CRISIS LINE By dialing 251-0660, a caller gets in touch with volunteers trained to handle problems related to drug usage, family conflicts, peer relationships, or just plain loneliness. On duty 24 hours a day, Crisis Line workers also have on hand an extensive file of professional agencies to help cope with special problems. LINKS A medical referral and information service, Links cooperates with Crisis Line volunteers to deal confidentially with calls related to venereal disease, and questions about birth control and pregnancy. The program serves as a necessary "link" between personal concern and needed services. CRAFTS Pottery, leatherwork, and other crafts offer a chance for creative expression. "The Clay Cellar" is a fully equipped pottery workshop where Gates House youths learn and practice the skills of working with clay. Twice a week the workshop is open to the community for classes. Twice a year, an arts and crafts sale helps raise funds to continue House activities. COUNSELING Each young person has individual problems and needs. Gates House staff members have backgrounds in helping young people on a person-to-person basis to confront those problems. Parents and school counselors often seek direction from the Gates staff to provide the best support for each individual. Once a week, a social worker meets with a group of young people attempting to work out their problems together. A lawyer, familiar with the rights and responsibilities of minors, offers legal aid one night a week. STAFF Nine qualified staff members and a full time director provide assistance and guidance to those who seek it. Many of the staff members come with previous youth counseling experience and are interested in sharing with community groups their understanding of the problems that confront North Shore youths. Director Larry Morkert is an ordained minister and has had vast experience with young people prior to his appointment at Gates House.