WW [ilworth Happenings .-a-- ■•■■■ /■i*i:wpM ;,HW". ■■■■■■■■■.•. •■■■ • ■ -apt LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, AUGUST? 10.1923 MA'SvitmSM I Frank W. Ketchartl cailte*home ral days last week from Mamie is., to pack her household things e into an apartment in Evans- re the Ketchams will reside until w home on the lake front is r. and Mrs. Holden K. Farrar, jiston, have bought half their and will remodel the Ketcham : 329 Sheridan road before oc- it. ,.,;r.;. v.^ w^£ri$m±---:\?- :.i Albert A. McKeighan, 1606 For- ue, has just returned from a five visit with relatives and friends York and other casteri states, s, John and Victor, motored to fllif last week to meet her.and ar- me Saturday .;ev^in|^|^^ id Mrs. R. C. Stirton, of Sheri- arrived home Thursday qf last rom Hancock, Mich.; where Mr. met with an accident, fractur- n'p several weeks ago. His con-* greatly improved at this time, idney Y. Ball and Miss Adel- 1, 207 Woodstock road, accora- y Mrs. € ^Uttell and Miss ■fttell, 322 Woodstock road, left Mon«Br to spend a week at the Harry 1 rison's farm in Iceland, Mich. Snydacker? aig. jjHazel Conyne was the guest of t, Mrs. Harry V. Crooks, 613 road, stopping for a few days her way to her home in Cleve- r spending the summer ajt Madi- Clara Snydacker? who Ais been in New York, was hefe^for * w lys • at her parent's home; 1340 it avenue, on her way west to Iu where she expects to spend pro aing year, f ..;W': . ;r^.' and Mrs. William B. Kunkel are to move back to their former Philadelphia, within a few weeks. Cunkel entertained 'at another Saturday ~~ . Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Babcock, 229 gfscx road, and Mrs, Babcock's sister, Mrs. Warren Hillin, of Buffalo, who has been their guest for the oast .week, and Mrs. Babcock's brother, D/C. Bab- cock, of Boston, left Thursday ior a two weeks' tour of Minnesota. 5 Mrs. Frederick D'Aix, 307 Melrose avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge at the Loraine hotel on Tuesday, at the benefit party given for the David Bispham Memorial Fund. 0 Mr. Thomas Lovedale, ; th#"Misses Louise and Mary lovedale and Mr. A. W. Lovedale, 42 Kenilworth avenue, are motoring to Lake Mendota^ Wis., for the week-end.: - ■ |||^S^:^||p||| Mr* and Mrs. John Lind, 315 Rich- mond road, left Tuesday for the Cana- dian Rockies to be gone two weeks, spending most of their time at Lake Louise .. aa| J||^r Parkt =.,.,;..,:,,.,. v Mrs. Charles Burghart, of Wilmette, entertained her Kenilworth friends at luncheon at Westmoreland Club on Tuesday. ! Mr^ and Mrs. C. R. Bull, of Evanston, formerly of Kenilworth, motored to Tomahawk Lake, their summer home Thursday. * party Saturday lor of Philadelphia:. ; r| Mrs. AG. and Mrs. J. S. Cline and Miss & Cline, 304 Cumnor road, motored ilf verse, Mich., stopping a few days pipnd Rapids. They expect to be month.. and Mrs., Charles Macklin, of bought the Drake house at 535 ||f§||ck road and will move back here to take up their residence. |#S|1 *^*te?^^ RE. M.Coler^lS^Essex road, ined at tea Tuesday afternoon for i||f i' who have met Mrs. J. K. Farley's i|§t| Mrs. R. H. Reeves, of Phila- on her many visits here. !• I|> W. J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, ined the Winnetka Bridge club y afternoon. d Sport Apparel redih:|d £m!e|1 race Forbes Shop pom 217 Hoybura Building EVANSTCSS . Phone Evanston 7647 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Ab- bottsf ord road, and Mrs. Alfred Mc- Dougal arrived home Sunday from their motor trip through the East SMrs. Russell Y. Cooke, 331 Cumnor road, has returned from Racine, where she has been convalescing in a hospital following an operation. HiMrs. Merritt H. Dement, 337 Ab- bottsford road, entertained at luncheon an£ bridge Jat Skokict Country club Tuesday. J--,. "";.,, ..'■,. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp^ 336 Warwick road, entertained" the Evening Bridge club at dinner Tuesday evening. Mr. Alexander N. Lovedale, 42 Ken- ilworth avenue, motored home with a party of friends from Torch Lake, Mich. *Mts. Warren -Pease, 320-HLeicester road, is entertaining for Mrs. Warrens Pease, Jr., of Hptrnit, this afternoon. The Home and' Garden Club met at Mrs. O. C. Ewen's, 205 Essex road, Monday. ■ afternoon^^fe'i;;^!; Word was received here last week of the sad death of John Townsend Child, a former Kenilworth resident. Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 Warwick road,, entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs; Walter F. Shattuck. The members of the Garden Club visited a number of beautiful summer gardens m Lake Forest Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyer, of Chi- cago, are living in the W. K. Smyth home, 43 Kenilworth. avenue, for the summer. Mr. Hallett Cole; 315 Essex road, spent last week-end at South Haven, Mich. /■f":r"^0-^0$:-^r%f^yfi %z:< .:*ff||' ■ ■ ■; Mrs, William C.McMurran, 643 Ab- bottsford road; entertained at luncheon and bridge Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Heissler was the guest of Miss Hellen Reeves, 612 Warwick •■road, last;week-end..:^?:0 iy!:::'"■■&w~" .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haynes, of the Kenilworth Inn, arrived home Saturday from a month's tour in the East. # Miss Cora B. Earle, of New York, a sister of Mrs. William B. Freuden- reich, 314 Abbottsford road, is a guest here for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs; Samuel Holden and family, 527 Warwick road, leave today for a three weeks' outing on the Mus- koka Lakes and- Islands in Canada; Mr. and Mrs. a. C. BlomeyerW family, 430 Abbottsf ord road, have moved to Kansas City and have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs! ?;W. H. Haenicaes. Mrs. John V. Rathbone and Mist Helen Rathbone, 523 Cumnor road, re- turned home Saturday after being at Woodruff, Wis., on Trout Lake for ftjei Mr. and Mrs. Benjamhi RichlroU, of 638 Abbottsford road, have returned from a se^rol wewesk* tour of Nfc#..-*■*-■"• land.. "and'rNew-' Voflfe ■; ^ ?f llSf|ifc^ ■: end with Mrs. Leicester road. Edward J. Phelps, ■» DVICE We will hot; allow you to have glasses unless our examination shows that you need them. Expert examinations and lenses ground * to fit your individual eye-requirements. MO, H. BERSCH *■ ■■* Optometrist ^ hrnrMp. Opt Dayt C D. Pcactcfc Ik. 1177 W1LMEHE AVE. For Appointment Phone Wfl. 2766 or Renldenee Wilmette 1707 ■31 lifiitiisilssifliil ttiiii«^ S^"^i6rary Plaza Hotels f I aHE finest jewelry shop on the North X Shore, maintaining a repair ^------^eiitJor-^YTO^ MEDICAL ELECTRICITY . Call or Write lor Free Booklet Chronic Cases that fall to respond to other treatments especially solic- ited --- Rut ;-wwjr. wait for jrour trouble |o Deeo»e/.clironlc?':4m ..-, Electrical treatments are espeolally recommended in high blood press- ure, nervous troubles, post operative adhesions, ulcers, abcesses and all female troubles. ELECTRO PHYSIOTHERAPY LABORATORY 1113 Capitol Bid*. 159 N. State St. Tel. Dearborn 9583 ■ Make Old Moors New! W^M You can do it by having them re-surfaced. Let me take off the old shabby surface and you'll be surprised at the wonderful change. ____Av-':•-^ r^~i '■■■■"■ :\: :.^^«W^CaH' .orlWrit*:. ..............:-^m^mWTf.'tL DOWNING...... Box 423, Highland Park f»#$lMfPfcim ^:K*i ;V0\& W~'^3SSS^S^S^fi^iBf?*f. T M^li Why W6riy^b6utX>6al When you can bid good-bye ta the ashes, dirt and extra work, by having installed the most quiet and efficient and economical Electrol Oil Burner (for- merly Scott-Newcomb) Automatic -- the last word in oil burning? Can be attached to any type of heating plant. No dangerous pilot light, but instead a patent spark plug ignition. As much improvement on oil burning as the modern electric starter on auto is over old style hand cranking. In- sures the most perfect and inexpensive combus- tion, being indorsed by the National Board of Wire Underwriters* MWMi^MlW^^^^M^SS^-..... Every burner is inspected and'wm^^^^h^M' * house 70 degrees at zero weather/ ^rttt^^teyi^||'- Demonstration plant shown and all information || furnished byfimlf^ Automatic Heat Mach I 726 SO. MICHIGAN AVE. fi 3W: ^=TI. A. WUbnan ^^ 930 GREENWOOD AVEi Tel. Wil. 852-M Wilmette, 111. «*«i........... ets Wallpaper and hive a practical Paper Hanger do the papering. Let me figure on your work. You will be satisfied with re- sults. • ■!■.:: ^mtr^^mtM Cha». R. Bakkemo Fainting: and Decomtina; . Winnetka Phone 344. 852 Spruce St. $m ■; At otffii First class Grocers eio CHICAGO AVENUE EAMOUS FOR MACAROONS 61 LADY HNGERS f-'iSi:l Wp Specialize in High Grade Repairing Storage Mm:iM U-Drive CarsforMenk ;.^"$yi-j?H$A'£ .■■.■r^s^eiiv.,... ...j,.-. Dgtgi^^lllfllta Wills Smiiti|3a5f •v. ^ ,..........„. :„ .... .-.„.... ,.^. „ ...............-.........,_________ .-^:ir::.aM;vajs?sagp|iEV,-,;, ms&j^. ;tt«i«^^M»^sp»^^ liSi^^^^^^^^^S,i3^8^^tefe^ii^