mwm VOL. X, NO. 48 mm^ WILMETP& ILUN01S, FftlDAY, SEPTEMBER 2a 1323 TVfflgsB^^ Dr. Richard Burton Named ^ As First Speaker for the .....~ Season <rf;, 1923-24 j||ip:- ENTERS NllirHlYEAft ^, Notable Roster of Speakers Secured for Season Sutp^bds^ ?, wflt Ibark theepen . J|ng': o|^ii^ ||Suno^^cnmg club, acepramg to an- ;%ouncJment made this wedt by W. Frank â- i^iMcC^l^^^"p^wMelit':,â- of the great coair vf'lnunity~ !rate^ -;|i|f|.Dr.-Richard Burton *f the tfmversity "'Utf]J<>f Minnesota, a prominent author, orator IS ;'-;and:^l«ader:in' college work, has the honor lH : of: 'being' the first speaker lor the. new' SS year. Wisijwbjec^4ias_ not i>eew^ai^ ^^S^unc^^^:â- :c^l»*^mciais pl^lel the ^i^opai&ijjj^^ v ^It â- 'with best of the entire year,M:,-: .'ii-fe As Mual, President ^GWrT anlriiis ^M able executive eenum'ttee^^ citizens, have secured a notable roster of speakers for the Bm^::^<^ifag:^^ Among ther^tttipsliel i^i^Wf^ pear in ^&$f»t half of the *^«©n,wiH be40&x^^ ? Fool/' aiitf famous exponent of the better -^â- mmg^lfjirfl^ fe. Of the Corrtretttic^l church am^^ ^#^Wi-jMls|ttri. ^ ,..,.,..... ^^^««M-;vlHw» .;MUlis,:jiDs)drl:of'rHe?iiy flfl-Ward; •BeecherV:.:^mrcf^nVf:Brooklyttr Mfe| Lorado Taft, noted Chicago sculptor; Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, famous Labrado Slorer and missionary; Fred B. usiness leader, author and traveler, â- â€"g Ge4M^; JtaiiJ^ wett known â- :%anston, clergyman. • ^^:::4'"44: 9Bpl. "44 Musical j^ the season Itfll include appearances of the famoul Russian Cathedral Quartet, the Philharmonic String Quartet of the •~$Chki§%'-^ **& '"'we <lFisk Jubilee Singers, with an entirely if|| - ,;The Sunday â- Evening club meets at the First Congregational church (larg- est auditorium /tftflte village) every Shm> ^llflto'evfilint' !ronÂ¥:October until May. The bfganization is supported by public sub- 0 scription and is sponsored by the churches 4i 'Band :-.dv1^',organizations-,- of the Village. 4 i Doors of practically all the churches in I§t HtHe Village are ciosednrat Sunday evening to permit members to attend the com- munity services. JRhe cmlr is positively non-sectarian and belongs to the village pâ- â- â- *»â- % whbid^-}J§8â- :'^?;:'K^BR. " â„¢ llf^l^/folt^^^ Forest The::Ifew./;Name,^ m Growing Interest Make essaiy Division of Troops paid a fine of $15 and costs to Magis- trate Northrop this week on a charge of exceedingthe~speed^imhr^hile driving, on Sheridan road. MM ^TOUE CLOCK BACK! wws, r-*«v*M;',j - ^ -.^w r">.;^f .= â- â- *;â- »*', â- "'*: -tVi 'â- ;-â- -flP ': > â- fct-i.'i V' lift. Ifte time when Mr. Daylight Sav- ing Timers shelved for another six months and Mr. Standard ascends the throne for the winter season. â- â- • Alt â- â- ••.#â- - â- '. j 5'»a£li'^^d „^|^^ TURN YOUR MVVJ^H AND CLOCK^^iCCK ONE HOUR before you retire Satur- day n^tM^LHi: ^-uMf^t •; Allffehwm letvk<ar jut :jflif village will be % couducted||pn STANDARD TIME this Sun- ii Transpq«ri^tiQnl| willipie TURNiirotiR Clock ft^Ci^ OHEziiaURror yoa^ 2%dy to miss a lot of things you want to hear and see on Sunday! W Because,-,.of;' - th|^isu*igfKnn.nAe^gof girls interested mGirl|$c^ TOlmette,i 'UMmi^f^^e-j:t^ei»^cft to divide the responsibility, one captain being no longer able to take entire charge of the work,of sixty-five active members. The i»Mis have^ therefore been divided in|o .two;;^Wops^lbe-: 'fore; 1^i|ii^ngLi|w^ division being made according to day-school grade,! The sixth and sev- enth grade girls Jiow compose Troop 2 and the. eighth grade arid High School girls remam in Troop 1. A splendid corfo of officers arc in line for the intensjvework of the com- ing year. Captain Fleming will con- tinue her work as ^Captain of Troop 1, while Miss Grace Roc, 835 Linden avenue, has consented to serve as cap- " "sjrlto^tra^mir- ably suited for wdrk with girls of this age, but could liot undertake the work until this stimmer, when she re- turned from a three-year course of study at Frances jShimer Girls school at Mt. Carroll, Illinois. She was at the Girl Scout cs^np with this group of girls for two ,Weeks this summer, and her cheerful, helpful ways quick- ly endeared her if all the girls in the canip^:- \-':l.V ^.i- â- â- ' ;/y ,*M-s::& 'â- ' J.,:^; (Continue^ wi Page ^* NHMMi a week overcrowded with joyi Just imagine starting a week: with a birthday and having that happy event followed on the very ne*t day, by a gift of $100. ISRuth was just as thrilled to pieces lf^e11,?;who- wouldn't be? -'WmlM She awakened to a new birthUay bit Monday morning. It was her ninth and, boy7 what a gloriously happy dayJSIDaddy .and_mother JM»d, jutt everyblody was so lovely ariia inter- â- 'â- '", But as though that;we-rWoflem|uSh. joy for a long time to come, Ruth awakened to another day* Tuesday, to be exact, and, before Jhe-4ay had advanced to sunset, discovered that she was richer by $100, all because she • ha<}.: woir The.. l*ake.....jtofe,,Ne**' Nevf.:Nfame' Contest.§^^^M' n W g"We thought Ruth would be speech- less with sheer delight," said one of thejudges^-j'but no.", -^^11111: Jt knew I'd win it," she crfe^to her mother, when the five judges entered the home at 401 Tenth street Tuesday ' -(Continued-on Fage;5^ f^ DENMAN IS RECOVERING ..|IHf|l^i Police Chief RaUiet from Severe Illness mmmMM week front l-tfce â- Rep^ririp^'lhis Chicago home of Maj. Albert L. man, newly appointed Wilmette erintendent of police, who was taken* seriously ill early Monday, were to the effect that he was recovering sat- isfactorily.. ': .',;'â- ';:'â- â- '. Y^WMM^SmMM^-M Major Denman had Lulias Broth 5«Lulias^Brothers," proprietors - of ~M flourishing retail fruit market at Main street and Central avenue, will open a second market at 1135 (Central avenue in the new Nelson building, Saturday, September 29. ,_,.____ The npfroeation will be known as Lulias Ifrothers store No. 2, Saturday will be featunexl by the presentation of favors tojaf! visitors at the store, it is anno*ced. -^ ji^* modern, with 2-car garage. Qnly ^e1l'rwell IbT^Jtvir months, it was stated, and the climax came Monday when he suffered a severe relapse. According to information from Major Denman's home, he is expected to be in a position to assume his new duties in the village on November 1. Major Denman- was appointed sup- erintendent of police at the last meet- ing of the Village board at a salary PJt$lflOQ a year^- He recently has been m FOR-RBNTâ€"* ROOM BRICK ^bungalow; modern oonvenl? fences; two ear garage; $85. SCHAEFER A GOLDBACH 909 Ridge Ave. Wllm. 164, llg^ii'LeanLmid-* 'l«Sme^ : «CLASSIFIE0: ADS» director of the Cook County Highway police, and, prior to assuming that work, was engaged in secret service work-for the French and Polish gov- ernments. During' the war he was chief of the military police in France and for a time Wartime, chief of po- lice at Bordeaux. He is a retired Chi- cago police captain who, during his active service, organized the mounted and traffic departments. Major Denman will come to Wil- mette to live just as soon as the con- dition of his health will permit, it was explained. flurry of excitement last Saturday lifter* nomitiYe-/ Editor lolled :l^ki\:;^il?hp swivel chair as me l|it contr^^ opened before him, breathed a sigh that at once suggested relief and utmost satis- faction, and turned to routine business* ^Icomil^ enough â- J^i^'-'-ii^y^^ti^}^i rough tt»e bmidie^^oP^U that greeted him with every |pjpearance Of the;Vposimantn|||i|^^^^^^^^^^ ^Bi«t-^^^^i^'hotyfe .. '.Jbh- Tuesday . af1ernoon,;:)^'^;;wa||s; jgreeted by a committee of fi>e*^and theii ^e;::::fun. 'b<egan^The^yfive. ;persohs;^:r«( ferred to were none other than the duly appointed Contest Judges come to make the great decision that was to determine Wnmfttiftt ol the lake Shore Four Hour^Pondoria Closeted for, dh^-so^ a swV tb^sttirb their deKbera *fus^-'#ili(te#ed^>ai " -with ^tl^r;verd«^^^;li y^rithviiftie, '9^mm'^m^m^;Mm. nounced as: thevwinning-.^conteswiit'-'--^ft - Solemnly" thej| read- to - ^te •ed»to|^/-/thift..|letiBr :mMmV:i m-s.p*«b«r 25, lsut To Whom It May Concorn: â- â- *Wm^unwm fwwiwd tho K«t af ' Vt**~*& »•«•• to*, Tl*»:,./ Lako â- . ^ - Slioro Nowa,. tog«tb«r with tb« •*. ;|Hr: . says, aad wo kav* chos«a .|fc|L«iia»sfe^^W'- wumin Loto. ^asfeigsi^ipt-â- â- â- â- ' â- â- â- â- .,PW8l' - â- â- '•lav ,•» opinion tho host â- aaaa^'MSr •upportrng this nanM has boon snl»- mitted by Ruth Cross who ut en- titlod to the award of SltfcM tam* % y;by Uoyd Holllitrt/Iii^#-^:;^"V^^^ :â- â- â- ', : ^Vo Miavo-that^lhii3bsn^ii^:a«';'S :- bmmk handled in an ab>olut^y fair aV': Ijudiced manner.; â- â- ' \' ^S^^td^1 t Elisabeth tt'Mullord&^^Siii- â- *. Wtm+**mZm S** -. <n\lml^«a ' fl3^^^$^%%'#M - «pa» C*.. mm^m^Smm^ Wm^tm^k â- McCture."; '-4 WB|:: â- :. '?SRuBaii!fa;-i£i^^ 4-y after the most scrutinizing mVestigatm^r both with respect to effectiveness of titte #|| anH accompanying essay. Three persons IS " selected.. ."W51mette;--4*ifett^as--^-rname 'â- Ji'â€" for ;The:; Lake Shore News, so that ""tfit^^^HKi^":":"5-'- balloting; simmered down to the question: ':! of what, in the minds of the judges/'waslllilli the best essay descriptive: iof: that name»gllfi# and . Ruth. Cross, pupil in Miss Carsonlaf ^«M fourth grade at the. Central; school â- '*&$$$mm- first honors with the essay, facsimile-re^^i^fe production of which is found .in an~-a<l%§iS3tSil adjoining cohimn&^si&l".. "\-'4^4-40^ • Maay,Ga^.aeia«jio^^^^^^^ Reviewing, the great -list MinaM^s^MMiSSA gestions, the edito * " * * 4M§I Organist Gww tift Party at Leave-Taldng At the regular rehearsal of the Wil- mette Baptist Choral society in the church parlors, this week a Farwell party was held in honor of Mrs. Margery Forsythe, who for Ugv past dfagr years has been the pianist jpr tberwihnette Baptist church. Mrs. Forsythe, who has been a resident of Evanston for somettme, will make her residence in Wausao, Wis- consin. ^'...â- â- .:t',-.":; ^^M judges were considerably impressed with, "Wlhnette Star/* ^^ilmette teader,'* "Wihnette Traitw Also. '%lmette fCho," "Wilmette Events/* "Wilmette Suburbanite'* and "Wilmette Tidings" were accorded favorable mention in the balloting. Scores of others were good,-^wimsp they said, in fact, there were but few ig|i ^aMMtthatanvhtiiot-n^^ Page of any paper. Butâ€""Wilmette ^fpl^ LifeM:won the prize, and won ii ia^m^m^^ face of most formidable competition. :Jj4gM% With the contest ended*, the new namem and its happy chooser announced, it is • mete to state that The Lake Shore Newl^^liii; has reason to be proud of every conT testant Without exception, the essays bore a mesage mat was alike a complin ment and a note of encouragement to th# publishers. They bespoke the great tgfoM sion of the community newspaper andp embodied, many a valuable suggestion that should have the result of materially enhancing the quality of Wihnette'^wn newspaper, now Wthnette's newspaper in i»mev as well as in fact â- mWtkom^., tifeM will come into being in the next issue of whajM? now - The Lake Shore News. eggs-