112Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947September 18, 1947Family Welfare AssociationFills Big Community NeedWIinlm iettst 34 years of existence, theofficer for the village, Mrs. Bar-e Family Welfare associa-bara Blaylock, Mrs. Beulah Robin-tion has always been studying theson, and Mrs. Iris Hartman servedccmmunity, discovering its needsas "visitors" during the period ofboth individual and communal, and1933 to 1940.attempting to provide the requiredCommunity Standardsservices. Since its inception, it hasworkedWhile the primary concern of the with the established organ-agency is the individual and his re-izations churches, Womans club,villagelation to the community, this work board, schools, and publicwelfarehas pointed up gaps in community agencies having workers inresources. The agency urged thethe community.raising of community standards andThe agency was born at a meet-adapting the best thinking in theing in November, 1913, when an in-welfare field, in its work with people.vitation was issued by the WomansclubA report was made in 1915, to to all the churches in the vil-the village president on poor hous-lage, to form "a general Commit-ing and a labor bureau and a sec-tee of Local Charities."Thond-hand clothing store were ini-e duties of the delegates, rep-tiated when the need for these wasresenting each church to form theapparent. In the 1919 "flu" epidemic,committee, were "to keep a look-transportation to the hospital wasout for cases of need, to investigateprovided for indigent families. Inall cases discovered or reported tothe committee, to report such casesandW191o4m aannd again in 1919, with thes club, the importance of a information gained to the churchoCommunity House was brought tor society to which they naturallybelongthe atten for relief, and to render helpWtioorn of the public.k with Childrento all such as the committee maydeem of a general character or toIn 1925 the "visitor" and her boardsuch as are reported back to theurged that a childrens dental cliniccommittee for its assistance."be set up. In 1931 the committee,Thiwith others aided in obtaining $10,000s became the purpose of thefrom the Governors commission forcommittee to supplement and to co-ordinatthe relief of the unemployed. In co-e the work. The churchesoperation with the village govern-CookeI were primarily to continue to ad-dment in 1932, the organization wasthe Touchminister their own charities but tocharged with forwarding the "man-report to the committee all assist-a-block" work plan. In 1937, it point-ance that was given. The commit-ed out the need for special roomstee would supplement the churchfor atypical children in the edu-aid if the burden became undulyofheavycational system, which were estab-. a Master . . .lished but later discontinued. In 1938Financial Supportadolescent boys in need of guidanceTheand occupation were a concern and financial support in the earlydaysjoint work was done with the Rec- came from the Thanksgivingofferingreation Department on this problem. of the churches, the Wom-In February, 1941, the Family Wel-Yoans club, individuals and a house-ufare Board, as it was then known, recognize the Mastersto-house canvass (the latter netted$71!initiated the "Professional Workers \) In 1914 a few families cameGroup" of the village which has ^to the attention of the committeeandresulted in greater co-ordination of v were referred to their respec-touch in every one of ourthe work of those involved in, thetive churches for material assist-ancewelfare of the community. **. Expenditures were $27.02, ofwhich 80 per cent went for publicityIn April, 1943, the board supporteddishesto acquaint villagers with the com-the State Adoption Law, because it. They are prepared inmittees function.felt that the passing of the lawIn March 1915, the following ap-would help in safeguarding the stat-pears in the minutes of the com-us of the adopted child.the most appetizing and nour-mittees records: "The work in-Professional Directorcludes more than relief or charity."ThiIn 1940, for the first time, thes is the first indication of anagency was headed by a profes-awareness on the part of the com-ishing manner possible.munitsionally trained director, Mrs.y that individuals have needLynne Bowen. This training and ex-for more than material assistance,perience brought to the agency aand that they need help sometimesbetter understanding of people andin their adjustment to themselves,their problems and the resources totheir families, or to their commu-be used in providing needed serv-nity.ices. Miss Beatrice Levey, assistedChange of Emphasisby Mrs. Harriot Overbeck, assumedWEBythe directorship in 1945. 1936, the development of the EXTEND OUR HEARTYCook County bureau of public wel-The Wilmette Family Welfare as-fare and later the New Trier town-sociation today offers the followingship relief office were such, in theservices to all Wilmette persons:CONGRATULATIONSfield of material assistance, that itConsultation services in marital andwas possible for the local agencyfamily relationhips, and in personalto devote its full time to meetingproblems, services in relation to phy-family or personal problems forsical and mental health, servicesTO WILMETTE ON ITSadults and children, with its mainto children, services in relation toemphasis upon strengthening andold age, financial aid which is partimproving family life.of a counselling plan, employmentconsultation and guidance, services75thThe focus of the private family ANNIVERSARYagencyin relation to school adjustment shifted from that of givingproblems, services in relation torelief to the giving of case workservicehousing problems, services in re-. It assumes financial sup-porlation to youth problems.t only where rehabilitation is pos-sible over a short period, or whereA board of directors consisting ofthe family is ineligible for public15 men and women elected by theMARYassistance.association, form the working nu-SMiss Amy Brent worked tirelesslycleus of the group. As in the found- CUPBOARDwith the early committee and whening years, the association is com-she resigned in 1915, Mrs. Lillianposed of delegates from the villageDrury Northam was employed bychurches and since 1937, other civicthe committee and served as "visit-organizations. More recently a mem-or" until her death in July, 1933.bership group has been formed to38 Green Bav RoadWinnetka 3705She was also serving as truant of-give those interested in the workficer for the school and probationa chance to participate.