Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, p. 54

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Makes Bow to Society Charlotte Langill at Tea in Her Garden Will Marry Saturday Forget-me-not-shaped sequins and blue hues decorated in Wilmette Church gold white net bouffant dress worn Miss Charlotte M a r i e Langill, daughter of M r . and M r s . Banford B . L a n g i l l , 615 Gregory avenue, Wilmette, will exchange marriage vows with William Joseph Hahn, son of M r . and M r s . George A . Hahn, 110 Sixth street, Wilmette, at 11 o'clock, Saturday, September 20, at St. F r a n cis X a v i e r church, Wilmette. The Rev. Thomas O'Donnell will officiate. A reception will be held at the North Shore Country club following the ceremony. M i s s L a n g i l l has chosen M i s s M a r y Kutten of Wilmette to be her maid of honor and the bridesmaids will include Miss Gloria Fisher of Wilmette, Miss Carol M c C u e of Chicago, and Miss E l a i n e Whalen of Dayton, Ohio. George Hahn, J r . , brother of the bridegroom, will be best m a n and the ushers will include Thomas Hahn ·of Wilmette, brother of the bridegroom; Thomas Langill of Wilmette, brother of the bride; James Roberts of Winnetka; Robert Stall of Chicago; and D r . Peter Maulder of Burbank, Calif. Parties which have been given for the bride include a kitchen shower August 12, b y M i s s Betty Gallagher; a luncheon and miscellaneous shower at Knollwood by M r s . L . A . V a n Vlissinger of Lake Bluff; a party September 9, by Miss Dorothy Patton; and a shower, September 11, by M r s . Thomas Lane. September 13, M r . and M r s . John M i l l e r of Wilmette entertained for the bride and bridegroom; September 14, M r s . F r a n k Kutten and her daughter, M a r y , gave a breakfast and linen shower at the North Shore Country club; September 15, Miss Carol M c C u e of Chicago gave a dinner for the bridal party; and September 16, Miss Gloria F i s h e r of Wilmette was hostess at the spinster dinner at the Orrington hotel in Evanston. This evening (Thursday) M r . and M r s . L a n g i l l will give the bridal dinner at the P u m p room and tomorrow (Friday) Miss Whalen will be hostess at a luncheon at the C a m e l l i a House. Is National Chairman of Milwaukee-Downer Day Mrs. R i c h a r d G . M y r l a n d , J r . , of Evanston was elected third vicepresident and national chairman of Milwaukee-Downer day by the M i l waukee-Downer A l u m n a e association at the annual business meeting in Milwaukee June 7, 1947. With her election, the MilwaukeeDowner Club of Chicagoland has one of its active members distinguished by being -chosen for national office. M r s . M y r l a n d is the only out-of-town board member. The office bears the responsibility of organizing National Milwaukee-Downer day, a celebration held simultaneously by all alumnae groups throughout the country. The third observance of this occasion is Thursday, October 2. M r s . M y r l a n d entertained the local Chicagoland alumnae board and thelocal Milwaukee-Downer day chairman, M r s . F r a n c i s X . B a r r of Chicago, Saturday, September 6, at her home to plan the Chicago celebi ation. of the by Miss B a r b a r a Wells F a v i l l , daughter of M r s . John F a v i l l , on Saturday afternoon, September 6, when she made her formal bow to society at a tea in the garden of her home, 686 H i l l road, Winnetka. She carried stephanotis. The nine attendants; Miss Constance Reed of Johnstown, P a . , Miss Anita Melohn of Highland Park, Miss Phyllis Babb of Kenilworth Miss Constance Chadwell of Evanston, and the following Winnetkans, Miss Carla E s c h , Miss Suzanne Grieselle, Miss Lee Holliday, Miss Jean Kearney, and Miss Ann Odell, made a colorful array in their pastel bouffant gowns. A five-piece the buds with orchestra music. provided Miss F a v e l l has now returned to classes at Sweet B r i a r college. Officers Will Be Chosen At Meeting September 22 New officers will be elected when the members of Mothers of F l y i n g A r m y Officers meet for their first meeting after the summer recess. The regular monthly meeting and luncheon will be held at the Y . M . C . A . , 19 South LaSalle street, Chicago, Monday, September 22. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock following the business meeting. This will be the fifth anniversary year for the group. Since the war K over the activities of the group now are centered about helping entertain and cheer the patients at Vaughan hospital. Two days each month members take refreshments and gifts to patients in specified wards of the hospital. Mrs. Carl Johnsen, who has been a favorite reviewer for the Northridge Woman's club for many years, again will give the opening program of the season. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Lotz, 2402 Elmwood avenue, on Monday, September 22, at 1. (Carlos Photo) Dessert and coffee will be served by the assisting hostesses, M r s . Robert Allen and M r s . A . B . Staebler. For this meeting, M r s . Johnson has chosen Ben Ames Williams' latest book, "House D i v i d e d . " This book is considered by many critics to be one of the outstanding books of the fall season. The action takes place during the C i v i l War and it is described by the publishers as "the story of an A m e r i c a n family of another time and place, but it is just as much the story of you and me or the members of our own family. To read it is -- to bring back today a strangely quickened feeling for the people about you, the great human emotions, and the course of great ambitions." M r s . J a c k A . Mills, newly elected president, will preside at the meeting and the program will be in charge of M r s . J . A . Hartley, literature chairman. GIVES B E N E F I T The Junior board of the Peacock C a m p for Crippled Children gave a bridge party as a benefit for the camp at the Saddle and Cycle club F r i d a y , September 12. This is the first venture of the type tried by the board. Miss Sue F o r d of Winnetka is treasurer of the group. Mrs. E. W. DeBerard, program chairman of the Associate group of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, has announced the program for the coming year. The first meeting will be Monday, October 13, at 1:30 when Lois Fisher presents Views of Today's News." vember 10, M r s . George will speak on "Bracelets Around the World." held on o'clock, "Chalk On NoMenard From Denison Freshman Guests at Tea in Wilmette Incoming Denison college freshm e n were honored at a tea held Sunday afternoon, September 7, at the home of M r . and M r s . P a u l E . Clissold, 112 Lawndale avenue, Wilmette. Other guests at the tea included N o r t h Shore alumnae and undergraduate students. D r . and M r s . F . L . Stewart of the Denison faculty were special guests. Assistant host and hostesses included M r . and M r s . T o m Allison of P a r k Ridge and M r s . C . N o r m a n Dold of Wilmette. Newcomers Club Plans Buffet Supper Dance At a buffet supper dance on Saturday evening, September 20, " M r . and M r s . Newcomer" and their guests will gather at the North Shore hotel to give the new fall season a rousing welcome. The party is being planned by M r s . C a r l E . Wolf, J r . and M r s . John Ogren, cochairmen, and they promise fun for everyone. Last minute rservations m a y be made by calling any of the following members of the committee: M r s . M a r i a n Wakefield, Mrs. E t h e l Heston, M r s . L a r r y Nolte, and M r s . Walter Horth. At its last meeting on September 10, at the Orrington hotel, the club entertained at a new members' party those who have joined the group since spring. The co-hostesses were Mrs. Phillip M c D o w e l l and M r s . Paul German. A benefit dessert bridge will be held on Wednesday, November 12, at 1:30 o'clock, with M r s . Philip M c Dowell in charge. On December 8, Mrs. E d w a r d Conen will present "The Christmas Window." A current play reading will be given on January 12, by the speech department of Northwestern university. On F e b r u a r y 9, Miss Eleanor Shanahan will speak on "Figure Control." A home talent show is to be presented by members of the associate group on M a r c h 8. It will be directed by M r s . Herbert Engel. "Red Cross in Italy" will be the topic discussed by M r s . William H . Bateman, J r . , on A p r i l 12. The final meeting of the season on M a y 10, will be a bridge tea. Mrs Leland M a m e r , president, will call the first board meeting of the year on Monday, October 7. MOTHER'S CLUB TEA tea, to which the mothers of all children in the St. F r a n c i s X a v ier school, and especially those whose children are newly registered, are invited, will be the opening event of the St. F r a n c i s X a v i e r Mother's club. M r s . E d w a r d Healy, 1141 Sheridan road, Wilmette, will be the hostess for the event which takes place Friday of this week at 2 o'clock. M r s . John F . H a r t r a y is president. Hostesses at the tea will be M r s . E d w a r d Cole and her committee. The various committees have been meeting to outline their programs for the coming year. 54 A Miss M a r x was graduated from New T r i e r H i g h school. M r . Major was graduated f r o m Pasco High school in Kansas City and is now attending Northwestern university. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marx, 1617 Lake avenue, Wilmette, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Glenn W. Major, son of Mr. and Mrs. WILL MEET SATURDAY Glenn B. Major of Kansas City, Group A of the Saturday Night Mo. (Bernie Photo) Couple's club of the Wilmette Congregational church will meet Saturday evening, September 20, at the home of M r s . H a r r y Campbell, 315 Sixteenth street, Wilmette, for a bonfire and song fest party. L U N C H E O N OPENS Y E A R The Mother's club of P i Kappa Alpha fraternity will open the fall season with a luncheon at the O r rington hotel on Monday, September 22. Plans will be made for a tea honoring the mothers of new members in October and a bridge party in November.

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