fcAKfl SH0Rfr/:1tew€¥RH)^^ 'ml$i: Lilworth Happenings r„ey Harold G. Sperling, of Kenil- a veteran of the Spanish-Ameri- (1 the World Warp, thas been ap- I a lieutenant colonel of infantry rrserve corps by President Cool- Col. Sperling served in Cuba ihc First Regiment and received a fission as captain at the first of- training camp at Fort Sheridan. ommanded a battalion in the 86th jn overseas, part of the time with hird Army corps in Germany and cd the rank; pi M^ftrupon his F. • E. M." Cole/^IS' ;:E⪙' :$H1fe )0ii, Hallett, with Mr. ^Douglas (»15 Cumnor road, left Thursday ;agle River, Wisi, where they will ned by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, nd Mrs. Gromann, Mr. and Mrs. s and Mrs. Cole, this week-end. .„.,.... _ . . . . A a . )arty will remain Over Labor Day. w,n return September^first, touring ' ' -4iiSl^ili||iiill?f ^ Vermont where- they have spent tn< s Ruth Kasten and^liil^iotti H. A. Kasten, left Wednesday to to Erie, Penn,, where Miss Kas- xpects to teach music in a high 1 this winter. Mrs. Kasten wilt re- with her daughter for a iew days will later take an extended trip gh the East. fses Elizabeth and Kathryrl Stolp, Varwick road, and Miss Elizabeth ah, 256 Woodstock avenue, re- i Saturday from Big Lake, Wis., they have been the guests of Mr. tfrs. James E. Keith, 515 Cumnor John P. Oleson, 240 Woodstock ie, and her daughter, Miss Marjorie, last week for ^^wx^weeks' visit home of Mrs. Olesqn's brother in ester, N. V^|They||iivill stop in )it on their way â- homi&^p ;i';!^W§!; tnouncement was made at a sorority f the engagement of Miss Kathryn ckson, daughter of Mrs. WilHs P. on. of 5808 Kenmore avenue, Chi- to Leon B. Allen,, son of Mr. and L. M. Allen, 258 Melrose avenue. -. and Mrs. David R. DeCamp, 615 ittsford road, will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Tuesday, ;mber 4. Fifty guests will be _en- iticd at dinner in honor of the oc- II. .....â- - â- .-;~:v-vV; r;---- "â- ':â- '"'"; -y--. dshipman T. D. Napier returned on :mk-r leave from the IJ .S. Naval .emy. Annapolis, Md.„ On Thursday, the annual cruise on which he d Denmark, Scotland, Portugal, iltar. and Africa. Dr. Herbert and Dr. Hazel Walker from e past JwiOnonths in their summer home.: â- . John Lind, 315 Richmond road, chimed from a trip in the Canadian its. Mrs. Lind,~who accompanied husband on the Canadian Rocky as. gone to Alaska for a fortnight's 2 Miss Helen Cfesap, 239 Essex road, her guest, Miss Charlotte Walker, of New-York, and Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206 Cumberland avenue, have left for Muskegon to visit friends. Mrs. R. M. Burns, 614 Essex road, has driven to Detroit accompanied by her niece, Margaret, who has been visiting ^re. ju,cr'M-.^. // Miss Virginia Hedrick, Essex road, left Friday for Lake Delavan, where she will visit Mrs. Frank F. Skeel, 338 Woodstock'avenue. ;» ." â€"oâ€" '. " . .'.2! Mr. and Mrs/Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, and their daughter, Ruth, returned Friday from the Dellsip where they stopped while touring Wisconsin. ; The friends of Mrs. Russell Y. Cooke, 331 Cumnor road, are happy to see her about again,|;|She has been convalescent from an operation at the Racine hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Smith, 324 Cumnor road, left Monday for Benii. Mr. and Mrs. J. S- Cline, 304 Cumnor road, and their daughter, Isabel, re- turned Sunday from a three weeks' stay at Traverse, Mich. Missv Helleh Reeves, Sheridan road, entertained for Miss Lucile Funk, of Bloomington, last Sunday evening. Mrs. W. W. Wheelock entertained at luncheon and bridge at Skokie Country club on JTuesday. The North Shore Golf club held their monthly luncheon Saturday, August 25. Miss Helen Parker, of. Indiana, is visiting Mis§ Caroline Gromann, Chest- nut avenue. â- W?M'>'/^:'-^ The Eveninl'Bridge club met with Mrs. A. J. Maloney, Cumnor road, on Monday evening. Mrs. R. C. Danly* 336 Essex road, entertained at cards at the North Shore Golf club Saturday. Miss Isabelle Lovedale, 42 Kenil- worth avenue, has returned from a month's visit on. Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, Cum- nor road, entertained at cards at their home Saturday evening. Mrs. E. F. Snydacker has returned from Canton, Ohio, where she visited her mother,,, Miss Ruth Lee Harlan, 430 Sheridan rjpad, is visiting friends from Rockford at Rochelle and Peru, 111. Mist Jeatiette Cherry, 422 Abbotts- ford road, will be hostess at a tea and miscellaneous shower for Miss iMJQMffW Newport on Friday atternoonJ||p;|||jJi: Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Abbotttford road, entertained at luncheon Friday lor Miss Charlotte Smith, who is visiting her from Chicago. s • wimftm sir Mr|»f Sidney Y, Ball, 20^ Woodstock avenue, entertained Tuesday at luncheon at Indian Hill club for her mother, is;:,; visiting jherfâ- _, from /.C^veland.'/' '^krtiolnSo^^ stock avenue, and his son, Howard, Itijp* returned Sunday from a motor trip .through,, iwimmmimtmmmr"" *â- *â- MSm Mrs. B. C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge at her home last Friday. ; Mrs, George W. Keehn, 312 Essex road, entertained at luncheon and bridge on Friday; ..... Miss Ruth Kasten entertained at lunch- eon and bridge Monday at Indian Hill Golf club for Miss Florence Newport.) The Afternoon Bridge club met Mon- day with Mrs. Victor Sanborn of Lake) Forest.?^;?:":, â- â- â- ••" ' â- tii:':Mi?'i§rm Jack Rathbone, 523 Abbottsf ord road, returned Saturday from a vacation in •Europe. ;;\|;5||;|:;|s|";; â- 'â- .:^.-^Mf$^M Miss "Caroline Gromann, Chestnut avenue, returned Thursday from Pala- tine, 111. -%,:f: â- ?.1£3£ i -d,'â- >';W#" rs. William J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor , and her daughter, Miss Helen, left •day to motor to Fox Lake where expect to visit friends until after >r Day. . and Mrs. I. C. Darling, 319 Es- rcad, and their three daughters, les Betty, Dorothy and Jane, left sdav for a ten days' trip to Eagle x, Wis. ir. and Mrs. Frank R. Youngr-33£ |nor road, and their daughter, Jane, last week-end in Neoga, 111., with Harold Watson, a former resi- of Kenilworth. y ^ r. and Mrs. Francis Allen, 258 Melâ€" m avenue, left Saturday to motor to fston to visit their daughter, Mrs. Hier. F. W. Moore Fruits, Vegetables pnef Food Specialties 403 linden Aw>r-^_ ne Wilmette^2837^ usi Keep in touich tor peaches for can4| ning. .,,^e||will;have| i-iestJMicbigaff^fthl^ Sj|::5S^lrSv When you need hot water, y$u usually need it right away^ | You dislike to stand around %aiting for it to heat up. You don't have to wait if you have a Ruu<j Aut<j- mitic em. pi" ift^.y-^;-Cjjs'ij^rjj^j'-S ^^y^^J6^^ti-4^^^^'.>--^'A^ftiQ^3'- SKILLED SANITARY PLUMBING 619 Main St Phone WUmette 125 s A T O N L Sherman Ave., Evanstoi JfeRUMP CORNEDBEEF 30c FRESH DRESSED BROILERS ". 42c A^ERY BWST SIRLOIN STEAK.. ,48c VERY BEST PORTERHOUSE W ..:.; -STEAK 'â- ;V;;.:..'.^Vi.vi..::.:l'^^^5fe ~Â¥~. VERY BEST POT ROAST . . ,1. .20cl I FANCY LEG OF VEAL 'rl ZVM FANCY LEG OF SPRING LAMB 39^1 llj?RESH CALVES' SWEETBREADS 6Sfcj Our chickens are selected «if the best, freshly dressed by us, and are never over - a -day- €>la.y^mm^-:"^M^mmw^M liSi^^ii at lowest marki prices. s^^pftl^. Mm PwlpSM^P* ^pf^ JACK SPRAT BACON^SUced^ lb^JLOOf JACK SPRATTIAMS ,: 777^iS25%cn VERY BEST PEACOCK BACON 32V2c ipEACOCKJlAMSy Out Toda|||||^| 12-in, OPERATIC AND CONCERT Core*Nsrato Neapolitan song (Cordiferro-Cardillo) Baritone -With Orchestra. In Italian. Gloaeppe Damlme Cant* Pe» Me Neapolitan Song (Bovio Be Curtis) Baritone Gloseppe Daalae Curtis) Baritone GiBseppe Daalae with Orchestra. 12 in. â€"*2.00 S0025 Ave Maria (Bach-Qounod) Sdprano With Violin and Orchestral In Latin. Floreace Baston O Divine Redeemer (Gounod) Soprano with Orchestra Florence Bastom POPULAR SELKCTION8 BY NEGRO ARTISTS 10-in.â€" 75c . • vm 2462 My Pillow and Meâ€"Comedienne Llssle Miles Black Man <Be on Â¥o» Way)â€"Comedienne I^lssle Miles 2463 Down Hearted Bluesâ€"Comedienne Edna Hicks Gnlf Coast Binesâ€"Comedienne Edna Hicks •V'^-f*< â- â- ^â- 'i:'*-^;'-';^-^'FOR"DANCING '-C- ^<y^^/;«<^jv:Mt.:k. 10-in.â€"7Ec -.â- ::/:'.â- , ' â- '^.C^^^.-M. 2456 Someone Else Walked Rlsfet Inâ€"Fox Trot Ishsm Joaes* Orchestra Bine Hoosler Binesâ€"Fox Trot . c,-:";: Isham Jones' Orchestra - WILME^ MUSIC SHOP l-.%. ;;;.;â- :' ORIAN A. GALITZ ^J;'2^^^: â- :^j; v"H';;i:)..}- Open ::^mi'^Mm^ '^v Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings^^Z 1179 Wilmette Ave. . Phone Wil. 3006 mmm ippil mmmm â- mm Plii llt§lll3N! SSfs mSM. â- iii! isn JHoiiie Cooked Meals Have you tried our table d'hote dinner? If not, try one today* If^TKey are pronounced Delicious We also serve Business Men's Luncheon 1181 Wilmette AveM opposite Village Hall :'/.'. ^:i'S^Bi^!m ;^ijL±;.::£>£h^il*- '^+^-5 SiSSli iiii imm •$$,$$t"h Oi in ia$sSm M^M^M-- SERVICE mm> lAff. Woodcf|kt|?roprietor M; 'â- fflmm â- mm 513 :-^v,'^"\'V^-^^Wift'^5.r.! FOURTH' ST^ ^^.^f^;. '$£r£^$$*H SS& ..,^.i.,. ;.#&$â- hii,iiin[r [MfctA&i