Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1923, p. 24

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 Tnr\\„*c„™* MPWS FRIDAY. QW.PTBMBHR 14,12 Photodramas Frank B. Adam's story, "The Love Piker" will be seen at the Hoyburn Monday and Tuesday, September 1/ and 18. Anita Stewart and Robert Frazer and an excellent supporting cast are seen in this film which is the story of a rich man's daughter and a poor man's son and their experience fnthe age-old game of love. An ex- cellent story woven from the loom ot life," is a critic's comment. "The Scarlet Lily," the story of a liftr painted scarlet by tongues of scandal, will be the Hoyburn offering lor Wednesday and Thursday, Sep- tember 19 and 20. Kathenne Mc- Donald, regarded by many as Amer- ica's most beautiful woman, appears at her best in the title role. Stuart Holmes and Orville Caldwell are prominent in the supporting cast. ~~ It is quite appropriate at this season I that--the-««yburn provide a play _ot --------ichoollife. Such will be viewed Fri- day and Saturday, September 21 and 22 in "The Critical Age," screen adap- tation of Ralph Connor's popular novel, "Glengary School Days. Pauline Garan and James Harrison appear in the leading roles. Jackie Coogan comes to the Hoy- bufn Monday, - September 24, in his latest triumph, "Circus Days. Howard Theatre \ This week-end will be given over to the showing of Thomas Meighan s latest success, "Homward Bound, at thc-Howard. It is a Peter B. Kyne story, with Lila Lee playing opposite the great favorite. Being a Kyne story, you are right in assuming that "Homeward Bound" is a tale of the seas. The picture will be seen Sat- urday and Sunday of this week. '< James Kirkwood appears as the Howard headliner for Sunday, Sep- tember 16, the presentation being "You Are Guilty." Baby Peggy will augment this program with a scream- ingly funny skit entitled "Carmen, Jackie Coogan is billed for the Howard on Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nejday-Hwd^ThuTsday of next week With his latest supreme success, "Cir- cus Days/^lajlin_JWinegar4enT Bfize^aTlhe "ace of the xylo- phone," will provide the specialty en- tertainment for these days. First run pictures booked for the Howard in the next few weeks in- clude "Lawful Larceny," "The Silent Partner," "Dulcy," starring Constance talttiadge, and "Children of the Dust." will be offered at the Saturday mat- mMadge Kennedy is the Adelphi star for Sunday, September 16, the vehicle being "The Purpje, Highway. Episode No. 9 of "Fighting Blood will be seen on the Sabbath program. James Kirkwood's "You Are Guil- ty" comes to the Adelphi for Monday and Tuesday of next weekâ€"also the comedy success, "Winter Has Came. For Wednesday and Thursday, Sep- tember19 and 20, the Adelphi has se- cured that remarkable P'/tiire, "Homeward Bound," Thomas Meigh- an's latest masterpiece of the silent drama. Lila Lee plays the leading feminine role. And here's good news for the old timersâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Carter de Haven are back with a new one entitled "Borrowed Trouble. Due for the very near future at the Adelphi are some big features like "Enemies of Women," "Hollywood, and "Circus Days." The New Evanston "Hollywood," with fifty big stars in the cast, is packing the New Evanston this week, proving that a theater s policy of "the big pictures first" is meeting with the descriminating taste of the north shore community. James Cruse is the producer of this great motion picture story. By special request, the New Evanston is offering that greatest of Douglas Fairbanks triumphs, "The Mark of Zbfrb" in which the great star created his biggest sensation a season ago. The picture will show on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17, 18 and 19. The comedy feature of those days will be provided by "Our Gang," Hal Roach's great kid comedians. Their vehicle this time will be "Lodge Night," which should afford many a hearty laugh. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., . Learns Moslem History from Original Sources History with difficult names and elusive dates to rjmember would lose its terrors for the youth of America were any considerable part of them as fortunately situated as Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. He is getting history, as It pertains to the Ottoman empire, first hand and without ever having to^pore_oyer k;â€"Mtn-eoverrwlTaTTie~is ac- quiring in the way of Turkish lore has heightened his interest in the part he enacts in his first starring vehicle "Stephen Steps Out," a Para- mount picture adapted from "The Grand Cross of the Crescent," by Richard Harding Davis. Louise Fazenda Has First Vacation;*** Write for Magazine Louise Fazenda is having her first vacation this year between pictures, but, strange to say, is using the time to write another series of "Screen Impressions" for a fan ^gaztne which a year ago ran about twelve different articles which the comedian, wrote. At that time Miss Fazenda thought she had written up all the stars, but since then a fresh crop has sprung up, for she finds that so many nowa- days are being recruited from the speaking stage. The comedian has just finished work in the screen adaption of the famous Belasco succc:s, 'Ihe Gold Diggers," and with her recent signing by the Warner Brothers for starring roles, is looking over ail the new scripts that come to. If you've got a funny idea, why not let Louise know about it? Adelphi Theatre ~t fHex Beach's "The Spoilers" com** to the Adelphi oil Friday ancHSatur- K^^feQT^f^thTs week. Milton Sills and v^y^na Q. Nilsson are the stars of this & sensational picturization of the cele- "":S'.-'birated novel and stage success. 0j;^p]*)de-N6..1 of "The Steel Trail" iN THEATRE The Best Picture* v excellent Music Scientific Ventilation Afternoon* 2 to 6, Evening* 7 to 11 Next Week Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 18 4HE LOVE PIKER" From Frank R. Adam's story of a rich man's daughter and a poor man's son. Everything was at her command until she tried,the game pf love, and found herself a "piker." The leading roles are played delightfully by Anita Stewart and Robert Frazer, sup- ported by a very clever cast. An exquisite love story, woven from the loom of life.________________ Wednesday, Thursday, Sept. 19, 20 "THE SCARLET LILY" ' The story of a lily painted scarlet by tongues of scandal. Kath- erine MacDonald, often called "The American Beauty of the Screen," is considered at her best in the present role of a girl struggling alone amidst the worldly ways of a vain city. Stuart Holmes and Orville Cald- well are among the exceptional cast Friday, Saturday, Sept. 21, 22 'THE CRITICAL AGE" From the popular novel, "Glen- gary School Days," by Ralph onnor. This delightful Canadian tale of the romance of a typical backwoods lad* ajid^_a_jwui»he4- _you*h--e4HthTB--cTfy7TH>« In love with the same girl, will prove a _screen^ favorite to all. It is full of lovely scenes . of natural beauty, and will hold your In- terest throughout. Pauline Garon and James Harrison play the leading roles. Coming September 24 â€" Jackie Coogan In "Circa* Days'? 3O0Extrw Harry Carey'* Picture w *L.„ three hundred extra ac- More than threen u icts in daferSmVal Paul rehearsed .the ac- tor convicts for seve-al days .in their manne? of walking and executing their orison labors before he turned a camera on a "cene. The convicts were thorough- iTrehearsed in prison etiquette before any attempt was made to stage any of the dramatic scenes. J^e4,r^||; the leading fcmmin^n^opigj^ John Barrymore in the Warner â- â- && sic, "Beau Brummel." Irene fit has also been engaged for the ptod$> Hon The filming will nor start |&| rectly, however, as John Barrym^ is still in Europe, hut the studio stafel are getting the sets ready tor act|o|| before the camera. rr~* During the filming of WarnttM "The Printer's Devil" Wesley Ba>riJ had a few words with Mary Halfety the freckled kiddie who plays oppoMl the star in the production. ||| "Why don't you two kiss and makfif up?" suggested Harry Myers. NEWELL & RETCHIN HowarDIAdelThI ** ^r« i 7074 North Clark St. N> W. "LM Station at Howard THURS. FBI. SAT. THOS. MEIGHAftf "Homeward Bound" MITCHELL AND FLETCHER Vocalists SUNDAY JAS. KIRKWOOD "You Arc Gialty" BABY PEGGYâ€"CARMEN, JR. MON. TUES. WED. THIJR. JACKIE COOGAN i(r» wv 99 7074 North ----FRIDAY AND SATURDAY REX BEACH'S "The Spoilers" wHh ' Milton Sillsâ€"Anna Q. Nilsson SAT. MATINEE ONI*V EPISODE NO. ONE "THE STEEL TRAIL" ~~~~ ' SUNDAY ~~~ MADGE KENNEDY "The Purple Highway" "FIGHTING BLOOD" No. $ -----MONDAY AND TUESDAY JAS. KIRKWOOD «YoirsRrauiLTYw "WINTER HAS CAME' 'Grcus Days' MARTIN WINGARTEN ACE OF THE XYLOPHONE WEDNESDAY AND^THlJltSUAX THOS. MEIGHAN "HOMEWARD BOUND" Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHaven "BORROWED TROUBLE" â- B The North Shore's Most Representative Theatres HARRIJ THEATRE, TH<rl^5i^d%Hlhv I and literary cvenr of the a$e J. •â- â- -• WIUIMIl*0X taBsears r»Sn *TK& HOVEL JyA-SMHOTCHINSOTt TWICE DAILY 215-&I5 PRICES . THEATRE- nowpoE jit TOJiBsorac CONTINUOUS I It* H APEX TRI WASHING MACHINES tNigKr5-aflT.5UKtttfL3«K..5o-H5o|w>TH CHARLES JONES An up to th* m\twcte K*ffimelodrarna/â- '.-". • â- '*â- â€¢â- '. fy LINCOLN 3. CJWEER Clearance |AtE_ *wing Machines THOUSANDS SAY "The APEX is the BEST" $55.00 Western] Electric lb< rusy 42.00 65.00 New Home Elec- ^ r^0- 65.00 Singer "Electric '.? 39.75^^ !:? ."':< Used Drop Headf^rom $10.00 Up ^1- Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings 828 DAVIS ST.1 | 1950 HAVING PA1 TeL Wilmette 52S ^ CHICAGO - and Eranston 654 ^x^> A NEW|| APEX WASHER /"^ is' riady for -you Zc ?ii NOiikTRA CHARGE FOrf TIME PAYMENTJ5! Don't wait until tfcrlast: minute to order your washer when we d~t«r detnonsj GEf^^OURS NOW! \ (Formerly Illinois A/iex Co.) 'iSfil Sherman A^lll&Sll-Phone 2237' B^MfsAM^S<t^&fdiM§M SiP^

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