K.mm si^^^ppâ„¢ Comfort and Elegance of Horn When The Ornngton opened its portals to its hundreds of delighted guests last Saturday, there were expressions of genuine admiration at sight of the luxurious Tudor Lounge, immediately to the right as one enters the palatial building. , â„¢?T*1S reflected the comfort and elegance of the most magnificent home, every detail indicating with what comsummate skill the builder solved this important ap- pointment of the modern residence hotel. "Walls of paneled oak, richly hung; a friendly fireplace; easy chairs* reading tables, a nook with a writing table, deepiy cushioned divans, the warm glow of beautiful lamps, rugs that blend with the quiet elegance of it all and silence every footstep"â€"thus the builder describes the Tudor Lounge. Investigation proves he exaggerated not in the least. Hans Hess Will Conduct Classes at Home Studio Hans Hess, one of the best known violoncellists in the Chicago area, has announced that, besides Wednesdays and Saturdays, on which days he con- tinues to teach at the Fine Arts build- ing, Chicago, he will conduct- classes at his home studio, 202 Beech street, Highland Park. ^^ ___Mr. Hess has been designated "a teaclier ^oi Ideas and force, striving only for the best." tort ns^io Attend Festival At Orphanage Members of St. John's Lutheran church are expected to attend in num- bers the annual festival at the Ad- dison Lutheran orphanage which is .to Dancing Enthusiasts! Classes in Toe and Aesthetic danc- ing are now being formed by, Viola M.Specht Both class and private lessons given. Russian, Technique and Ballet Work a Specialty. For Particulars Phone Wilmette 5 ________________or __ ..._._ ____•____ Call at 1136 Grcenlcaf Ave, Wil be held Sunday morning and after- noon, September 9. The new childrenlsâ€"hospital at the orphanage will Se dedicated on that day. _____________ Michigan Peaches for canning, due next week â€" See -us for best grades at right -prices. -___â€"4â€"^ Free Delivery in Wilmette fruit*, Vegetables and food Specialties 493 LukUd Aft.~~^ Phone Wined* 2837 \^j> Burn Oil Instead of Coal in Your Hofhe Coal is at a premium today. Shortages due to Unrest in the coal fields are evidenced all over the country. Even our govern- ment is endorsing the substitution of oil for coal as fuel. Oil is plentiful. Oil companies in every community are installing great storage tanks to provide an adequate supply at all times. Don't put up with the uncertainty of coal! Modernize your heating plant nowâ€" INSTALL A AUTOMATIC OIL-BURNING SYSTEM Kleen-Heet is the perfected application of oil to home heating. Its reputation is established and it deserves your investigation because itâ€" ______ â- " «* Is Completely Automatic* ._,._. Requires No Oil Storage in Basement. * Is Simple and Substantial. Is Quiet in Operation. Utilizes Low-priced Oils. Secures Approximately 100% Heat Value. Operates in Practically All Types of Heating: Plantsv -Is- Endorsed by Thousands of Users. ._.......W'^rSm fflMv mM gsr iggjpjp||||| â- j '--%4%^^SpS^^-: :'â- • You are cordially invited to attend the fotrnal presenta- tion of jpewi^utumn Fash-v ions throughout the week heginning^Tuesday, Septem- ^FhiMi^tn^iaW^s'""*A":'""'fm> ber 11th, 1923. Evanston, III 4l;0^';'f^y^{0^^zS^^: â- Hi pffe/; We- lti m 9m Is Listed as Standard by Underwriters' Laboratories. Is Sponsored by a responsible Company. Winter and zero weather are just a short.way off. TJoh't de- lay your decision. Plan today to see a Kleen-Heet Automatic Oil-Burning System in operation at our North Shore BranchT Or write for the facts. But don't delay. â€"â€"----^â€"â€"- - ^==i=â€" Division -«f"^"'- '>'â- -A~4-t&, iih -, 'â- WINSLOW BOILER St ENGINEERING CO. ; :.'â- 'â- â- â- ITS No. Michigan Ave, Cthm-^;^-':': NORTH SHORE: BRANCH -----~ (Licensed- 817 Chicago Avenue, Evanaton Telephone t B vanaton • 0285 le Laboratories and; Goad Inventions Co. Patents) W T" Opposite Village Theatre Free Delivery as far north ^Ga^j|o|I «V.«*Â¥?Ay * '»$£^§*^tf&^vOv^*w js(^*««i!*iV*^Hj i,-*T^:w*?*^ *^T; Special sale on bushel lots of Peaches, Pickling Pears, Pickles for Dill and Sweet. Blue Plums and Tomatoes by the case^ "s JBuy Fruits and Vegetables for canning when THEYb ARE SIN SEASON. â- :â- â- ,.|J v"> â- i^::vW.^^l^^i&^^ k â- IB,>,',i,B,B,,'â€" " :<x 'Ah 'â- â- hA'Ah-'r' 'AA'hA^A^M^S^M^^m^', ... . - . . . . â- â- : â- â- .â- ' â- â- â- '•â- â- :â- ': â- â- â- â- -..â- ,. â- â- -:-..v-i':- â- ;.-;• â- â- â- ?• -^.^-"jp'^^'PSfpSls Oranges, per doz. ,......._.____â„¢_^,-^^^r:,; . 19cr 25c> 40c, 50c and 68ch Green Grapes, large" basket 59c Blue Plums, basket %^,1^31.20c ^ Peaches, basket .,... !> â- â- â- *. * 29c ;::: Lemons, doz^Â¥^^H:1;:;f§^||'"/v3'9c" Honey Dew Melons .35c and up X Cooking Apples, 4 lbs.\m$, .2 Fancy Jonathan Apples, 2 lbs. >â- â- §& •'•'*_• • .•hS» ;â- ."•â- • ;<â-º,â- ..• •. .• » »â- â- ueberries and Blackberries at the Lowest Price Tomatoes, basket if i Cucumbers,...._.:... .Ll:!ffi, r?.19c"'|;" Celery, large bunch 5c and up J| Beansf qtAttgllljiil Cauliflower Â¥. :.:7|l%25c and up :"|:;; Lettuce, head:; ^^ptc^'S^.:2iii Green Peas, lb. _ Mushrooms, Alligator Pears and all other Fresh Things at Exceed- Wi,. in^y, ^,1-^ojf ^^^i^ii^^