Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, Anniversary Supplement, p. 106

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106Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947September IS. 1947Found New TrierLand of PromiseJohn Schildgen, a pioneer cf Cookcounty, was born May 25, 1829, inPrussia, spending the first 10 yearsof Jnis lite in the homeland. Hi:came to this country in 1345, ar-riving in Chicago on August 28After a lew monlbs in Chicago, heand an uncle purchased 30 acre!of land near Winnetka for S142. In1854 they sold it to the North West-ern Railway company at $75 peracre.Mr. Schildgen then made a tripthrough Iowa, Minnesota and Wis-consin but, finding nothing to suithim, resolved that if he should againbecome the possessor of real estatein Cook county he would never againsell it. On his return he purchaseda tract in New Trier, on which helived until 1884, when he moved toWilmette.PRESIDENTS of the five officialMr. Schildgen took an active partboards of the village as Wil-in the organization of public schoolsmette celebrates its 75th anni-in the township. He was honoredversary are: Harry B. Johnston,with various positions of trust. These1320 Greenwood avenue (upperincluded township supervisor, town-left), president of the Play-ship assessor, township highwayground and Recreation board;commissioner, township clerk, town-Mrs. F. A. Cushing Smith, 431ship collector, township treasurer,Central avenue (upper center),justice of the peace, township schoo]president of the library direct-trustee, and membership on theBoard of Educatioors; William Henry Alexander,n of Gross Point.1025 Mohawk road (upper right),village president; James D. Pe-ONterson, 1384 Ashland lane (lower DRAFT BOARDGeorgleft), president of the board ofe J. Pope, Dr. Rufus Stolp,education; and Carl H. Morgen-and Robert Stoddard were membersostern, 1521 Lake avenue (lowerf Cook County Draft Board No. 3right), president of the parkin the First World war. Their terri-commisisoners. (Photos of Mrs.tory included New Trier, Niles. andNorwoodSmith and Mr. Morgenstern by townships. Fred A. SmithlaterBetty Howell). succeeded Mr. Stoddard.KJur \^conarutiulationdl/UitmetrLeaonuour75tLFurniture forPorch-Terrace-LawnSiftsGarden OrnamentsPlant FoodsLawn SeedsRoses and BulbsEvergreensGarden Tools,Suppliesand Equipment60 Green Bay RoadWinnetka 132COLONIAL GARDEN SHOPEXTERIOR DECORATORS

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