Wilmette, Ill. 27 March 1894 F.H. Drury, Village Clerk Village of Wilmette Dear Sir, Just prior to the last election held in this village, in your capacity as a private citizen, you issued a circular bearing on the subject of annexation. Feeling interested in the matter, and desiring accurate and explicit information thereon, I would be much pleased if you would kindly advise me more particularly upon the following points, viz.: 1st Did you interview the officials of Evanston as to whether they would give us better fire or police protection, or not, in case of annexation. If not, on what do you base your opinion expressed in said circular? 2nd How many building permits had there been sisued since the first of January 1894 and up to the date of your circular of February 24th 1894? 3rd. How are the figures made up, as to the $11.00 profit on each new house? 4th Who is the competent engineer, who gave you information as to the cost of maintaining our sewer and water systems? 5th Please give the items of expense on which your figures on incidental expenses ($800), and streets and alleys ($2,000.00) are based? 6th Please give the items included in total estimate of collections from office of Public Works ($1,650.00) 7th Also, items in the collections from office of Village Clerk ($200.00)