Loyola Academy: Honor roll
- Publication
- Wilmette Life, 13 Mar 2008, p. 34
- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Articles
- Notes
- The following students' first-semester achievements have merited them honor roll distinctions.
From Kenilworth, the ninth-grade Loyola Scholars are Lauren Miller, Michelle Miller, Kelly Murray and Ciara Schenk; ninth-grade first honors go to Claire Cosgrove; the sophomore Loyola Scholars are Grace Bowen and Elizabeth Morris; sophomore first honors go to Joseph Madigan IV; sophomore second honors go to Evan Sargent and Alexandra Weiss; the junior Loyola Scholar is Marielle McKenna; junior first honors go to Caitlin Desmond, John Glerum and Sean Schenk; junior second honors go to J. Rogan Quinn; the senior Loyola Scholar is Patricia Lipton; and senior first honors go to Theresa Croghan, Annie Driscoll and Kendra Steele.
From Wilmette, the ninth-grade Loyola Scholars are Teresa Belton, Katie Bolotin, Nora Charron, Grace Conway, Brendan Dolan, Colleen Fahrenbach, Andrew Fausone, David Ford, Alex Horning, Julia Jamieson, William Jordan, Elizabeth Kirby, Maryam Razafsha, Jane Sagui, Grace Smith, John Weisenberger, Caroline Williams and Lucy Woodrow; ninth-grade first honors go to Charles Ahlstrom, Rose Broccolo, Meredith Cerney, Daniel Conway, Alycia Eggert, Kiley Falcone, Kathryn Fitzpatrick, Nick Hill, Robert Kostynick, John McGuire, Emma Meller, Cory Nagel, Rachel Nieman, Nick Palella, Matt Palella, Erik Reedy, Danny Sheridan, Earl Webb and Caroline Wright; ninth-grade second honors go to Matt Beventhe, James Compernolle, Luke Cowan, Katie Faught, Mike Felish, Donald Germano, Margaret McCarthy, Rachel Meller, Jared Prince and Matt Touhy; the sophomore Loyola Scholars are Elizabeth Agase, Thomas Considine, Cthetney Cosgrove, Julia Cowan, Colleen Fitzgerald, Mary Kate Green, Madeline Hirsch, Elise Jackson, Elizabeth Kearney, Carolyn Maddock, Susan Nichols, Steven Razafsha, Sarah Ryan, Leo Sheridan, Colleen Smith, Patrick Smith, Matthew Sullivan, Elliot Sykora and Daniel Vanderbosch; sophomore first honors go to Christian Ahlstrom, Kathleen Carroll, Carolyn Compernolle, Bobby Dixon, Pamela Enriquez, John Kinzel, Elizabeth Pedi, Margaret Mary Tobin and George Weschler; sophomore second honors go to John Ahlborn, Christina Baworowsky, Charles Brault, William Costello, Michael Hager, Christian Hillenbrand, Lucas Kukulka, Justin Pappano, Crissa Toledo, Ryan Tomkins and Michael Wright; the junior Loyola Scholars are Meaghan Carroll, Nicole Homerin, Luke Lopatka, John O'Connor, Andrew Romer, Matthew Sullivan and Claire Tighe; junior first honors go to Jack Begley, Thomas Belton, Andrew Bredemann, Cthetney Coha, Michael Dolan, Anne Gordon, Jack Havey, Patrick Hechinger, Matthew Maddock Jr., Megan O'Brien, William Roever, Daniel Spence, Sarah Thomas, Andrew Touhy, Margaret Tyska and John Zuercher; junior second honors go to Shane Blackburn, James Bragiel, Brendan Carney, Anna Kolleng, Andrew Kraemer, John Manganaro, Christopher Maves, Anne McCarthy, Michael McGuire, Caitlin Meller, Kyle Nagel, Clare Nelson-Johnson, Anna Panici, Lucas Ruske, Paul Sciortino, Charles Shaw III and Katherine Tieman; the senior Loyola Scholars are Bridget Bredemann, Jessica Conway, Maureen Fausone, Michael Fausone, Thomas Harrison, Marina Karver, McCall McIntyre, Kathleen Smith, Patrick Tobin and Kimberly Weisenberger; senior first honors go to Peter Bolton, Michael Broccolo, Michael Carroll Jr., Timothy Compernolle, Caroline Curry, Patrick Dolan Jr., Diana Foster, Matthew Grossbart, Claire Hickey, Matthew Hickey, Irene Kearney, Chelsea Keenan, Hilary Lunkes, Marcus Maier, Thomas McNamara, Hanna Prince, Daniel Ryan, Peter Sullivan, Elizabeth Webb and Elizabeth Wright; and senior second honors go to Matthew Cline Jr., Thomas Gordon, Brendan Green, Kara O'Brien and Julie Rollings. - Date of Publication
- 13 Mar 2008
- Subject(s)
- Corporate Name(s)
- Loyola Academy
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.294018
- Language of Item
- English
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