WUmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947WILMETTE LIFEand a larger kitchen was construct-edEastern Star Chapter. On the east side two bowlingplieys and a new heating plant were[Launched Here in 1914built. The second cornerstone wasWilmette Chapter 75.1 Order of thelaid in August, 1923.Eastern Star, was instituted on AprilDuring Dr. Magills ministry there21, 1914, in Jones hall, and receivedwas continued growth in all branchesits charter on October 6, of thatof the church work, in attendanceyear. Mrs. Stella M. Tucker was theat church, Sunday school and otherfirst worthy matron and Carl C.groups. In June 1928, Dr. Magill re-Schultz, the initial worthy patron.signed the pastorate and retiredMrs. Louise E. Miller and Ammonfiom ministerial duties. During 1929,L. Miller are the present worthythe pulpit was1 occupied by severalmatron and patron, respectively.mWihneiesltaenrs until the Rev. Clyde R.The first candidates <o be initiatedd was asked to serve aswere Mr. and Mrs. C H. Brethold,stated supply until March 30, 1930.AMr. and Mrs. E. J. Hoffman, andt that time he wac called to theMr. and Mrs. Orville D. Jones. Ofpastorate, which he served until hisHie 25 charter members, seven arei esignation in December. He stillmaintainstill living. They are: Mrs. Tucker,s his residence in Wilmette.Mr. and Mrs. Schultz now of Cali-Churchfornia, Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Or- Destroyed by FireOner, Mrs. Helen J. Cook, and Mrs.n Dec. 19, 1929, during very se-Louise Barrow, both of Chicago.vere weather and in a heavy bliz-The Eastern Star noved into thezard, the entire church plant wasMasonic Temple from Browns halldestroyed by fire, wi+h almost totalat its completion in 1926. The chap-loss. Services were apain conductedter presented the two-manual Aus-Edificein the Womans club The fire, the of the Present First Presbyterian Churchtin organ to the Masonic Templeuse of rented property available onlyassociation.or Sundays, the change in businessFirethe lot to permit the later construc-conditionDuring the 33 years of its exist-s and the financial depres- and Depressionence, four neighboring chapters havetion of the main edifice.sion were all disturbing elements inFaibeen instituted, thus reducing thelthe church history. to Thwart GrowthBy October 1913, ttv> second anni-jurisdiction of the Wilmette chap-versary of the church, the member-After the resignation of Mr. Wheel-oter.f Presbyterian Churchship had increased to 202. At Christ-ed, in December 1930, the pulpitOmas of this year, food, clothing, andnwas again occupied by stated sup- the afternoon of August 30,of 100, was formally dedicated Octo-toys were collected and distributedplies until the Rev. James T. Vene-1911ber 18, 1936., a group of Wilrnotte residentsby trucks to needy families in themeklasen was called from the Secondt in the Womans club to hold theneighborhood and to settlements inPresbyteriaThe silver anniversary of the or-n church of Oak Park.first service of the proposed Pres-Chicago. This project has been con-Hganization of the church was cele-e began his ministry on October 4,brated in October 1936.byterian church. Formation of thetinued each year at Thanksgiving1931.Easter Sunday, March 28, 1937,churchand Christmas. had been suggested by theIn the fall of 1930, the buildingwas an important day in the history"Co-operative Council of City Mis-Begins Long Pastorateproject was revived and a firm ofcf the church, because it markedsions," who recommended that theLateprchitects was asked to make plansthe entrance into the new sanctuary in 1917, Dr. Wilson receivedPi esbyterians locate a church be-aand estimates for < new church.for worship service. call to a church ;n Omaha. Hetween Evanston and Highland Park,preachedContracts were let and on December his last sermon here onOn August 2, 1944, the resignationas6, 1931, the third cornerstone was none existed in the area.December 2. Following this, the pul-of Mr. Veneklasen was accepted atpilaid, with the two former ones in-t was occupied by various minis-a congregational meeting EndingFollowing this suggestion, Wil-corporated in the building.thirteen years of service at the Wil-mettters and in the spring a call wase and Kenilworth were can-issued to and accepted by Dr.Himette church, Mr. Veneklasen wast Depression Eravassed and 40 families were foundGeorge P. Magill, prerident of High-Worcalled to head the Department ofk was continued in 1932, butfavorable to such a movement. Afterland Park college of Des Moines.moveChurch and Bible History in thed slowly and practically ceasedconsultationPresbyterian Seminary at Dubuque, with a local committee,Dr. Magill began his pastoral dutiesbecause pledges were difficult tothe service was heldApril 1, 1918.makIowa.e during the general depressionThe residence at 826 GreenleafLisEarly in 1918, the evening servicestera. In 1933, the building was first 101 Charter Membersavenue had been used for someVariouof the various churches were mergedused for a service held in the un-s ministers occupied theyears as a manse but on August 2,under the name of the "Wilmettefinished auditorium. The first regu-pulpi1944, its purchase was authorized,t until Dr. James M. Wilson ofChurch Union." Conducted by rep-lar service in the new structure wasSeattlpnd in the following months wase was chosen as pastor andresentatives of the churches and theon September 17, 1933. The buildingtemodeled and redecorated on thebegan his ministry on July 2, 1911.Sunday Evening club, these serviceshas been used continuously sinceinterior.Steps were taken to establish thecontinued from January 27 through-then.church and on October 22, throughout 1918.DurinIn the months following the de-g 1934 and 1935, further mi-parture of the Rev. Mr. Veneklasen,the courtesy of the CongregationalExtreme severity of the weatherror additions and improvementsthe pulpit was supplied by ministerschurch, the formal organization andand fuel conservation in 1918 madefrom Chicago and elsewhere and byselection of officers was held there.it desirable to eliminate all unes-missionaries. Fortunate for theTheresential activities. During January were 101 charter members,church was the arrival in Wilmettep.ndpnd February the building was opencf Dr. William A. Vance, a retired of these eleven are still living.enly for Sunday school, morningPresbyterian minister. Dr. VanceIn November, 1911, the first stepschurch service, and the Womansconsented to act as the moderatorwere taken toward the planning ofsociety. All other meetings were heldof the Session during the interima church. A building committee wasin the homes. From October 6 to 13,when the church was without a pas-appointed;the church was closed on account $6,500 was pledged, and ator.of influenza, the only time this waslot was given by Mr. and Mrs. Ed-After considering a number of can-wardt-ver done. Zipf. The Womans society, thedidates, the committee recommend-Mens league and the WestminsterDue to increased enrollment ined that the Rev. Alexander B. Al-enele were formed to assist in thethe Sunday school in 1918-19, it WHSlison pastor of the Westminsteractivities of the church. On the firstdecided to erect a temporary framechurch of Peoria, b-j called. ThisThanksgiving day "Sunrise Prayerbuilding for the beginner and pri-was approved at a congregationalMeeting"mary departments. This was occu- was initiated and meetingsmeeting and the Rev. Mr. Allisonhavepied on Dec. 21, 1919 and was usedbegan his ministry May 1, 1945. been held every year sincefor three and a halt years.then.Late in 1945, a financial campaignwas started to raise $60,000 over aBeginsFlan Larger Edifice Pastorate in 1911three-year period. This is in additionOnThe first step toward construction December 10, 1911, Dr. Wilsonto the church budget of approximate-wasof a larger church building was tak- installed as pastor. By the timely $25,000 annually. The total wasofen at the annual meeting in April the first annual meeting of theto cover $9,500 toward a fund to becongregation1920, by the selection of a builditiy on March 27, 1912, thecollected by the Presbyterianmembershipcommittee. Several plans were con- was 112 and $3,817.76Church, U.S.A., for restoration ofhadsidered, estimates made, and on been contributed to the benev-church properties destroyed duringclenceSeptember 20, 1922, the final author-s and current expenses.the war in Europe, Africa, Asia andity was given by the congregationthe Pacific islands. The WilmettePlans for a building were approvedto proceed with the work, whichchurch was second of more than 100June 12, 1912, and construction waswas carried on during 1923 and 1924.churches in Chicago and vicinity tobegun July 23. On September 22,This consisted of a three-story ex-complete its pledge, which was done1912, the cornerstone was laid.iension to the south side of the chap-were made which enlarged the facil-in 1946. The retirement of the churchWork on the building progressedel, containing Sunday school rooms,ities. Late in 1935, a special gift ofciebt of $21,500 and the remainingr.ipidly and on May 25. 1913. a dedi-an enlargement of the chapel audi-$1500 was given to complete the&29.000 to be devoted toward finish-cation service was held. The firsttorium, and a larger main entrancecliapel provided the work was fin-ing the building have been partiallyevent was the opening of the Sundayen Ninth street. The ground floor ofihed by April 1, 193C. Money wasaccomplished.school rooms. The buiWing dedicatedthe ultimate main structure, with araised and I he work was finishedThe congregation has grown rapid-was known as "The Chapel" be-temporary roof, and containing awithin the prescribe time. Thisly in the last two years and nowcause it was located on the rear ofnew and large Sunday school roomchapel, which has a seating capacitynumbers 690.