Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1924, p. 18

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18 'il \> WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1924 WANT ADS COST LITTLE AND DO MU{ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- Pi»Kne ™\fctoLy- ?T. to Per8<>n8 who are regular subscribers to either Wilmette Life, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. R/ZtPV___.'u cents ,,er ,lne in one PaPer. .0 cents per line in all wc fhis size type haiged as 2 lim This aisse ,charged a type s 3 lines. This size charged- a type s 4 lines. ?o%%a^ coe News. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA S88. SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE MON-MARIE-LOUISE will remodel your old gowns In the latest Paris styles; also gowns to order; reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2943. LTM-tfc WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING, cleaning or housework by day or hour. Call mornings or after 9 eve- nings. Wil. 2987. Ll-6-ltc NEW TRIER HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes position and home in priv. family. Willing worker. Tel. Wil. 640. LIG-ltp FOR SALE--HEAL ESTATE ©minimi mi limy Iwwo NEARLY NEW 6 R. BUNG., WATER heat, Ruud heater, 1-car garage. Only $10,500.00 with cash payment of $3,000.00 and $500.00 per year plus interest. Very attractive 6 R. stucco house, sun parlor, water heat, all modern conveniences, one-car garage, in high class neighborhood adjacent to transportation and schools. Snap at $14,000.00. 9 R. frame house, 3 blocks from lake, 5 blocks from school, 6% from depot, 2 baths, water heat, 2-car garage, an excellent buy at $22,000.00. Several high class houses from $25,000.00 up. A.R,EdamigWiGi&G(o Tel. Wil. 640 WANTED TO BUY--HEAL ESTATE WILL BUY 2 OR 3 PIECES OF VA- cant. Must be bargains. Will deal with owner or broker. Address Life, 20. LIS-ltc WANTED TO BUY--LARGE, BRICK residence, big lot, $50,000 to $75,000. Address Life. 29. LTN16-ltc WORK WANTED -- WILL COOK luncheons and dinners; also serve. Can give references; call 9 A. M., Wilmette 2587. Helen Bean. LTN16-ltp REFINED ENGLISH GOVERNESS desires position, fluent French, ref- erences. Tel. Edgewater 7536. LTN16-ltp DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEW I NO by the day, reference. Tel. Evans- ton 6848._________________LTNlB-ltp %p25ne W=t« ^°"^LT ___________ LTN16-ltp Modern David Harums ;g#m WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES 1157 Wilmette Ave. L16-ltc RoM. J(D)himsWmi & C@o OFFER SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM FRAME COT- tage type in good section, furnace heat, lot 50x233, garage. Price $8,500. Modern 6-room stucco with glassed porch, hot water heat. 3 good bed- rooms, garage. A good, modern home on a small lot at $11,000. Splendid 7-room stucco, hot water heat, tiled bath, large, finished and heated room on 3rd floor, 2-car ga- rage, 50-ft beautifully wooded lot in section convenient to both "L" and steam. Price $19,000. *u. wj-room brick veneer, every- thing the very latest and best, splen- did construction, wooded lot; buy now and have your own choice of vaC at",l%"" """" ^"«"t ,£AmV\w,e" '"'"ted at $35,000. <3,»0 Linden Avenue, Phones Wilmette 68 and 444) .______.______ LIS-ltc WANTED--6 OR 7 ROOMS. STEAM heat, garage, close to school and station. Wilmette to Glencoe. I have $1,000 cash, $125 monthly pay- ments. Address Winnetka Talk. A-23. LTN16-ltc SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED TO BUY--MOD. 7 OR 8 room hse. in Kenilworth. Conv. to station. $35,000 to $40,000. Address Wil. Life, A-18. Ll6-ltc WANTED--SMALL HOUSE IN WIL- mette. Will pay $10,000 to $15,000. Address Wilmette Life, A-10. ___________ L15-3tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS SIT. WANTED BY WHITE COUPLE Oeneral work, chauffeur, gardner iE=F:& Earn _____________________ LT16-ltp HELP WANTED--MALE FOR RENT--4-ROOM KITCHENETTE apt. in one of the finest and most exclusive apt. hotels in Chicago, lo- cated on Lake Michigan. Beautiful peiod furniture, $600 radio set, Victrola, maid service, near bus and "L" line. Will rent for 2 mos. or more. Am leaving for California. Sacrificed at $325 per mo. Phone Edgewater 6835. LTN16-ltc FOR RENT--FURNISHED APART- ment, 7 rooms, 3 baths, 1 block north of Diversey, one block west of Sheridan road, attractively fur- nished, silver and linen included, for February and March only, $400; call Buckingham 3199. LTN16-ltc At Tw@inty Below Z@im Call on or phone us for particulars. E.E.§M&sR@gtyC@), 790 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn, 1800 LTN16-ltc FOR RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FURN apt, east side Wilmette. Unusually large rooms, including kitchen and pantry. Hot water heat, light and w?i. yg.'w"1 ln the renta,iJl6T1etic FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--IN PRIVATE FAMILY large room, suitable for couple; also single room, near trans. Tel. Wil 1949' L16-ltc _____ L15-2tc LTN16-ltp ,U DELL WO1m) {QUORUM* «M paiviA pop two FROM PERU rK0W ABOUT ^( or vovp rtw STAMPf flL 6IV& VOO TWO fSSPU .paw $»MK FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES FOR SALE! PAIR OF carved walnut chairs, spindle bed, chest of drawers, desk, table cover- let and hooked rugs. 505 Oakdale Aye., (one block west of Sheridan). Phone Graceland 3516. LT16-ltp K)R SALE--BEAUTIFUL MAHOG- any, oval top table with drawer, 48 J.1L. /if" wprac- new' ^om Fields, wfi o14.iV best offer accepted. Tel. Wil. 2715. LT16-ltc LOST AND FOUND REWARD FOR RETURN OF Pin set with sheaf of when] pearls. Lost between * J State bank and Chicago N. wl tion on January 11. Tel. Winn. vm LOST--GOLD SIGNET RING Life*1! "I- J' S:" reward' ** ¦msm^m WE HAVE SOME VERY choice acre tracts in New i543- LTN16-ltc %E^^"a ________________ LTl-tfc 'wmmm. LT7-tfc Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFaurlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfc 'E^^%%5 PRIVATE PARTY WILL SELL THOR VNssm MISCELLANEOUS NOTARY PUBLIC] 1924 AUTO LICENSE. WE B all blank application forms, them earlv. JOHN M. EVEY&d 525 4th Street Wilmetil "^g^%m WANTED TO ^RUY- HOUSEHOLD LTNl-tfc 7208. LTN-ltp ------• _________ LTN16-ltc ui lb-ltc LTN16 itp "ffiBfi Biff LTNl-tfc "&£&&&;&¦*& FOR SALE--AUTOS WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-PASS. 1 Dodge tour., Dodge sedan, sedan Chicago electric. Come see them. Tel. Winn. 165. Wd Motor Company. LT.V;* PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPM Mi Jt, Wu F°8ter, piano rani Call your home tuner. MLJ9 509-J. FOR SALE--AUTOS CADILLAC MODEL 53, ENGINE 1-- cently overhauled and put in M running condition, all tew f curtains, four new tires, spot f offered at $400. Robert L. Jotai Deerneld. Ltm| ships at very reasonable prices. For further information see 909 RIDGE AVENUE w,LMETTE »-••" IU_moIS _______________ LTN16-ltc "fitr all transportation. LT6-tfc HELP WANTED--FEMALE ma -----.________„______________LTNie-ltc WAITED TO "bT^^kTT^t^r wmmm ______________ LTN16-ltc _______________ L16-ltc SITUATION WANTED-FEhTaTe "mm LTN16-ltc ww "mmm LTN16-Itc LTN16-Itc CADILLAC USED CA1 ¦§¦ ¦ mmm Cadillac Motor Car CempaEj Evanston 8600 lSin R-/VaASt0n branch 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Rogers Park 9810 LTN5-tfc ^wwmMm Kenilworth W^\ :%4A^.%Zrw LTN16-Itc ¦ »5'a. ^'^-^nteenth day of ' Vlllagre of Wilmette.

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