Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1923, p. 13

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INERAL CHAPEL IVEN APPROVAL tt Opens Beautiful Rooms at Evanston vWm? K,f»Sf^eJ»!=!f^^-^?,*'; m m aillilll THE LAKE SHORE NEWS; FRlDA^ku^U^ 43 E Another Work-Eater Whenever one scans a list of the committees pushing the plans for New Trier Day, one is sure to find included ening of the handsomely appoint- iiapel at 1022 Davis street, Evans- by William H. Scott, north shore ertaker, is said to mark a distinct ance in securing the most approved ities and conveniences for the tduct of funeral services. establishing the chapel at Evans- Mr. Scott is in a position to offer th shore people a place for serv- that is designed exclusively for purpose. It is entirely separated other departments of the under-' ing business and, in its every de- of appointment, is suggestive of '• privacy, quiet and refinement of - home. The chapel is beautifully 1 effectively furnished, the environ- nt carrying the home-like touch ;t is far removed from the custom- - idea of an undertaker's chapel. s arranged so that there can be no irruptions during the services. The ipel is at the disposal of north shore >ple in the time of need. |r. Scott announces, also, that the iertaking rooms at 1124 Central >nue have been entirely redecorat- presenting a parlor effect that is st appropriate in every detail. The al establishment is said to consti- le a revelation in the interior dec- tor's art. r. Scott also conducts undertak- rooms and offices at 1911 Central eet, Evanston. He was formerly ociated with Hebblethwaiteat anston and, just prior to estab- ling a business of his own, was in irge of the Evanston offices of the estern Undertaking company. eader In Masonic Order o Make Home In Wilmette IT. M. Avery, of Chicago, Past Grand aster of Illinois Masonic lodges, has cently purchased through Frint George id company, the Mottschall lot at the irner of 11th street and Ashland ave- je, Wilmette. Mr. George has the contract for the ection of an attractive brick colonial >me on this corner. The work is well der way, and Mr. Ayery will become resident of Wilmette about Decem- Haviland Realty Company Moves Into New Offices The Haviland Realty company has taken new offices at 747 Elm street, Winnetka, * one door west of their former location, and in doing so, have established one of the finest and best equipped real estate offices on the north shore. Not only has this firm been steadily growing, but it has also tteen building a remarkable reputation for integrity and wide-awake activity, it is said by those who have come in contact with its officers. Le? M. Dean therein the name of Leo M. Dean. Mr. Dean has directed New Trier Day activities in the capacity of presi- dent of the New Trier Commercial as-s sociation and has been prominently iden- tified with the annual holiday events for the past several years. This year he is active on the general committee and is rendering able assist- ance to John Pappajohn of the Refresh- ments committee. Mr. Dean is proprietor of the Wilmette Dairy and therefore is another com- petent judge of good food. 15. TOUR PACIFIC COAST Dr. and Mrs. H. C. West of 811 west avenue, are leaving this week a vacation trip to various points on le Pacific coast. Mrs. Mary West, le doctor's mother, who recently re- irned from a tour of Europe, will save within the next fortnight for ler home in LaCrosse, Wis. LECTURES AT THE BAHA'I "TEMPLE ------- Foundation Hall, Sheridan Road and Linden Ave., entrance on Binden Ave. Sundays at 3:30 p. m. Aug. 19â€""Physical and Spirit- ual Healing." Aug. 26â€""The Power of P*ure and Sanctified Living." Speakersâ€"Mr. Albert Vail and Dr. Bagdadi. Friday evenings at 7:45â€"Lect- ures Upon the Union of Science and Religion. Just turn the faucet, and 'youlMlillill, have an abundance of ^hpt,;:watet|^||j; for .cleansing.: clothes, ?^washing|'^|^: dishes or for bathing purposes. |i|l4|^ A Job to Delight There are all kinds of paint jobs turned out these days. But the kind we turn out will prove a delight toâ„¢any automobile owner. . Tit lasts and it adds to the value ,of the car. ROBERT W. McINTYRE Rear of Wilmette State Bank Phone Wilmette 684 Ask us to give you'this wond^fu||^|J, service by installing in your hqm^§lj§§|; a Ruud Automatic Storage :'Sys-||f^fJ| tern. •. â-  ;-â- â-  '.;';']:^^.:l;-':--f|^^^M^^^^^ PAUL KEMPE '"* itifii 619 Main St Phone Wiln1ette*125 Dr. Stansell and family will leave at He close of the Boy Scout camp ^at J Lake Geneva, for twoTweeks' vacaltioiij West Mansfield, Ohio. ' High Grade Auto Tops ^tridr I Seat Covers TRAVELING BAGS AND ALL LEATHER GOODS REPAIRED CHARLES Ri PETERSEN %mtoi ;§t§i> lank Telephone Wilmette 1#6 l|;'tl||^i^M.r Reliable Gas Ranges j Lorain Heat Regulatotr%||^ 'Refrigerators f s Kitchen Cabinets Builders'Supplies |J ;mmiim litll Cleaned andRepaired JOHN pule;n Hardware 605 Main St. ^li&S Phone JKIIjH msm H Lake Am. Syndicate Prices about one-half value based on sale of entire block Subject to 10% Discount on purchase Before Sept. 20 Best Buy on North Shore SCMAEFER & G0LBACH 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette 364 "%MMi^ Reliable Repairing lit ,00$$L Ǥ' l$K;:?&!Z&& >ij|gj!g)8^ Every Aitomobile Owner wants and should have some reliable re- paij^h^p^wh^ ^r'1"for'vr%^ir^,ihdwihgr"that he will get the kind of work that he has a right to expect. We can offer Wilmette car foWners this Ikind of service. We Sell fires Wilmette Motor Safes 515-4th St^ Wfl. 636 "The Garage with a Guarantee 99 \-fm- :%: $pi:i&$frj;i i^gfli :MMsMM S&SSiSZaui&ki-. S^^ftkl. isMMiiiiS feiilSlii^KS

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