[p.1, line 1] We the undersigned agree to pay the sums set 2 to our names respectively for the erection 3 of a church edifice in the village of Wilmette 4 according to the following conditions, to wit: 5 [Section numbered] 1 These subscriptions shall be due and pay- 6 able provided the entire amount secured on 7 subscription shall be at least four [in pencil] 8 thousand dollars 9 [Section numbered] 2 They shall be payable as follows, namely: 10 one third [1/3] when the work is commenced, one 11 third [1/3] when the building is roofed and en- 12 closed and one third when it is com- 13 pleted ready for occupancy. 14 [Section numbered] 3 The location of the church shall be 15 fixed by the concurring vote of so many 16 of these subscribers as shall represent 17 at least two thirds [2/3] of the whole amount 18 subscribed. 19 [Section numbered] 4 The church shall for the present be held 20 in trust by the Executive Committee of 21 the Wilmette Evangelical Association namely 22 John Stevenson, Alexander McDaniel, John 23 D. Brown, Samuel M. Dingee and Thomas B. Mor- 24 ris and their successors in office and shall 25 be used and occupied under their direction. 26 [Section numbered] 5 The subscriptions that may be made on 27 this paper shall be for the ultimate and 28 permanent benefit of such religious denom- 29 inations as each subscriber here shall des-