Miss Florence Nelson of the Hotel Monnett has gone to San Francisco, California.
Mrs. B. J. Wallace of Joliet, Ill., is the guest of Mrs. L. J. Hargreaves, 1569 Florence avenue.
Mrs. Matthew J. MacAdams, 2021 Harrison street, entertained the Auction ridge club Tuesday night.
Mrs. Alvah O. Callow, 831 Foster street, spent Sunday at his old home in Elgin, Ill.
Mrs. Raymond C. Cook, 1420 Davis street, was hostess at a dinner party Monday night. Covers were laid for sixteen.
Miss Theodora Chaffee, 2501 Harrison street, entertained at cards Tuesday afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Wemple.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, had as their week-end guest Mrs. Robert Grantham of Marseilles, Ill.
The Oak Leaf circle held a business meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Ethel Stadtler, 2675 Stewart avenue.
The Young Ladies' society of the St. Paul's English Lutheran church met last night at the home of Miss Anna Doerr, 1110 Sherman avenue.
Miss Florence Trivess of Morgan Park has been the week-end guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N. Trivess, 2704 Harrison street.
Mrs. Harry Ives Robinson, 1032 Michigan avenue, gave a dinner Monday evening. The decorations were in pink. Covers were laid for twelve.
The Smith College alumni and the Evanston Drama club reserved the entire Evanston theater for Tuesday sight's performance of "Her Husband's Wife."
The regular monthly meeting of the Evanston King's Daughters was held Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home of Miss Mabel Jones, 2204 Orrington avenue.
Mr. Frank E. Baker, 2226 Central street, has been elected acting president of the Epworth League of the Covenant M. E. church in the absence of Mrs. Britton.
Francis Cardott, Postal Telegraph messenger boy, was operated on for appendicitis Sunday evening by Drs. Parkes and O'Neill at St. Francis hospital. He is getting along fine.
Mrs. Henry J. Patten. Forest avenue and Davis street, was hostess Tuesday evening at a dinner at her home in honor of Captain Roald Amundsen. Covers were laid for pfteen [sic.] guests.
The monthly meeting of the Rock River Conference Board of the Woman's Home Missionary society was held in Masonic temple, room 913, at 1:30 p.m., yesterday. Miss Mary McDowell will speak.
The following guests have arrived at the Avenue House: Mr. W. A. Hansen, Omaha, Neb.; Mr. W. C. Clingman, Chicago; Mr. F. W. Hooten, St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. John R. Eurris, Oshkosh, Wis.
The employes [sic.] of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois gave a reception and ball Tuesday night at the Wilmette Country club, for which 500 invitations were issued. Heerens furnished the music. The committee was B. H. Weinberger, F. A. Kobler, B. F. Watt, R. G. Stevens. A. W. Klein, H. F. Lawson.
The next meeting of the Woman's Mission and Aid society of the First baptist church was held yesterday at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Andrew MacLeish was in charge of the program, the subject being "What Are We Women of the First Baptist Church of Evanston Doing to Win India for Christ?" Luncheon was served at 12:30 by Circle 2.
Mrs. M. Weiland, 914 Madison street, entertained her cousins Monday night, Mra. Charles Kerimsberg, Mrs. James Terpey, Mrs. M. Aubert, Misses Katherine and Anna Miller; her sisters, Misses Anna and Helen Feller, and her brother, Mr. Charles Feller. Refreshments were served, cards and games were played and the evening passed most delightfully.
At the meeting last Thursday evening of the Men's club of Covenant M. E. church the following officers were elected: President, John H. Witter; vice-president, C. F. Balch. Departments - Fellowship, J. M. Grantham; social, F. E. Getman; finance, C. B. Hall; entertainment, M. B. Sterrett; religious work, A. B. Dale; membership, L. F. Kuntsman.
A merry party of young folks enjoyed the sociability of the home of Miss Emmar Barg, 1936 Wealey avenue, Monday night. Refreshments were served and games played. Those present were Messrs. Evan Olson, Clarence Laudley, Mat Menke, Tom Mickey, Nicholas Gaughan, Martin Gaughan, William Barg, William Doyle, the Misses Bessie Doyle, Catherine Wynn, Florence Baumhard, May Lyons, Bessie Lyons, Helen Lynn, Mildred Avery, Mamie Berg, Harriet Steinbuck.
Dr. W. A. Phillips had a slight attack of grip for a few days but has now recovered.
Mrs. James A. Lemmon, 904 Colfax street, entertained at bridge Friday afternoon.
Mrs. E. T. Griswold and Miss Griswold, 1142 Ridge avenue, are spending a week in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Guyton and family, 836 Judson avenue, left Friday for Richmond, Va.
Mrs. Ernest W. Hewitt, 923 Washington street, left Saturday for a two months' visit in Columbus, Ohio.
Mrs. J. Mitchell Hoyt, 1575 Ashland avenue, entertained eight tables of bridge at her home Monday afternoon.
Mrs. J. W. Donnell is in Mobile, Ala., attending her mother, who is seriously ill.
Miss Katherine Schatz, 1462 Maple avenue, spent the week end with her parents. She came over from DeKalb Normal.
Miss Elizabeth Kartheiser, 1618 Sherman avenue, is home from a week's visit to her father, Mr. Theodore Kartheiser, at Aurora, Ill.
Mrs. Walter Hartley, who has been the guest of Miss Helen Hardle, 911 Hinman avenue, left Saturday for her home in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. walter Wright of Milwaukee went Sunday to Michigan City, Ind., after a visit with her daughter, mrs. George Jackson of Elmwood avenue.
Mr. Chester Olson of Corliss, Wis., left yesterday for his home. He has been spending the past two weeks with Mr. Raymond Bristow, 1138 Sherman avenue.
Mrs. Frederick Stewart, 838 Elmwood avenue, was hostess at a dinner Friday evening in honor of Miss Grace Hotaling. Covers were laid for fourteen guests.
Miss Helen Hardle gave a valentine party Friday afternoon at her home 911 Hinman avenue, in honor of her guest, Mrs. Walter Hartley of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. William Naylor, who has been spending several months with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Naylor, 930 Ridge avenue, left Saturday to join her husband at Fort Leavenworth, Kas.
Mrs. Marie Allen and her daughter, Marion, 1616 Chicago avenue, left Saturday for Hackettstown, N. J., where Mrs. Allen will be assistant dean at a young ladies' boarding school.
Mr. Stanley Erickson, 1138 Sherman avenue, who has been spending the last six weeks with his parents, returned to Ludington, Mich., to resume his duties on the "Pere Marquette."
The Bryant Circle held their regular meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John F. Gascolgne, 1910 Orrington avenue. Miss Houston and Mrs. C. S. Raddin spoke on "Applied Arts."
A theater party was given Monday night at the Evanston theater by Fred Schwake of 1320 Ashland avenue. The clerks of Chandler's book store and Taylor's grocery store were his guests.
Mr. Vaudrille Wald [sic.], son of Mr. and Mrs. P. V. E. B. Ward, Elmwood avenue, was one of the end men Monday night at the Catholic Woman's club minstrel show of Edgewater at the Foster theater.
Mrs. T. C. Keller, 1007 Greenwood boulevard, who has been spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Nathan Smith at Mattapoisett, Mass., left there last Wednesday to join Mr. Keller in New York, where they will attend the operas.
Rev. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Sheridan, 718 Simpson street, are on a tour of California and will remain away until some time in March. Doctor Sheridan is General World's Secretary of the Epworth league and is lecturing and traveling in the interest of this work.
The Theatrical Managers' association of Chicago gave a dinner in honor of the banquet room of the Auditorium. There were 250 covers laid. Judge Hanecy, Governor Dunne, George Ade and Father Dorney were the speakers. Mr. Wilbur J. Nesbit, 732 Colfax street, was toastmaster. Mrs. F. H. Spearman, 1512 Wesley avenue, gave a Shrove Tuesday dinner for young people Tuesday in honor of the birthdays of her two elder sons. The guests were Misses Catharine Dawes, Ethel Kirkman, Dorothy Palmer, Claudine Wilkinson, marion Osborne, Dorothy Turner and Messrs. Alvan Konsberg, George Seymour, harry and Hutchinson Spearman.
The employes of Rosenberg's department store, numbering forty couples, enjoyed a supper and dance at the K. of P. hall Monday evening. Mr. Herman Rosenberg presided as toastmaster and Mr. ira Rosenberg proved himself most interesting in telling stories. It is rumored that a permanent association will be organized, which will arrange to give a similar entertainment once every two months.
Miss Witter of Green View, Ill., is visiting her sister Mrs. C. Jansen, 2617 Broadway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Work, 1719 Orrington avenue, are in Jacksonville, Fla., for several weeks.
Mrs. P. C. Fitzpatrick and family have moved from 2622 Prairie avenue to 1501 Maple avenue.
Miss Cherrill McNeil accompanied Miss Janet Hall to Maitland, Fla., to the Hall's winter home.
Miss Grace Pynchon, 1731 Wesley avenue, will go to Paris, Texas, this week for a visit with Miss Ella Wade.
Judge John F. Boyer returned Wednesday from a short business trip to Gary, Ind.
Miss Pearl Munro of 810 Washington street has gone to Jacksonville, Fla., for the winter.
The "Big 7" met Thursday night at the home of Mr. Christ Wahle, 1045 Sherman avenue.
Mr. James A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzell street, has returned from a short business trip through Iowa.
Miss Marjorie Kimball, 502 Lake street, is visiting in New York and will go south for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Larkin have moved from the Hotel Monnett into their new home, 2651 Stewart avenue.
Mr. J. H. Van Vlissingen gave several piano selections for the Lio association of Chicago last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. harold Petersen, Lincoln street and Hartray avenue, left Wednesday on an extended trip to St. Petersburg, Fla.
Mr. Frank Van Vlissingen entertained the members of the School of Acting of the Chicago Musical college last Saturday evening.
Mrs. F. E. Sammons, 1031 Madison street, entertained the Eleanor club at five hundred Thursday afternoon, followed by a dinner served by Mr. O.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barker are located at 1625 Hinman avenue, having leased their house at 817 Judson avenue.
Mr. E. L. Fowler, 1641 Orrington avenue, went to Pasadena last week and will be away seven or eight weeks.
Miss Florence Montgomery, 1130 Judson avenue, was a luncheon hostess Saturday in honor of Miss Ella McClary.
Charles Leonhardt, who has recently been elected president of the Olympic club, has resumed his position at Colwell's pharmacy.
Mrs. John A. Kappelman, 2031 Pratt court, was hostess Wednesday at a dinner in honor of Dr. Kappelman's birthday. Covers were laid for ten.
The men's organization of the Covenant M. E. church held their second meeting Friday night in the social rooms.
The Forward Circle of the Second Presbyterian church met Wednesday in the Bible school building with Mrs. P. L. Whitehead and Miss Holcomb acting as hostesses.
Mrs. E. Tobias, 623 Davis street, went Wednesday to New York to make spring purchases. Her mother, Mrs. Miller, of Chicago, accompanied her. They will be gone three weeks.
The Sisters of St. Francis wish to express their gratitude to the many who remembered them so well at their annual linen shower Thursday. The halls of the hospital were beautifully decorated with flowers, and the program presented during the afternoon was most enjoyable. Mrs. Dickinson of Chicago gave several readings and there were fancy dances by little Philistia Myers and the Misses Mary and Martha Clancy.
Mrs. Graham C. Patterson, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Thomas Lord, gave an auction bridge party Friday evening at her home at 6 o'clock. There were seven tables.
Mrs. J. Frank Nutting, 418 Church street, was hostess Thursday at a 1 o'clock luncheon, given at her home in compliment to Mrs. Edward Meister of Buffalo, N. Y., who was her guest.
Monday evening the fifth of the subscription dances was given by the young married people at Simpson's hall. Mrs. Fredereck T. Connor entertained at dinner before the dance.
Mrs. W. Jackson Edward, 736 Michigan avenue, entertained Saturday at a luncheon and bridge in honrt of Mrs. Poor of Michigan avenue, who soon leaves on an extended Mediteranean trip.
Mrs. F. E. Winans of the Ridgewood gave a small informal auction bridge party Friday at 2:30 o'clock at her home, in honor of Mrs. Henry Seward Wilcox of the Blackstone, formerly of Evanston.
Miss Helen Hancock, 1239 Asbury avenue, gave atea Friday afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock, to meet Mrs. Charles Rowe, who has recently moved to the corner of Ashland avenue and Grove street.
Bishop William F. McDowell addressed the Men's club of St. Mark's Methodist Episcopal church at the parish housemm Ridge avenue and Grove street, Monday evening. on "A Near View of the Far East."
Mrs. Agnes V. Palm, 2607 Prairie avenue, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. carlsen and little daughter of Sweden.
Mr. Harold Pynchon, 1731 Wesley avenue, will entertain Mr. Louis Buhrman of Cincinnati, Ohio, next week as his guest.
Hiram McCullough, 2414 Pioneer road, was in Detroit last week, on business for the Brooks and Ross Lumber company.
Mr. Ernest W. Hewitt, 923 Washington street, left Saturday for New York. He will be in New York for three weeks before he sails for Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Wells (Mrs. Wells was formerly Miss Harriet Day Eitel of Indianapolis) have located in the "Westminster," 640 Hinman avenue.
Friday evening at St. Luke's parish house the North End Dancing club gave a party. Mesdames Purdy W. orvis, D. W. Chapman Hr., Arthur Goodwillie and Paul Dilg were in charge.
Miss Ruth Rising, 833 Hinman avenue, Saturday attained her tenth birthday. twenty little friends shared the honors of the party which her mother, Mrs. P. A. Rising, gave for them.
John H. Howard of Lake Bluff announces the engagement of his daughter, Mrs. Mildred Howard Raynor, to Dr. William A. Thomas of Evanston. The marriage will take place in the spring.
G. M. Sayer of Oak Park, Ill., and family have taken an apartment in the "Sherman." Eight of these flats have been rented through the McCallum and Clark agency. This was the last one available.
Mrs. William C. Danforth, 1620 Hinman avenue, was hostess Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at a tea in honor of Mrs. Elmo Cannon Lowe of Washington, D. C., who has recently come here to live. About fifty guests responded to invitations. Assisting Mrs. Danforth are Mesdames W. N. Parkes, W. A. Alexander, L. P. Moore, G. W. Noble, G. A. Grant-Schaefer and Miss Grace Forbes.
A very delightful entertainment in the form of a travelogue was given at Covenant M. E. church under the auspices of the Woman's association. Interesting addresses were given by Rev. and Mrs. Frank O. beck, followed by many Scotch reminiscences, celebrating the birthday of Robert Burns. Mr. Andrew Campbell, dressed in a native costume, played a number of sings on the bagpipes. Mrs. Harry Cumberland favored with readings, such as "Kuddle Doon," and her little daughter sang "Comin' Thro' the Rye."
What People Are Doing in Evanston
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1913, p. 5
- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Articles
- Date of Publication
- 6 Feb 1913
- Subject(s)
- Personal Name(s)
- Raynor, Mrs. Mildred Howard Raynor ; Thomas, Dr. William A.
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Illinois, United States
Latitude: 42.07225 Longitude: -87.72284
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to United States law. No restrictions on use.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public LibraryEmail:refdesk@wilmettelibrary.info
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U.S.A. Phone: 847-256-6930 - Full Text