WILMETTE LIFEWilmette9 s 75th Anniverggry 1872-1947Wpehrheealposc even before that time) Mrs.kE. A. Schneider Last was a charter member ofPioneer Said Realthe Womans club and belonged to(he Wilmette Garden club. She wasEstate Here ShouldGross Point Clerkan active worker in the Congrega-The last village clerk rf GrosstioBe Sold by GallonPMMnarsrls cWhuhrecehl.. ock, with the help ofTales of earlier days in the villageMo. Loveland. worked for the in-were related by Mrs. Byron C.Wrint was Edward A. Schneider.a.u kaengda Mrs. Schneider moved ton road, Glenview, ninetroduction of more interesting visu-years ago from Wilmette whereaStolp before a meeting of the Oldel material in the teaching of his-Towne Foikes in 1916. Mrs. Stolpthey were both. born.tory, geography and literature andforwas at that time historian of the the addition of handicraft andSeven sons of the Schneiders, whodoshad 16 children, served in the lastMmresstic science to the curriculum.Wocilimeteyt,t and had come to live ine shortly after it was in-. Wheelock had five children,war. One of them, Alfred, who wascorporated.two sons and three daughters. Oneoldest of the brothers, died whiledaughter. Mrs. E. H. Eurge, livesThefighting with a reconnaissance bat- following are extracts fromai 924 Forest avenue. Mrs. Whee-hertalion in Germany. narrative:lock died in 1928, at the age of 75 The men of the village took greatThe other children of the Schnei-years.pride in their lawns and gardens.ders include Lucille, Lorraine, Alice.But semi-occasion ally the house-McDanieholders were awakened early in theMHacrCvoewya, Hoy, Arline, Mrs, Robertn (l Praisedmorning by the tinkle o cow bellsiRoons)alie), Mrs. ErnestFixel (Mar, Arthur, Holand,Ouilmettand the soft thud of hoofs of GrossJames, Norman, Arnold, and Clar-e FamilyPoint cows who were turned looseence. Another daughter, JeanetteThein Wilmette in time to see the sun-lost her We in an automobile acci- eight children of Antoine andArchangerise and who took their morningdent several years ago. Ouilmette were Joseph,VILLAGEconstitutional meandering over the LEADER FannieLouis, Francis, Michel, Elizabeth,Ricenewly-made lawns, chewing the cud Wheelock (above) was oneArchange, Josette, and Sophia-ofof contentment or the best damask the first women members ofAlexander McDariel, one of theSpelling Lessonthe Wilmette board of educationvillagestablecloth left out to bleach by the earliest settlers, who wasand one of the initial women topersonallymater famiiias. acquainted with theon Gross Pointhold public office in the village,family, said ttial they were very"A large real estate sign, on thesharing the honor "with Mrs. G.cleanly, well dressed, and intelli-stationIn the old days, the entire area grounds, entirely surroundedE. Loveland.gentnorth of Chicago as far as the coun-.MrsJosette had acquired a reputationWbyi lmweattter, advertised the beauty ofety line, and west from the lake to property and the desir-. Wheelock was born in 1852,as a beauty, according to Mr. Mc-abilitythe north branch of the Chicago of acquiring same. One ofriver was called "Gross Point",in Barre, Mass., and was marriedDaniel, and she and her sistersthe commuters, boarding the train,to Seymour A. Wheelock, later pres-were in great social demand.his feet encased in soaking shoeIt took the name from the sharpident of the Wilmette State bank.leather, suggested to his fellow suf-bend in the lake shore just north ofTheyferers that it would be wise to an-the Northwestern university campus. left Massachusetts in 1873,anex an addendum to this sign stat-Early maps and later chroniclesWnhde emloocved to Chicago where Mr.5 Women Have Headedking the price ol real estate by thegive various spellings, "Grosse was associated with thegrocerygallon."Pointe" and "Gross Point" being and wholesale business.Public Library StaffComingtwo variations. to Wilmette for a summerLibrarians of the Wilmette PublicLONG SERVICEThe Coast Guards Light List ofrest in the country, they decided tolibrary have been:buildFennien A. Buck, past master ofthe Great Lakes today gives the their home at 822 Central ave-nueMthe Wilmette Masonic lodge, hasspelling as "Grossepoint". and moved here in 1883.Mibeen associated with the Van Deu-The former village of that name,In addition to being a member ofsen Grocery company since 1899,however, was spelled "Gross Point",the school board from 1904 to 1908,MMisiss Anna Law 1901-1920ss Sue Osmotherly 1920-1924s Anne L. Whitmack ..1and has been manager of the Wil-and that is the fashion which has(according to available records andMiis924-1942ss Jane C. Des Marais 1942-1945s Helen Siniff1945-mette store since 1905.been followed in this issue.We Congratulate You ...Residents of WilwnetteWe have enjoyed your patronage for twenty years. You have come to theabove store for there you have found courteous service and skilled pharma-cists. You have enjoyed our lunches and especially our homemade piesand the friendly atmosphere that has made Blanns popular.Visit Blanns and get acquainted withWe carry a complete and fresh stock ofour staff, browse through our store.drugs. Try Blanns for safe dependableprescriptions.PHARMACY. Inc.VIOLA H. BLANN, R.PH.Park Avenue & Green Bay RoadKenilworth