Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, p. 68

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68 171 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS $3,000 SOLID WALNUT DINING SET. Tapestry upholstered, spring seats, six chairs, large buffet with glass top and china cabinet $500. English Chippendale davenport upholstered in green and gold brocade, $100. Modern mahogany telephone stand with upholstered seat attached, $20. Greenleaf 0032, DINING ROOM FURNITURE LIGHT mahogany, excellent condition, 12 pc. including china cabinet, credenza serving table, 8 chairs, table and asbestos pad, price at less than half of today's cost, $750 cash. Also large Bookman's corner and mirrored cocktail table. Call Highland Park 5158. 6 BURNER D B L . OVEN UNIVERSAL gas stove, including lg porcelain dome to carry off cooking odors. 16 cu. ft. 4-dr. Frigidaire. Porcelain sink with dbl. drainboards. Assortment of doors, including double garage doors. Child's Irish mail and fire engine large enough to sit in. Phone Glencoe 645. DINING ROOM FURN.; DAVENPORT; tilt top, octagonal, and gate-leg tables; double beds and dresser; all mahog.; fire place fixtures and bench; hat rack; rattan sun-room chairs, table, and settee; hall mirror. Call Sunday oniv, between 10 and 4. 172 Euclid Ave., Glencoe. FOR S A L E : 48" YOUNGSTOWN DOUble cabinet sink, $50; 5 prs. red chintz draperies, $25: lounge chair, $10; young girl's white bedroom set, bed, chest, desk, chair, $25; miscellaneous articles: Thursday, Friday, 909 Central Avenue, Wilmette 3366. GAS STOVE, E X C E L L E N T CONDITION. Venetian blinds. Clothes rineer Cothes horse. Kitchen chr. Vegetable rack. Youth's chr. Baby's bath tub. Mexican mats. Girl's sz. 5 coat and leggings. Best tweed. Moving. Low prices. Highland Park 5737. MOVING WEST -- DISPOSING OF A L L large pieces which are only a yr. old. 8 pc. walnut dining room suite; 5 pc. oak kitchen set; silver-blue lounge chair: blue mohair love seat: pr. pitcher shape end table lamps. Phone Wilmette 6106 after 5:30 p.m. W I L M E T T E 171 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS SILVER: CHAFING DISHES; GRAVY boats; double vegetable dishes; trays; Sheffield chamber sticks; White's Silverware--antiques, 624 Grove, Evanston. REFRIGERATOR: ALMOST NEW FRIGidaire Coldwall model CPDM-7 with factory guarantee, $300. Can be seen at Welbourne Home Service, 1107 Central Street. Wilmette. L I F E September 18, 1947 | 171 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS STOVE FOR HOME, RESTAURANT OR institution, 2 ovens, 2 broilers, six burners, good condition. Wilmette 5948. B R E A K F A S T NOOK, WOOD, 2 B E N ches, table, ready to install, $10. Wilmette 2706. FRIGIDAIRE 12 CUBIC F E E T , GOOD running condition. $50. Glencoe 699-- 815 Greenleaf Avenue, Glencoe. C K E R WARDROBE TRUNK, FINE ICE BOX, OAK, PORCELAIN LINED. B E condition, 22x43, $35. Office desk, walPractically new. Ice capacity 100 lbs. nut, 48" long, $40. Kenilworth 6240. $35. Also Birds-eye maple dresser with large mirror, bargain. 1728 Washing- G R E E N TWIST BROADLOOM R U G 12x 15; double decker beds $20; hall runton Ave. Wilmette. ner 3x18 Winnetka 4730. A TOTAL OF ABOUT 75 YARDS OF CARPET, COVERS LIVING chintz drapes made up and lined in USED room, dining room, hall and stairs. various sizes; green background, rose Rose colored. Call Winnetka 1543. pattern. Good condition. 484 Elder Lane phone Winnetka 1649. EASY WASHER, SPIN DRIER M O D E L , perfect condition -- same features as SOLID WALNUT OBLONG EXTENSION 1948 model. Wilmette 5835. dining table, heat-proofed, excellent condition. 1 double-size mattress, per- FOR SALE, DINING ROOM T A B L E fect condition. Priced to sell quickly. and 6 chairs, and bed davenport. Call Winnetka 3139. After 4 p.m. Wilmette 229. DUNCAN P H Y F E SOFA, TAPESTRY REASONABLE WALNUT B U F F E T AND covered, $125. Also G . E . electric stove, lounge chair with down cushion. Phone deluxe model, 8 months old, $200. 1401 Winnetka 3065. County Line Rd., Highland Park 6086 FRIGIDAIRE 2 DOOR, 12 C U . F T . or Winnetka 969. Porcelain box. Kitchen cabinet and 2 YOUTH BEDS, L I K E NEW, WITH broom closet. Kenilworth 4708. innerspring Burton-Dixie mattress, spring, each $40. 3 pairs rose chintz S E R V E L GAS REFRIGERATOR, 8 CUdrapes with deeD valance, extra long, bic ft. Like new. Available in October. $25. Winnetka 4793. $275. Wilmette 2442. RED, MODERN, SECTIONAL SOFA. 6 BURNER GAS RANGE IN GOOD Black lacquer 48" round coffee table, condition, reasonably priced. Call Glenchaise, blonde oak end tables, pair of coe 435. green lounge chairs, lawson sofa. 9'xl2' AXMINSTER R U G . ROSE AND Northbrook 203 W 2. blue hooked design, good condition, $25. Winnetka 3594. J E W E T T REFRIGERATOR ABOUT 20 cu. ft., with new G . E . motor, $200. ONE L A R G E ROSE MALODIAN DESK. Buyer must remove. Universal stove, Excellent condition. $25. Call Glencoe 2 ovens and warmer, $100. Both avail50. able Oct. 1. Call Winnetka 388. D E L U X E M O D E L 8 CUBIC F T . 1946 R E A L B U Y . DINING ROOM S E T (10 Servel refrigerator, excellent condition. pc), round table, buffet, server, china Phone Kenilworth 4962. cabinet, beautiful design, hand carved. $1,500 buy in todays market. No room. SMALL RCA VICTOR RADIO, 9x3x3>/ , perfect condition. Wilmette 795. Must sacrifice, Kenilworth 231 9x15 BEIGE BIGALOW SUPER TWIST D E E P F R E E Z E , 5 CU. F T . 1942 MODEL. $100. Kenilworth 4432. rug and pad. Vacuum cleaner. Two CHIPPENDALE NINE PC. DINING kitchen cabinet bases. "Juice King" MAGIC C H E F . NEEDS SOME REPAIR. set, 4 pc. mah. bedrm. set, roll top orange juicer. Wilmette 6120 $25. Needs some repair. Winnetka 695. desk, davenport, beau, carved Italian table and chairs, 3 pc. French clock DINETTE SET. M A P L E OCCASIONAL FOR SALE, WASHING MACHINE. JUST set, English cabinet, commode, full table, bookcase and coffee table. Packoverhauled. $35. Phone Winnetka 1738. size bed, box spring and mattress. Wiling trunks. All Perfect condition. Wil8 P I E C E DINING R M . SUITE, GOOD mette 744. mette 2114. condition, reas. Hollycourt 7512. FURNITURE -- WORTH T H E PRICE, STEWART-WARNER COMB. RADIO antique, mah. hand carved sofa, chair and Television Blond Console Set, Still BABY GRAND PIANO, APPOLO, FIRST class condition. Glencoe 2421 and writing desk; 8 pc. din. set, 4 pc. in crate. Phone Highland Park 1302 bedrm set; single bed, 1940 G. E . after 5 p.m. BRAND NEW CONLON IRONER, USED refrigerator, misc. tables, 2034 Greenonly few times, $145, Wilmette 1668. OLD S T Y L E WALNUT B E D AND wood, Wilmette 167 after 7 p m . chest, chairs, tables, bookcases, other SOFA-BED, MAROON PLAID UPHOLW E E K TO V A C A T E : K N A B E PARLOR miscellaneous household frnishings, Fristery. Reasonable. Wilmette 244. grand piano. 5 piece ivory bedroom day Sept, 19, Wilmette 3516. DAVENPORT, GOOD CONDITION, CALL set: beau, hand carved table; parlor SIZE K E R M A N R U G $150; Winnetka 2647 between 4 and 6 p.m. - desk: chaise longue, etc. Best offer. ROOM Saruk $425; Lilahan $75, beige 9x12 $39; R. C. A. comb, radio and victrola. taupe $20; sculptured. Str. cpts. and ORIENTAL RUG, 9'xl2'; ALSO 6 SCATDavenport. 2019 Touhy, Amb. 0331. ter Orientals, Call Winnetka 4806. scatters. Uni. 8762, Wil. 4369. SINGLE B E D , SPRING AND MATWARDROBE CHIFFONIER. PLEASE tress, $25. Baby buggy, $7 00. Com- ANTIQUE WALNUT DAY B E D WITH call Winnetka 3580. box spring and mattress, $25. Large bination gas and coal stove, $10. Gasogolden oak buffet, suitable for recreKITCHEN-AID: SUPER FOOD MIXER. line stove, $2.00. Side arm gas water ation room or bar, $15. Wilmette 5578. heater $8.00. Lawn mower, $3.00. WilPhone Wilmette 1744. mette 1495. ICE BOX, CAPACITY 125 LBSf E x - SOFA, ROSE-COLORED MOHAIR, REAcellent condition. Beautiful wrought iron sonable. Call Winnetka 1656. G R E E N TBL.-TOP STOVE, $15. COOLfire screen with brass trim. Made by erator, 100 lb. capacity, $40. Upright Todhunter. Glencoe 974. piano and bench, gd. tone, $35. Man's 172 WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS Hart S. & M . blue flannel suit, 38 long, CHIPPENDALE TABLE, VANITY WANTED: FINE FURNITURE, RUGS $12, gd. cond. Mason jars. 250 Mary dresser, box spring, G. E . refrigerator and bric-a-brac and all household street, Glencoe. small, good condition, $40. Winnetka appliances. Highest prices paid. Free 364. L G . PAINTED DRESSER. 12 V E N E T I A N estimates. shades, 69x38, wind. sz. Folding, bd. H. WINE & SONS 9x12 tan Olsen rug. Fire place set. WALNUT DINING ROOM SET. V E R Y Gre. 5080 Howard and Custer good condition. English style. 6 chairs, Pool tbl., 25 / x50. Tall reflec. lamp. table. 2 cabinets, very sturdy. $150. MORE CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE Vanity tbl. Italian mbl-top tbl. WinWinnetka 4433 after 7 p.m. and Household goods paid by North netka 2534. Shore's largest used furniture store. 3 PC. LIGHT WOOD B E D R M SET, A telephone call will bring cash to your SATINWOOD BEDROOM SUITE, ROSE$60, one vacuum cleaner, $5.00. Lawhome. CROST FURNITURE STORE. wood marquetry. Double bed; 2 night son sofa good condition. $85. Wilmette stands; dressing table; dresser; chifEst. 1898. University 0189. 6385. ferobe; blue satin vanity barrel chair,, E Y O U USING YOUR UPRIGHT Piand straight chair to match. Perfect 2 INVALID CHAIRS (1 ADJUSTABLE, A R ano or player piano without carvings? 1 folding), 50 lb. ice box, porcelain condition. Park Ridge 1720. If not, would you care to sell for lined. Phone Winnetka 3864. Call morncash? G R E . 3933. 2 COMPLETE BEDRM. SUITES, ings or evenings green upholstered down cushion chaise BUY AND S E L L HOUSEHOLD GOODS. longue, 2 small bedrm. chairs, Junior 3 SINGLE BEDS AND SPRINGS; 1 Antiques, furniture, china, glassware size bed, dresser, table, desk and chair. antique walnut spool, $35; 2 mah. frame and bric-a-brac. F E L L S -- 930 Chicago Call Fri. or Sat. afternoon only. 43 poster, $35 each. No dealers. Wilmette Ave. Uni. 0103 Crescent dr. Glencoe 324. 4430. WASHING MACHINE IN GOOD CONDI- TIVTNP R O O M FITRivrrnimr nBAOWQ EMILIE M A C K E A T EMILIE ANTIQUE tion, round kitchen table 36" in di- lIrge le a?h°er c h TM TM E x c e ^ c o n : X ? any * type, -drop S ° ° -leaf table Need desks ameter, kitchen table 2x4 ft., two chrodition. P. Cowan, 471 Woodlawn ave. and chests. Gre. 6975 and Gre. 5588. mium chairs--black leather seats and Glencoe 467. backs. Kenilworth 5232. V E T E R A N , N E E D SEW. MACH. WASH, Q ^ I E C E WALNUT DINING R M . SET. NEW K E N M O R E ROASTER, $25; 3 mach., piano, and good household furtiered table, French design, copper Taupe rug 18x20 ft. in perfect condinishings. Write Box 183, Wilmette. edging, $15; divan, down-filled cushtion. Pair of beautiful lined print ions, $100. Call Winnetka 514. drapes and white glass curtains, both 173 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 8V ft. long. Wilmette 774. L, & H. ELECTRIC RANGE, GOOD 100 YDS. G R E E N B R O A D F E L T CARcondition, $75. 585 Lincoln ave., phone WALNUT DROP L E A F DINING T A B L E . pet, used but in excellent condition, Winnetka 4767. Ideal for apartment or small dining $3.00 per yd. 12x18 burgundy broadroom. $40; 8 dark oak dining chairs, L A R G E MIRROR, 82 IN. x 60 IN., [ loom rug $150; 1 lady's used Raccoon $110; pair velvet covered occasional coat size 16, $25; 2 men's winter coats in excellent condition. Dull gold simple chairs, $80. Phone Winnetka 3514. size 40-42 $10 each; sidewalk bicycle frame. Call Winnetka 125. $25; kitchen sink double drain board, KENMORE W A S H I N G MACHINE, 58 INCH WHITE PORCELAIN SINGLE linoleum top, excel, cond., $45 with Needs slight repair, $40. Call Winnetka fittings. Phone only Sat. and Sun. for bowl kitchen sink. Reasonably priced. 1815. appt. Glencoe 737. Kenilworth 1243. 2 1 2 LI G R , u o o d r i c e s f o r d 2 173 FOR S\LE--MISCELLANEOUS J U S T MOVED--NO ATTIC--SO OH-- loads of wonderful bargains! Double Simmons beauty rest matress, good shape, $7.50; 9x12 red rug, $5.00; 4x7 brown rug $3.00; new 3 headed Electric razor, $12.50; bric-a-brac; dresses sz. 16; white butlers coats sz. 38-40 75c ea.; bathinette $1.00; crib bumpettes 50c ea. ironing board $1.00; revolving clothes reel $2.00; G. E . Portable radio (needs new battery) $5 00; movie screen $2.50; pr. silver foxes exc. cond. $75; brown squirrel jacket $35; other items. Friday--Sent. 19 9-11 a.m. and 3-5 p.m. only. Back door, 1133 Lake, Wilmette. No dealers. 5 P I E C E - R E E D , PORCH FURNITURE set, green with yellow cushions, $45. 6 piece cherry dining room set-table, pad, four chairs and hutch, cost $250, want $150. Small four burner and oven kitchen stove $30. Baby buggy--whitnear stear-o-mat $20. New baby scales $10. Play pen and pad $3.00. Baby chair rocker $3.00. Flexible Flyer sled, large size $3.50. Wilmette 1581. PR ANTIQUE V E N E T I A N ROCOCO gold leaf mirrors, pr. Venetian gold leaf shelves; Eng. Pembroke table and sm. Chipp. mirror; fine early French jewel box; pr. of crystal bourbon bottles in case; Irish waterford glass compotes; pr. cranberry glass lamps; antique jewelry, old silver, china, glass. Lindwalls Antiques, 808 Oak St., Winnetka 145. NOW ON DISPLAY FOR IMMEDIATE delivery! New 1948 models of world's finest TRICYCLES in all sizes! Jumbo puncture-proof tires, chromed bicycle spoke wheels, full ball-bearing and chrome plated. Phone and mail orders filled. We will deliver. BERKELEY'S 1006 Davis St., Evanston UNI. 5202 Open Monday and Thursday Eves. DOUBLE DOOR MAHOGANY CHIFferobe $40, mahogany electric victrola $30, mahogany and cane fernery $5.00, antique Bocara rug 2 / x4 / $5.00, antique Oriental rug 5'5"x3'8" $10, rose toupe velvet evening coat with fox collar $25, chenille robe $6.00, man's grey felt hat 7 % $2.00, electric iron $4.00. Phone Wilmette 3099. MOTOR BIKE WITH BRAND NEW Whizzer motor; 8" Workace Buzz saw and stand; 30" Dunlap wood lathe with independent 4 jaw chuck, tailstock chuck, grinding wheel and std. equip.; modelmakers combination lathe sander, grinder, circular saw, jigsaw, drill; HO-Gauge Mantua scale model railroad passenger train. Wilmette 3616. 1 1 2 2 DRESSES, COATS, SUITS SIZE 12, 14, 16, all purchased since June--Price $3.00, $5.00 and $10. Also 1 racoon drop skin coat size 15 price $50. Also several yards chintz and wide white ruffled rayon marquisitte curtains $2.00 pr. For appointment call Wilmette 1488. FIRE AND RAILROAD SALVAGE; Barn of Bargains. 9246 Waukegan rd. Every Fri., Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. A variety of merchandise and attractive prices; American Crab meat special 35c per can; galvinized pipe and fittings, etc. ANTIQUES: PINE DROP L E A F T A B L E $45, chest of drawers $45. % bed $15. Old glass, china coffee grinders. Two oriental runners 4x10, excel, cond. $75. each. Single mahog. bed, spring and matt. $35. Spinet desk and chair $15. 815 Greenleaf Avenue, Glencoe. SPECIAL: SIX CONSOLE STANDARD broadcast radios with a pilot tuner installed free of charge. Pilot Tuner converts to an F M set. Also available for immediate delivery at $29.95. Kenna Appliance Co. 874 Green Bay Rd., Winn. 900. ELECTRIC SIMPLEX M A N G E L , L I K E new. Wrought-iron bkfst. tbl. with glass top and 4 matching chairs. Small maple secretary. Maple bookcase. Ladies' suits, dresses, coats from the best stores, sz. 16. Short fur jacket. Telephone Winnetka 1374. PRACTICALLY NEW A R G O F L E X WITH case, kodaehrome adapter and 4 rolls kodachrome film $65. Also a»ix3Jj, Kodak Recomar "18" with f 4.5 xenar Lens case, F.P.A. and 3 holders Excellent condition, $47. Kenilworth 3411. STARCK SPINET PIANO, L I K E NEW, walnut finish $375. Power mower 47 model 21 in. blades, 4 cycle Lawson engine used only a few times cost $175. sac. at $125. Call after 6 p.m. Burkhardt, 134 Park Wilmette. TWO SMALL HUGS. ANTIQUE HAND painted screen and antique clock over 140 yrs. old. Coffee table. Good Wardrobe trunk. Lady's black coat. Slightly used wool crepe dress sz. 40 Ladv's hats. Wilmette 4664. FOR SALE: SMALL STEINWAY grand piano. New gas range. Remington electric razor. Phone Winnetka 527.

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