VACATIONING BETWEEN CALLS ON SUBSCRIBERS If. J. Timberlake, who for the past few years has been a familiar figure m the vil!aKe as subscription solicitor for VV.Imette Life, left his home in WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. IL'LY 25, 1924 Small Girl. Injured in Boulevard Auto Crash Two little Evan>ton girls. Viola :Seison and Helene Baker, received minor injuries when an auto in which they were passengers, driven by Mrs. John Nelson of Evanston, wa> in- volved in a crash with a car driven by Mrs. S. Slavin of Chicago. Tuesday afternoon, at Sheridan road and Mich- igan avenue, Wilmette. The girls were taken to the offices of Dr. Lloyd L. McGrath. on Wilmette avenue, by the police, for first aid treatment. M. J. Timberlake Winnetka late last week for an ex- lemle. vism with his brother at Jack- son, Mich. Mr Timberlake observed his 82nd birthday on May .1 and is still "spry as they make Yin." Hi, ,,roth„r at Jackson will be Ml years of age on August J, and both an veterans 0t the ( nil war. Luncheon Clubs Witness Interesting Movie Show Wilmette Optimists and Rotarians enjoyed similar programs at their luncheons this week in that both were entertained by Sumner Ellis Smith Who is demonstrating the holograph' ine smallest and most compact motioi picture projection machine operating with standard size films. The clubs were given some enlight- ening mstde information concerning the greatest of present-day fas afions--the Radio, and learned lust exactly how a vacuum tube ,\ made and timet ions. There were pictures, also, of the de- velopment and operation of X.Ray I lie holograph was described bj Mr. .Smith as , portable motion pic" ture projector which, in it- operation needs no projection room, being i, itseli a complete and absolutely fin '"""'. exhibiting apparatus It ,\ US( principally for motion picture exh »tions in churches, schools, manufai Hirers expositions, communitj , enter ami in homes. Indicate Detours from Ridge Avenue, Evanston To keep motorists from doing anv un- necessary detouring. the City of Evans- ton will place warning signs on Ridge avenue, at a convenient distance from the construction work occasioned by the building of the Northwestern viaduct. According to the highway department of the Chicago Motor club, signs will be placed at Sheridan road and Brvn Mawr. Broadway and Brvn Mavvr. Ridge avenue and Clark, and at points north of the construction work. CLERK.CARRIER EXAM \n examination to secure cle-1 """',s a, thr Wilmei'e pos, "III he held Tuesday. A^u^t 5. a^- eordinR to he United» States Civil bervire commission. Information ma) be secured at the local post office. ' LIGHT AND PRODUCTION li is announced by lighting re- search investigators thai the produc- tion ol Vmericatt factories can be in- creased $2,500,000,000 by better lighting. Sqndiqr fhtsjomr A valuable aid in planning a vacation. Brimful of in- formation about the Great North Woods of Northern Wisconsin--Upper Michigan. Includes pictures, maps, list of hotels and resorts. Ask for your copy now. Apply E. E. Orner. Ticket Agent C. AN.W Rr. Wilmette. III. Telephone 4 Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Boys' Wash Suits Ages 2 to 8 684 suits, consisting of all broken lots of our regular stock, all guaranteed fast colors. Re- duced for immediate clearance. S;::5SSSZ:::::::::r« 46 Dozen Boys' HaU--Caps --including straws-- Reduced to Half Price A&tarrBest JL RANDAIPU a Kin ,,,.... _.. RANDOLPH AND WABASH *" tt£U3&Jrts£r - B how much money it will take to go on that vacation you have been planning on for so long, and then save a little each week so that when next vacation time comes you'll have the money. We have a special Vacation Savings Plan that will interest you; talk it over with us to-day. The main thing about a proposition like this is getting started. If you don't START, you'll never get there! I III Your Home Banh Hfif the custom of counting by tens*? """"W'--"*'"'""'^^ --because our savage ances- tors, being unskilled in mathematics, counted their fingers, scored by tens and thus founded the decimal system. Help Baby through the hot summer with / and hear him coo while he happily counts his toes. Glycerin Suppositories (In- fant) Zinc Stearate, Sugar of Milk Castor Oil, Boric Acid Five of 200 Puretest pre- parations for health and hy- giene. Every item the best that skill and care can pro- duce. iH Renneckar Drug Co. Telephones 28-29 3N