Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1923, p. 29

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 LIMITED NUMBER OP PIANO PUPILS taken for lessons on Saturday after- noons. For further, informatino tele- phone (after 6 p. >q.) Wil. 763-M. L46-2tc EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER DE- sires part time work, will also take small set of books by month. Address Lake Shore News, A-315. LTG46-ltc YOUNG GIRL, WISHES TO GARB FOR children evenings. T-eir Kenilworth 816-J._____________LTG46-ltp WANTED POSITIONâ€"OFFICE WORK; experienced In clerical work. Tel. Wil. 991. LTG46-ltp WANTED â€" POSITION BY CHAUF- feur and houseman. Tel. Evanston 7564. References. LT46-1 tp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSE- work by the day; steady; references. Tel. Wil. 1353. L46-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"rFURNITURE FOR 9-RM. house; fine oak typewriter desk with chair to match; beds; dressers; chairs; cheap price on everything:. Tel. Wilmette 2345 or call at 629 Park ave., Wilmette. L46-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SOLID MAHOGANY, 50- inch living room table with large drawer and shelf; also mahogany table lamp and upholstered chairs. Tel. Wil. 922-J. L46-ltp FOR SALEâ€"TWO WHITE IRON BEDS and springs; one Ostermoor mattress; other household goods. 246 Went- worth Ave. Tel. Glencoe 735. LTG4ff-ltp FUMED OAK DINING ROOM SET IN- cluding 54-Inch round tabley four up- wrs, " " holstered chai Winnetka 1253. and buffet; cheap; LT46-ltc FOR SALE â€"DARK OAK DINING table 63 inches, seats 20; 8 carved leather seated chairs. Tel. Glencoe 133. Call 475 Greenleaf Ave. LT46-ltc ^WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. LTG45-tfc FOR SALEâ€"4 TABLES, BUFFET, "davenport, 1 rocker, brass and white bed, kitchen utensils. Wil. 849-J. L46-ltc .â€"FELLâ€"DEALERâ€"Hi-WEWâ€"AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG16-tfc FOR S mattress anoT-^ springs, splendid condition, $20. Tel. Winn. 829. LTG46-ltc FOR SALEâ€"TAPESTRY DAVENPORT and chairs. Also lamp. Telephone Winnetka 1011. LTG46-ltc FOR SALE â€" TWO TUBE RADIO. Phone evenings; Wilmette 873-J. ___________________________ LTG46-ltp WANTED TO BUYâ-  GOODS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, -1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Phone 189: LTG27-ltfc WANTED kitchen; reasonable. JL -SMAUr HEATER FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR sale:â€"M1SC1 EDEM WASHING MACHW WITH SWING WRINGER • Factory DansiKDim^&tore All Machines Guaranteed $65.00 and $75.00 While They Last Order Yours Today NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP John C. Welter, Proprietor 554 Center St. "// Electrical and Good We Have It' FOR SALEâ€"lltpSCIgLLANKOlJS FOR SALEâ€"RIDlN^ HORSE, STOCK saddle and bridl*| Must sell-because of school. Call ISetween 6 and 7 P. M. Winn. 1312. L46-ltp 1 r- MISCELLANEOUS =JBOR SALE^-"MAX1„ BESD BUGGY, like new; go-cart; Reed high chair; play yard; mahogan^s living room table. Tel. Wilmette M<<7< L46-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GAS STOVE, DETROIT Jewel; self lighter; good as new; 5 half price; dress suit, small size; in perfect condition. Tel. Wilmette 1091. ^_ i. LTG46-ltp LET US DO THE WORRYING ABOUT your fall house cleaning; satisfaction guaranteed; also remove screens, put up storm windows, furnaces solicited for the winter.' References furnished. BROWN & BROWN Tel. Glencoe 709 353 Jefferson St. ^ LTG46-ltc. Good ideas are worthless if nothing is done to put them into operation. Don't be satisfied with merely admitting the value of an account here-^come in today and open one. Even though you didn't bank your first pay check you'll be glad when you have banked the next. â-  -.v..- i-:^i>j -.â-  ~~-~---L"-~' rst National Bank OFWiLMETTB 7£&hbme<fSari^pqpo8ifa Member of the Federal Reserve Bank sm Wiaaetka 44 HUGE GROWTH IN FEES FOR STATE Secretary of State Emmerson Make* Comparisons SLIP COVERS COMPLETE Abso" fllttl Davenport faction mSsgHr Chair anteed llillli $6.50 Also a wonderful selection of im- ported Coverings at a tremendous reduction due to bur wide, expe- rience in the making of Covers, en- abling us to give you superior quality. â€" Formerly With Mandel Bros. Call or Write 713 MAIN ST.,^BVANSTON- â€"â€"Phone Evanston 6121 ----- FOR SALEâ€"GERMAN POLICE DOG, in whelp; child's pet; must sacrifice -at ©nee.T«!. W4nn^ 173^ 1Q« Wood- lawn Ave. â€" â€" ~LTG46-lt<r FOR SALEâ€"7 BEAUTIFUL GERMAN Police puppies; 9 weeks old. Tel. ~-il. S58-J. LTG46-ltc rv« SALE â€" AQUARIUM WITH IgTopical fish; 210 5th St., Wll*fret3te- rAi»i WANTED-r-TO buy used veloci- p?; tirde in good condition, small size; -v telephone Winnetka 472s, •? LTG46-ltc * RUSSIAN TECHNIQUE DANCING; private and- class lessons daily; children and adults. Tel. Wil. 1234. L46-lte LOST AND POUND LOSTâ€"BAG OF LAUNDRY, ON STREET of Kenilworth, or Wilmette. Tel. Kenil. 1062 or deliver to 338 Mel- rose Ave., Kenilworth. L46-ltc Douglas Fairbanks Writes Articles for Boys' Life A man who has so /won the loyalty of boys by his great screen work and has risen to such a position of emi- nence in his profession as has Doug- las Fairbanks, undoubtedly should be 'In "give boys the benefit ofr his experience by writing about those things that have gone into the making of his success. --'-â„¢;----------^--- ^.~^-^r---.: .;$g; It has^ just^^ 4>een--aitm«mc€d--by the Chief Scout Executive, James E. West, that Boys' Life, the Boy Scouts' maga- zine, has secured from Mr. Fairbanks thenfirst of what Mr. West exp^ctSTwill be a series of articles. The first of the series, "Youth Points the Way," will ap- stailed under the direction of the sec- retary of state to provide telephone ser- vice for all of the state offices and build- ings in Springfield. In addition the li- braries have been placed under the Sec- retary of State and their cost of operation added to his appropriations. Wesley Barry, the famous freckled kid, just celebrated his seventeenth birthday. A party was given at the Warner Studios where "Wes" is film- ing the George M. Cohan play, "George Washington, Jr." Freckles just com- pleted "The Printer's Devil," from the original story by Julien Joseph- son^ The intimacy of the pressrooms and printing plant of a small town newspaper is a feature which should be interesting to newspaper men as well as all admirers of the star. A growth in the fees of the secretary of state's office amounting to eight times the total collected in 19K is shown by a report just compiled by secretary of state Louis L. Emmerson for the forth- coming state Blue Book. But while the fees have grown from $1,819,810 to more than $13,500,000 dur- ing the time Secretary Emmerson has been in charge of the office and scores of new duties have b-en added to the ^___ „ _____ Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, held on the 17th day of August, A. D. 1923, the following Ordinance was passed by a vote of more than three VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT NOTICE OF SALE OP VILLAGE PROPERTY. tion is only a little more than double the cost in' 1916. In 1916 the cost of operating the office vmmv^ ^ „___________________......„ compared to the amount of fees collected fourths "of all'the members of the Vil and turned into the treasury was 16.5 lage Board, per cent. This has now been reduced to 7.45 per cent in 1922 and it will be even smaller for this year. The cost of op- erating the automobile department is only 4.18 per cent of the amount collected, the lowest percentage of any similar de- partment in the country. 7- In 1916 the automobile fees amounted to $1,242,509 and the miscellaneous fees to $577r100, making a total collection^ read by every boy who can get his eyes en it. â-  This is but one indication of how the Boy Scouts of /America js^setting out to make Boys' Life a magazine of unexcelled interest for all boys every- where in the character of its special ar- ticle$ and hummingJ.feg^^.^jj^^^^:... $1,818,810. In 1922 the automobile fees amounted to $7,816,211 and the miscellaneous fees to $4*060,894, making ^ 4otal -of- $1 l,922r 105. This is an increase in fees of 655 per cent. Fees collected already 0«his y«»ar have reached a total of more tlTaTr$i3,1»00,00fr and will exceed $14,000,000 by the end of the year. *;â- .'â-  In addition to adding many new duties pear in the November issue oTthe maga ---------- _ . . zine. It is an article that is bc^d tc^betto existing departments of the ofnee, the legislature has added tvo new depart- ments. The securities department has been provided for the administration x>f the "blue sky".lawV-^gtoch has keep many millions ofdoubtful or fraud- ulent securities, out of the state, and a capitol telephone exchange has been in- VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 183. AN ORDINANCE BY THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT, PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF CER- TAIN REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ------iet*- Ave--f5)-«nd-B4xâ€"£6) 4n Bloek seven (7) of Seger's Subdivision of the Northeast Quarter of the North- west Quarter, except the East two (2) acres of the North one hundred thirty-three (33), Township forty two (42)) North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois *ogether with -' thereon. BE ITORDAINED, by thePlresia|nt.1" " '" ffiai and Board of Trustees of the Village of Grross Pbint, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois: SECTION 1 £-,:*%â- â-  â€"That theâ€"f©Howling described -real estate, to wit: Lots five (5) and six (6) in "Block seven (7) of; Seger's Sub- division of the Northeast-^^fruarter of the Northwest Quarter, except the Bast two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (.U5Jh.feet,thereof, In t92S. Wff&k itsfftf Wm «*•#**: > thirty-three forty-two C4i), North, (13/ East^H' mn Meridian, Jn Cook •©»«_, gether with all the bult provements thereon, being the __ on which the Village Hall la'local. _. which said building was used by th Village in the conduct of its business, is no longer necessary, appropriate or required for the use of said Village or profitable to, or fts longer â-  rotcn?* tion1 for the best interests of the Vil- lage. â- â- . .-r.. â- â- ^^â- -,-:-v-v.^ ' \t SECTION:,v2v:fc^:^te^MSi That proposals to sell the said prop- erty shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Lake Shore News,--the first publication to t»* not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting at which bid* are to be received, and that said prop- erty be sold to the highest and bertt^'^s^'^ftl bidder; provided, however, the BourA'SK^^'^m of Trustees may by majority vote r**>it!;^5iijS*^ .1ect any -and- alh'-tridB^TecetveTff^thei^^^^^^ section 3 .::;; â- - ^'"^^Wliiliil^ That In the event said property ti sold as herein provided, the' President of the Board of Trustees and the Cleric of the said Board are hereby author- ized and directed to convey said prop- erty to such party or parties â-  whose bids have been accepted, by a proper deed or deeds of conveyance, stating therein the price therefor, with the seal of the ^corporation*â€"â€"*-# - ^ S SECTION * This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, ap- proval and publication. PASSED this 17th day of August, IMS. APPROVED this 17th day of August. 1923. , ^ "___ EDWARD ZEUTSCHBL, .., - President. Mathew. Schneider N. J. Miller Joseph Bleser ;f>.:v*f:^v^;; ATTEST: '.-if ' . Edward A. Schneider, ?V Village Clerki- ^ â€"â€"--------^â€"PROPOSALS â- i:;;:;':i&!;"^:^ UStff Bids for the above described prop- erty are hereby solicited. Said bids must be in writing and fif keS'l^^^th^F^^^ Clerk of the Village of Gross Point on or before the hour of *:06"P. M. on the 3rd day of October, A. D. 1923. accompanied by a certified check for ail the- buildings amf improveTnen^^^^SiV^bSs^^bVs^b^id to the Board of Trustees of the Vil- lage of Gross Point and will be opensd and .considered at the regular meeting of said Board of Trustees to be held on the 3rd day of October, A. D. l»2f» or at the first regular meeting, or ad- journed regular meeting of said Board: of Trustees held after that date. The right to reject any i*hd all hits toi hereby specifically reserved.} - EDWARD A. 8CmtMItMR Village Clerk. DATED this 20th day of August. , LU-4to s^i S^ ^l?S^^;iSSi2lifes/8£i iM^^ttfc l£al^§£§- MSi&ilXKi lil^fll 4&Mi ^feitii im

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