Wilmette Societies and Clubs
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1915, p. 3
- Full Text
The Merry Matrons' Club was entertained a week ago Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Paul Heinsen, 2411 Park Place.
Mrs. Raymond Wheelock was hostess to the Comanci Card Club last week, Tuesday afternoon, at her home, 718 Ninth St.
The second division of the Ladies' Aid Socety of the Methodist Church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Milton Barker.
A new and very unique way of closing the meetings of the year was introduced last week by the Washington Avenue circle, when they gave a delightful picnic luncheon at the home of Mrs. D. K. Dickinson, 511 Washington ave.
Mrs. Charles N. Reese, was hostess of the Large Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge Club this week at her home, 727 Forest Ave.
One of the Friday luncheon and bridge clubs will be entertained this week by Mrs. Mason at her home in Kenilworth.
The Cozy Corner Circle will hold a meeting next Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. H.E. Moore, 1223 Elmwood avenue.
Mrs. Frederick D. Buckman, 831 Oakwood avenue, was hostess to the Tuesday Luncheon and Five Hundred Club this week at her home.
The Woman's Mission and Aid Society of the Wilmette Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. A.E. White, 1030 Greenwood ave., last Friday afternoon. In the absence of the president, Mrs. J.D. Grieg, the vice-president, Mrs. W.M. Burns, presided. The program of the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. B. Frank Taber, and the speaker was Miss Gale Milhuf, a graduate of the Chicago Training School for Missionaries, and who had but recently returned from Mexico.Miss Milhuf gave a most interesting as well as instructive talk on the people, the life and conditions in war ridden Mexico, and some exceedingly vivid word-pictures of what the residents have to endure. Mrs. R.S. Hale read an excerpt of a letter from her brother, who is now in Mexico, thus bringing the conditions to a closer range. A social hour followed, at which time delightful refreshments were served. The ladies of the church also wish to announce that an afternoon tea will be given on Friday afternoon, June 18, at the home of Mrs. Thomas A. Copeland, 807 Ashland avenue. There will be a bakery and fancy goods sale held in connection with this. Friends are cordially invited.
The Reading circle met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alonzo J. Coburn, [unclear] Eighth street. A war drama is snow under discussion.
The Philathea class of the Methodist church were delightfully entertained Monday evening by Dr. Maude D. Sands, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Keene Gale, 1024 Lake Avenue.
This afternoon the Woman's Mission Society of the Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. A.E. White, 1030 Greenwood avenue. "Mexico," will be the subject under discussion, with Mrs. B. Frank Taber as the leader.
A most interesting service was conducted last Sunday at the COngregational church, the occasion being its fortieth anniversary. A feature of the service was the presence of four of the former pastors of the church, Rev. E.P. Wheeler of Aurora, Illinois, the first pastor of the church; Rev. S.T. Kidder of Madison, Wis., the second pastor; Rev. John H. Carr of Castle Park, Mich., the third; and Rev. W.H. Walker of Talladega college, Alabama, the seventh pastor. A remarkable fact is that all of the former pastors are now living. In the evening the young people of the church met at the home of August Specht, 1136 Greenleaf avenue, the house wherein the church was organized forty years ago, for a social time.
The wedding of Miss Vera Harwood Plummer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Porter Plummer, to Sidney E. Scholes of Chicago, was quietly celebrated last evening at the home of the bride's parents, 828 Colfax street, Evanston. The ceremony, at 8 o'clock, was performed by the Reverened Arthur Rogers of St. Mark's Episcopal church in the presence of the immediate families. Both Miss Plummer and Mr. Scholes are well known in Wilmette social circles. The bride's gown was of hand embroidered net and she carried a shower of lilies of the valley and orchids. The decorations at the home were in pink peonies and snap dragon, with swansonia and marguerites in the dining room. After a wedding trip through the Dells of Wisconsissn, Mr. and Mrs. Scholes will be at home at 1512 Sherwin avenue, Chicago- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Brief announcements of the activities of local groups.
- Date of Publication
- 11 Jun 1915
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.306989
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public LibraryEmail:refdesk@wilmettelibrary.info
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Wilmette, IL
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