TT,r T.^w „.n„i MPwg FmPAY. AUGUST 10, 1923 mmmm On North Shore Golf Links Tribune Expert Tells of Busy : Week at Local Golf Clubs BY WALLACE ABBEY T H. Stehman defeated W. H.Canna- dy 1 up; H. C. Lutkin defeated H. fc. Heick. 1 up, and F. C.Stiles Jr., de- feated E. W. Kirchner, 3 and 1. L. Heppner, 78-10-68, had low score in the qualifying round °< ™%™£_ ident's trophy at Lake Shore Satur- day E. S. Rosenbaum corning a close Gle„ VieW's.?c^e,Zthe Hnks^^th ^^^V^ Strauss, F. Mayer L H. Regensburg, C A. Nathan, W. Lilienfield, H. A. Strauss, A. Oppenheim, «• J- Rosen- berg, W. R- Eisendrath T Fnedland- er, G. A. Stonehill, D. B. Stem and P. D. Blockm, Jr. Capt. Kenneth H. Burns, Couch K. L. Ames and Kenneth F. Edwards went out last week and stroked their way into possess^o the Chick Evans trophy, emblem* c of the team championship of the Chi- cago District Golf association. To do this it was necessary to make a com- ffiVd low score of 626 asExmoor rame a close second with 6^» un "entsia, which held the trophy three successive years, finished filth with 643 on the Hinsdale course. Burns led his team with a card of 78-71-146 Couch and Ames fought hard for secpnd place on the winning team, the former carrying oft the hon- ors by one stroke. The cards were 80-78-158 and 83-76-159. E^ards was close on their heels with ^-IW. S. Davison Herron, 75-71-143, Donald McMurray.79-7J.lS7; Bur- ton Mudge, Jr 82-82-164; andI H. C. Gifford, 82-80-162, comprised the Ex- moor quartet which finished second. Dexter Cummings, Paul 9*!^"^' George W. Blossom, Jr., and G. t. McLaughlin led the Lake Forest club into fifth ranking, while Indian Hill, represented by F. R. Blossom, G. Mal- colm McConnell, E. M. Cummins and R O. Lord ended the day s play with a total of 694. The teams finished in the following order: Glen View. 626; Exmoor, 629; Midlothian, 640; Bever- ly, 642; Onwentsia, 643; Edge wood, 644; Flossmoor, 661; Park Ridge, 662; Hinsdale, 662; and Indian Hill 694. North Shore left handers carted away a good share of the prizes at **the fourteenth annual southpaw tournament at Midlothian last Thurs- day. Although the top honor went to portsider John Humphreys of Co- lumbus Park, with a card of 78-82- 160, second place fell to Howard D. Raymond of Evanston Golf club with 78-87-165, just five strokes behind. Raymond also won the prize for choice eighteen and thirty-six holes with a card of 75, J. B. Marshall of North Shore pressing him with just one shot more. Skokie came in for a portion of the laurels when W. A. Kittermaster, a veteran Canadian player who won low het prize fourteen years ago took the Same prize with 198-54-144. A. H. Huey of Evanston was third in* this class with 176-30-146, second going to fc. F. Silvester of Midlothian. < Trig Waller of Exmoor, several times winner of the tournament, fell below his usual form and finished iiyith 174. Others of the North Shore clan competing were: H. Boyack, Skokie, low net, 184-36-148; and A. ft. Keller, Evanston, 183-32-151. As one of the last events on- the present course, North Shore staged its annual Silver Tassel tournament Wednesday and Thursday with E. B.. Scott and H. B. Payne tying for low gross with 315. Low net for thirty- six holes went to Harry Stinney, 164- $4-140 with Harry HarciKon second, 150-6-144. Other prizes winners out of the field of 100 were Greg S. Buckman, S. W. Hopkins, Edward S. Kaulbach, C. A. Nash and James R. ' R. Gambriel, jr., was victor in the weekly Fellowship cup event at Westmoreland Saturday with a card ht; 80-8-72. A. C. Hammond fought his way into a tie in two events, F. B, Farnesworth equalling his net of ffjj in the blind bogey and T. F. Two- ley preventing him from winning the Sweepstakes by turning in an equal card of 77. -Results of the first match of the Angus cup were as follows: A. Shiv- erick defeated T. L. Twohey, 3 and 2; jt Medlock defeated R. H. Hyland, 3 and 1J F. B. Farnsworth defeated C. ^Ripley, 4 and 3; F. Burnaby de- feated S. MouJding^3_^gdJLlJk Laa- caster defeated J. D. Archer, 3and l; sSfATB OP ILLINOIS]-- COUNTY OF COOK P38- .i'v- „v ^ VV IN ttH® MATTER OP THE) ss PETITION OF THE VILLAGE) ©F KBNILWORTH FOR THE) Kenil- ASSESSMENT OF THE COST) worth OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF) Special A SYSTEM OF PAVING, )Assess- ©RADING AND CURBING IN) ment aaBRTAIN STREETS IN THE) No. 14 ■-fflgi VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH.) ■■Ms- COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. i fff|JOTICE Is hereby given to all per- ions interested that the Board of Local improvements of the said Village of SCenilworth has heretofore filed in said «ourt in said cause, a certificate show- ing: the cost of the work provided for in said cause, the amount reserved for interest, and showing also that_t.he_ Jjq. |provemett^"r4iBiH-T7lsfEeTT constructed in Substantial conformity to the require- wients of the original ordinance there- #Of\ The hearing to consider and determine whether the facts as stated It* said certificate are true, will be held ** Court on the 27th day of -- A. J>. 1828, at ten o'clock A,JA^ S ,__.^oii-thereafterTKs^Tfie^buHiness E" ithe Court »,will permit. All persons Biring thay fHe objections in said ise t>» d^ before said time, and may ^-*R;the "hearing and make their . Kenilworth, Illinois, August ., ms. ■:.- )ARO OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS P THE VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH by J AMES, C. MURRAY, W^^mW^"]- '■■■'"" "Preaident. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH services. The P^tor, Rev. Francis^, cuifler mav be reached at his stuay uui ing the mowings or by appointment The church office will be open d«"nfr^ summer except during thejgnodI from Aueust 9 to 26, when the secretary wm teTn her vacation. The office is open £om 9 to 5 daily except Saturdays and from 9 to 12 on Saturdays The church telephone is Wilmette 22J3. I ST. JOHITS LUTHERAN There will be the regular services in the Sunday School and church, Sunday, August 12, at 9:30 and 11 o'clock. The Rev. Alexander McFerran, pas- tor of the First Presbyterian Church, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, will occupy the pul- pit. __ Owing to the new building operations it is found necessary to suspend Sunday School and church services on August 19, 26, and September 2. The Rev. Howard Taylor, D. D. of Chicago will occupy the pulpit Sunday, September 9. On Sunday, September 16, we will welcome the return of our pastor Dr. Magill. The church is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. The public is cordially invited to all services. Linden and Prairie Avenues, Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastor, 406 Prairie Avenue. Phone 1390 A special service will be held at &t. John's on Friday morning, August 10, in honor of our deceased President, War- ren G. Harding. This service will be- gin at 11 o'clock. The Pastor, Herman W. Meyer will deliver the address. All the members of St. John's are expected to attend this service. Fellow citizens are cordially invited to participate. The services next Sunday morning will take place at the usual time: Sun- dy school and Bible class at 9:15 at Li- brary Hall. The first service at 10:45 and the second at 11 o'clock. The pastor will preach on the text Luke 7:40: "I have somewhat to say unto thee." On Tuesday evening, August 14, the regular monthly meeting of the congre- gation will be held at the church. Every member is urgently requested to be there punctually and without fail. The -Beginners, the Primary and 1he Tunior-intermediate departments are enjoying unusually interesting programs this summer. In the latter department, next Sunday, Mrs. G. E. 'Walk will relate the interesting hab- its and customs of the people of the Philippine Islands and the effect of our work among them. u:-** Next Sunday, Mr. Staffer's,subject wilt be "Lost Opportunities. The ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf and Seventh. William Guise, Pastor. Services for August 12th. Bible School at 9:45. Friends are invited to attend. Come for we know you will profit by the study of the Word. Worship with sermon at 11 A. M. The sermon will be an exposition of one of the beautiful Gospel Lessons for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Read prayerfully Luke 7: 36-50 for prop- er preparation; ■mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^Lmmmmmm BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Eugene Mintz, of Oshkosh, Wis- consin, will be the morning preacher at the Baptist church on Sunday, Aug. 12, at 11 o'clock. The Bible school will meet at ten o'clock where provision will be made on the summer basis for instruction for all grades and ages. The Young People's meetings and the Wednesday evening meetings have been discontinued until the first of September. The Wilmette Baptist church is lo- cated on the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues and welcomes all to its Coal- ;;:;:JIllf Sand ' Gravel |:"I1| Cement MM Black Dirt Crushed Stone WILMETTE BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY £2 PHONE WILMETTE 228S 1cyMt^i:;:^<l;"«Ppreciati^f inn ■ l»^€»iwirai - i»..u tV^cjtjjii"^ church, during the stunap has been gratifying, ^fw stranger in the community our service*;* ti^fffivMi^j Mid-Summer Dresses We still have a splendid variety of mid-sumer dresses that we must dispose of before our ^all styles arrive; i'""""': vr-i^-"-v'r Before going elsewhere look them over at Unique Style Shop 1126 Central Ave. Phone 2403 Where to go In the Village Theatre Building Where to stop The Village Chocolate Cunn ingham 's Ice Cream and Ices* The hest in town. Where Quality Chocolate Rules mmmm Fish Dinners y Every Friday~~you will find on our bill- ot-fare in addition to our regular dinners fish dinners served in most palatable form. WILMETTE CAFE 1181 Wilmette Ave., opposite Village Hall m W& here jn»t as well as the i experienced matron, fa handle just one grade meat--the livery' That insures fine qntfitjrj matter who hoys it, and | lire- have hut one price I f*1^ all, it is perfectly ofcl send a child for meat is more convenient to dot SPECIALS FOR SA1 0AY AUG. « Leg of Spring; Lamb. Veal Roast Shoulder. Veal Pocket Roast . Small Ham ..-----... M Spring chickens Sliced Bacon 3 lbs for Marti 1189 Wilmette Avt| Phone WikKifc 27ft Wm im We delrrer in Ei Wilmette; Kenflworth, dian Hill, Winnetks Our Phone Orders Careful Attention LULIAS BROTHpI 637 MAIN STREET WILMETTE, nULINol Quality Fruit Store Home Grown Vegetables "How deliriously, sweet! What a won- derful flavor!" That's what they all say about our honie- IgTown golden ban- tam sweet corn. There's really a big Phone 154 or 159 Phone 154 or 159 corn* pickedtri out of our own ^garden over on the jA&g&^0& .. other kind. All our ^vegetables are fresh an4 tas IflliK^IClf -$mi