Widow Milton C. Springer Capt. [Captain] F 134 Ills. [Illinois] Inf. [Infantry] Died at Wilmette Ills. [Illinois] Dec. [December] 26 / 90 [1890] Dis. of liver and kidneys no other claim [unclear] Orig [Original] [unclear] 886532 [blank], 18[blank] 12/222 Clerk. application filed: Feb. [February] 3-, 1891 Attorney: E.S. Weeden P.O. Chicago Ills. [Illinois] IND. [Indiana] Not - 3 - 2 - 91 - M.T.J. ILL. [Illinois] Oct [October] 24, 1892 IOWA [unclear] Div. [division] war Dept. [Department] full military + [and] med [medical] history on regular call and for pressure [?] of Capt [Caption], 1st Lt [Lieutenant], Asst. [Assistant] surg [surgeon] [unclear] [above is all crossed out in original] WIS. [Wisconsin] MINN. [Minnesota] NEBR. [Nebraska] KANS. [Kansas] NEV. [Nevada] COLO. [Colorado] CAL. [California] OREGON. IND. TY. [Indian Territory] N. MEX. [New Mexico] DAKOTA WASH. [Washington] UTAH. No. [Number] 496640 BOARD OF REVIEW NOV [November] 23, 1892

44 MARY E. SPRINGER WILMETTE ILL [ILLINOIS] 358747 MAY WID [WIDOW] 707 CENTRAL AVE DROP REPORT - PENSIONER [blank] Cert. [Certificate] No. [Number] [blank] Penioner [blank] Soldier [blank] Service [blank] Class SEC. W RECORD DIVISION

45 Aug [August] 4th 1926. The Commissioner of Pensions: I was the wife on account of whose service during the Civil War I am drawing pension, during the period of his service in said war, and there- fore [therefore] I request consideration of my case with a view to the allowance of the $50 rate provided by the act of July 3, 1926. Name Mary E. Springer Address 707 Central Ave. Wilmette Ills. [Illinois] Widow Cert. [Certification] No. [Number] 358747

46 3-2437 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Pensions Washington July, 1926. The act of July 3, 1926, provides a pension of $50 per month for the widow or remarried widow now in receipt of pension on account of the service of her soldier husband during the Civil War, IF SHE WAS THE WIFE OF SUCH SOLDIER, SAILOR, OR MARINE DURING THE PERIOD OF HIS SERVICE IN SAID WAR. If you were the wife during his service in the Civil War, of the soldier, sailor, or marine on account of whose service you are drawing pension, you should so notify the Pension Bureau at once. For this purpose you may use the form on the other side of this slip. If you were married to the soldier, sailor, or marine after his discharge from the service, even though during the period of the Civil War, you are not entitled under this act. WINFIELD SCOTT, (Over) Commissioner of Pensions.

47 in the above-described [unclear] in this Division indicates that said pensioner died [blank], 19[blank] Chief, Record Division FINANCE DIVISION Aug [August] 6 1927, The name of the above-described pensioner who was last paid at the rate of $30 per month to Jul [July] 4, 1927, has this day been dropped from the roll because of death July 30, 1927 O.J. Randall Chief [crossed out] Finance Division 6-2249 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE

48 Grissom (3-232) No. [Number] 358747 358747 Mary E. Springer widow of Milton C. Springer Rank Capt [Captain] Company 7 Regiment 134 Ill [Illinois] Vol. [Volunteer] [Inf] Infantry Rate per Month, $20 Commencing 27 Dec [December] 1890. Ending [blank] Chicago Agency Issued January 3, 1893 Mailed " [January] 13, 1893 Fee, $25 Sept [September] 1-91[unclear] Weeden [unclear] claim was filed under Act June 1890 Rejecion [?] of same was proper under Secty's decision. $30 per month Act May 1, 1920 [unclear] Exr. [Examiner] C.[unclear] Rev. Oct [October] 18 / 26 [1926] Pensioner [unclear], of no title under July 3 / 26 [1926] AA (Circular)

49 871 Springer, Milton C. Co. [Company] F, 134 Illinois Infantry (100 Days, 1864). 1st Lieutenant / Captain CARD NUMBERS. 1. 30132010 2. 30132100 3. 30132187 4. 30130155 5. 30130127 6. 30130183 7. 30132273 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Number of personal paper herein 0. Book Mark: [blank] See also [blank]

50 S. / 134 / Ill. [Illinois] Milton C. Springer. Capt. [Captain], Co. [Company] F., 134 Reg't [Regiment], Illinois Inf. [Infantry] Age 27 years. Appears on an Individual Muster-in Roll of the organization named above. Roll dated St. Louis MO. [Missouri], Oct [October] 13, 1864. Muster-in to date July 30, 1864. Joined for duty and enrolled: When Oct [October] 13 186 [blank] Where St. Louis MO [Missouri] Period 100 [days] Bounty paid $ [blank] 100; due $[blank] 100 Remarks: Credited to Chicago Cook Co. [County], Ills [Illinois] 1st Dist [District] Promoted from 1 Let. [Lieutenant] Co. [Company] F 134 Ill [Illinois] Vol [Volunteer] Inf [Infantry] to Capt. [Captain] same Co [Company] and Regt [Regiment] by virtue of a com- mission [commission] from his Excellency Richard Yates Gov. [Governor] of Ills. [Illinois] - dated July 10-1864 at Spring- field [Springfield] Ills [Illinois] and Musted. over. Book mark: [blank] Dickenson (336) Copyist

51 Nov [November]22 1893. 30130127 in upon the same to fill a vacancy vice A.C. Linn deceased muster in to take effect July 30 - 1864 he having complied with Rule 4 Par. 8 G.O. H8 Series of 1863.

52 S / 134 / Ill. [Illinois] Milton C. Springer Capt [Captain], Co. [Company] F, 134 Reg't [Regiment] Illinois Infantry Age 27 years. Appears on Co. [Company] Muster-out Roll, dated Chicago, Ill [Illinois], Oct [October] 25, 1864. Muster-out to date Oct [October] 25, 2864. Last paid to May 31 to June 30, 1864. Clothing account: Last settled [blank], 186[blank] ; drawn since $[blank] 100 Due soldier $[blank]100; due U.S. $[blank] 100 Am't [amount] for cloth'g [clothing] in kind or money adv'd [advanced] $[blank] 100 Due U.S. for arms equipments, &c. [etcetera], $[blank] 100 Bounty paid $ [blank] 100; due $[blank] 100 Remarks: Not to be paid till accounts are settled in Washington [unclear] Lt [Lieutenant] till July 10/64 [1864] then Capt [Capain] vice Linn deceased. M.O. as 1 Lt [Lieutenant] Oct [October] 13/64 [1864] to date July 29/64 [1864] [unclear] as Capt [Captain] Oct [October] 13/64 [1864] to date from July 30/64 [1864] (over) Book mark: [blank] [unclear] Copyist (361)

53 Nov [November] 22 1893. 30132273 (+ Not to be paid till acct [account] is settled in Washington) [above is crossed out with single line] Not to be paid till final settlement of accts [accounts] at Washington + so on [unclear] all

54 S / 134 / Ill. [Illinois] Milton C. Springer Capt. [Captain], Co. [Company] F. 134 Reg't [Regiment] Illinois Inf. [Infantry] Age 27 years. Appears on a Detachment Muster-out Roll of the organization named above. Roll dated Chicago Ill [Illinois], Oct [October] 25, 1864. Muster-out to date Oct [October] 25, 1864. Last paid from May 21 to June 30, 1864. Clothing account: Last settled [blank], 186[blank] ; drawn since $[blank] 100 Due soldier $[blank]100; due U.S. $[blank] 100 Am't [amount] for cloth'g [clothing] in kind or money adv'd [advanced] $[blank] 100 Due U.S. for arms equipments, &c. [etc.], $[blank] 100 Bounty paid $ [blank] 100; due $[blank] 100 Remarks: Not to be paid till final settlement of accounts at Wash- ington [Washington] was 1st Lt [Lieutenant] till July 29 - 64 [1864] to date July 30 - 64 [1864] Mustared in as capt [captain] Oct [October] 13 1864 to date from July 30 - 64 [1864] Book mark: [blank] Holbrook Copyist (349) S / 134 / Ill. [Illinois] Milton C. Springer 1st Lt [Lieutenant], Co [Company] F, 134 Reg't [Regiment] Illinois Inf. [Infantry] Age 27 years. Appears on Individual Muster-out Roll of the organization named above. Roll dated St. Louis Mo [Missouri], Oct [October] 12, 1864. Muster-out to date July [July 29], 1874 Last paid to June 30, 1864. Clothing account: Last settled [blank], 186[blank] ; drawn since $[blank] 100 Due soldier $[blank]100; due U.S. $[blank] 100 Am't [amount] for cloth'g [clothing] in kind or money adv'd [advanced] $[blank] 100 Due U.S. for arms equipments, &c. [etcetera], $[blank] 100 Bounty paid $ [blank] 100; due $[blank] 100 Remarks: M.O. as 1st Lt [Lieutenant] of Co [Company] F 134 Regt [Regiment] Inf [Infantry] Ill [Illinois] Vol [Volunteer] to enable him to accept an appointment in same Co [Company] + [and] Regt [Regiment] This office is not indebted to the U.S. in any particular as sworn to before [?] me. Book mark: Holbrook Copyist (348)

55 S / 134 / Ill [Illinois] Milton C. Springer 1 Lt. [Lieutenant], Co. [Company] F, 134 Reg't [Regiment] Illinois Infantry Appears on Company Muster Roll for July + [and] Aug [August], 1864. Present or absent present Stoppage, $ [blank] 100 for [blank] Due Gov't [government], $[blank] 100 for [blank] Remarks: rec'd [received] appoint- ment [appointment] as Capt [Captain] vice Linn deceased July 10 Book mark: [unclear] Copyist (358) S / 134 / Ill [Illinois] Milton C. Springer 1 Lt. [Lieutenant], Co. [Company] F, 134 Reg't [Regiment] Illinois Infantry Appears on Company Muster Roll for May 31 to June 30, 1864. Present or absent present Stoppage, $ [blank] 100 for [blank] Due Gov't [government], $[blank] 100 for [blank] Remarks: [blank] Book mark: [unclear] Copyist (358) S / 134 / Ill [Illinois] Milton C. Springer 1 Lt. [Lieutenant], Co. [Company] F, 134 Reg't [Regiment] Illinois Infantry Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above. Roll dated Comp [Company] F Ill [Illinois], May 31, 1864. Muster-in to date May 31, 1864. Joined for duty and enrolled When May 4, 1864 Where Evanston Period 100 days Residence Ward [blank], Town Evanston County Cook, District 1 State Ill [Illinois] Bounty paid $[blank] 100; due $ [blank] 100 Remarks: [blank]

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