Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1923, p. 21

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 m SHORE NEWS. $mmtx S&PTOMBER W W® /fpi||^|i^ THE Northwestern University women of Wilmette are planning to stage a movie benefit for the Woman's Building at the University sometime in the near future. A committee headed by Mrs. Karl D. King has charge of the plan, and has called a meeting of North- western women for Thursday morning, September 20, at 10 o'clock, in the par- lors of the Congregational church to dis- cuss ways and means of making tliis,.nu.A A _- , , , affair a huge success. Northwestern F"?a?°' Au«ust 2S/ have raade the trip women have lunched at the "Barnswal- J° "J61* new home m Worchester, Mass., low," and "Wayside Inn" for the Smith b)\bo*t £ Montreal, and J>y motor the and Wellesley endowments, have shopped rest V^\F hc^isjetngi Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rathbbne, of Pasa- dena, formerly of 710 G.*ntra I avenue, who were guests of Mr; Rathbone's brother, Mr, John Rathbone <or a few days last week, prior to their departure for the Kast, sailed on Wednesday for Europe for a four or five months' so- journ. Mrs. Milton W.Arro^ a family, 1U7 Forest avenue who left prise party given by the women of Htu on "Petticoat Lane" to further the Vassar-Wellesley-Goucher-Wells cam- paign, have played cards and attended movies in the support of various other col- lege enterprises, and now they confidently ask the cordial support of their project by the women of sister colleges, and all their neighbors and friends. Heading the list of patrons and patron- esses are the following: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding* Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Stal- home Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Iliff, Mr. and Mrs: Henry L. Flentye, Mr. W. C. Shurtleff, Miss Helen Shurt- JeJJ, Mr^ PUJILjCi^er^ J^iss Frances Cutler, Mr. and Mrs,-Frank J. Scheiden- helm, Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Pattillo, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Pot- ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Shelby M. Single- ton. 4 Additional information regarding plans and the date selected will be announced at a later date. -________.. occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Porter and family. ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Brown and daughter, Frances, 1125 Forest avenue, have returned from a trip East, visiting Niagara' Falls, New York city, Wash- ington, D. C, and Ashtabula, Ohio, and later the week-end at Harvard CluS, Lake Geneva. Mrs. Charles A. Koepke, 414 Washing- ton avenue, opened her home Thursday to the Sewing Circle of the German Charities Organization. There were thirty guests. A buffet luncheon was served! Drs. Arthur H. and Alice D Tuttle have purchased the Mann property at 913 Central avenue. They are now re- modeling the house with the expectation of moving their offices from the Cox building sometime next month. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones of Glencoe . Because of the large number of Girl Scouts in Wilmette, it has become nec- essary to divide the Troop, in accordance with the new ruling which places a limit on the membership. It has been deemed advisable to re-organize the girls before the begining of the "Fall work. Present plans are to organize the fifth, sixth and seventh grade girls into Troop No: 2, and the eighth grade and High School girls into Troop^No. 1. CaptainFlem- "ihg^will be teniporarilyln charge~oT~both troops, but, it is hoped that another Cap- tain may soon be added to*the staff. The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist church will hold their first meeting of the year in the home of Mrs. C. A. Lundbeffg, 1538 Walnut avenue. Mrs. A. C. Jackson will hostess. Mrs will be very have- purchasedâ€"the "Georgeâ€"i^â€"Truftf "be the assistant Jiqstess. Mrs. C. N, Stokes will give a report of the Lake Geneva Camp and Mrs. P. Bonticou ^dJMj^JUmexJWIIliiuT^___ Mr. Willard H. Thayer and son, Wil- lard, left Wednesday of this week to motor East to meet Mrs. Thayer arid daughter, Marian, who are returning from a three months1' tour of Europe. After a few days spent in New York and Washington they will leave Miss Thayer at Sweet Briar, Virginia, where she will enter-collegerâ€"â€" *~ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Drayer and daughter, Jean, returned to their home at 1034 Elmwood avenue recently from a motor-trip through southern Indiana and Ohio and a visit with Mrs. Drayer's parents in Cleveland. Jean went on to Washington, D. C, to be the guest of Miss Laura Durgin, a former Wilmette resident, for ten days. "i^Mr. and Mrs. Foster Branson and daughter, Dorcas, 817 Central avenue, returned home Sunday from Estes Park, Colo., where they spent the entire sum- mer. Miss Florence Branson who was V$th them all sumnjer "stopped in At- chison, Kansas, for a visit with her grandmother, and will return home Sun- day........... -., , fiMiss Margaret Couffer and Miss Eliza- filth Cutler, of Wilmette, were members of the bridal party at the wedding of Miss Hester Abbott, daughter of Mr. smd Mrs. William Rufus Abbott, of Chi^ cago, and Ml. Luuis Edward Tilderivof Chicago, which took place Wednesday evening at the Edgewater Presbyterian church. *On September 14, Miss Margaret Wil- liams of 1026 Elmwood avenue will'.en- ter the Evanstori Hospital Training School for Nurses which is affiliated with Northwestern university; Miss Williams attended the university':,la*ryS»r""ahd is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority. house at 921 Thirteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Truitt have bought a home in Deer- field which they expect to occupy as soon as it has been remodeled. Mrs. George C. Murdoch, of Daven- port, Iowa, is a guest of Mrs. Richard W. Jordan, 1012 Greenwood avenue, this week. Mr. Murdoch will arrive tomorow to attend the Brotherhood of St. Anthony at Chicago university. Mrs. F. D. Breit is opening her home at 422 Essex road, Kenilworth, for a social and card party to be given on Friday afternoon, September 21. The proceeds -will be given to the St. Fran- cis Xavier School Fund. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Vella, of New York, are guests at the home of Mrs. Claire P. Browir,-835~ "Sixteenth strtet, for several days. The Vellas have just returned from a three years' tour of South America; * Philip Bright, 731 Ashland avenue, re- turned Saturday from Ann Arbor, Mich., where he completed a summer school course. He will return for his sopho- more year early in October. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bertram Wilson and family-iiave -reopened their home «t 611 Laurel avenue, after spending three months at their cottage on Crystal Lake, Frankfort, Mich. Miss Mary Martin, 1046 Elmwood avenue, returned Saturday from Di-s Moines, Iowa, where she has been visit- ing with relatives for the last three weeks. Miss Louise Starkey, of Des Moines,- Iowa, has ccfneTo Wilmette to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Schuettge, 804 Greenwood avenue. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Amer- ican Legion opened the Fall season with a meeting at St. Augustine's club house last Monday evening. Mr. arid Mrs. Herbert C. Meyer, for- merly of Wilmette, anounce the birth of a daughter, Lois Virginia. They^are now residing in Logansport, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pringle, 1024 Eleventh g*™»<»»f rptiirt^H last wwalf from Elmwood avenue, are vacating their home the latter part of the month, having rented it to Mr. and Mrs. George Eisen- stadt for a year. Mrs. Verhalen arid her daughter, Claudia, after a week's Visit in Milwaukee, will go on to Mail- shall, Texas, for a visit with the Vei?- halen family there, and later travel oil westward to California for the winter months. ^mMerhs^ must attend to his usual business'trip in the East before he can join his family on the Western pOaSt. "":'0l:if^WB0MMir â-  ,K:'t "â- â- !: Father John Neumann, of St. Joseph's the parish last Sunday. He was the recipient of many lovely household articles and a silMiss Dorothy Troy, 828 Ashland ave- nue, left Sunday for Atlantic City to at- tend the Delta Gamma house party previ- ous to returning to Swathmore College, Swathmore, Pa. *The Travel Club met ui'the home if J&rs*~Char4eS"G.-- Haskinsin~ Glencoerapf Tuesday. The topic for the ensuing year â€"'" %e "Africa." Mrs. Haskins gave it interesting reading of "Morocco?' Mrs. Guy R. Knickerbocker, 617 Wash- ington avenue, entertained members of the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club yesterday afternoon at herjiome. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mehren, 785 Walden road, Winetka, announce the birth of a daughter, Ruth Francis, on Saturn- day September 1, at St. Francis hospital Miss Margaret Fitchen, of Pasadena, Cal., and Mrs. Cardy, of Longwood, 111., were guests on Friday of Mrs. O. G. Corns. 1211 Chestnut ^»nnf» SJJMr.";;'ajtti' Mrs. Harry. Wilson and daughter, Mary Catherine, 729 Green- Wood avenue, motored to Peoria and other points in southern Illinois this week. Miss Dorothy Wilson, who motored east several weeks ago with her aunt, Miss Eva Wilson of Winrtetka, is expected home early next week, ^p Miss Betty Marshall is returning to her home at 1040 Elmwood avenue, Sun- day. She has been in Pasadena and Los Angeles, Cal., the. greater part of the summer, a part of her time being spent on a ranch of her uncle, E. J. Marshall, *%lr; and Mrs; Wallace B. Clore, Jr* who have returned from their honey- moon have moved into a new apartment on Sheridan road in Rogers Park. Sf Mrs'.;|liairy"','L."t>eLbhg,'oi 1202 Lake avenue, returned Sunday from a two months' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeLong, of Plymouth, Wis. i^f||i|pj?v* Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Clark, 1319 Greenwood, ayenue^jand iamily,Jhtay.e„rs=. fufheÂ¥tr©fn" their cottage at Fish Creek,,;,,^-,;,-,,,.,;,,'../, ^ '- ^*^^K:& Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, 935 Elmwood avenue, returned Wednesday from Cleve- land, where she visited among old friends and relatives. .--^^WV left Thursday of last week to attend St. Mary's College, Kansas. with her small son, is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fouts, 530 Greenleaf avenue. m..... jAribAtf;P$fer, of 524 Fifteenth *t......^ has returned home from a month's trip in! Detroit. and Sandmky;; ^r»^,Me^^ spent three weeks m nortbera Michigan. |S Mn 'â- M Kenneth Murdoch, son of Mn and Mrs. George Murdoch, former Wilmette residents, will attend Dartmouth college this winter. s liliss Edith Kay Young has returned from a visit with her parents in Vu> cennes, Ind... ,â- ,:..,,;. v,;l- .,,tJ 41 glMr. and Mrs.E.'F/.Shan^:©!.8*wrl»'.| ing Green, Ohio, are visiting their son, » ...... Joseph;E, Shant2,:;-930-^Oakwood---^rtii^ UlGeorge L. Mart^rfio46 Elmwood ^ avenue," leaves Sunday to enter Brt>wn .uniyersity, , Providence, Rhode. Island. â-  ^SlS* Mrs. E. T. Hennick, 1030 Linden nue, left Friday last for an exU it in Canadian and Eastern cities. .tut. vMr.and Mrs. C.C. Carnahailf*700 Cen^^Cq, tral avenue, Wve .returned' from a ten ifew::^ days' â-  trip' to :.Yellowstone' National â-  ftwckr. I^Si ;:Mrif5*A. N1s?Page an^ soln^^KettiiJ*^^ 1301 Greenwood avenue, have returned from pQSt-Lake^J\Sitis»- "A. T. Pyfer: and ;;s<m^,:^ui^ow^h^' Arthur, motored to Iowa for ^ week^ end. ..:..â- /.:^..-:Lt â- â- "^ *" Mrf Gross Point, have moved into, a house on Fbnr*5-i||||^ s Dr. Waiton-Bali spent Marquette and Negaunsee, Mich. :MfS DEERFIELDâ€"5 AGRE&& heavily wooded tract on new private road, has beautiful building site; restricted to at least a $10,000 residence; surrounding tracts have been d=io^rominem ^rth^ per acre, â- â- ; . ;:-?;"; NEW HOME -®!*[ -â- ' Six large rooms and bath, large porch, furnace heat. One year oldi Lot 75xlS04|gPriced at ; $8,000 to sell, this month. . â- .. y^Mt.. â- .â-  \fm0§g§t -,, GILBERT D. JOHNSON 4 BRO. . North Suburban R««l Estate ..-â- â- â- . £1^. 110 South Dearborn Street - Chlcaco â- â- /g','\';f>:;gS.:;:iK»cil- Officer -^ms^at^m^p-mKtM-JS^^ Branche.-Winnetka, Glencoe, HigMaud Pwrik, Deerfie i Mmm UMW&MW0/ iip Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central avenue, returned Wednesday from a short visit in Joliet. 'giiiuiMMiwiimiuMNmini^^ Canada, whereâ€"they spent; five^weeks at the Lake of Bays, on Muskoka. Mrs. Frank Forrester, 1030 Linden avenue, has returned from, a six weeks' sojourn at Mackinac Island, Petoskey and Saugatuck, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jones and family, 1045 Forest avenue, who have been at Crystal Lake, Frankfort, Mich., all sum- mer returned home last Wednesday. ^ to WtW? i-ft^istif^m^tm^t. "The Store for Children" in Wilmette September 18 and 19 Every tnother should avail herself of.this i'^#HfeliiWil&J opportunity to .learn-just ;what her^olla^^lil^K^^^^j will buy on. .this dayfrighilpiere in ri^h^wmmm^mm^^m Wilmette Store for; Children/^ so conveniipvi|i||||g||^a _ently lqjpated. On this occasion you will be§| amply repaid by becoming acoj^iajnted^wj^ the exceptional values to be obtained here \n everything that children wea^^ enjoy, we are sure, the ease and comfort g»fj shopping with your children in your own neighb6i-hoodr Library Plaza Hotel lillllll Evanstori HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. MfMMMMM Carroll Ridgway; and j 1160 Wilmette Ave. I Wilmette 6 N. Michigan^oul. 11.

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