Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, p. 60

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60 W I L M E T T E L I F E Place Your Ad on WARNING TO THOSE WHO USE T H E WANT ADS THIS P A P E R Is not for sale until 3 P . M . each Thursday. Sellers of household goods who are annoyed before that hour by telephone calls are warned that the caller has procured a copy of the paper in an illegal manner. They are warned to be on their guard against such persons, who are dealers trying to drive sharp bargains. If it is possible to secure information as to the name, address or phone number of anyone answering any Want Ad before 3 P . M . Thursday, please phone us. September 18, 1947 and Get Better Service LOST AND FOUND BUSINESS SERVICE ,25 PAINTING & DECORATING LOST, TUES. MORN. T A N TERRIER- GIVE US R E T U R N E D VETERANS A DO Y O U WANT JUST A PAINT JOB type dog, wearing red collar and antrial. We repair all household furnior do you want a harmonious selection swering to name, "Penny." Phone Glenture. Davenports, springs, arm chairs, of colors by Experts? coe 1336. dining room sets, beds, etc.: right in IT DOES NOT COST A N Y MORE TO your own home if desired. Exp. and apply the correct color. Consult our LOST: GLYCINE SWISS WRIST WATCH reliable. Call Stephens Bros, for free staff of estimators for suggestions and on Tower road beach, brown leather estimate. 920 Sherman Ave., Evansnew ideas in color. strap. Reward. Call Winnetka 4111. ton. Davis 1970. J. M . E C K E R T DECORATING CO. LOST: I. D. B R A C E L E T . N A M E -- SU- WILMETTE FIX-IT-SHOP. NOW IS T H E established 1920 san Schlegel. Reward. Wilmette 1507 time to have your broken storm win- A MODERN PAINTING AND DECORAafter 5:30 p.m. ting service featuring cleanliness, efdows repaired. Glass of any type reficiency and guaranteed satisfaction. placed. Pick up delivery. 715 Ridge LOST: GLASSES IN R E D O P E N E N D Color schemes outlined by our Interior Wilmette 4249. case Saturday afternoon, September 13. Decorating Department. Estimates Please telephone Winnetka 3004. EXP. M E N TO DO G U T T E R CLEANcheerfully given. mg and leading, tuck-pointing, calking Residence Phone Wilmette 1199. LOST SET OF K E Y S IN WINNETKA, and stucco rep. Roof checking and Friday, Sept. 12, reward. Call Mr. shingle replacing. B. Boettger, Wil. 6551 EXTERIOR PAINTING. WE H A V E SPELloyd, Ambassador 6003. cialized for years on exterior painting of all types of buildings. We are comLOST: SILVER CHAIN B R A C E L E T tO NOTICES t BUILDING & CONTRACTING pletely equipped to paint a Bungalow with frat embelm. Initials inside, dated CLUBS -- CHURCHES -- SCHOOLS -- JOHN H. DAVIES AND SON or Office Bldg.. fully insured member 6/22/47. Kenilworth 5267. business organizations -- etc. For gift General Contractors of The Painting and Decorating Conor prize suggestions call our store. FOUND: WHITE RABBIT. IN T H E 2000 SERVING T H E NORTH SHORE FOR tractors of America, and are pledged block between Washington and HighYou will save salesman's commission to faithfully perform all contracts. over a quarter of a century. land Ave. Wilmette 5647. on every purchase. Kenna Appliance There is no charge or obligation for C A R P E N T R Y , MASONRY. ROOFING Co.. 874 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka 900. LOST, NOTRE D A M E RING, GOLD our estimate or advice on your painting remodeling, recreation rooms, alteraproblems. If you are contemplating tions. Porches, kitchen cabinets, storm with black stone, initials P.A.C. Phone THE WELCOMERS WILL GREET painting call GREenleaf 7788, 600 sash. Wilmette 4509. every new family upon arrival. If you Dempster St.. Evanston. INSULATION, BUILDING REPAIRS, know of any newcomers please call LOST GOLD WRIST WATCH, LONGINEconcrete and brick work, stone work, HENRY L. MILLER us--Wilmette 2598. Whitnauer. Call Wilmette 2792, reward. fireplaces, steps, sidewalks, tuck-pointPAINTERS & DECORATORS ing. LOST AND FOUND WHY G A M B L E " -- YOUR MOST BUSINESS PERSONAL NEW RESIDENCES AND GARAGES prized possession is at stake. ONLY Phone Wilmette 6138 $100 REWARD FOR R E T U R N BLACK MUSIC AND E N T E R T A I N M E N T FOR a competent mechanic and the maBoston bull with white collar and paws. dances, weddings, parties, conventions. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION WORK terials he uses can be an asset to Female, spayed, nine years old, One performer or a hundred. Now Sidewalks, steps, foundations walls, your home, whether Interior or Exweighs 14 pounds. Lost in vicinity of available--3 small and several large slabs, footings. General contracting and terior. Oak and Dempster, Evanston; night of engineering services for any type of HAVE ANY DECORATING YOU M A Y orchestal combinations. Thurs., Sept. 4th. Please return. No building work or remodeling. Large NORTH SHORE MUSIC AND plan for this fall done by Quality Paintquestions asked. Family heartbroken. jobs and small jobs are equally imENTERTAINMENT B U R E A U ing & Dec. Service. A Service that Dr. Alexander J . Azar, 712 North Dear- 826 Mulfod--Kay Page, mgr. Uni. 4333 portant to us. Call the satisfies. "Don't Gamble." born Street, Chicago 10. Phone Dela- WANTED: PRIVATE HOME OR STUCLAUSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Clarence Gath Office Louis Barney ware 2181. Kenilworh 5715 Keystone 1999 Wil. 4220 Juniper 0195 dio, piano in good condition for piano teaching 1 day per week. Near trans- RESIDENTIAL WORK -- CHIMNEYS LOUIS SKOLNIK _ PAINTING AND LOST: REDDISH-TAN COCKER PUP. portation. Highland Park 1310. tuck-pointed, brick foundations tuckVicinity of Sheridan road in Hubbard decorating. We do everything right, pointed and water proofed. 23 yrs. exp. Woods, Sat., Sept. 13. Answers to the what other decorators promise. 18 yrs. LIGHT-HAULING SERVICE J. HOWAT & SONS name of "Sandy." Children's pet. Call PROMPT, exp. on North Shore. Specialize in outweek-days, evenings or week-ends, by 736-12th St. Wilmette 1247 Winnetka 2905. side painting with Dutch Boy while reliable local truck owner. Reasonable lead. Fully insured. Wilmette 3503 or rates. Phone R. L. Jones. Glencoe 1989. 21 LOST: SCOTTIE DOG, SATURDAY, BUILDING & REPAIR Winnetka 1787, September 13. Brindle colored (black PLAN TO H A V E YOUR INTERIOR R E - I. SKOLNIK -- RESIDENTIAL D E C . and white). Answers to name of "Mac." ANTIQUES modeling and alterations done now Wilmette 193. service. Featuring laiest innovation in MUST S E L L LIFE-LONG COLLECTION while we have labor available. No matcolor scheming and decorating. Work of antiques, including furniture, glass LOST, IN WINNETKA, VICINITY DF ter how large or how small the job, of lasting satisfaction. References, Fuland chinaware, and silver. Complete parking lot E l m and Chestnut, brown we will be pleased to figure i t Fine ly insured. Rooms washed, dry cleaned. household effects, refrigerator, chairs, leather tobacco pouch, 2 zippered. Call carpentry work a specialty. Call the Wilmette 4251. radio, linen. Sale Thursday, Sept. 18 Wilmette 192. CLAUSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. till Sunday, Sept. 21. 30 mi. southwest C O M P L E T E DECORATING SERVICE. Kenilworth 5715 BOY'S B L U E AND Y E L L O W L E A T H E R of Evanston. Route 58 west to Rt. 53, Our specialty is residential work. Pasouth to S. Chalres Rd., left to 214 football helmet lost vie. 7th St. and ENERSON & PEARSON perhanging seamless. High quality W. St., Charles Road, Lombard, Illinois. Lake Ave., Wilmette. Much needed. HOME BUILDERS painting. Interior and exterior. Prices REMODELING AND ALTERATIONS Wilmette 6131. Reward. very reasonable, insurance. Myers DecTO CLOSE E S T A T E : MINIATURE RUSKitchen and bath modernization, recorating service. Wilmette 4591. LOST f BROWN ALLIGATOR BILLFOLD. sian Samovar; Brass Tea Kettle; Rusreation rooms. Cabinet work and genIdentification papers very important to sian Copper Cup; Heavy English Plate eral repairs. WALLPAPER--PAINTS, T H E LARGEST owner. Liberal reward. Winnetka 2734 Coffee Pot; Sterling Silver Toilet Set Ardmore 6694 Wilmette 1144 and linest selection of wallpapers on or send by mail. (10 pieces); Mandarin Coat; Spanish the North Shore. Lace Mantilla; 2 Rose Point Laces. IMMEDIATE D E L I V E R Y AND INSTALLOST, BLACK WOOL SKIRT, SEPT, C A K L E N s PAINT STORE lation of kitchen cabinets and sinks. Can be seen by appt. only. Call Win16th, between The Sport Shop, 976 Lin30 day delivery on special orders. We 996 Linden Ave., Hubbard Was. Winn 896 netka 4241. den and Zengler, 899 Linden. Reward. can help you plan your kitchen and BILL'S PAINT SPRAYING CO. WE Phone Winnetka 55. take care of all details Of installation. specialize in spraying stucco houses 11 DOGS & CATS Kenna Appliance Company, 874 Green ana creosoung roots, FOUND CHILD'S SHELL-RIM GLASSES R E G I S T E R E D WIRE HAIR PUPPIES Bay Rd.. Winnetka 900. ii. Boeilger Wilmette 6551 in red case. September 13 on Lincoln and toy Fox Terriers. Collie Shephards. near Pine street. Phone Winnetka 2419. Police dogs. Mixed puppies, $5.00. Dem- IF ITS FLAGSTONE OR ANY KIND f E U E H s K N D E C O R A l l N G CO. QUALof stone work, fireplaces, brickwork, ity work, serving tne North Shore for pster and Potter Rd. across from Maine cement work: Maybe your chimneys over 20 years. 1,1169 N. Albany, cheo. ..; Township High School. Pes Plaines. need tuck-pointing or window calking HoUycourt 6069. or perhaps a little advice on some reFOR S A L E : B O X E R -- M A L E BRINDLE. DECORATING COMPANY To Place a Want Ad, Call modeling. Call H . Hartwell, Winnetka A P E X 9 months old. Excellent disposition. Quality interior and exterior work guarBeautiful dog, $75. Call H . Gordon, 2864. anteea. leiephone Winnetka 554 or CorGlenview 1211-R. Wilmette 4380--Winnetka 4300 R. W. LINSTER nelia (Chicago) 2737. (Winnetka 800 after 5 p.m.) SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPS, LITTER PLASTERING -- PLAIN AND ORNAmental, tuck-pointing, window caulk- S. K A U F M A N AND SONS. EXTERIOR registered dam. Flycatcher Gal, sire Greenleaf 4300 -- Sheldrake 1Z16 l§ and interior. We do everything in the ing. Concrete work. Gutter cleaning. Corky of Hagu. Harriet Erwin, Glenpainting line. Fully insured. Reierences. view 762. Tel. Wilmette 876. Wilmette 2936. Incependence 1290 HOME MAINTENANCE GORDON SETTER PUPS -- BEST C O M P L E T E Gutters, cleaning, repairing; new down- LAWRENCE -- PAINTING AND D E C blood lines in America. 4 mo. old; FOR A L L T H R E E PAPERS roofs; furnace repairs; storm windows orating. Interior ana Exterior residence also male and female 18 mo. old part WILMETTE LIFE work our specialty. Winnetka 4234. or screens hung and removed. Call ly trained. 1016 Linden Ave., Wilmette WINNETKA T A L K E. Bassing. Skokie 2621 collect. G L E N C O E NEWS 3 KITTENS, PART PERSIAN, TO B E C E M E N T AND MASON CONTRACTOR. 27 ROOFING 4 lines (Minimum) 01 given away to good homes. Wilmette Chimney, basement, stucco work. Spe- DO YOU N E E D A NEW ROOF? L E T Additional Lines 25c 3621. cializing in building and repairing fireus give an estimate on it now. We BOXER PUPPIES, 5 MONTHS BRIN" aces. Joseph Kneip, Wilmette _2618 will also be pleased to figure any redie females, highly bred, A K C reg. LO mi. deling work. Call the CLAUSEN 20% Discount on cash Want Ada YOU N E E D STORM WINDOWS? Phone Glencoe 2436 collect. Order now for early delivery. Call _ _ O ^ ^ J £ C T I O N _ r ^ K e ^ when brought to our office at Wilmette 2545. FOR S A L E : 2 PUPPIES, H A L F COCK1232 Central Avenue, Wilmette ROOFING AND SIDING ON NORTH er and half Scottie. Reasonable. Wil584 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka Shore since 1911. 23 mette 3105. ELECTRICAL SERVICE 341 Park Avenue, Glencoe AJAX SHINGLE & MODERNIZING CO All want ads printed WILMETTE FIX-IT SHOP 1200 Centra Avenue Wilmette 12 PETS BOARDED in all three papers. WE A R E NOW READY TO GIVE FAST G. W. Swiney. Owner Wilmette 1E48-4220 Five average words to a line. efficient service to your home needsCOUNTRY BOARDING. INDIVIDUAL Irons, toasters, lamps etc. Also any ROOFING AND SIDING. CHIMNEYS supervision by competant woman. Dilltuck pointed. Rodney Baird Wilmette sharpening -- laivn mowers, saws, man Kennels. Northbrook 250W-1. knives, scissor, 1480 or Glenview 514. Want ads will be accepted up to 715 Ridge Rd. Phone Wilmette 4249 12A 1 1 HORSES DKESS MAKING Pick up and delivery 5 P.M. TUESDAY FOR T H E "IMPORTANT" DRESS. Y O U FOR S A L E : MATCHED STAN RIDING OUTLETS AND FIXTURES I n may have seen it in Harpers or Vogue. horses, mare and gelding, age 7 and for publication in the current stalled, wiring and repairing. We re9. Slate colored black legs, black stripe 1 can copy or sketch or can originateweek's issue wire lamps. Pine Electric Service, Winon back. Must sell, make offer Priwork exquisitely done. netka 3860. John Cantrell. vate party. Winnetka. 4683. The dinner suits of black satin or E L E C T R I C WIRING -- HAVE THAT faille are charming -- so practical-- Want ads will be charged only to long needed convenient outlet Installed may I show you the sketches? 13 BUSINESS SERVICE residents of the district from Wilbefore decorating. Licensed electrician Please call Uni. 0448 between 9 and FURNITURE REPAIRS THOROUGHLY, H- L . Higgins mette to Glencoe, inclusive, whose 5. Ask for "Miss Louise." Phone Wilmette 6117 expertly done at my home. Lamps names appear in the telephone DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS rewired. Other repair work done. Windirectory, or who are regular subFLOOR RE FINISHING done at my home. Wilmette 6445. netka 3864. Call mornings or evenings. 24 A scribers to Wilmette Life, WinSKOKIE UNION FLOOR SERVICE. netka Talk or Glencoe News. PRIVATE SCAVENGER GENERAL New and old floors sanded. Minwax 35 SEWING hauling, black dirt. Basement and inor Dura seal finish. For free est write L E T M E L E N G T H E N THOSE TOO cinerator service Call Glencoe 279, 5203 Brown St. or phone Skokie 35. short skirts and dresses. Winnetka 110. Want Ad Rates I c K

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