Obituary: Ella M. Barth
- Publication
- Wilmette Life, 15 Jan 2004, News, p. 156
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Articles
- Notes
- Ella M. Barth (nee Jensen), 102, a resident of Wilmette, died Jan. 2.
Mrs. Barth was born March 12, 1901 in Cambridge, Wis., one of ten children born to Louisa and John Jensen.
Survivors include her daughter, Barbara B. (the late Donald) Myers of Wilmette; her granddaughter, Laura (Richard) Slack of Rye, N.Y.; her grandson, Andrew Myers of Wilmette; her great-grandchildren, Jonathan, Kevin and Jennifer Slack of Rye, N.Y.; her nieces and nephews, Jacquelin Hawdon (the late George) Newell of Elmhurst, Virginia Hawdon (the late Jack) Hyland of Milwaukee, Wis., Lois Anderson of Lake Mills, Wis., Kay Gericke of Florida, Bill Jensen of Niles, Ohio, Carolyn Allen of Edgerton, Wis., Harry Thompson of California, Julian Thompson of Florida, Leona Palmer of California, and Adeline Thompson of Chicago; many great-nieces and nephews; and great-great nieces and nephews.
She is predeceased by a nephew, Edward Jensen.
- Date of Publication
- 15 Jan 2004
- Personal Name(s)
- Allen, Carolyn ; Anderson, Lois ; Barth, Ella ; Gericke, Kay ; Hyland, Jack ; Hyland, Virginia ; Jensen, Edward ; Jensen, William ; Myers, Andrew ; Myers, Barbara ; Myers, Donald ; Newell, George ; Newell, Jacquelin ; Palmer, Leona ; Slack, Jennifer ; Slack, Jonathan ; Slack, Kevin ; Slack, Laura ; Slack, Richard ; Thompson, Adeline ; Thompson, Harry ; Thompson, Julian
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.266223
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
Agency street/mail address:1242 Wilmette Avenue
Wilmette, IL
U.S.A. Phone: 847-256-6930