26 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, J9# _mmmkmmmmam^mmmmm----wmmmm*'*****^^ CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS /lu,^,,; "SL%*i^j»m Classified advertisements will be charged XjeneTal JXOnCeSâ€"> only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. , * D_#^_____10 cents per line in one paper. *0 cents per line in all KMieSâ€" three papers. Minium charge 3 lines. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. MThis size type charged as 2 lines. MThis size charged as type 3 lines. WSrnmSi'- washes ^^'Tvfc'""' '~""|f* â- "* V*' SORRY sift 6or • COURT CONVFMES HCRE TODAY ANO : EVERY ftOOM IN TH6 • HOUSE >S TAKEfl This size type charged as 4 lines. T\~~Jl2-.~ f*~. rM^w^M. Classified advertisements will be Deadline for insertions----accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones: WILMBTTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. ! REAL ESTATES RoMo J@Ihifii&toifii <§bC®< Offfeir SpediaMy ATT. 6 RM. COTTAGE TYPE, OAK floors upstairs and down, new fur- nace, deep wooded lof, 6 blks. from station. Owner leaving. Will sell Sp*e'ndid buy in wooded lot 50x200 in two apt. section of North Evans- ton. This beautiful property priced at $80 per foot. Wooded corner East of L Terminal in Wilmette 45x138, per ft. $100. South Front lot on Central Ave- nue, 3 blks. from steam station, 50 ft. front. A splendid buy at $60 per ft. This will not last long. "Beautiful 75 ft. corner lot on Greenwood Ave. Nicely wooded; priced to sell. New 5 Rm. Bungalow with glassed sleeping porches, H. W. heat, tiled bath, large space upstairs with room for 3 more chambers, or large play room; 50 ft lot in good section.. Priced $12,000. _, . , Tels. Wil. 68 and 444. 340 Linden Ave. L47-ltc REAL ESTATE 'it TM Have you some friend or acquaintance who would be interested in a beautiful- home ? Six rooms; lot 50x187; wonderful trees and yard; garage; most conveni- ent location East. We are going abroad for a long stay and want to sell completely furnished. « " This is a rare opportunity and if you or anybody you know is in the market don't fail to see this home. Call Wilmette 710-M, for ap- pointment; selling price is $23,500. LT46-ltc. IN WINNETKA'S CHOICE EAST SEC- tion. 7 rm. stucco, tile bath; sun pch., Ndkol ht., garage; beaut. 85 ft. wooded lot; $15,000. Shown exclu- sively by HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. _55_6_Center__aL--------------1_____°.JSEin._2a4. Open Sunday 2 to 5 P. M. LTG47-ltc WILMETTE ... FOR SALE â€" BRAND NEW 5 RM. Stucco Bungalow: h. w. heat,, heated sun parlor, tile bath, built in tub.; decorations to suit. $12,500. Attractive 7 rm. 4 blocks N. E. Wilmette Station, liv. rm. 14x26, sun â- s parlor, 3 sunny bed tms. Owner . must sell; $15,000. . Elegant 8 rm stucco,-5 tile baths 2nd fl. H. W. Heat, Liv. Rm. 18x24, den on 1st fl. sun parlor, sleep, pch. Billard rm, 2 car garage, beautifully landscaped lot $23,700. 'FffSnnt G@®ifg@ <§b C<Q>o End "L" 410 Linden Ave. Fh. Wil. 407 <&-------'e _ $ ROOM STUCCO HOME WITH LTV. K yflfln. and slpg. por., garage In fine east ideation near lake, schools and 1^ %rans.; immediate poss. $15,500; look ft^iat it andHtnake offer. m Pine wooded lot on Asbury Ave- SpSnue,, Hubbard Woods; 85x160 south S upfront. This is &n Ideal homesite Sfmnd will be sold at a reasonable K;i-%»rice. fc I see us for the above properties Jf as well... as other homes and vacant. EoSftisalftsEealttyCa. i«<L Bli30__St: WINNETKA - TsL 1800 LTG47-ltc ood Wilmette Buys IPTH STREET, 8-ROOM STUCCO, large porch, water heat, wooded lot, S0x2O# only $15,000^ Oakwood. 7-roonra, extra large bedroom, front and rear porches, wooded lot, 60x190, garage $16,500. Greenleaf. ' 8-room brick, 2 baths, built-in sleet^ittg porch, large sun ratrlor, garagge attached and heatglfr * 27.&G0. $» ,.wfle«4AveJl A business *a* 'Lrn^«m-%Ave®&M:"Ph- WIIm*£te 808« mfP: â- :*^1â„¢nr:I_fL'^S§&*ift;on^neryie«-"-- LTG47-ltC A 5 R. HOUSE, 4 BLOCKS FROM depOi in splendid location only $7,000. Can you beat it? Attractive 6 R. house on Lake Ave. convenient to depot, water heat, ivory finish, newly decorated, one car garage. Price $17,500. Will in- clude $7,500 worth of furniture at $23,500. Another 6 R. house on Lake Ave. for $14,000. „ Very artistic nearly new 7 R. Stucco home on Ashland Ave.; sun parlor, sip. pch., front pch., lav. on 1st floor, 2 baths on 2nd, Newport boiler, ivory finish throughout, bean- tiful lot and 2 car garage. $28,000. AoRoEcdIdEinigtoiac&C© 1157 Wilmette Ave Tel. Wil. 640. L47-ltc ILL HEALTH MAKES IT NECESSARY to sell home quickly. Excellent lo- cation; 4 chambers, sleeping porch and breakfast room; good garage; large wooded lot; for price and terms call Wilmette 1304. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513 Fourth St.,. A. J. Woodcock Prop. L47-ltc FOR SALEâ€"EIGHT ROOM COLONIAL, built 1916; three baths, two sun porches, hot water heat: instantan- eous gas heater; heated garonre at- tached. Painted and redecorateu. this summer. Corner 130x140. Three- room cottage, hot water heat, on property; also single ca*r garage and storage shed. $35,000. Call Winnetka 314 dp Glencoe 64. LTG47-ltc MR. ^SPECULATOR OR HOME-SEEK- erVJLoffer you 200 feet east of Brae- ___side station, Ravinia; near lake and golf course; only $10,000, or 100 feet for $5,000; %. This is a rare value as property adjacent is selling for $65â€"$85 per foot. Address Lake Shore News. A-335. LTG-47-2tc -FOR RENTâ€"S-ROOM BRICK BUNG A - low, H. W. heat, $75. Phone Wil. 3021. LTG47-ltc. WINNETKA NEW ENGLISH 7 ROOM Colonial; 2 baths; lot 73x187â€"bar- gain; owner Kristof, corner Cherry and Glendale, Winnetka. . LTG47-ltc FOR SALE â€" LOT ON SHERIDAN road, 3 blocks south of railroad sta- tion in Highland Park;-fine trees; most convenient location; $3,500; easy terms. Tel. Highland Park -447. LTG47-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"REAL ESTAE WANTEDâ€"IN WILMETTE IN GOOD locality, Tor cash, $5,000 to $10,000, from owners only, an old cottage or house in need of repairs. S. Swan- son, 1522 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago. .___________________________ L47-ltp WANTEDâ€"BUILDING WANTEDâ€"SMALL BUILDING SUIT- able for work-shop; either Wilmette, Kenilworth or Winnetka. Tel. Evans- ton 2863. - LT47-ltc FOR RENT OR SALEâ€"HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE â€" 7-ROOM stucco house at 13f25 Gregory Ave.; upper and lower porches; combination neat; 50 x 175 foot lot. Possession Oct. 1; $95 month or selL $m,0OOrCafr H. H. Brown, telephone Wilmette 218. _____ . L47-ltc FOR RENT &$®inm<s Tempi® is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable foX-Jectures, ^meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. Dr. J. E. Fonda Phone: 1211 -^WINNETKA Meyer Bank- Bldg. •â- > 'W rjrj^SwJjbsWWWW'VWa >}»>>»>&&, WeUlM THE mSiDlN*-*0p£Y i8A w^MROOW AND 1VP TRAVELLED 30 MILKS TO / / oveR THefte qET HER* .MUST HAVE A ^V^sT^AT W WHEUe I CAN ^_^__r^^^/MM^ ICAN <JCT YOl) ft ROOM LATER IHTHe PAY FOR REXTâ€"PURMSHED HOUSES FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED 6-ROQM bungalow; November 1 to April 1. For particulars telephone Winn. 789. LTG47-ltc WANTED TO RENT-^JFURNISHED HOUSES WANTED TO RENTâ€"FOR WINTER months, small furnished house in Wilmette; 3 adults. Address Lake Shore News, A-317. L46-3tp WILMETTE FAMILY WANTS FUR- nished house in Wilmette or North Evanston until June 15. Tel. Wil. 919-M. ______________ L47-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"5-ROOM MODERN BIG bungalow; 2 car garage; $85. 909 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wil. 364 LTG47-ltc FOR RENTâ€"6-ROOM UNFURNISHED house; Winnetka; 2 large screened and glassed porches; 2 baths; hot water heat; A-l condition;" shade trees; possession Oct. 1. Telephone Glencoe 114. „ LTG47-ltc FOR KE1NT^FQlR_L_X)R- -2_-YEARSrf small unfurnished house; Hubbard Woods; convenient locaiton; west of tracks. Tel. Winn. 1096. LTG47-ltc FOR-RENTâ€"6-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST side Wilmette; fine transportation; garage. Rent $135 per month. Tel. Glencoe S3. L47-ltc FOR RENTâ€"OCT. 1ST; BUNGALOW; Garage, hot water heat. Inquire 387 Sunset Rd., Winnetka, 111. LTG47-ltc FOR RENT-FOR 6 MONTHS, T-ROOM brick bungalow; 797 Cherry St., Win- netka. Tel. Winn. 522^J. LTG47-ltp FOR RENTâ€"NEW HOUSE; 6-ROOMS, 2 glazed porches; ready Oct. 1. Tel. Wil. 969rM.___ • LT47-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENT â€" DESIRABLE tenant wishes to lease a small house between Northwest Evanston and „ Glencoe. Address P. O. Box 66, Ken- ilworth, 111. LTG47-ltc FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENTS FOR RENTâ€"5-ROOM APARTMENT; two bed rooms, large sun room, hot water heat; good location. Green, Bay Road, Glencoe. $65 per month. V.Hill'& Wiwdbr.' INVESTMENTS W@ Air® Off@ir Snag for Iiav@§tto®imtt $14,000 of Village of Kenilworth1 6# Improvement Bonds in $100 and $500 Denomina- tions, maturing in 1-2-3-4-5 years, normal tax exempt. Schaefer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 .y "--"'".' LTG46-ltc. ___SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J, Interior ^Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 YOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH Ex- perience as house-man and gardener, who can drive machines, would like position with flat or house included; no children; first class references. -Tel. Wft r-&fr?-R. â€"â€"LTG46-2t<H WANTED â€" POSITION BY CHAUF- feur and house-man. Tel, Evanston 7564. References. LT4?-ltp 736 Elm St. Winnetka 142 LTG45-tfc FOR RENTâ€" 4-ROOM MODERN apartment; unfurnished; in Glencoe,; attractive rooms> telephone Glencoe 318-W. .. L47-ltc FOR RENTâ€"OCTOBER 1, NEW 4-RM. apartment; steam heat; janitor ser- vice; 625 11th St. Tel. Wil 2399. f; LTG47-ltp FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE WOR RENTâ€"SPACE IN^ BRIGHM5AR-4 age; 1534 Spencer Ave. Telephone Wil. 993-W. L47-ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE; CONVENIENT to Park and Lake Aves. Phone Wil. 2590. - L47-tfc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSE- work by* the day; steady; references. Tel. W". 1353. L47-ltc EXP. GARDENER, HOUSE AND FUR- nace man wishes work by the day. Call Wilmette 2753. L47-ltp COLLEGE PREPARATION IN FRENCH BY TEACHER OF EXP*. IN EURO- • pean and American schools,' senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd., Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. LTG45-tfc LIMITED NUMBER OF PIANO PUPILS taken for lessons on Saturday after- noons. For further information tele- phone (after 6 p. m.) Wil. 763-M. L46-2tc WANTEDâ€"PLAIN SEWING BY THE day. Call evenings Evanston 7508. ..*.... LT47-ltc DRESSMAKING, RE-MODELING; furs remodeled. Tel. Wil. 2718. LTG47-ltc The Fashion Sewing Shop AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES a specialty. Reasonable prices. Make early appointments. 1534 Highland Ave., Wilmett*. Tel. Wil. 966-J. L47-4tc !11 CAPABLE-HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WILL- ^""carWtd^r^hvnaTeiir after school; evtr- nings, Saturday and Sunday. Many Wilrriette references. Tel. Wilmette 2345. LTG47-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"COUPLE WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED COUPLE as cook and houseman; small fam- ily; good wages; permanent. Tel. Kenilworth 392. * LTG47-ltc -FOR~SALE-*.HOf3F9BHOL»~600DS WINNETKA FURNITURE • STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, -autos, pianos, anything useful. - 808 Oak St. LTG45-tfc N. FELL^-DEALER IN NEW, AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. ^ LTG16-tfc FOR SALEâ€"DIVAN, MAHOGANY chairs, writing desk, kitchen cabinet, table. % brass bed, Wilton rugs 9x12 and 6x9 in good condition. Call Wil<- Tr»*tte 909-R., 923 Greenleaf Ave.. Wilmette. L47-ltp. -FOR SALE=^2â€"i=?OLTDâ€"MAHOGANY easv chairs, newly upholstered, loose * cushions; price $20 apiece. Tel. 9 Glencoe 336. LTG47-ltc FOR SALE â€" OAK DINING ROOM table and 4 chairs; like new; bargain; also other furniture. Glencoe 114. LTG47-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SOFA, CLOCKS, OLD Pewter, chairs and hooked rugs. Tel. Winnetka 1265; between 8 and 10, a. m. L47-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT ROOM^FOR two, _with or without kitchenette; water heat; quiet home; near all transportation; 1046 Linden Ave. L47-ltp FOR RENTâ€"BEDROOM AND LIVING rooih, jWith or without kitchen and diningr room prfvileges; Hubbard "foods home-r Protestant; adaMsr-Tel. Inn. 567. LTG46-Uc FOR RENT â€" NEWLY FURNISHED room in private home; $5 a ?week Address Lake Shore News, A-336. LTG47-ltc CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS: STEAM heat; hot and cold running water. s -Tel, Wllv 1080. 629 Main St., Wil. LT32-tfc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"BURNISHED t ROOM house; 2 baths; 4 bedrooms, sun and sleeping porch; garage; $150 per g jnonth froth Oct. 1 to May 1. Will * *»$ve long lease; very desirable loca- tion.â- *^Tel..- Highland Bark 447. ' *i; J .LTG47-ltc FOR RENT^r- SMALL FURNISHED house; 8 or 10 months; on east side Wilmette; neÂ¥r transportation, Ad- ttE «reirt L*lce ^W* KoWtfr A-337. - ' ^W^.,,,„WT-l.tfi. FOR RENTâ€"ATTRACTIVE FRONT room; east side; 3 blocks to North- western station. Tel... Wil. 2725 LT47-ltp FOR RENTâ€" FURNISHED ROOM; lady preferred. Telephone Wil. 828R â- -•â- L47-ltp FOR RENTâ€"FURINSHED-RMS7 ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil.-935-M; near all transportation. LT25-tfc T(m RENTâ€"2 OFFICE ROOMS. X5 F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winn. B2 ' ' LTG47-ltc F<^> RE^TC-2^ NICE CONNECTING . moms, light housekeeoing urivileges tf «1e«.<r^. Tri. wn rans> L47-tfc WANTED. TO RENTâ€"ROOM<> ^trS^TT2,; SMALL ^ ROOKS FOR. light Tiousekeeping. Tel: WiL 821-W^ jss&*z!?: \ *> C^ V Builder of Fountains and Stone Gateways WISCONSIN FLAG .STONE NEW YORK BLUE STONE 730 Center Street, \Winiietka Phone Winnetka 1530 ^ HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE CASHIERâ€"ONE WHO CAN HANDLE a small set of booTcs; also two girls for cafeteria work. Call in person; Welch's Cafeteria, 1133 Central St., Wilmette. LT47-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL OVER 17 TO assist with housework and care of £hi Idren; no experience necessary, lei. Mrs. Cushman, Glencoe 943. LTG4T-ltc WANTED â€" WOMAN FOR HOUSE- . work; Tuesday, Thursday afternoons, S,a^urUay morning; 50 cents per hour.' Tel. Kenilworth 2790. L47-lte WANTEDâ€"GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN to take care of 2 year old child by the hour. Tel. Kenilworth 1809. LTG47-ltc WANTEDâ€"<3IRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist With^ousewprk; good home in Wilmette; Tel. Evanston 9429. ':______ J LTG47-ltc WANTEDâ€"FIRST CLASS LATJN- dress; Northbrook; Mrs. George Sea- man, Tel. 'Northbrook 239. ____________ LTG47-ltc WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Small familv; good wages. Kenilworth 460.. LTG47-ltp ^P1^1^ GBNERAI^HOUSB- X«rfe 3 in famll>- Telephone Wfl. 928"W- ~T ~" L*7iltc POR SALEIâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOOD! i FOR SALEâ€"WILLIAM ANDâ€"MARY mahogany dining room set; 9 chairs; table, China cabinet and 2 serving tables. Tel. Kenilworth 82. LTG47-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW "UTBNCO" IRON- ing machine; never used; $125. Tel. Wil. 2289; 921 Oakwood Ave, LTG47-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AT A SACRIFICE, WIL- ton 9x12; 3 small orientals; 6 dining roTom chairs; telephone 1516. LTG47-ltc F9R ^ . SALEâ€"POLYCHROMED DROP li^?t-fixture5 brand new; cost $65; B£njfor i2,5; complete with 3 silk shades. Tel. Winn. 530-W: 791 Wal- MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDâ€"FINJ! NEEDLE WORK;" aiso crochet and embroidery; beauti- ful work. Tel. Glencoe 237. _____ LTG47-ltc* SEWING WANTED -r- PLAIN ANl rancy dressmaking; at home or out by day. TeL Wil. 2785. LTG47-ltc BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK DIRECT '* «4°^ er,ow^n s,x Spirea Van Hdutle, IJt00^^?^ Barberry Thung, $4.00; « 1^8,^.50; 3 Peonies, $2.oo. D«t,t. vr. i ne_Cassâ€"Nurseries.â€"Geneva. New^ imm St-Si S^SS^^i^'^S^i^u6^§i*fvrr-