Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, p. 67

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September 18, 1947 W I L M E T T E FOR SALE--VACANT 151 W I N N E T K A -- W E S T IN SECTION OF fine homes, nr. schls. on E l m st. 77x174 ft. $5,000; on Spruce st. 75x200 ft. $6,000. W I L M E T T E -- C H O I C E C O R . L O T 95x200 ft.; nr. fine homes and lake. Quick sale price $9,500. Call M r . Landaker. T H E BILLS R E A L T Y , INC. 510 Davis St., Evanston W i l m . 3740 WINNETKA'S CHOICEST LOCATION, large irregular shaped lot fronting on Bryant avenue suitable for ranch-type or conventional architecture. Assessed valuation over $15,000. Now priced for for immediate sale at $9,000. C a l l Miss Hedberg. BAUMANN-COOK 551 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 HIGHLAND P A R K -- P E R F E C T Location i n sight of lake with easement to beach for property owners in block. Lot 60x200. Owner moving out of state wants to sell quickly. P r i c e reduced to $5,500. M A R G A R E T S. B U T L E R 342 P a r k Ave. Glencoe 931 C H O I C E V A C A N T S B Y H E I N Z E N . WINnetka--Two wooded lots, one 75x177 the other 50x177, $70 per front foot. GLENCOE -- BLOCK FROM LAKE, WOeded lot 100x170. $6,300, H E I N S E N R E A L T Y CO.. W I N N E T K A Winnetka 254 University 6226 NOW IS T H E T I M E T O B U Y A H O M E site lot 196x50. Sturdy 1 Car garage, with cement iiOL-r, a i l improvements i n . 1947 taxes paid. 3 blks. west of Harbor St. Station. 4 blks. so. P a r k Ave. P r i c e below market value. $2,500 cash. Glencoe 1472 after 4 p.m. 60x162--1507 F O R E S T , $4,200. 50x144--1528 S P E N C E R , $4,250 50x85--100 F O R E S T , $4,700. 50x185--1100 F O R E S T , $4,700. W. L A K E A T S K O K I E R Y . 100x200, $3,500. EDDINGTON R E A L T Y W i l . 407 or 1417 N E A R E N O U G H TO T O W N F O R C O N venience, yet far enough for secluded country living. 2 blocks from school, 3 blocks from bus. Approximately 2 acres. Adjacent to our home. Will divide. Vernon F o x , 740 S. Ridge R d . , Highland P a r k . B U I L D W H E R E L A B O R IS C H E A P E R in L a k e Forest on Old M i l l Road and Green Bay. 80x250 ft., heavily wooded. A l l improvements in. P r i c e $2,500 or open to offer. Call Gre. 2118. D E S I R A B L E R E S T R I C T E D 1¼ A C R E homesite on Sunset Ridge road in Nor-thfield, near Sunset Ridge Country Club and school. Reasonably priced. Phone owner at L a k e Forest 1332. PERFECT SETTING FOR RANCH type home, 243 ft. by 254 ft. in Thornbury Village, Libertyville, nr. station, heavily wooded, restricted, $3,000. BENJAMIN PALL Wilmette 6162 VACANT PROPERTY EXCLUSIVELY. A specialized service--the most complete listings from Wilmette north. B Y R O N SMITH 62 Green B a y R d Winnetka 3838 A C R E A G E IN L A K E F O R E S T A L L IMprovemcnts are paid. Frontage 128 ft. on Sheridan Rd.. Depth 320 ft. Call Whitehall B200 or Sunnyslde 10076. FOR S A L E : VACANT LOT IN G L E N view. Sub-division. Lot 65x135. Phone Wilmette 1247 before 5:30 or Wilmette 3176 anytime after. WOULD Y O U L I K E 1 BEAUTIFUL acre for your new home in Northfield. or ' i acre in Glencoe? Call Mr. Ekstedt. Winnetka 1431. K E N I L W O R T H L O T F O R S A L E . 90 foot frontage. 172 feet deep. Well Innriscaped. Owner anxious to sell. C a l l Wilmette 2512. BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT. WITH lovely little brnolt. in Highland P a r k . 1 B 0'X350.' A l l Improvements in. Near transportatton. P r i c e $5.250, Gre. -2118. 80 A C R E FARM. NO B U I L D I N G S . 110 miles West of Wilmette. Income - L I F E FOR SALE--FARMS 67 FOR SALE--HOUSES 147 BARRINGTON COUNTRY HOUSE "ON hill with beautiful view. L i v i n g room library with firepl. Two bedrms,, two tile bths and terrace on 1st fir. 4 bedrms. and bath roughed i n on 2nd fir. Basmnt. game room and lav. Completely insulated, forced air htng. and cooling sys. Pi-iced at $38,000. C a l l or write R. B . Badger, 141 W. Jackson B l v d . Chgo. T e l . Har. 8432 or Winn. 2007 Sun, and E v e . 164 A N T I O C H -- 110 A C R E S , 95 U N D E R cultivation and 51 in pasture. Own- er's and tenant's houses, and other f a r m bldgs., including new 40 ft. silo, stock and equip, also avail, to go right on farming, 40 miles from Evanston near Route N o 41. WENNERSTRAND & COOPER 525 Grove St., Evanston G r e . 3030 169 FOR S A L E -- C E M E T E R Y LOTS F O R S A L E : 6 G R A V E L O T N O . 142, section H at M e m o r i a l P a r k Cemetary. Call Berkshire 3483. EVANSTON -- OWNER WANTS O F F E R leaving for Calif. Desires immediate sale of well maintained older home. Excellent neighborhood. N e a r lake transp. and schools. 7 rms. Screened porch. C a l l M c G U I R E & ORR, INC. 1525 Chicago Ave., Evanston. W i l . 228 WILMETTE, E A S T -- SPACIOUS 8 room home in excellent location. Mod. Kit. and baths. 4 sunny bdrms. and sip. pch. close to St. Francis and public schls. Come out and inspect it today. Phone MARJORIE CRABB L A FAVE 1225 Central W i l . 2246-2243 W I N N E T K A . C O N V E N I E N T TO P D B lie and parochial schools. 3 bedrms., bath?, sleeping porch, glazed in screen porch with fireplace, modern kitchen. Butler's pantry. \ acre lot. 2 car garage. J O H N E . WEINSTOCK A N D CO. 912 Spanish Court Wilmette 1747 EVANSTON -- CALIF. STYLE BRICK 6 rms. house; 3 bdrms. all on 1st ft. tile bath. Out-of-town owner says " s e l l . " Located in popular N . W. section. P r i c e $25,000. M c G U I R E & ORR, INC. Evanston Gre 1080 W i l . 228 N. E . WILMETTE. GEORGIAN BRICK. Slate roof. 4 big bedrooms, 2½ bas. E x t r a r m . on 1st fir. Recreation rm. Will consider s m a l l home as part payment. A proud house, this for $42,500. NORTH SHORE R E A L T Y 609 Green B a y R d . Kenilworth, K e n . 323 G L E N C O E -- RANCH T Y P E HOUSE with 5 bedrms. on first floor, 3 baths, studio l i v . r m . . modern kit. with brkfst. nk., att. gar., large lot, rduced from $30,000 to $27,000. H E I N S E N R E A L T Y CO., W I N N E T K A Winnetka 254 University 6226. WINNETKA NEAR LAKE. IMMED. Poss. 7 rm. hse. with bedrm., lav., brkfst. rm. on 1st fl. 3 bedrms., sip. pch. Owner says Sell. M r s . Schwall. E L M E R E . STULTS, INC. 460 Winnetka A v e . Winn. 1800. EXQUISITE SMALL HOME -- 7 RMS., 3½ ba. L g e . l a w n is beau, landscaped and house is perfect in every detail. The price incl. carpet and drapes thru out is less than reproduction cost. L i l lian H . Roddick, Kenilworth 623-682. W I L M E T T E : I M M E D I A T E POSSESSION $15,500. 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, 2nd. 5 rooms, porch, powder room, 1st. Shower stall in basement. 2 car garage, deep lot. Zoned for 2 apts. or business. Winnetka 154. WILMETTE -- FINE OLD HOME NEAR the lake: 10 rooms: 3 baths. Many large forest trees on lot 100x198 -- $28,0()0 or $20,000 on 50 feet. WILMETTE REALTY EXCLUSIVE 513 · 4th St. Wilmette 192 ON T H E L A K E --FIRST T I M E OFfered--delightful small house in exclusive section. Details at the office of QUINLAN A N D TYSON. INC. 584 Lincoln A v e . Winnetka Winnetka 177 Ambassador 3153 WINNETKA, NEARING COMPLETION brick colonial, 4 nice bedrms.. 2>.' baths, den, breeze porch, att'd. gar., $32,000. WM. G. STACEY 327 Park Ave. Glencoe 1410 G L E N C O E -- BRICK COLONIAL 7 RMS. with sun porch; 2 baths; oil heat; 2 car attach, gar.; large lot. S32.500. M A R G A R E T S. B U T L E R 342 Park Ave. Glencoe 931 $ 6 . 0 0 per acre. Wilmette 2983. E. KENILWORTH ON 100x175 FT. LOT, F O R S A L E . V A C A N T . >·. A C R E IN lovely trees. 8 lge. rms., 3 pens.. 2 Northbrook. Call Glencoe 1052 or Wilbaths. 2 fireplaces; 3 car gar. with rm. mette 4874 above. $22,500. Winnetka 269. x x WARNING TO THOSE WHO USE T H E WANT ADS THIS P A P E R is not for sale until 3 P . M . each Thursday. Sellers of household goods who are annoyed before -that hour by telephone calls are warned that the caller has procured a copy of the paper in an illegal manner. They are warned to be on their guard against such persons, who are dealers trying to drive sharp bargains. If it is possible to secure information as to the name, address or phone number of anyone answering any Want Ad before 3 P.M. Thursday, please phone us. BUSINESS PROPERTY 150 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES TWO S T O R E S A N D TWO A P A R T M E N T S , W A N T E D S M A L L HOUSE IN WINNETbrick, lot 50x135. Annual income, ka by couple. Approximately $25,000 $4,322.40. Expenses approximate $1,200 cash transaction. Write F-802. B o x 60, Excellent rental neighborhood, in HubWilmette, 111. bard Woods business district. WENNERSTRAND & COOPER Exclusive Agents 151 FOR SALE--VACANT W I L M E T T E 50x177, N I C E L Y W O O D E D 525 Grove St., Evanston. G r e . 3030 near a l l conveniences, reduced for immediate sale, $2,000; 50 ft. adjacent A C R E A G E AND ESTATES Indian H i l l Club has extra large beau- N E A R H A L F D A Y O N N O . 45. 44 tiful true, Ideal homesUe. $4,000; Indian Acres with stream ;md beautiful trees. H i l l Estates, 60 ft excel, homeslle, Fronts on three roads, can be divided Owher leaving State, reduced to S4.500: very advantageously. Other acieagc In 50 ft. near St. Joseph's. East o( Ridge this vicinity is priced much higher. R d . unusual value. 32.500: 67 ft section This is a little l'-ss ilitni 3KU0 pet B«re A U T O M A T I C -- " S E L F - A C T I N G OR S E L F C A R P E T S C A R P E T S C A R P E T S C A R new homes, $2,100; 60 ft. section new N E A R L A K E ZURICH -- 2 CHOICE carpets--new regulating" says Webster's dictionary. | pets Bargains in used homes, S2.CHX!; Glen Oak Acres -- »« smaller parcels. 4.60 acres al S3,25(t And the new Natural gas ranges have carpets and remnants, samples 54" acre (appr.) beautifully wooded, $3,0(10: and 9.379 acres at 84.600, both wooded. many automatic features--yes, "Gas sink $90, 1947 model Priilco radio, Glen Oak Acres 100 It., just light for C a l l our utfiee for directions to see. Has Got It!" summer oval grass rugs, cotton rugs, Ranch type home, SI,750. W E N N E R S T R A N D St C O O P E R TOWN A N D C O U N T R Y , " T H E ULTIetc A l l at very special prices for M A R T I N L . OLSON Exclusive Agents mate i n cooking ranges, now on disclearance, Garo's, 119 Greenbay Road, 709 Green Bay Road. Wilmette 4536 525 Grave St.. Evanston play at North Shore Gas company G r e . 3030 Wilmette. 171 F O R S A L E -- H O U S E H O L D GOODS 171 F O R S A L E -- H O U S E H O L D GOODS 9-PC. M A H G . D U N C A N P H Y F E D I N . P A K A N ' S F U R N I T U R E C L E A R A N C E -- r m set, like new. Maple Duncan Phyfe 20 to 50% discounts on model room din. r m . set, ladder back chrs. M o d . and floor samples! $175 California Moddin. r m . set, bleached oak, glass inern Sofas $99; -- $67 Lounge Chairs serts. Special: mod. light jr. din. r m . $47; -- $20 Blonde Tables $12; -- $10 set, $79. 25 dinettes: oak, mahg., wal. Throw Rugs $6.00; -- $48 Oak Dinette and mod. Drop-leaf din r m . tables Sets $39;--$15 Hollywood Beds $9.00; with drawer 5 odd china cabinets. -- $89 Sofa Beds $69. 20% Discount on Sec. davenport, $129. Lawson davenall unfinished pine book shelves, chests port (Chas. of London). Tailored love of drawers and dressing tables. 5,000 seat in Lawson or Tuexedo. Gainsyds. of upholstery, drapery and slip borough chrs. F a n , wing and lounge cover fabrics reduced 1/3. Come in chrs. Special: new innerspg. mattressearly for best selections. A l l sales fines of well-known manufacturers, sgle. a l : no returns -- no refunds. Open or dble., $27 up. B a b y cribs, mattressMonday and Thursday evenings es, hi-chrs., Taylor-Tots, Shoe-Flies. AKAN FURNITURE MFRS. Childrens' jr. desks and chrs. 25 occ. 6130 P Broadway Rogers P a r k 1040 chrs. Boudoir, slipper chrs. Fireside chrs. Marine andirons. Fireplaces. 2 P R . L O N G L I G H T B E I G E C O T T O N Dishes. Grandfather and grandmother drapes, self pattern, twin spreads to clocks. Chinese rugs, 9x12 and matchmatch, 1 matching short curtain for ing 10x15, old rose. Pictures and 1,000 over radiator. 1 down comforter. 2 of bric-a-brac. Special: 18th-century hand made quilts, 1 Dresden plate twin bed set comp. Pineapple sgle. design, never used, 1 old but excellent beds w a l . and maple. Rome deluxe condition, diamond pattern, 2 pr. long springs. 15 chests in prs. Dressers. Monks cloth drapes like new. Small Nite stands. Vanities. Odd benches. invalid's chair for indoor use. 21½ yds. Bookcases, sec. type with corner pc. of used flanellette for interlining curand adjustable shelves 75-ladder-back tains, strips 1½ yards wide, 2¼ yds. chrs in maple and mahg., rush seats. long. Winnetka 3046. Special: adding mach. Office desks and ANTIQUE SIX FOOT swivel chrs. Kitchen cabinets and bas- B E A U T I F U L roll a r m mahogany sofa, upholstered es. Ice boxes. Stoves. Special: Westinglight blue and old rose tapestry. 7 house elec. range. New chrome love ft antique secretary 34 inches wide, seats, divan and chair at close-out solid walnut, beautifully finished. 30 price. Copper marine lanterns, all szs., inch mahogany tear top table. Maple suitable for int. or ext. hse. t r i m . breakfast room set, table and four Hand-polished leather coffee and occ. chairs. Maple bedroom set, bed, dresstables, best offer. Quality paintings by er, chest. 8x10 China patterened Wilton well-known artists. Bronze, china, glass rug and pad. C a l l M r . Stokes, D e l . Pedestals and figures. 1900. ext. 328, for appointment. OWNERS MOVING -- M A H O G A N Y " SECA & A F U R N I T U R E CO. tional bookcases, gateleg dinette table Open every night until 9:30 p.m. and chairs, dresser, full size bed with except Tues. new mattress and box spring, chest, Sundays from 2:30 p m . until 5 p.m. single bed complete, daybed, child's 1560 Howard St. B r i . 2200 maple secretary, table and chairs, IV2 blocks E . of Howard " L " work bench, Mixmaster, Toastmaster. Elaborate train table, 7'xl6' including SOLD O U R H O M E ; DISPOSING OF Hiawatha and City of L o s Angeles. fine furniture. Robt; Irwin 7 pc. satin Evenings and weekend. 412 Berkeley wood twin bedrm. suite; beauty rest (corner A s h ) ; Phone Winnetka 3126. springs and mattress; exc. cond. $750. Albert 7 pc. Mahog. decorators bedrm. D R E S D E N P A T T E R N " O P E N EDGE suite; dble. bed, Stearns and Foster B a v a r i a n plates, 8 each of three sizes, springs and mattress, used 6 mos. also 8 Dresden dinner plates, not open $450. Chippendale Mahog. Kneehole edge, and chop plates, choice hair desk $60. Chinese Chippendale w a l l antique pedestal console dropleaf din. cabinet with R C A radiola comb. $200. table, cherry and walnut drop leaf Lawson love seat, 2 down cushions, table, chests, 4 vie. fruit carved side deep rose velvet $75. Antique Victorian chairs, tiny F r e n c h love seat, many love seat $50. Antique X V Kingwood interesting gift items at Lindwalls A n desk-cabinet. Bombe' front and sides. tiques. 808 Oak St. Winnetka 145. O r m u l u mounts, marble top S150. Louis X v l chaise longue, down cushions S35. ANTIQUES--GIFTS Antique Aubusson tapestry $175, IVOTJ A M E R I C A N A N D E N G L I S H FURNIantiqued French occasional table $50. ture--Silver--Painting--Fine c h i n a -- Ivory Antiqued 4 drawer chest $10. Porcelains--Clocks--Crystal--G l a s s-- Comb, back Windsor armchair, rush Lamps -- Cabinet Pieces -- Copper. seat $10, 36" round mirror $10. 5 prs. MARY HUNTER beige raw silk 3 y d . drapes with crystal Prices range from $1.00 upward. 1310 (ringe $100. 4 p i s . hand blocked, linen, Chicago A v e . , Evanston. \' block north :v-. yd. drapes $30. 2 prs. pure silk, of Dempster. U N I . 3320. Open daily red damask 3 yd. drapes $40. 2 prs. from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. beige antiqued satin 2 2 y d . drapes $40. 2 prs. flowc-rcl linen 2 ' ,vd. drapes S E T O F 6 L A D D E R B A C K C H A I R S . $25. Brawn bruadloom rugs 12x15. $50. 6 drawer mah. chest, E n g . linen and 9x11 $30. Exercycle SUMi. Phone Kenilsilver cabinets, 2 pc. modern sofa, worth 552. special $100, 4 drawer utility chests unfinished $8.00; antique mah. chest $35. High grade upholstering, repairE M I L I E ANTIQUES HAS A WALNUT ing and refinishing. Fabiansen Furnidrop leaf table that is refinished and ture Shop, 1149 Wilmette Ave., Wilw i l l seat 8 comfortably, $75; we have mette 1159. After Oct. 1st, moving to tour finger carved walnut chairs in I 1148 Central A v e . beautiful condition, most decorative, suitable for dining room or living room; F A L L ' S H E R E ! Y O U ' L L B E S P E N D a pair of grape carved chairs, $35 ing more time indoors from now on. each; an antique walnut carved sofa Spruce up your home with threse barwith tufted back, will grace your living gains in good used floor coverings. room, $125, includes a candy stripe E v e r y piece cleaned and mothproofed. Scatter rugs from $10. Room-size rugs slipcover that looks quite friendly; in from $19. H a l l and stair carpeting the lamp department we have a plantfrom $2.00 yard. Come out to 1913 ers lamp, the base is footed and brass, C H U R C H ST., E V A N S T O N . $25; also a group of lamps that are complete and wired, with shades, $5.75, M O V I N G T C S M . A P T . , M U S T SACRIthese are mostly glass fonts, nice for a fice part of furnishing. Frigidaire, table bedroom; a lovely M a r y Gregory type top gas range, kitchen table, Thor lamp in cranberry with a shade, you washing machine, twin bedrm suite, will like it, $27.50 complete. We have sm sola, double bed, antique rocker, some mighty nice things on the $1.00 black cherry wood drop leaf table, and $2.00 tables. porch furniture, garden tools, drapes, E M I L I E ANTIQUES rugs, miscellaneous items 605 Lincoln 2740 Central St _ Evanston ave , after 5 p m or call Winnetka 3970. x 1 a

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