Chicago September 28th 1881
Alexander McDaniels, Esq.
Wilmette, Ill.
Dear Sir,
Your inquiry of one Mr. [?] Ellis is at hand, and in answer would say that in the fall of 1838 we bought a claim of one Charles Beaubin [Beaubien] on the Lake Shore abought [about] half way between the Stebbins ridge and the widow Pattersons [Patterson's], north and adjoining Hooser Clark's claim, then called Groose [Gross] Point, or in other words abought [about] a quarter or half a mile north of the Wilmette Reservation. I have no recollection of one Ellis being a resident of or near that place at that time. If there had of been would have known of it as I knew everyon [everyone] for miles north and south and west to the [p.2] north branch. But in the summer of 1839 or 40, do remember of one Ellis banking [?] timber on the bank of the Lake abought [about] one mile north of us and near the house of one Simon Doyle. If my recollection serves me right said Ellis lived a short distance west of Hills Ridge as was called at that time. I shall be happy to give you any information in regard to settlers of from 1838 to 45 if you should desire it at any time. Remember me to your wife and family and all inquiring friends. As ever yours of early days
E. M. Dennis
79 S. Clark St.