Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, Anniversary Supplement, p. 114

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114Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947September 18, 1947Hendersonsspot of that early mission is relatedwere made available with help from Coverelsewhere in this issue.the schools and from the village.State BanksShow* * *s Shore as itAt the lower left is Kee-Wa-Nee,Wathe Indian chief whose mediationThe village board had paid offsbrought an end to the Blackhawkthe debt on the field house at the Century AgowaHistory Beganr and thus opened up the terri-village green which the recrea-(Continued from page 1)tory north and west of Chicago fortion board had tried to financeroadwith the help of the WPA and Wilmette avenue. Betweensettlement.42 Years AgoGrossand which had fallen back bank- Point and Wilmette. however,At the lower right is Antoine Ouil-rupt to the recreation board whenThe growth of the Wilmette Stateit passed through a slough, and inmettes cabin on the lake shore. Itwethe WPA project was terminat-bank since its inception 42 yearst weather travelers had to turnshould be remembered in those daysed. Mr. Copp, newly appointedago has closely followed the con-ofthe lake lapped and lashed at thef at Prairie avenue and detourdirector in 1944, worked steadilytinuous growth of the village.foot of the bluff. In a violent storm,through Ridgeville (Evanston).greato provide new activities whi^ iThe bank was established in April,t chunks of the bluff would breakOldhave grown increasingly throu h1905, as a private institution un- Mail Routeoff and go tumbling down into thehis term of service.der the name of the Wilmette Ex-Thewater. The erection of the piers not old Gross Point road wanderedchange bank with Clinton C. Collinsuponly stopped this erosion, but built from Niles to connect with aas its first president. Later it be-brancha sandy beach out into the lake. of the Green Bay trail atIn the summer of 1946, lights werecame the Wilmette Exchange StateGross Point. Mail for North ShoreOverlaying his map of the Northinstalled at the village green, withbank, and still later, the WilmetteresidentsShore as it was a century ago, Mr. in those days would comegiants from the school and villageState bank.ouHenderson has plotted the principalboards and the Chamber of Com-t the Little Fort trail to the postThe first building was a smalloffichighways of today. Note how theemerce. The entire green has been at Niles and be distributedbrick structure at 1222 Central ave-travel arteries of today follow theregraded, drained and surfaced asthere.woodlandnue, now a part of the plant of trails of yesteryear.a gift to the citizens of Wilmette,Northwesternthe Nelson Laundry and Dry Clean- university was builtand the main baseball field, whichoning system. The present site of the site of an old graveyard inis one of the four regulation sizedthe bank, at 1200 Central avenue,1851, and the lighthouse on the pointPlaygrounddiamonds, has been called by Rogers Systemwas first occupied in 1907. Thisfrom which the whole area took itsHornsby the best municipal ballstructure was completely rebuilt inname was established in 1873.field he has seen in wide travels as1920 to accomodate the growth ofAof Community Nowa baseball teacher and authority.s shown on Mr. Hendersons map,the bank and again in 1930 it wasalmost all the Ouilmette reservation* * *necessary to greatly enlarge thewaOver 21 Years Olds heavily wooded (it s;ill is).The recreation board, underbanking quarters.That was why the iuimigrants from(Continued from page 4)the direction of Mr. Copp, hasTrieFive Presidentsr chose the higher and moreboards, the Chamber of Com-developed a varied program ofopen land west of the ridge for theirmerceT and the Wilmette Dis-activities for all citizens of thefarms. Besides, the drainage wasaster fund, were sufficient tovillage. In addition, to the morebetter.providWMrhe bank has had five presidents.e.n tCwoolrlitnhs was succeeded by E. C., who remained as heade the means of continuingovert and dramatic sports ac-Site of Missionthe skating program during thetivities (there are 45 ball teamswinteWof r of 1942 and 1943.playing scheduled games on theTwoMrhteheelo cbank until 1915 when S. A.k was elected to that office.. Wheelock resigned in 1928 and and one-half centuries ago,whe* * *village green) there are specialnJudson F. Stone was placed at all this land belonged toclubs, handiwork classes, socialFrancethe helm. In 1933 F. Dewey Ander-, Jesuit missionaries estab-In the village election of 1943, thegroups, and a summer Day campson became the president and Mr.lished the revenues of the board were augment-hMilission of the Guardianwith 150 children enrolled thisAngelsStone the chairman of the board,. We the exact site is noted by voting a tax increase to theknownin which capacities they are still, Mr. Henderson has indi-maximumseason. 1% mills for which the* * managing the affairs of the bank.cated its position as having beenState Playground act provided.neaThe growth of the bank over itsr the present location of St. Jo-WithMr. Copp, who according to the the new tax revenue the42 years of existance can be foundsephs church, an institution whoseboardrecreation board has brought the expanded its activities. Anin the following figures:history goes back for more than aenlargedboard to the most useful period of playground program wascenturyperation, has ac-. The speculation over theprovidedits 20 years of o. Better skating facilitiesCapital of $25,000cepted a similar recreational posi-In 1905, the bank set out upontion in Highland Park effective thisits career with capital stock offall.*$25,000 and surplus of $2,500. The * *latest bank statement shows capitalThe following citizens have servedstock, $100,000, surplus $300,000 and\as presidents of the playground andundivided profits $118,000. Deposits \- and 36recreation board: John Clark Bakerin 1933 dropped to a low of $1,100,-(1926-1928), H. A. LaRoy (1928-1929),000. In 1940 they had increased toC. Miles McDonald (1929-1930), Hen-$5,000,000. Deposits now are $14,-ry Fowler (1930-1932), Stacy Bennett300,000.years agoM(19A great many of the originalMr3rs2), R. M. Johnston (1932-1933),s. Herbert J. Leach (1933-1936),stockholders, including many "old. John Clark Baker (1936-1942),andtimers" in Wilmette, are still stock- Harry B. Johnston (1942- ).Memberholders of the bank. The presents of the recreation boardofficers and directors are as follows:serve for five years and elect theirownOfficers, Judson F. Stone, chairman of chairman. Members are ap-Whenpointed by the village president withAthled eboard; F. D. Anderson, president; J.n Sears, vice president; W. B. kerosene lamps were more pre-the approval of the village board.Robinson, Jr., cashier; H. L. Edwards,valent than electric lights. Haig Kash-I| assistant cashier.t has been the practice for onememberDirectors: F. D. Anderson, president; to be appointed from theian opened his rug cleaning plant inLyman M. Drake, Jr., Critchell-MillerWilmettevillage trustees, one from the parkInsurance agency; John F. Hoffmann,. Through the years a won-commissioners, one from the schoolJr., Hoffmann Brothers; Christian E.derfuboardJ, and two from the citizens atl growth of KASHIAN Bros.Haarcrvheoswte, vice president, Internationalr company; B. F. Lewis, Jr.,large.pbusiness has been experienced in thisTheWreislliidaemnt, Lewis publishing company; E. Russell, treasurer, National tax levy for the playgroundsTea company; J. Alden Sears, vice presi-community and Mr. Kashian hasis included in that of the village.dent; Francis A. Seng, president, Sengstriven to give the North Shore themcoimcpany, and Judson F. Stone, McCor-k Estates.best in an up to date modern RugCleaninDr.Long Association Eldred, FirstgLong associated with the bank as plant.Wilmettecashiers were the late John H. ("Jack") Dentist,Schaefer and the late William D. Leary.I want to thank my many friends andpatronsArrivedwiAtmong those who have been associatedh the bank for some years are: Peter in 1894Steffans, teller, who came in 1915; George who have made my businessEstes, teller, 1923; Miss Vera Prebe ofIt is believed that Dr. C. H. Eld-the success it is today.red, who practiced in Wilmette fromAthleic real estate department, 1925, Mrs.e Dungan, secretary to Mr. Anderson,18941926; Miss Edna Bleser of the proof de- to 1937, was the villages firstpartment, 1926; W. Ballard Robinson, Jr.,resident dentist. Dr. Eldreds firstcashier, 1927, and Miss Rosemary Bleser,office was located on the secondteller, 1928floor of the building at Green BayHAIG KASHIAN, OWNERroad (then West Railroad avenue)the village in point of residence.and Wilmette avenue. Dr. EldredDr. Will Barackman practicednow has his office in Chicago.here in 1905 and 1906, and Dr. H. E.an^/irosDr. George D. Upson was Wil-Barackman, who came the following.mettes second dentist, having begunyear, was located in Wilmette for awhis practice in 1901 in the Odd Fel-long time thereafter. Dr. C. G.1105lows hall building. With offices nowSmith practiced in the village from GREETSLEAFW1L. 1200at 1159 Wilmette avenue, he is the1909 until last year, and Dr. D. W.senior member of the profession inRapp came in 1912.

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