'mmmm Ilflli THE LAKE SHOK&IfBWSg Ffeffi GET P. S. POWER IN HOME HYGIENE Public Service Company to Provide Utilities II The people of Blue Island .seem more than content with the unanimous' action of the City Council in award the ~ Red Cross Organizes Classes For Women and Girls for the sick and to do it well. More than 4,500 home makers and business women and 8,500 school girls have had this course under the Chicago chapter Red Cross instructors. The Red Cross is chartered iy Congress to relieve and to prevent suffering in peace and in', war, at home and;'aDroad/^;/>^^H" -H mg to tne Public Service Company of Northern Illinois the electric light- ing and power facilities of that city. Commenting on this fact the Blue Is- land Sun-Standard says: "The fact that the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has been granted the contract to furnish electricity for homes, stores and in- dustries in Blue Island has met with unanimous approval." Blue Island was originally served by a municipally owned Plant which later was abandoned and succeeded by electric service under a municipal grant to the Sanitary District ot Chicago. r-;r;.....7.......'"; 'r"'"'x '7-"'r^'r' â€"The City Council^ of Blue Island in cooperation with mayor Paul T. Klenk has taken the time to go thoroughly into every phase of the lighting situa- tion, jit isSsaid. Experts have been em- ployexl to determine from the engineer- ing standpoint whether the re-estab- lishment of a municipally owned.plant would be feasible. This having been found out of. the question the city council, with reliable service as its predominating purpose, turned to the Public Service company. The Public Service company has acquired the distribution system from the City of Blue Island. The acquire- ment by the Public Service company of the electric franchise in Blue Island where it already has the gas service is regarded as the culmination of one of the most important negotiations that has occurred in the outlying dis- trict of Chicagp for several years. Blue Island thus becomes one of the units in a vast chain of communi- ties that have been drawn into the Public. Service family. There are 180 cities and towns served by it through-: out the.territory of 6,000 square miles which it covers, i It operates in IS counties through 11. districts, is pro- vided with 16 electric generating sta- tions, 30 sub-stations, 7 gas manufac- turing plants, and.5 heating stations. It serves" 250,000 customers, of whom 18,000 at the present day are stock- holders in the corporation and are known as customer stockholders. Its assets are over $72;000,000, and on its payroll are approximately 30,- 000 employees. So it may be seen at a glance that the Public Service com- pany is today nne of the greatest utility organizations in the middle west and is growing by rapid strides. CHINESE GIRL LIKES FLAPPERS Says Tney9r$ a Bit Too Frank â- â- *â- :.:.;*â- :,â- }. ... ' »""* .'fry. "-' ..-.•}-..--â- ;-;TM»f:c ,r '^::',5;ir; 'in .Dress' jt^mM^B.': Pi Classes in *home hygiene and care of the sick" are now being organized by the American Red Cross, Chicago. Chapter, Ou East Washington street.' These will start in September. j The course is given in fifteen les- sons to groups of women, in their own neighborhood; and in 32 school peri- ods to girls in private, public and parochial schools. Among the things the course teaches are the following: How to prevent disease. :,v.:f%:;;!||,'?'." How to care for babies. How to make a patient comfortable â- £$: -with the use of ordinary house- :~w hold furniture,--where hospital equipment is not available. • The importance of following the :: doctor's orders^ That fresh air, sunshine," soap aijd the best disinfectants. IGNORANCE NOT BLISS Ignorance may be bliss to the mind, but it's mighty hard on the body, de- clares Drkjflt.: D- Rawlings, who says that evenfa little knowledge of the right kind will go a long way toward keeping a "feller" in good health. ]â- ."â- ~ water are Sickness in a family is so expensive, that it is almost a Tragedy, "fivery-" one would like to have a trained nurse, but comparatively few can afford one, and sometimes a nurse cannot be se- cured at any price,, and it is the duty of every woman to-know how to care l IRmhS How Are Your*? I All Sizes Carried Sterling Cord Tires and Tubes 7â€"QUALITY VULCANIZING SKOKIE TIRE SHOP 621 Main St. none 1631 hi xten ;^P^p8 The American flapper is too frank in her dress, in the opinion of Miss De Yoeh Koo, pretty Chinese maid, who is in Chicago Studying banking. "I think your women are wonder- ful,"- : ~sheft^a1drif?T^eyjgf have" '"morel freedom here thani we have m China. But of the young girls, the ones you call the flappers, I thinkâ€"yes, I think maybe they are too frank in their dress. They dress for the street Jike they go to a party. But you have wonderfully smart girls here, and they are good in business." " While admitting that %hei "was slightly shocked by the ultra mbd- ernism of the flapper until she got ^_ used to it, Miss Koo expressed her ad- niiratibn for the American girl on the " "whole. . . "Mostly I like the American girls very much. It is Only the too frank ones that I do not like so wwell. I confess they sometimestonavjeL rathex shocked me." Miss Koo says that although the in- terior towns of China still cling to the old belief that women should not be allowed any freedom, this is dis- appearing in the port cities of the â€"Empire, where modlfieji, ylew| Jire __ gaining', sromtd^-WS^MWSMB^^S- - "Iri the port cities of China today : girls Tatpfc allowed more freedom than they used to have," she said* "I have 7i four brothers, but I was permitted to -3 walk out --aloneSvhen J des ired to go ^•shbppingi^|n the- interior it is not so. !f| There th£%irls have little freedom of ctibtt.n â- v';..,i;„.>;.'.;.-..:i.':.....^.^.;.., Miss-Koo, who is twenty years-oJdV â- Kas been in the United States five wg years* during ^which r she has taken a ^four-year course in Qberlin college ^ and a post-graduate course of one g|§ •â- year; in New; '?^ter;:0$y&sty:;:"Shc |s§ came to this country as *>ne of ten m Chinese .â- ;girlsftientr-tolflthev - United jij^a'ai. ACH MONTH sees the 1^^ be- come a part of the community life of a still greater group:.of customers. >•â- â- :--^^^m^M^^f^^B^m-mmf^ Today the Company serves a territory of 6000 square miles â€"a greater area than that of Connecticut and Rhode Island iKHiifciri^ towns and smaller communities. The fifteen counties com- prised within its area of service have a peculation almost; equal to the states of Vermont, Arizona, Delaware^, Wyo- ming .and Nevada oombined^ â- â- -â- -s To serve this great family of users of electricity and gas, the Company lias more than $70,000,000 invested in its prop- erties, comprising electric generating stations, gas plants, substations, thousands of miles of transmission and dis- tribution lines. gasJIheat and wateif mains andytfher "necessary .'property..' .m^^^-W^mm^^^m^&^^^^^M^^m^ lltocknjpi^ Jfcerntary.1 The ltoes ^ iaie continent from New York to San Francisco, mmmmmmd ^jU^iMjl iW;MM^Â¥B in 1922 the year's su^ required the movement of 9,3?^ freight cars of 55 tons capacityâ€"the equivalent of a train 65 miles long: <^^^^^k â- <*M«&:<;-' |jf856 empkqresfnrm^M payroll is in excess of $5,000,000 annually, all of which con- tributes to the prosperi^r of the communities served. mmmS; All of this capital and human 'IS®S|fitf'SsMi;Vcl upon one purpose, and that is to give continuously good service at the lowest practicable cost|gp^^ W&iM Ifli^i^ WSM s..^*fw'**'y â- Slftl' :0m HP ......._____, - .-MkmSSiiiS^f ^1 Pmmp ^IM'^0^^0^^^i0^^^$00!'& States each yHir by tie college, at Peking, to be ^l^5p '^s0Si& *0i0lj§ii0$08 fi|^8H ItMi Ssp? pFNpRTHliW S€rvmg6,000square mites ndudinglSOcjtiitt, r^^gg «^?#5 vl^mff%fe;"* :V:'" .:â- Ji" S. KEESMli â- 1^t.1|«i|p ^11 Church St^ Evanstoi Telephone Evan»ton 3900 â- ^ mm tifl:?3|? 'iimii' lit Wim, sisJlSsSis mi Mm gMssgass 4^ li: l«^| IKS W&0P3 V tSiik. §^^^^MllJ|1p^^^^^^» yiPr ?r^.