Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, Anniversary Supplement, p. 86

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Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947WILMETTE LIFETwountil August, 1908, when he was suc-Christmas, 1911. The first service Wilmette Families Sow Seed,ceeded by Canon Theophilus S. Rich-held in the new edifice was theeV Canon Richey was in charge un-Christmas Midnight celebration.Bringingtil his death, April 24, 1909.The Rev. Mr. Fogarty resigned in Forth Episcopal ChurchThe Rev. Joseph W. Fogarty wasFebruary, 1912, and the next monthStthe next Priest-in-Charge, and it wasthe Rev. Harry B. Heald became. Augustines Episcopal church,whicrector. Accepting a call in June,h celebrated its Golden anniver-manduring his term of service that the, Alfred Sanderson, J. C. Sav-Mission was raised to the status of1914, in the East, the Rev. E. A.sary as a mission in December, 1943,age, F. C. Van Ness and Huested T.waBazzett Joner. was temporarily ins formally organized on Low Sun-Younga Parish, when he was elected to.charge during the following summerday, April 1, 1894; however its be-Thbe its first rector.e lot on which the Parish housemonths and the early fall. In Decem-ginnings date even prior to its es-later stood (the building was razedMission Becomes Parishber, 1914, the Rev. Frank C. Whee-tablishment.in 1942) just south of the presentThe history of St. Augustines Mis-lock accepted the rectorship andThechurch edifice was purchased andsion ends in April, 1910, when the first Prayer Book service ofserved until the following summerwhichplansstory of St. Augustines parish be- prepared for the church. there is any record was heldwhen he went to western Massachu-in 1871, the year that the familiesFollowinggins. Mr. Youngs resignationsetts.o* Thomas B. Morris and John Ste-on April 28, 1896, because of illA meeting of the congregation ofvensonThe Rev. Frank E. Wilson became, both communicants at thehealth, the Rev. Charles S. BurchSt. Augustines Mission was held onChurchrector in November, 1915. Leaving of the Ascension in Chicago,(later Suffragan Bishop of NewMarch 28, 1910, for the purpose ofthe parish during World War I tosettled in Wilmette. They took turnsYork) and the Rev. A. W. Griffin,organizing the parish, with the Rev.alternating between the two homes,chaplain of Kemper hall, Kenosha,Mr. Fogarty presiding. Announce-Wbeiclsoome an army chaplain, Fathern was succeeded by the Rev.reading Morning prayer each Sun-dayHubert Carleton, in 1919., with the two families united inworship.Dr. Carleton ArrivesMr. Morris was later licensed LayDr. Carleton was rector of theReader by Bishop Whitehouse andparish for the longest term of allservices were held in the schoolthe clergy, and under his leadershiphouse. A Sunday school was startedthe church flourished, especially inand occasionally a neighboring cler-I the field of religious education.gyman came to help out.Prominent in community affairs,After Mr. Morris left the villageDr. Carleton was for many yearsin 1878, the regular services werechairman of the Ministerial alliance.discontinued until 1893, when serv-He was also chairman fcr some timeices were held only at irregular in-of the Board of Examining Chaplainstervals.of the Diocese of Chicago. AfterRevivserving the local church for 22 years,e Sunday Schoolhe retired in 1941. He and Mrs.On the first Sunday of Lent, 1893.Carleton reside in Wilmette.Sunday school was begun again, withFrederickDr. Carleton was succeeded by the , Norman as superintend-entRev. J. Rodger McColl, who came, assisted by four teachers, andwithto Wilmette in November, 1941, and an attendance of 11 pupils.Sinceis the present rector. that date, the school has con-tinued without interruption.Fire Damages EdificeOn Sunday, June 18, 1893, HuestedIn October, 1942, the parish houseT. Young, a Lay Reader from St.of the church which had been thePeters church, Chicago, held serv-Laying the cornerstone for the mission, 1898original church building, was inice for 30 persons in Royal Arcanumgrave need of repair, in such con-hall (the upper floor of a framebuildingWis., were in temporary charge ofmendition, in fact, that it was aboutt was made that the old mort- which still stands on GreenBay road).the church. In September, 1896,gageto be condemned unless a large and all indebtedness on theMrMissionamount of money was to be spent had been liquidated, and a. Young was then appointed inCharles N. Lathrop (later dean ofchargeVestryon it. Instead, the parish decided was elected. by Bishop McLaren, andthe Cathedral of Milwaukee) wasto raze the building, and during thisservices have been regular since thatappointed as Lay Reader in chargeOnrazing a fire broke out which caused April 1, 1910, a special meetingtime.byofconsiderable damage to the church the Vestry, elected the Rev. Mr. the bishop.Began as MissionFogartybuilding proper and necessitated rector of the parish. In MayThMove Services to Libraryealfinding another place to worshipl the required papers were pre- first celebration of the HolyCommunionA surpliced choir made its firstsentedduring the rebuilding process. The to the Diocesan convention was offered by the Rev.Georgeappearance on Easter Sunday, 1897,andnext ten weeks services were held were approved by this body, B. Pratt on September 3,1893andin the old First National Bank build- the newly constituted parish was. The following month the mis-under the direction of Burton Thorns.ing on Wilmette avenue, with Christ-sionadmitted to union with the Diocese was named St. Augustines Mis-About this time Royal Arcanum hallsion, this action being approved bywas abandoned and Library hall atomf Chicago.Wailsm estetrvices in 1942, held in thee Methodist church.the bishop on November 13. TheWilmette and Central avenues, wasBy this time, the congregation hadfirst visitation was made by BishopMcLaresecured for regular use.outgrownOn January 31, 1943, the first serv- the church building, andn on March 7, 1894, whenice in the restored church was held.the project of erecting a largersevenResigning in May, 1897, Mr. Lath- persons were confirmed.churchThe special preacher for the occa- edifice was taken up at once.Afterop was replaced by Frank E.r the mission was formally or-Planssion was Bishop Frank E. Wilson,, presented to the Vestry byganized in 1894, steps were soonBrandt, then a student in WesternTheologicaArthuformer rector of the parish.r G. Brown, were later ap-l seminary. After his or-taken towards the erection of aproved and active preparations forchurchdination, Mr. Brandt continued as edifice. The bishop appointedthe work were begun.EMULATED FATHERasthe first resident clergyrrTan in the finance committee the follow- charge of the mission.ingOccupy New Edifice men: John Ling, Frederick Nor-WaPrresident from 1900 to 1902, Georged Springer, 724 Forest avenue,The building plans were then vig-The following year ground wasI is the son of Milton Cushing Springerorously pushed. Alfred Smith of Chi-broken on the lot immediately ad-who served the village as presidentcago was the architect and Chalfantjoining the original church, and thein 1887 and 1890. George SpringerI Brothers of Wilmette, the contrac-new building was ready for use bywas a trustee in 189J and 1898.tors. Ground was broken on Febru-ary 28. 1898, and the cornerstonewas lajjj by the Very Rev. ClintonLocke, D. D , on Palm Sunday,April 3.The church was officially openedfor public worship on July 10, 1898,also the day designated by procla-mation of President William McKin-ley for public thanksgiving far thevictory of our Navy at Santiago.New Leader Takes OverIn September, 1902. the Rev. MrBrandt resinned to accept a call atMarshall Minn. He was succeededby the Rev. Walter G. Blossom, whoassumed his duties on March 6, 1903,and remained for two years.Upon Mr. Brandts resignation,trie Rev, Albert B. Whitcombe wasappointed March 11. 1905. He in turnwas followed by the Rev. Julian E.Ramsdell, who came to Wilmette onDr. Hubert CarletonMarch 1. 1907. and remained hereSt. Augustines church today

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