Legal agreement for development of land in Wilmette dated March 2, 1868, p. 1

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Whereas the undersigned Henry A. Dingee of the City and State of New York and Alexander McDaniels [sic] and Laura N. Kline of Evanston in the State of Illinois parties of the first part hereto are the owners of the following described parcels of land situate in the County of Cook and State of Illinois viz. Commencing at the north-west corner of the south section of the Ouilmette Reservation thence on the north line of said section east sixty-two (62) chains and eighty (80) links; thence north twenty-five (25) chains and forty-eight (48) links; thence west sixty-two (62) chains and eighty (80) links to the west line of said Reservation and thence south on the west line of said Reservation to the place of beginning containing one hundred and fifty- six acres be the same more or less. Also commencing at the north west corner of said Reservation and running thence east on the north line of said Reservation eighteen (18) chains and seventy-eight (78) links; thence south twenty-six (26) chains and sixty-one (61) links thence west eighteen (18) chains and seventy eight (78) links; and thence north twenty-six (26) chains and sixty-one (61) links

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