.WW'rV'-":Wl»)'"'-'"1 ' 10 r^ t 4VP. shore NEWS. FRT"*V AUGUST 17, 1923, flip UNIT DOUBLES WATER SUPPLY Addition to Evanston Water Pumping Station to Benefit Wilmette Users BEGIN WORK AT ONCE Water Pressure Will Increased Be Contracts were signed last week for the installation of a new unit at the Evanston water pumping station to double the capacity of the Evanston water supply system and incident- ally to increase the supply available for Wilmette, which receives its water from the Evanston system. The an- nouncement of the signing of the con- tracts was made Saturday by the Water committee of the Evanston city council. AUU-Chalmer* Gets Job The contract was let to the Allis- Chalmers company, which submitted the lowest bid with specifications coming nearest to the requirements of the city. â- Upon the completion of the new unit the capacity of the water system will be practically doubled and Evans- ton and Wilmette will be equally bene- fited in proportion to the amount of water that the two towns use. Wil- mette water users will also find the water pressure increased by the new distributing line that the village in- tends to lay on Greenleaf avenue. The work included under the Ev- anston contract and specifications con- sists of the furnishing and erecting complete, and ready for operation, an addition to the present=<ration plant at Lincoln street and Sheridan road. Two New Basins The addition will include two new coagulating basins placed between the existing coagulating basins and Dumping station, and connected with fhf prefent basins by an opening cut n the old wall. The new mixing basuiwiU be placed between the two coaeulating units and will be a con SfuT.ion gof .the old nuu.tr hum. Fach coasulating basin will be ninety even by'crty-one by fifteen, f.*, «d hive a capac ty of approximately <M*. 500 gallons each. The mixing basin will gbe ninety-seven by tourteen by fourteen feet with a capacity ot l<w,- 000 gallons. . . . There will also be a covered ad- dition to the existing filtered water reservoir placed between the existing filtered water and coagulating basins and connected with the present basin by two thirty-six inch sluice gates. 1 he new structure will be two connected sections divided by the new pipe gal- Icv The combined size will be about one hundred eleven bv seventy-two by nine feet and will have a total capacity of approximately 548.0UO gallons. ' mm . Six Filter Units Six new mechanical filter units complete, with all appurtenances, each twenty-three and one-half by thirty- six feet inside, will be used, haying an aggregated filter surface of 4,425 square feet. The filters will be grouped on both sides of the pine gallery extension over which the operating floor will be extended. The new filter building will re- semble closely the existing one and will be thirty-eight by seventy-five and one-half feet in plan and one story high. ..... Actual building will begin within fifteen days from the date of approval of the contract. New Campus Theatre Has Booked First Run Films The New Campus theatre, Fountain Square, Evanston, is securing an excel- lent selection of "first run" pictures for its discriminating north shore patronage. An example of Manager Sturdivant's success in obtaining films of real worth is given in his announcement of the fol- lowing program for next week: Lon Chaney, in "The Shock," for Monday and Tuesday. "The Westbound Limited," for Wed- nesday. Milton Sills in "Legally Dead," for Thursday and Friday, August 23 and 24. Lake Avenue Subdivision Put on Market This Week E. Raphael Nourse, well known north shore real estate owner and operator comes forth with an *nnoufX larse week of the subdivision of the^ large tract recently purchased by him and situated on the north side ot Lake ave- nue one block west of Ridge avenue, WThee property, placed on the markel: to be sold in blocks, contains .4,500 feet of frontage. It is described as high land well located with good surroundings and a permanent open wooded area on one side," and destined to become in its uniform development another garden spot in beautiful Wilmette. The property is attractively described in a beautifully illustrated 'prospectus, containing several views of Wilmette parks and other places of interest. Callistus S. Ennis and company, of Chicago, is representing Mr. Nourse in the sale of the new subdivision. Start Work On McCormick Road Within Thirty Days North shore motorists will be in- terested in the announcement that construction operations on the new McCormick highway will go forward within the next thirty or forty days, according to Edward J. Kelly, en- gineer. When completed the road will extend along the west bank of the drainage canal from Railroad av- enue, Evanston, to California avenue, Chicago. According to traffic experts the new highway will be of great benefit in diverting through traffic to the west and thus lessening the press of traffic on Sheridan road. Chicago is mak- ing extensions to California avenue to connect with the highway when it is built to Lawrence avenue, thus mak- ing a direct route to the south and west sides of the city. TAKES NEW POSITION Miss Julia Hughes, 218 Wilmette ave- nue, has accepted a position as book- keeper with the North Shore Ice com- pany. Miss Hughes was formerly con- nected with the Wilmette Grocery and Market. m' *1§I Village 1183 Wilmette Ave. Phone WUmette 65 Good Things to Eat Home Made Bread, Pies, Cakes,SPastriesfj Special Attention-Given to Special Orders* Preserving Needs for the housewife who Kkc^f'SS to use the best of even EDI TIT IARS We have in stock a complet||I|t TIYUII «l/*iw Hne of preserving Necessitiesfib* JELLY GLASSES in putting up herirui We always have a complete stock of any household ar. tide you may need.-------------^ -:^ BALDWIN HARDWARE 1 1117 Greenleaf Ave. . W»°"* W8 2752 FOURTH ANNIVERSARY We still have a few mid-summer dresses on hand over;- Fall Styles will be on display Sept. 1st. that we must dispose of. Come in and look them UNIQUE STYLE SHOP 1120 Central Ave. Phone 2403 "1 STUDY MUSIC At the Cosmopolitan School where the dignity and high standing of music as a professional calling are upheld according to the best tradi- THOROUGH TRAINING ^^ Under an eminent faculty is offeree in Piano, Voice, Violin and other Orchestral Instruments. Theory, Public School Music and Dramatic Art PUBLIC APJPEARANCE8- - -- Are arranged .for those students ready to fill them, and every ad- vantage is provided for a successful career as teacher or public performer. DEFINITE COURSES! Lead to Diploma, Teacixer's Certifi- cate, or Degrees. All â- #©!* done at the Cosmopolitan School is accredit- ed by the Board of Education, Chicago. M VMSMBB Dr. Carver Williams, President Descriptive catalog sent upon re- quest. Fall term opens Sept. 10. Address Edwin L. Stephen, Manager, Dept. N, 1625 Kimball Bldg., Chicago .â- â- >â- *:â- -â- â- â- â- l-;v.'-* . â- -.- -:<,e.,...^mmh- Ravinia Patrons Do you know that we haft some very fine records m£nyl>T.the"sta.rs|^; Ravinia this sealn? ||fl§: . . , â- . - :â- â- :,> ' ' ' â- â- • ."^Sfail^^ :â- â- â- ')â- ,"â- 'â- . ^'SPffMM • ". A Few of Them Are-'^f^^g^ Giuseppe Danise ' Florence Easton^|^ Giacomo Lauri-Volpi____^^i^ertURefebec '"" JtariandrTo^^ RosaRafca Giacomo Rimini Marguerite D'Alvarez ' >*v--::- ;,->.^.-^;r;v^-.- an<i *£.^X- ^^â- :'â- -'^â- ""'â- ^M1 Gennaro Papi and his Metropolitan Orchestra J WILMETTE MUSIC S ORIAN A. GALITZ Open *">^--^& â- â- '•"â- N-~- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ev M79 Wilmette Ave. Phone SIS. ONE PINT Makes One Gallon illil For Health and Pleasure! CUNNINGHAM ICE CREAM •^OU'Lrfv like to eat Cunningham Ice ^ Cream because of its healthful qualities and its pleasing taste! Ingredients that are the purest, processes that are the most modern and most sani- tary, are used. These guarantee a purity that you'll like. The flavorings take care of ytrar tastes. They, too, are the purest and most p&lat^ able.; You'll really find enjoyment in our "Ice Cream. §Try a fresh crushed fruit sundae! v Shrrply^addenough "cfacKMTcTlind. water to one pint of our Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, or Fruit Punch, to make a gallon. Then you'll have, at a cost of only 50' cents, a delicious, pure fruirdrink fit to serve a queen. Wonderful Summer Revivers! Shamrock Ginger Ale, qts..... dozen................$3.00 White Rock Ginger Ale, qts..... dozen................ $4.00 Cliquot Club Ginger Ale. pts. dozen............• • • • $2.2:> Orange Soda, pints, doz.. .$1.75 Green River, pints, doz... .$1.75 Liggett's Grape Juice, quarts ^ each-.......... .::&>:#..... 75c. Liggett's Grape Juice, pints parh 40c Welch's Grape Juice, pints |f|| each................... 4i)C'.. Welch's Grape Juice, quarts *:â„¢ each.................. .80c §jj| Phez, triple strength, eacju^YSJi Reimeck^ W-MM^The Rexall .5^ w-i|^^ii8^^^i^ Phones 28 and 29 WILMETTE ^^s^i^^&jr^ '*"ltlllltSii§i glsik wt-'g&i^-*] 'â- '&! â- •.&