^,,,m*rtMn*<wm«<w< '" ^ij^l^w,,^^ r^rfKf^jffl^?- 24 THE i AVlt SHORE.NF»>« â„¢'"AY- AUGUST 17. 19 â- tfeiii ;*-rSfei M? COMMERCE HEADS ATTEND SCHOOL Expect 300 At Commercial â€" Executives' Sessions More than 300 persons, representing every state in the country, are expected to be on Northwestern university campus for the third annual session of the Na- tional School for Commercial and 1 rade Executives. August 19 to September 1. The school is under the ^auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States the National Association ot Commercial Organization Secretaries and Northwestern University School oi Commerce. A feature of this year s cur- riculum is a course for Trade Organiza- tion men, presented through the co-op- eration of the American Trade Associa- tion Executives. Of the sixteen sem- inars, seven new subjects will be offered. Seminars are eledtive, (each advanced student in commercial courses choosing four. There are also four new funda- mental subjects so that classmen of all grades will have an adequate selection. The faculty of the school is composed of some of the leading authorities ini the various subjects in the country. Pro- fessors W. J. Cunningham, R E. Heil- man, F. E. Clark and R. B. Dennis of the Northwestern university fac- ulty will teach courses. Some of the new courses are: public util- ity problems; present day economic prob- lems; market building; industrial devel- opment; principles of executive manage- ment and civic work of a business or- ganization. The big noon assembly at the North •Shore hotel will be a daily affair again as it was last year. Breakfast will be served at the men's commons on the campus. Dinner will be served in fra- ternity houses. Other features of the National school will be the general sessions from 3:Id to 4 p. m. daily for addresses and dis- cussions of particular interest, the daily [newspaper called "The Secretary, which is printed by a committee of the student organization, and various sports .'among groups. Provision is made for 'students who are not able to enroll for the entire two weeks. The tuition is i$30 for the full two weeks. Keeps Things Popping Alva Lee Adams, Pharmaceu1t,s,t:^ traordinary, is listed several times among those who are doing active afternoon of the week, leaving East End River bridge at 9 a. m and .1:30 When he starts something there's ^n« ^^^^also large and small always considerable "fireworks" which p m There are^a so ^ T _ f. by the way of giving promise of a boa^for rent at a t fc rare treat for the evening of New jâ„¢ ™£J w ^^ - Trier day. fakee NipPersink and FoX LakeS make'a journey never^to be forgotten, lare. Alva Lee Adams duty in devising New Trier Day feat- ures. Besides serving on the General com- mittee, Mr. Adams is doing his share to see that the north shore enjoys one of the most impressive fireworks dis- plays ever presented in these en- LOTUS BEDS LURE ---------TO LAKE REGIONS Summer has once more brought to iew, in the full perfection of their rare beauty, the flowers in the fagnous lotus beds in Grass Lake, and fot'i* several seasons has the abundance ot b-toow~te~en~"So-cvidenfr Those who visit the scene annually are preparing for the trip, this season, and those who have never seen the unusual picture are being urged to take advantage of the present op- portunity. ., „ The Hunter boat line at McHenry runs excursions every morning and SHRUBS LANDSCAPE Reynehout 26<* CENTRAL^ Ph. Ewuton Sl||v REZELLA GOLDSTINE Teacher Pianist and Asslatant at the OSCAR DEIS STUDIO Wednesdays and Friday-, 12to 5 1200 Central Ave., Phone 084-M WILMETTE Atoll First class Grocers "Babbitt," Sinclair Lewis' latest novel, jias been included by the Warner Broth- ers in the production schedule of eigh- teen pictures for the coming season. The Warner organization has also filmed Mr. Lewis' "Main Street," co-starring Flor- ence Vidor and Monte Blue. wmmmmmmmmmmM fin:v/j v .-.•..••â- ..v NO COAL Hotsâ„¢ lUSS-*4'-""-**3'*' its '#â- " PHONE EVANSTON H20CT 5W fta Si m M i â- I i i w Is Heating Your Home Problem? â- 'Iff;. si| â- llfc II ^ There's just one feature of home ownership that takes most of the pleas- ure out of it for the average individual. That's the janitor workâ€"the daily rountine of taking care of the furnaces. Starting the day by digging out clinkers, -shaveling out the ashes and heaving Coat on the fire is not an inspiring job. But why put up with this drudgery? There's an easy, clean, better-than-coal way of home heatingâ€"the Kleen-Heet way. h Kleen-Heet is not an experiment but a perfect oil-burning home heating sys- tem that fits right into your present heat- ing plant. Years of undaunted effort by a corps of experts has brought this sys- tem to its present high efficiency. You can now have "Heat at the Flick of a Finger" in just the amount you want and when you want it. The North Shore Branch of Kleen- Heet is a direct factory branch. Step in and see this ideal heating system in operation. This is the time to prepare for next winter. Get the facts now. 4 Kleen-Heet ~ Division of Winslow Boiler A Engineering Company 175 N. Michigan Ave.â€"Chicago North Shore Branch 817 Chicago Ave.â€"Evanston Phone Evanaton 9235 g ifefs. ^ FAMOUS FOS MACABOONS & LADY FINGERS Excavating All work done quickly with modern machinery. ;n No job too big for us. 1 Consiritu first. $£m B. Office: Winnetka 201 Home: Winnetka 202 Building Material Crushed Stone Teaming 813 Elm Street WINNETKA if n-i mTii â- â- M%t§£W&£ SifiiijilMSI^B