Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, p. 53

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September 18, 1947 Auxiliary Expects Large Crowd at Fashion Benefit Acceptances which have been already received lor "Milady's a Clothes Horse," one of the largest fashion show and brunch benefits of the fall season which will be staged by the Evanston Junior auxiliary of The Cradle at the Edgwater Beach hotel at 11:30 o'clock, Wednesday, October 1, indicate that the attendance will run over 1000. Mrs. Philip Tobin, a Cradle member, designed the cover for the invitations which were sent out several days ago. It was inspired by the big scene in "Carousel." The fashion show, to be presented with professional models, will be directed by the vice president and head of the fashion bureau of a leading loop store. New fashions, which have ben causing widespread interest and controversy, will be presented during the show. Mrs. Stuart Rae is project executive for the benefit and her committee chairmen include M r s . Ernest Lorenzini, M r s . Janice H a l l Swishei, and M r s . Frederick D . Shriver. Martha Niestadt Marries Former Kenilworth Man Miss Martha Lilian Niestadt, daughter of M r . and M r s . Frederick A. Niestadt of Edgebrook, became, the bride of a former Kenilworth man, Charles H a r v e y Stillman, son of M r . and M r s . DeWitt Sarles Stillman of Northfield, at 8:30 o'clock, Saturday, September 6, in the F i r s t Presbyterian church in Wilmette. The Rev. Heydon L a m p officated. The bride wore a white satin gown with a yoke of duchesse lace and carried a prayer book and orchids for the ceremony. She was attended by Miss Constance Kullerstrand of Chicago as maid of honor and Miss M a r c i a Nordberg of Winnetka, Miss M a r garet Collingbourne of E l g i n , and Miss A n n Marie Smith and Miss Betty Jenkins of Evanston. DeWitt S. Stillman, J r . was best man for his brother and the ushers included Donald Stillman of Montclair, N . J . , another brother of the bridegroom; J . W. Fisher, III of Wilmette, Robert Clark of Kenilworth, and R i c h a r d Fuller of Chicago. After a reception held at the Orrington hotel in Evanston, M r and Mrs. Stillman left for a two-week wedding trip to the Pocono mountains. When they return they will be at home in Winnetka. M r s . Stillman atended Beloit college and Northwestern university. She is a member of P i Beta P h i sorority. Her husband attended Colgate university and is a member of Phi G a m m a Delta fraternity. To Preside at Meeting of Park Ridge Board M r s . Griswold A . Price, of Winnetka, president of the board of the P a r k Ridge School for Girls will preside at the first fall metting of the directors to be held at the school September 19, at 10:30. Ways and means to raise additional funds to carry on the educational program at the school will be discussed. At an afternoon party at their home at 1007 Lake avenue, Wilmette, on Saturday, September 13, Mr. and Mrs. Marley Halvorsen announced the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy (Dodie), to John Robert Wold, son of Mrs. Earl N. Wold of Chicago and the late Dr. Wold. FLOwlRJ Distinctive floral arrangements for weddings, receptions, "at homes", teas. 1511 S h e r m a n , E v a n s t o n - G R E . 0920 Miss Halvorsen was graduated Mrs. Henry R a h m e l is president H a l l Junior college, of the auxiliary and M r s . T . J . Mor- from Penn ris serves as vice-president. M r s . Chambersburg. P a . She attended the Stanhope Adams is secretary and University of Wisconsin last winter and Northwestern university this Mrs. L a n e L a d d is treasurer. The list of patronesses includes past summer. She is a provisional M r s . Arthur Andersen, M r s . Sewell member of the Service club. M r uniAvery, M r s . P a u l A . Barkmeier, Wold attended Northwestern M r s . A l v i n E . Bastien, M r s . Robert ' versity prior to his service in the G. Bear, M r s . Lewis G . Blessing, Navy as a bomber pilot. He has reMrs. Dwight P . Clark, M r s . M u r r a y sumed his studies at Northwestern E . Crain, M r s . James H . Douglas, and w i l l be graduated next June. J r . , M r s . Robert Driscoll, M r s . HenThey plan to be married Decemrj A . Gardner, M r s . Leslie S. Gor- ber 17. don, M r s . F r a n k G . Hall, M r s . F r a n Among the guests at the party cis H . Hardy, M r s . Willard I. Jaques, were Miss Halvorsen's great aunt Mrs. Howard Linn, M r s . C . P a u l and uncle, D r . and M r s . M a r k W. Parker, M r s . F r e d e r i c k H . Scott, Trude of Florida, who have been M r s . Gilbert H . Scribner, and M r s . guests of M r s . A b r a m G a a r Strattan John T. Slade in Winnetka. M r s . Trude and M r s . Strattan are sisters. Comfort for Chilly Nights Group Plans Fall Program Sept. 11 Wil: Members of the North Shore chapter of Sigma Kappa sorority discussed the fall program of activities at the annual potluck supper Thursday evening, September 11, at Leading her nearest competitior 6:30 o'clock, at the home of M r s . by a comfortable margin of 5,000 Louis Gabbard, 318 Seventeenth points. M r s . E d w a r d P. Russell of street, Wilmette. Wilmette was presented the annual Miss Margaret Davis, president bridge prize for highest total proof the Chicago Alumnae association gressive party scores at the closing of Sigma K a p p a , gave a report White Elephant party held recently on the ceremonies at the Illinois at Sunset Ridge country club. Institute of Technology in Chicago Hostesses for the day were the where Beta P i chapter was recently bridge chairman. M r s . Kenneth S. installed. Ogilvie, and her co-chairman, M r s . Active members of the North Oliver F . G i l l i a m , both of Evanston. Serving on their committee this Shore Alumnae group include M r s . James Stannard Baker of Glencoe, year were the following members: Mrs. S. D . Clough of Highland P a r k , Wilmette, M r s . C a r l A. Futter, M r s . M r s . R. F . Anderson of Winnetka, George F . Hartnelt. M r s . Lester F. M r s . Walter Sutherland of Kenil- M e e ; Winnetka, M r s . Hector R. Suyorth, and M r s . Victor Sawyer of ker; Evanston. Mesdames H . G . Blakeslee, Henry L . Brainerd, ByChicago. Other new chapters include Beta ion Burt. John T . Chadwetl, Harold M u at Culver-Stockton college Can- A. Chandor. Kenneth Y . Craig. Lewis ton, M o . ; Beta X i at Memphis State T. Dodds, Francis W. Hackett. Leoncollege, Memphis, Tenn.; Beta K a p - ard S. Laystrom. L . V . Stephenson. Climaxing a season of exceptional pa at Colorado A and M college, Fort Collins, Colo.; Beta L a m b a at activity, will be the closing fall lunchUtah Agricultural college; and Beta eon to begin at 12 noon. Tuesday. Nu at Bradley university, Peoria, September 23. At this time, new chairmen of the incoming Women's 111. Executive board will be introduced, F o r the second successive year, and annual golf prizes will be awardSigma K a p p a has brought honors ed to classes A , B . and C by M r s . to Illinois Wesleyan. The highest F r a n k W. Yarline of Evanston who honors in the National Oratorical has served as golf chairmen for contest were won this year by Pat the past two seasons. Progressive Geble. Last year the same honor was won by L o u A n n L l y o d who bridge will complete the day's prowas also selected as queen of the gram, with prizes for the three highest scores, presented by M r s . F r e d junior prom. erick P . Slebel. J r . , of Evanston. Wilmette Woman Top Bridge Scorer at Sunset Ridge Attractive floral pattern, rayon nightgown with long sleeves. Blue, peach or white background. Sizes 32 to 40 S5.95 Lady Berkleigh fine quality man tailored sanforized flannel pajamas, with fringed belt. Striped pastel colors . . . . $4.95 £TTU**| ^ INTIMATE APPAREL Solid pastel colors $4.00 Also broadcloth $4.95 and $5.50 578 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 4750

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