Church bulletin

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1914, p. 4
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The Wilmette Baptist church services held in the Woman's Club building, corner of Greenleaf and Tenth St. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor, residence 1020 Eleventh street. Special service in honor of Mother's Day will be held. In the evening there will be a stereopticon song service. Hymns will be illustrated on the screen with the story of their authors and incidents connected with their use. Prayer meeting Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mahan, 718 Elmwood Avenue.

First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette, Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. Pasotr Rev. J. M. Wilson. Pastor will speak on the subject, "How the Remnant Built the Walls of an Ancient City." Mr. Alfred G. Freeman will sing. Miss Corette will play the organ. The young people will have charge of the evening program with a program about Puerto Rico and Siam. A regular May meeting of the Men's League will be held in the church May 7. Prof. Benedict Papot will lecture on "French Thought Since the War of 1870"

St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, rector, Rev. H. Heald. Annual meeting of the Woman's Guild and Auxiliary will be held in the parish house on Friday afternoon, May 15th. The various organizations of the parish are having their final meetings before the summer recess. "The Little Helpers," were entertained by the directress and assistant directress, Miss [illegible] and Mrs. W. M. Brent.

Wilmette Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. T. J. Gale, Pastor, 1024 Lake avenue. Next Sunday morning H. A. [illegible], ex-president of DePau University will preach. The entire day will be given up to the "mothers." at 5 o'clock the junior and intermediate churches will give a very beautiful program. Automobiles will be provided to bring any mother to the church who is unable to get there unless conveyed.
The Sunday school will meet at 9:30 next Sunday morning. The intermediate and junior churches will meet at [illegible]. The Epworth League will hold their regular Epworth League service and an invitation is extended to all young people of the church to meet with them.
A Woman's Home Missionary society has been organized with a charter membership of thirty-eight. The officers elected for the society are President: Mrs. Elliott; Vice president, Mrs. Thayer; Secretary, Mrs. r. Sturgeon; mite box secretary, Mrs. Brown.
Date of Publication
7 May 1914
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