WILMETTE LIFEWilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947Northin 1926, the year that Wilmette Shore Linecompleted its expansion to theWaswestward. The western limit of the Built Throughvillage is close to the Skokie tracks.WilmetteThe use of Greenleaf avenue by in 1899the railway has been unpopularwith many villagers. The proposalThe Chicago, North Shore, andMilwauketo extend the companys franchisee railway, which haswas rejected in a referendum heldserved Wilmette for almost 50in 1917, and the franchise hasyears, had its origin in the Blufflong since expired. Since then theCity Electric Street railway com-company has operated under thepany, incorporated in 1894 to con-protection of a certificate of con-nect Waukegan with Bluff Cityvenience and necessity issued by(now Lake Bluff).the Illinois Commerce commission.In succeeding years the line wasJenks Street Lineextended to the south, and by 1899As early as 1921, the railwayfranchises were obtained as farproposed to eliminate the Green-south as Wilmette. In that year, theleaf avenue route by extending aline was extended through the vil-new line down East Railroad ave-lage, via Greenleaf avenue, andnue to Jenks street, just south ofinto Evanston.the Evanston-Wilmette boundaryBy 1908, the line had been builtline, and then swing eastward to north to Milwaukee. The presenta new connection with the elevatedname was adopted in 1916. Threelines near the sanitary canal bridge.years later the service was ex-This project was never started,tended into Chicago over the tracksalthough the company still is re-of the elevated railroad.ported to own a considerable partSkokie Valley Routeof the right of way.To make provision for fasterA unit in the Insull utilities em-service between Chicago and Wis-pire, the railroad went into trustee-consin cities, a new line was un-ship after the Insull collapse. A newdertaken in 1924. Known as thecompany took over the propertySkokie Valley route, it was openedlast year.i CONGRATULATIONS, WILMETTEON YOUR75TH ANNIVERSARYCHANGE IN TRANSPORTATION Back in 1894 when the Bluff CityElectric Street Railway began operation between Waukegan andLake Bluff (called Bluff City in those days), the rolling stock con-sisted of cars like those in the top photo. Today, the successorcompany, the North Shore line, uses the "Electroliners" (lowerpicture) on many of its fast runs between Chicago and Milwaukeevia the Skokie Valley route. The road was built through Wilmettein 1899.Legion CommandersCommanders of the Wilmette postNo. 46, American Legion, and thedates in which they took office fol-low:Paul Bradley, 1919; Warren Ewer,1920; Irvin Olin, 1921; Roy MalcolmMcKerchar, 1922; Lea J. Orr, 1923;Ralph C. Wessel, 1924; Dr. W. W.Hawkins 1925 and 1926; Stanton VanIWnwagen, 1927; Harvey Hopp, 1928;. E. Richmond, 1929.REGISTERED* JEWELERHarold O. Mohr, 1930; George E.Leal, 1931; David Clark Leach,1932; D. J. L. Walther, 1933; GeorgeF. Scherzer, 1934; Carl AlfredPeterson, 1935; James Culver Lea-There is quite a difference in the quality ofton, 1936; James Ryan McCue, 1937;Edwardsilverware Some pieces are better designed, Drewes, 1938; William J.Benner*, 1939.better made than other*. So, when youFred Baker, 1940; E. H. Myrland,\i/h\\ ro choose silver you II und it greatly11941; R. E. Dahlstrom, 1942; HarryS. Browne, 1943; Herbert A. Gouldto your advantage to have the expert canine!*Jr., 1944; William M. McKnight,WAand help of your Registered Jeweler.:S 49ER Hubbard Latham1945; Orville Guy Daily, 1946; Ells-,bornworth B. Cregier, 1947. in Connecticut in 1821,This title, Registered Jeweler, is conferredcame west with two brothers in1839 and settled at Sandwich,by the American Gem Society only on111SCHOOL AUTHORITY. He went on to California inHerberthose jewelers who are qualified by train-t B. Mulford, authority onthe gold rush of 49 by ox cart,the history of the North Shore, wasthe trip taking one day short ofing and proven integrity. I ou can alwayia member of the Wilmette board ofsix months.education from 1922 to 1924 and itsdepend on yom Registered Jeweler.Whilpresident from that date until 1927.e in California he met Benja-miFor six years after 1933 he was an F. Hill, and, on their return tomembeWE ARE CELEBRATING OURr of the high school board.the Middle West, Mr. Hill (who de-Mr31$+ YEAR IN WILMETTE. Mulford has written extensivelyveloped the Hillville section of Wil-metteon educational matters.) persuaded Mr. Latham tosettle on the North Shore. TogetherD. PAGLIARULOthey laid out the Hill and Latham1883, and 1887-1893) he served as asubdivision, and Mr. Latham be-village trustee and in the years 1878JEWELER*came interested in the political lifeto 1880 he was village president. Hisof the newly-organized community.son, Carl R., was a member of the1166 Wilmefte Ave.Wil. 1061For three periods (1876-1877, 1878-village board from 1897 to 1901.