SPEAKER HITS "SPEED MANI A" Warns Against Mechanizing Small Children SCHOOL ROOMS WARM IN COLDEST WEATHER in hi- ad'Jrcv to thi* mid-year grad- uating cla-H of tiie National Kinder- garten and Hienieiitary College Dr. Louis Monin. Dean of Armour In- stitute, -aid that mankind ha> been likened ' to a group of people on a ierryboa: crowing a river. Sonic stay on deck and enjoy life and all that i- going on around them, while other?, sit down and read their papers and wi?h the time would pa.v* more (•uiekiy. Some get across, and some cros> the r:\ er. Some see the Mower.-, the s.un-L::ie. the green banks, but other- are 'only anxiou-* to reach the goal. When that goal i> reached an- other comes in sight and they rush from one point to another, getting .across. "The kindergarten philosophy," Dr. Monin, "is endeavoring to to men this practical message said brinj _ ••of- the • wivdorrr-of-crossing the" river, of taking time to live." Dr. Monin called attention to the modern tendency to standardize things', to mechanize them, "It is necessary, perhaps, in--the province of science ..to treat man as a mechanism, pure and .simple." said he, .'Ihut-to-tF-y-to-resoIve- all human life, all human activity in- to this mechanistic philosophy is to cru-strxnir all that is best in human life." "Here again" he pointed out, *'it is the kindergarten philosophy that* must help mankind to see that" no per- son, no human Wing can ever be brought under a mechanical order." "The speed mania." continued Dr. Monin. "is riot^'< ; otrn : m*Tl~To tht r lu!tof.sL' There H the young man who thinks he must get out and get money-- and when he ha* reached his goal he must ...go after more' money, arid so on and on --There is the per>on who mu>t have fame and then more fame. I hope you have not reached the place where you feel that the reason for at- taming one goal is that you mav start on faster and reach the next one. Thai k, ih-w-serrl- mani Let your life he so shaped that tilings will not by'in the saddle and drive you, .but yr/i\-niii\ dt--of the things, ami 'drive them. Cros- the river with your ideals and vUion. serenely and calmly, and let others who hurry i n d jostle you go ahead, and think that in the_meantime you have seen a ureal main- points that ultimately r themselves into the stars of life, Thank Vi the overhaul wilmette schooll buildings comfortably warm throughout the cent cold weather, even when the curv clipped tl«Avn to two figures b zero. In every room. SuperiutendcM j K. Harper reports, the temperature ha* Seen kept up t the standard sixty-eight degrees, and often it has been necessary tu ope:; windows to keep the heat down. Last -umnur the old steam, heating *y*tein* in Central and Logan schools were replaced, at considerable expense, by tiie modern vacuum systems. In the vacuumthe cooled, condensed -team doe no: return from the radiators by the same pipe by which it enters, as in the old plan., hut i carried off in an- other pipe. A vacuum arrangement al- so draw*-fresh steam through the .radi- ators continually, thereby always keeping them at a maximum temperature. At the other., .school buildings, which- are smaller, the old systems have furnished plenty of heat without overhauling. The heating plants have stood the coldest weather." explained Mr. Harper, "and there is no need for any parents to worry about the comfort of their chil- dren while- at school. 1 ' Mission Group to Give Benefit Concert Tonight Tonight is_the night to which the Young" Women's Missionary society of the Wihnette have"'beeTit" Tooking forward as the oc- casion of their benefit concert. Every- thing is in readiness' for a splendid eh-" tertainmeut of dramatic reading and music, it is stated. Kleanor Randall, distinguished dra- matic reader will--give a number of readings from her large repertoire, some of which will be in connection with both yoiial companiment. She will do other selec- tions, "in costume," of an attractive nature. Adelaide C. Jones, Soprano, will ren- der several groups of vocal selections, and Lvelyn' Dirks, group* on the violin. At other times both will be in the same numbers with Miss Randall, with Mrs. Pierre Bontecou at the piano as accompanist. Many tickets have been sold, it is re- ported, but more'can be obtained the church door. The hour is 8 TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Otto Falk, north shore justice of the peace and a prominent member of the New Trier Commercial association, who has Ix'eu ill for several months, was re- moved from his home to the St. Fran- cis hospital Wednesday of 4 week.-- S i x Pe r c e n t 9 Gi l t - Ed g e d Se c u r i t y We are ottering a few (/ < First Mortgage Serial Gold Bonds se- cured by first mortgages on Wil- mette improved real estate-- bonds that we can and do recom- mend most heartily to our many -investor-friends. Your call, whether in person or by phone, will put you in possession of further interesting facts. But act NOW! STATE B A N K Centra Your Home Dank