Wilmette Societies and Clubs

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1914, p. 2
Full Text

The Fellowship Club met Wednesday evening at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Webb, 427 Ninth street. There were four tables.

The fifth division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist Church will be entertained at luncheon today at the home of Mrs. J. F. Stone, [unclear] Linden avenue. Mrs. Stone and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell are the hostesses of the day.

The Monday Bridge Club met this week with Mrs. W.W. Kerr, [unclear] Forest avenue.

The Woman's Association of St. Augustine's Episcopal Church will give a luncheon today at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. B. Franklin Bilsland will be in charge. A business meeting and program will follow..

Mrs. George Martin, [unclear] Elmwood avenue, was hostess Tuesday to her luncheon and Bridge club.

Wilmette clubwomen will be interested in the results of the election at Springfield last Thursday. Ms. Charles H. Zimmerman of Chicago was elected president of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. She has always been prominent in club work, is now the president of the Tenth district of the Federation and paresident of the League of Cook County Clubs. Candidates for the other two offices were elected without opposition. They were Corresponding secretary, Mrs. George Thomas Palmer of Springfield and general federation state secretary, Mrs. Frederick A. Dow of Chicago. Representatives from the Wilmete Woman's Club include Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, 1157 [unclear] Elmwood avenue, an Mrs. B. Frank Brown, of 606 [unclear] Washington avenue.

A new auction bridge club has been organized to meet every third Tuesday afternoon at the homes of the various members. ON December [?] the club will meet at the home of Mrs. Edmond L. Dalton, 1625 Lake avenue.

Mrs. Charles F. Reinboth, 1015 Ashland avenue entertained the North End Circle at her home Monday afternoon.

The Commanche Card Club will meet Tuesday afternoon with Dr. Alice B. Tuttle, 622 Washington avenue.

The Thimble club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Schumacher, 1458 Lake avenue.

The first division of the Wilmette Methodist church will hold a food [fair ?] next Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors.

Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake avenue, will be hostess today to the Friday Luncheon and Bridge club.

Mrs. Thomas G. Winnett of Chestnut avenue entertained her luncheon and card club Tuesday afternoon.

The Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet with Mrs. J. S. Norris, 1314 [unclear] Forest avenue, next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. There will be reports on the state convention at Charleston also accounts of the three states voted dry.

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20 Nov 1914
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