Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1923, p. 15

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!<&m SHORE N&VV^ffKID^^ mm m NMghBorkood Tfieatres The New Evanston The New Evanston theatre will pre- % tit for the pleasure of its patrons 4 enry B. Walthal's stupendousrproduc- ing ,n, "The Face on the Bar Room Floor," lift night and tomorrow night. Henry B. Iff althal himself will appear in his own toduction. A On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- ,y, August 13, 14 and IS, the New | iiranston has scheduled another photo- ? * iy of the type that has characterized K|le New Evanston's service. On these tes William Fox will present his tett- ;1 super-special drama, "The Town tat Forgot God," While the moral in lis play is not so obvious that it de- acts from all the charm and interest the plot, it does, nevertheless, teach remarkable storjr. William Fox's pro- ictions ire considered top-notchers hi je movie world, and this is one of the 1st that Fox has produced. ! During the week the New Evanston (ill also please its patrons with the very kt in orchestral and organ music, with [forming and interesting* current topic lets and with refined comedy and stage fcts. Hoyburn Theatre ] For the last time the movie "All the rothers Were Valiant" may be seen the Hoyburn tonight. This play, a rilling sea story, features Lon Chaney, alcolm McGregor and Billie Dove. omorrow night the same theatre will rodnce "The Mysterious Witness," a estern picture adapted from a Satur- lay Evening Post story of mother-love aiting for her boy to make good on far-away ranch. Of course he wins ut. but don't know how till you see e play. The inimitable Harold Lloyd ill be another attraction tomorrow ight. He will appear in the rich come- y "She Loves Me Not." The Hoyburn's next week's program one that ought to draw. To start e week off the theatre has scheduled merson's Hough's play, "The Man tfftext Door." Hough is a well known If Evanston novelist and this comedy- ||irama is as well known as its author. H Alice Calhoun and James--Morrison are Mnong the selected cast that star in this play. "The Man Next Door" has ieen booked for Monday and Tuesday nights only. „ On Wednesday and Thursday "Di- vorce," an intense drama of love and a defense of wedlock, wilt be featured at lithe Hoyburn. This picture has a re- ^markably strong cast with John Bowers, Jane Novak, James Corrigan and Mar- garet Livingston playing the leads. For a single night only, Friday, Aug. 17, the "Flying Dutchman" will be pre- sented for the pleasure of movie fans. This singular legend, from Wagner's famous opera, has been skillfully made into an artistic and enjoyable photoplay. William Duncan, playing the lead in "Smashing Barriers," will wind up the ekV entertainment at the Hoyburn ;In "Smashing Barriers" you will see IWilliam Duncan, in one of the greatest stunt figures ever made. The play will )e at the Hoyburn on a one night stand, Saturday, Aug. 18, only. Tonight and tomorrow- night at the Howard theatre, the most convenient of ^Chicago's playhouses, "Slander the Woman" will constitute the main at- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r^ Howard Theatre ______________J ttOYBURN * * THEATRE * V 61S Davis St* Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 ■>* Evenings 7 and 9 NEXT WEEK MOX., TUBS., AUG. 18. 14 "THE MAN NEXT DOOR" An excellent comedy-drama, from the well-known story by Emer- son Hough, our noted Evanston novelist. * ALICE CALHOON AND JAMES MORRISON ARE AMONG THE ___WELL. SELECTEE CAST _ WED, THITHU AUG. IS, 1« "DIVORCE" An intense drama of love and defense of wedlock that will pierce deep into the hearts of husbands and wives. JOHN BOWERS. JANE 1*OVAK, JAMES CORRIGAN AND MAR- GARET LIVINGSTON ARE AMONG THE STRONG CAST. FRIDAY, AUGUST IT "FLYING DUTCHMAN* This singular legend, fronTWag;- ner's famous opera, has been skillfully made into an artistic and enjoyable photoplay. J The~ Dutch settings are most pictur- esque. Don't miss this.___ SATURDAY. AUGUST 18 ING BARRIERS" William Duncan in one of the greatest "stunt" figures ever made. Full of thrills In which a youth bravely fights to prove himself a man. ^ traction, and, it goes without saying, Dorothy Phillips will be the chief draw- ing card in "Slander the Woman." In this picture a highly cultured woman is accused of being a party in one of the movies' eternal triangles. A man is shot, and, although the heroine.M freed from any criminal charge hi-ifie crime, she knows that she is the target for criticism and censure. Disparing of jus- lice she. flees to the northland. After months" of hibernation shells |ound| by the man who harmed heflmoit.- ftbey- fall in^1ove....,etc.;jgfou|S^upt t<f%o-: jind see how it eiidsi'fi- -$H: .¥'M ?.■■", tji picture well fitted to follow "Slander the Woman" has been booked by *fc§ Howard for Sunday, Monday a|id f ueal day. The production, "Thfe Kth C6&- mandment" is a powerful photoplay fea- turing Colleen Moore and James Morri- son, who recently starred in the comedy- drama "The Man Next Door." , Lon Chaney in **The Shock" and Stall Laurel in "The Handy Man" will appear at the Howard on Wednesday and Thurs- day, Aug. IS ami 16. VI^^Ghaneyisre^ cently played a leading-part in the sea jgtory "All the Brothers Were Valiant." § In addition to the features already mentioned the Howard theatre will main- tain its usual high standard in auxiliary musical numbers and supplementary pic- tures. L Adelphi Theatre "The Law of the Lawless." That is the name of the picture that will be shown at the Adelphi theatre. |onight and tomorrow night. Dorothy Oaltoa is the star in this play. The star and the play being- both good, the combina- tion ought to hold your attention from start to finish. As a treat to movie lovers the new French sheik, Charles De La Roche, also plays a prominent part in the cast of this picture. "Day Dreams," featuring Buster Keaton will top' the program. In "Day Dreams" Buster pulls off some of his familiar antics. The Sunday afternoon and evening program at the Adelphi will feature "A Woman's Woman.", .^This production has an all-star. cast. __. __ _ On Monday^and Tuesday olnextjweek, "I Am the Law" should draw hundreds of-.-north- aiders tor the^ doors xd ~the Adelphi. "I Am the Law" is one of those photoplays that deals with an im- mensely strong character, portraying REZELLA GOLDSTINE Pianist wmd kmmimtmnt Teaeher at the OSCAR DEIS STUDIO Wednesdays and Fridays, 12 to S 12«© Central Aye, Phone 084-M WIL.METTE a dominating personality. c^The cast of this production includes sMi players as Alice Lake, Gaston Glass, Wallace Ber- ry, Kenneth Harlan and ,::i .,Rojein||ry Theby. '■ ' "^-M'0^JI«&& :;^;pf - j^il|S:;-!:§§ "Childf&'W*7«i'i" is the picturei that the managers of the Adelphi have chosen to show on Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 15 and 16. In "Children of Jazz" Theodore Kosloff and Eileen Percy take the leading roles and are ably supported by Nita Naldi and Conrad Nagel. The picture represents the rise of King Jazz in the heart of a young,engaged; woman and the peculiar methods that her lover took u> rout the usurper. iui e Gives ^Fine of for Disorderly Conduit »1T F. McCullough, 643 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth^ wis fined $10 and cosp by ■. justice $$..thr'pea^ twfel -ISU. Mickey for acting io a disorderly man- ner on Sheridan m&tnand ^liake avenue. McCullough was found guilty of shout- ing abusive and indecent words from an automobile. He was arrested by police officers Peter Schaef er and Henry Brautigliiiti, .^f^.'""'. N THE NEW VANSTO The Big Pictures First" FRI. A SAT. AUG. 10th * lltl^, HENRY B^WALTWAL "0 in his stupendous production. on * ^ MOIV. « TIES. A WED. AUG. 13-14 A 15th WM. FOX presents his 10 reel super-special ^ThelTjttMHIllal Forgot God" Matinee 2 to 5--Eve. 7 to 11 SR< ■iiii W&A re Specialists t'- in Oil Heating When you visit the North Shore Branch of Kleen-Heeit you'll be im- pressed with the fact that every em- ployee is a specialist in oil heating. There's a reason forjthis. The Wins- low Boiler & ^Engineering Co./--the parent company,--are pioneers in the oil- burning field. For years they have worked to perfect Kfeen-Heet-- to make it -efficient, trouble-proof, economical and_ safe._ In order to £^! parallel; tht efficiency of the product in the organization behind it, it is a basic requirements that all Kleen-Heet representatives be more than intelr ligently .informed on Oil-heating.' They know their subject well. We cordially invite you to visit our North Shore Branch, a direct branch of the factory. Now before the Fall; rush is on, is the - opportune time to; investigate this great oil-burning:^^^ SyStem^:t, _^,Hi^:.^p|^,;:, ::? ;;||,.-; ■ :^S;^ff^^";Vfes^%: ~£?^$-Si 'I0e«fH ,:......._„^, >::;v Division' of'^-^-m^^^ Winslow Boiler A Engineering S^v^S^-'Cooipaiiy. ■■■.£. ■^■^ii 175 N. Michigan Are. illii North Shore BrsmcB:^;^ 817 Chicago Ave.---ETan»ton m--M Phone Evanston 9235 ■ gt:- rife . Th« Holae of Hormoay ««^ owarDI N. W. "L" Station mi Howard :;1I|;^RI. A SAT. An*. 10-11 -^l "Slander The Woman" •-ftifi' Nth Coinmanoment" Colleen Moore--Jas.'"v Morrison LON. CHANEYC:vr:?:-::;; mmmmjf^^Mmli ■ami 7S74 North Clark St. fri. ■ * sat. ■. jkvet* i*-ii ^: ... l>OROTHT DALTOIff ' "■$$ ■ Law of the Lawless" with-' the New tfreneh VkmOtams- CHAS. DE LA ROCHE r^DAY dreamsw ■!*".:-.-.:-.»iw. "."■' .ft-yfcVfc:jS:i'.V;';T'r'-. .•'..■.'■■ .WtthiSSIIi- .'-.. '::,:'l&$k ■ .: .;,.' ■■ ■ All Star Cart :v' ";7'\j: ymmii;- .Moif.;,:TiTiBs. ■ si^nii ■ " "I AM THE. IJ^IIt: Alice Lake--Rosemary Theby Gaston ,Glass--Koanotn Harlan WED. TSBttlR. ^l|4|RERip. JAZ2*m v.■*■■-• ■;■•>?•;■ -i-'V-v? ■. ■■.•;WrltaV;,fv ■ 3&k m Nita Naldi--Conrad Nag«l -til »; Thoodloro Kosloff--Eileen , Percy The North Shore's Most Representative Theatres Mi ^^t^i'^.^^|fe^ DIRT WhetSifHfpr needs 9f| orj^ 1<^ or s{Jiun<ired, we jar% nqlf in a position to in^fces®f!0mDt4eli^e^ies^ Lime for the lawn ^"S-'iS.^'A' DINGER & SONS r||' :||^ .' Established 1907 Dealers in All Kinds of Building Materials EVANSTON KENIl^ORTH WILMfffffl | jv J' M^ETKAp: '■0 '$?$4 '^^'iM^} 9iiWl s"«^F:,^«i m f^^:M:^ Time to Choose! I sa:n|#v^' y§4-^r:^^M]--'0^^:i' ' ' V."' :::C"::: ".'■'■'■ "■"-' ^J7|lEH the mincps in a tunnpiU "W an^disl<5rted with grie£, one is in no condition to choose a n^ortictan. The time to do that ^sfiSwhen there is time to in- vestigate and to choose with care. We have a reputation that we'd like to have you verily from your own friends. Then^when the time comes that you will have to be responsible for calling in a mor- tician, you will be prepared to act promptly and wisely. EVANSTON 600, 906 CHICAGO DISTINCTIVE •St. FUNERAL SERVICE :':S-|^P^j;?V :'3iSs& i'i, iS^« i;.-':.' -i^»^^Mfeisi!sii IfciaS.SiiS'.: ^s^i^ffiSaSfifeSS^jfM

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