I^jfororth Happenings i/r and Mrs. August Gatzert, of 4901 rJeenwood avenue, Chicago, announce the engagement .of their daughter. Clara, to Frederick Spiegel, son of Mr. and Jfrs Modie J. Spiegel, of 140 Melrose avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Gatzert are re- ceiving for the young cou^Je^CSipaayr September 23. ^^^^ir,^.. -^-4-â€" ^ The Church of the Holy Comfofter and the Kenilworth Union church have resumed their services^ I THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER l€J92S M Florence Wheelock, 244 Cumnor md, is leaving today to attend Brad- ford academy. She has been chosen president of the senior class for the year. !.. Misjs Alice Shipman, ks2 Warwick ro^Jeft yesterday lor the University of Illinois. Junior Shipman will not return to school until Sunday. Mr. Robert Chaffee left yesterday tor Iowa State university, where he will enter his sophomore year. Jack Lockett, 66 Essex road, left Mon- j day for Andover, Mass., to attend school. S3mS35w3p^p5^ John Keith, 310 Warwick road, de- parted for Champaign on Tuesday where he will be a member of the senior class at the state university tt# year* :cf||| Wilson E)eCamp, 615 Abbotts ford road, will return to Kemper Military academy to complete his senior year on Monday. MrsT^James H. PrenfissTlSJf ^Cumber- land avenue, entertained the Afternoon Bridge club at luncheon .on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs^'Arthur Ruf and Miss Phyllis Ruf, 236 Cumnor road, motored to Coloma, Michigan, over last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Ab~ bottsford road, spent last week motor- ing through northern Wisconsin with friends from Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Shipman and family, 432 Warwick road, are home after a summer at White Lake, Mich. Leicester road, was hostess at luncheon and bridge at Indian Hill Golf club last Friday. Mrs. Bently McCloud, 416 Cumnor road, entertained a. few friends infor- mally at tea- 4ast-Sunday-^v«iing.-^-^ f ord rbad, \i leaving today f< W>., ^ltb;'e^terf-h#:s«iiio|^ University ol'WisTOiaim^p^^ilS^ ^m Ipif l|Bf f 1r llIlP road, entertained at umipnejavwu ,^^ Thursday. -^0' ^^'^^^^S^W^^^^L. T^Sttste^r^eli^^ -road,---le|tr-Wednes^^ia?,yisit- Mis* V.'lftfifif' Muriel Badger in Delroitif^.f^^l^l^^g^- Mrs. C. W. Babcock, 257 Kenilwortlt avenue, entertained Tuesday at luncheon «id-bridge.,{^--3-^^^iMiM^ m m 13,'»,ffi $k :-«!0:^mmfy:im^ «S» " j»" ,'\." mm ^^vcm=z These three weather signs are very oldâ€"but ever new with us, for they remind us daily that we aim to get work done ON-TIME. ___fflrnoiis NortH SidellS^ ious to have look better and last life. Service is^iow available to %£ ?r"^W]: iilj'titliieita of Eyanst«>n iilraifKoltlrSliore sujb- .UinrwOT^rooma ;jag only [the mosl»aDproY £Al&^^tlilSide Branf h is now open at 504 Main ^ntrelBo>te1?^uM^ and efficienY^quipMent; afidjjjftrm^ cleaning orxlyeing go through ex- pert hands. fe ^ Rugs, curt^in%,i||i)oleiispf all sorts, furs and fur pieces are^tiiiplel any timei for ^storageln ourinew burglar- 23Sv^ â€"9- ;:' â- "'1WW '^^i^tr^? â- proof vaultl. J |lSMwini^p& Send us your sporty anstol 2410lindWilmette 2410 are "the t|l#h^ne numbersâ€"the call bo3c fof the rii^st e||>ert dry clean- ........................................................ :o.::":^^ W!0M3MiM lfig^ttl oyes, suits, cpats^gei- by^moths, because^iiothing is "$&. T,^^^^^^^^S^t^S^^^t^^t^tedJoi storage that has not thi|ig that you are particularly anx- | beforehand. j, K ; lli^i :isffemi^ fev; iGbW Wiimkte2410 mEiknstS 2410 mid WtMmmcm^%^ forym^gorments. ^i-j^m. ^Mh&HtaeLB^&M^ ;i5 J§ ...7r.: i^;^^^^.^:j,sl-:MI:: • Wi^tsMiMz â- k. ': â- &J&;A$'fctj.\r;i «04 Main-Street|:Evans|ont;;l1| gft;«y«® Wilniette 2410, lyanstaa 24|0 â- JT.; .'.'->/>' -5 â- " â- . yj '3 ":â- S'^'^^i ^1©^^ wlnSftS