Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, p. 62

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62 W I L M E T T E L I F E September IS, 194T 80 WEARING A P P A R E L M SITUATIONS WTD.--WOMEN H E L P WANTED--WOMEN H E L P WANTED--WOMEN FOR S A L E : BOY'S COVERT CLOTH M A T U R E , EXPERIENCED NURSE NO OTHER OPPORTUNITY L I K E THIS WANTED: EXPERIENCED WHITE coat, like new, size 8 .Wilmette 890. for infant or other young children unon the North Shore. Business couple girl for cooking and downstairs. Clean2447 Birchwood Lane. der 4. Call evenings, Winnetka 2197. away all day want thoroughly expeing help 2 days a week. Bedroom, rienced cook-house worker, white, unsitting room and bath. Electric dishMONKEY F U R J A C K E T SIZE 16, §25. YOUNG SCHOOL GIRL WISHES BOARD der 40, to "take-over." Lovely room washer. Current wages. Call KenilAlso brown fur jacket, size 16-18, $25. and room in exchange for light housewith private bath in small, fine Winworth 4755. Both like new. Phone Winnetka 1825. hold duties. Wilmette 160. netka home. 5 minute walk from HubFOR S A L E : KOLINSKY F U R J A C K E T bard Woods station. Top salary, ref- MAID FOR G E N E R A L HOUSEWORK, SITUATIONS WANTED--MEN in excellent condition. Call Glencoe 812. cooking and light washing. Family with erences required. Phone Saturday or 2 children in Glenview. 2 rm. and Sunday only, Winnetka 1955. DO Y O U H A V E A JOB FOR AN E X bath, quarters in house. Will consider SOA WANTED--WEARING A P P A R E L serviceman The Winnetka War Servwoman with employed husband Glenice Committee has received applica- BURROUGHS B O O K K E E P E R S WANTMARTIN'S CLOTHING STORE ed. Work near home. Unusually view 331. tions for jobs from a number of men WE B U Y -- S E L L -- MEN'S USED fine working conditions, air conditioned. recently discharged from the service. suits, shoes, overcoats. Also fur coats. Automatic increases. Several positions BEST AND COMPANY OF WINNETKA If you are an employer we ask that Bring them or will call--838 Custer has several vacancies for women in available for experienced or trainees. you examine the qualifications of the Ave., Evanston, Uni. 2220. the Packing and Inspection depts. No 40 hr. week. Paid vacation. Savings applicants below: experience necessary. Light work. 5plan. Apply now Personnel Department. WANTED FORMAL CLOTHES. TURN V E T E K A N -- E N T E R T A I N E R , SINGER, day wk. No night wk. 700 Oak st WinFIRST NATIONAL BANK your out-grown double breasted white with several years experience in radio iietka 4360. & TRUST COMPANY formal coat into cash. and stage, major productions, seeks OF EVANSTON See Abe Fell. 811 Elm St., Winnetka WANTED: GOOD PLAIN COOK. WHITE. enertainment opportunity in Chicago 800 Davis Street Late afternoon through dinner. 4 or S WANTED: MEN'S CLOTHING. CALL area. 29 years. Married. No. 877. days a week for small family. Near Gre 5080 or She. 4848. V E T E R A N -- C O L L E G E GRAD. WITH NEW TRIER LUNCH ROOM NEEDS North Shore and " L . " Call Wilmette help in preparation dept. attractive outstanding record in service, seeks 1/72 to discuss references and wages. hours and salary, uniforms furnished, FURS BOB opportunity selling. Broke record for call Winnetka 2400, extension 30. sales in Chicago area for large indusLAUNDRESS, WHITE. E X P E R I E N C E D VACATIONISTS SPECIAL SALE FOR tiral firm. 28 years. Married. No. 878. WANTED: WHITE GIRL 18-35 FOR for small family. Mondav preferred 11 days only. Don't wait for the snow Modern equipment and drver. Near to fall. Have your coat remodeled, re- V E T E R A N -- C O L L E G E GRAD. WITH general housework. Family 3 adults. North Shore and " L . " Good wages paired or relined now. If your coat continuity, artistic, and technical ex Compact modern house 3 blocks from References. Wilmette 1772. does not merit remodeling we give perience seeks radio program engi all transportation and shopping center. you the most generous allowance on a neering. 1 year as Program Director Nice room with radio. Call Wilmette R E L I A B L E GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS new coat, which you can select from for radio station in south. 26 years. 4961. work and serving. No heavv cleaning our huge stock of 1948 styles. Open Married. No. 879. or laundry. Own room. 2 blocks from YOUNG LADY WANTED TO ASSIST evenings by appointment. Okean Fur- VETERAN--B.A. D E G R E E IN CHEMtransportation. Top salarv. Call collect in advertising department. Must be riers, 417 Linden Avenue, Wilmette. istry, with 2 years experience as ciGlencoe 191. able to type. 5'i day week. Paid ',4 block west of the " L " terminal. vilian meteorologist for airline overhospitalization and group insurance, P E R I E N C E D PERSON FOR COOKseas. 4 years as senior meteorologist CANADIAN SHEARED B E A V E R , FULLPleasant congenial office. Chance for E X ing and general housework. Own room in service. Interested in work In Inadvancement. Apply in person Llovd length coat for sale. Can be worn as is, and bath. 3 school children. No ironmdustry, preferably selling technical Hollistcr Inc , 1232 Central Ave., Wilsize 12, $250. Call Winnetka 4806. ing. Good wages. References required product. 28 years. Married. No. 880. mette. Kenilworth 5658. CANADIAN WILD MINK COAT. 38-40. V E T E R A N -- B A . D E G R E E IN ECONOMBeautiful. Looks new. Liquidating esics. Experienced handling men, per- STENOGRAPHER -- FOR L A R G E Na- SALESGIRLS--FULL OR PART TIME tate. Glenview 1429-J after 5 p.m. sonnel and administrative problems. tional organization, beginner considerGood starting salary. Bonus arrange1 year experience as executive-trainee ed, 40 hr. 5 day week, good salary, ment. Rapid advancement to Dept BLACK SKUNK F U R COAT, IN E X C E L with large bank. Seeks opportunity in exceptional working conditions, group mgrs. position. Apply in person. Block lent condition, size 14. Wilmette 3572. merchandising field, control buying, etc. insurance, pension, paid vacation. Lo& Kuhl Co., Winnetka. 27 years. Unmarried. No. 881. cated across street from Chi. North81A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WTD. western Suburban Station, adjacent to HIGHEST WAGES FOR E X P E R I E N C E D V E T E R A N -- HIGH SCHOOL GRAD. 3 white, temporary, cook from Sept 23 SODA FOUNTAIN AND SANDWICH loop. Central 5415, Mr. Butler. years of college, completing course through Oct. 7. Straight cooking onlv shop wanted. Have qualified buyers for in night school. 4 years in Navy as Call Glencoe 804 between 8 and 10 a m any size business of merit. North Hospital Corpsman. Worked for year WE H A V E S E V E R A L OPENINGS FOR or 5 and 7 p.m. Shore territory or elsewhere. Phone Mr. permanent help in our bindery. Experon Hospital Corps Journal and conFisher, Glencoe 2113. ience preferred but not essential. Good WANTED WOMEN FOR ACCOUNTING tributed articles. Interested in sales DONALD N. ANDERSON, REALTOR starting wages, automatic increases, for publications. 23 years. Unmarried. clerks, experienced desired but not paid vacation, hospitalization and life 373 Hazel Avenue Glencoe necessary; good starting rate; 40 hours No. 882. insurance. Apply in person. M. B Austin Co., 1405 Shermer Ave.. VETERAN--B.S. E L E C T R I C A L ENGINorthbrook. L L O Y D HOLLISTER INC. 94 SITUATIONS W*D.--WOMEN neering Purdue, with courses in Busi1232 Central Ave. Wilmette ness Administration and Business Law. WILL DO TYPING (THEMES, B E A U T Y OPERATOR WANTED. R E A L Extensive experience in research and letters, billing, addressing etc.) in my opportunity for exp. operator to take FOR G E N E R A L HOUSEWORK. atom bomb test. Holds radio operator's WOMAN home. Like detail work. Have 5 yrs. over established clientele in small shop Exceptionally lovely living quarters. license. 25 years. Unmarried. No. 883. experience and can give references. Business section. Can make good No laundry. Simple cooking. 2 adults. FOR INTERVIEWS Remington Pica type portable type- APPOINTMENT money for right operator. Ph. Gre. 7720 2 school children. Modern easily mainmay be had by telephoning Mrs. Claire writer. I'll be waiting for your call, tained home in Kenilworth. Top salary MOTHER'S H E L P E R . L I V E IN COOL Shersvood, director of the Winnetka Wilmette. 3327. and good home in exchange for comodel home, featured House and GarWar Service Committee. Winnetka 678. operation and dependability. Ref. req. den Eat finest food. Assist mother OPEN F A C E SANDWICHES, HORS Headquarters, Community House. WinPhone Kenilworth 6539 Collect. with boy 3. Join happy family. GlenD'oeuvres, sandwich loaves, wedding, netka. view 957-M. Keating. birthday and all party cakes made to order. Punch bowl for rent. Wilmette CLERICAL, STORE, OR OFFICE POSI WOMAN FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, WANTED B O O K K E E P E R FOR SIMPLE cooking and serving. 2 adults and 3 tion wanted by a middle aged man 2269. bookkeeping, also able to help with grown children away at school. No hvy. Gd. salesman. Pleasant personality sewing on draperies. Could be part HIGH SCHOOL GIRL IN R E T U R N FOR cleaning. Will consider woman with Neat. Courteous. Ambitious. 2 yrs. coltime. Lindwalls, 808 Oak St., Winnetka room and part board, will be mothchild or with husband attending school lege. Can and will assume responsibili145. er's helper. After school and week ends. at Evanston. Private living room, 2 ties. 2 dependents. Hubbard Woods resPhone Winnetka 2554. bedrooms, and bath. Phone Winnetka E X P E R I E N C E D MAID, GENERAL ldent. Write F-821, Box 60, Wilmette. 3236. housework, no heavy cleaning or launROOM AND BOARD IN E X C H A N G E WALLS, W O O D W O R K , WINDOWS dry, private room, bath and radio 2 for spare time services in home by day basements cleaned, floors' waxed Com' ° F OPERATORS. HIGH SALadults, good wages, permanent posiworker. Address F-789, Box 60, Wilpainting, decorating and g e l f L i t s e r ^ : a, -* . P 5-day week to start. tion, ref. Kenilworth 2404, collect. mette. ice. Exp. men. _ Davis 1546. . *i .«>="·2015 Jack serv- | Frequent increases. Apply to Chief Opson, Williamson erator. NEAT COLORED WOMAN WANTS TYPIST -- T E M P O R A R Y POSITION Wilmette for three weeks to a month. Must be cleaning or ironing, $8.00 per day and WALLS, WOODWORK WINDOWS 725 12th Street good typist. Apply in person. Lloyd Winnetka carfare. Will serve at parties. Drexal wAfied. Floors cleaned and waxed 794 Oak Street Hollister, Inc., 1232 Central Ave., WilILLINOIS B E L L T E L E P H O N E CO. 6397. Basements cleaned, whitewashed or mette. painted. Work done bv exp. men. Unlv GIRL FOR G E N E R A L OFFICE WORK, WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK, 9092 or 4276. 1800 Dodge. Evanston. typing, processing mail, filing. Must BEST AND COMPANY O F WINNETKA cooking, cleaning, laundry, $8.00 a day, be accurate. 40 hour week, no Saturcarfare. Phone 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Ber- E X P E R I E N C E D MAN WANTS HOUSE wants telephone operator. Hrs · 11 to days. On October 1st office will be nice Koberg, Whitehall 9398 4 daily. All day Sat. No night work. and y;nd work. $1.25 per hour. Franklin located within \' block of Linden " L " . Convenient transp. 700 Oak street. WinRice. 1718 Emerson St. Phone Gre. EXPERIENCED COLORED GIRL and bus station in Wilmette. For internetka 4360. 9670. wants cleaning, Thurs.; also, general view call Kenilworth 4806. housework, 4 through dinner Mon., DAY WORK: HOUSECLEANING. WA5HRELIABLE GENERAL MAID IN Thurs., F r i . Excell. ref. Gre. 0693. small, young family. Nurse also emmg walls, cleaning rust from stoves WILMETTE MAIL ORDER FIRM HAS ployed. Stay or go. Exp. and refs. req interesting steady position open for raking snow. Ask for John Rice or R E L I A B L E L A D Y WISHES IRONING Good salary. Call Mrs. L. G . Gardner good typist 40 hour week. Good salleave your no. Gre. 9670. on Wednesdays; also light work and Winnetka 3691. ary Bus transportation to door. Thorcare of children Sunday p.m. Write V E T E R A N , 38, WHITE 25 YEARS ON gesen Hosiery Co , 609 Ridge Rd.. WilF-824. Box 60. Wilmette. 111. N S. wants garden work, window G E N E R A L HOUSEWORK. WHITE fi mette, Illinois. cleaning. $1.50 hour Leander Jarvts rms. 2 In family. No laundrv. Own HOUSEWIFE HAS TIME AVAILABLE 1230 Wilmette Ave.. room and bath. Sunday and Thursdav Wilmette 3719. E X P E R I E N C E D MAID, G E N . HOUSEfor clerical office work, compiling lists, off. Near North Shore electric Phone work. 4 adults. House in Winnetka etc. to be done at home. Write F-820, GOOD HOUSE AND YARDMAN. GARGlencoe 73a. until Oct 15. Apt. on Lakeshore dr., Box 60, Wilmette, 111. dener and chauffeur wants work by Chicago, for winter. Refs. Winnetka day or hour. Northshorc Refs. Please COOKING, HOUSEWORK. HIGHEST MIDDLE A G E D CATHOLIC WOMAN 1254. call Winnetka 1216 after 7 p.m. wages. No heavy cleaning or laundry would like position as housekeeper, wk. Family of 3 adults. Own room, mother's helper or charge of children. C L E A N RUGS AND FURNITURE AND ALTERATIONS -- E X P E R I E N C E D FITbath, radio. 3 blks. to town and transRefs. Lillian Burke. Wilmette 91. ter, also experienced finishers on betalso do furniture webbing in your portation. Highland Park 1329, collect. ter dresses Light air conditioned workhome. Call Greenleaf 8971 before 9 or HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR WILL SIT WITH room. 40 hr. week after 5 o'clock. Alonzo Brown. COOKS $35-$45: SECOND MAIDS $35; your children evenings. 50c an hour. ELSIE THAL Generals $35-$50; Maids not exp. $25. Week nights preferred. Ask for Rose- WILL R A K E YOUR L E A V E S , R E C U - 565 Lincoln Call Winnetka 1780 Office Help 50-A-l Jobs open. mary. Winnetka 2815. larly and often. Very reasonable. John BAKER E M P L O Y M E N T AGENCY Carey. Box 11, Glencoe, 1 1 1 . GOOD OPENING FOR YOUNG WOMAN HOUSEWIFE WOULD L I K E TO DO who has interest in retail selling. Must all Davis St.. Evanston. Tel. Wil. 460 office work at home; filing, address- E X P E R I E N C E D CHAUFFEUR AND have pleasing personality. Retail ex- B A K E R Y SALESLADY. F U L L TIME ing bills, ads, keeping records, etc. butler to stay on place. Phone Wilmette perience preferable but not necessary. Winnetka Store. Uniforms furnish. Ben1001. Write F-819, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. Good salary. L . & A. Stationers, 546 nison Bakeries Inc. Wilmette 194. WinLincoln ave., Winnetka. E X P E R I E N C E D WOMAN, WITH R E F - RELIABLE. netka 490. DEPENDABLE MAN erences, will stay with your children would like day work. Gre. 8354. FITTER FOR HIGH GRADE SHOP MAID--GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD while you are away. Wilmette 2795. with exclusive clientel in Highland opportunity to have a permanent home SIT. W T D -- M E N & WOMEN EXPERIENCED COOK, COLORED 96 Park Also Finishers. Excellent salin Glencoe, 3 blks. cast of station. Call wants position where employed hus- E X P E R I E N C E D C O L O R E D ary, wonderful environment. Call Peggy Glencoe 1190. MAID band may stay. Call Zion 3008. Gordon. Highland Park 1753 or Glenwould like general housework with emWANTED. GOOD CLEANING WOMAN view 1211-R. ployed husband. $30 a week. Close to (white). $7.50 per day and car fare. R E L I A B L E C O L L E G E JUNIOR WILL transportation. Can give references. Prefer Wed. or Thurs. Call Wilmette sit with children evenings. Phone GlenCall Uni. 0417 after 5:30 or on the MOTHER'S H E L P E R , LIGHT HOUSEcoe 1425. 216. week-ends. work, assist with girls 3, 5 and 7. Other help for laundry and cleaning. WHITE GIRL F O R G E N E R A L HOUSE-- COOK AND HOUSEMAN. Electric dishwasher. Own room, radio work, must be good plain cook, no E X P . WOMAN T A K E CHARGE HOME COUPLE Experienced. References. Phone Suand bath. Near transportation. Call heavy cleaning, no upstairs work, top and children. $35-$40, wk. $8.00 day. perior 0895. Winnetka 342. wages. Phone Winnetka 931. Refs. Nov. open. Box 142, Wilmette . 1 T E L E P H n e s 3 3 e r t 5 2

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