Mr. Nic. Schopen will move to Jef-
ferson, Wis., where he owns a farm.
Mr. William Stafford and, Miss Eliza-
beth Keil will be married Thanksgiv-
ing day.
Mr. Rudolph Degroot left for Texas
last week with the intention of buy-
ing land.
Mr. Peter Schoden purchased twelve
and one-half acres of land from Mr.
Michael Balmes last week.
Clearing away of brush, etc., is
being done on the land purchased
from Mr. Frank Allen. Mr. Hibbard,
Sr., is himself digging ditches.
Mr. Paul Nanzig returned last
Thursday from a visit to Herman Pas-
back in Dubuque, la., from whom he
purchased the five acres of land ad-
joining Mr. Michael Meyer's.
Mrs. John Felke celebrated her 72d
birthday anniversary last Thursday.
Miss Lona Heinzen returned last
Friday from the Vesta Circle hospital,
where she underwent an operation for
appendicitis three weeks before.
Mr. Frank Schmitt purchased the
house and two and three-fourths acres
of ground from Mr. Herman Stark on
Gross Point avenue last Saturday.
The Ladies' club was entertained
last Thursday by Mrs. Nic. Bleser.
Mrs. John won first prize, Miss Mary
Loutsch second, and Mrs. Anton En-
gels third.
Mr. John Evert, Sr., aged 79, died
last Saturday after a long illness, and
was buried in St. Joseph's cemetery
last Tuesday. His wife died three
months ago.