Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1923, p. 13

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' n"'3^ ^fiPfP«|PPltS^?l ": WyWW^W^^'-"' ■ tAKE SHOR& NEWS, *to)A^ HEM. HOW DID iFMOert Hi M r . firm Twaio VILLAGE ©|P ■ WILMBTT1S NOTICE [ETTE SRJBCL4IM 3SESSMENT tice is her>b>r given, to all per interested that the Board of tees and thb President of the VII- of Wilmette, having ordered that hectric Street Lighting system be tructed, installed and completed in tnut Avenue, from Village Limits, ie West to West line of Sheridan Fd; Ashland Avenue from a point feet East of the West line of Vil- lain its to the West line of 7th Bt; Greenwood Avenue from Vil- Limits on the West to West line Street; BlmSftrood Avenue: from 3ast line of Ridge Avenue to the line of 15th Street and from the line of 16th Street to Lake Mich- , Walnut Avenue from the: Bast of Ridce Avenue to the West line >th Street; Forest Avenue from the ■ line of Ridgre Avenue to the West of 15th StreetJand from the East of 15 th Street td' the West line of jugan Avenue; Lake Avenue from East line of Ridgre Avenue to Lake tigan; Spencer Avenue from the line of 17th Street to the West of 16th Street; Washington Av- from the East line of Ridge Av- w to the West line of Main Street from the East line C. N. S. Electric _ of Way to the West line of slfth Street, and from the East line i Street to the West line of Mich- Avenue; Highland Avenue from East line of Ridge Avenue to the line of 16th Street; Central Av- beginning at a point 516 68/100 from the vfceSt line of 17th annum, and an assessment having been made and returned to to the West line of Sheridan Road. | ™£J be naa^onthe 20th day of August, A. D. 1923, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. enleaf Avenue beginning at the t line of East Railroad Avenue to Sanitary District Right of Way; nette Avenue beginning at the line of J&idge Avenue to the .h line of Islmwpod Avenue; Linden nue from the East line of Prairie nue to the West line of Sheridan d; Hill Street from the East line 16th Street to the West line of •ie Avenue; Laurel Avenue from East line of 8th Street to the line of 4th Street and from the line of the C. N. S. Electric Right ay to the West line of the Right ay of the Sanitary District, and the East line of the Right of of the Sanitary District to the t line of Sheridan «oadf Maple nue from the East line of 7th Street the West line of Sheridan Road; >ry Avenue from the East line of Street to the West line of Park nue and from the East line of 10th et to the West line of 3rd Street; th half of Isabella Street from the t line of Nanzig Avenue to the it line of Main Street and from the t line of East Railroad Avenue to age Limits on the East; East half Ridge Avenue from Village Limits the North to Village Limits on the ith; isth Street from Village, Limits" the North to North line of Forest «fnue; 17th Street from Village nits on the North to Village Limits the South; Fernleaf Avenue from South line of Wilmette Avenue Village Limits on the South; Nanzig enue from the South lute of Wli- tte Avenue to the North line of bella Street; 16th Street from a nt 141.2" feet North of the North [e of Elrowbod Avenue to the North e of Isabella Street; 15th Street be- ning at the West line of Main [reet to the North line of IsabellaStreet; h Street beginning at the South line Wilmette Avenue to the North Mae Isabella Street; 13th Street begjn- g at a point 166.7 feet North of the rth line^ of Hill Street to Nortltllne Isabella Street; Prairie Avenue be- ning at East line of 15th Street to rth line of Isabella Street; Park Av- e beginning at South line of Lake enue to North line of Isabella Street; yle Court beginning at South line Oakwood to North line of Prairie enue; Wood Court beginning at uth line of Oakwood Avenue to North e of Prairie Avenue; Oak Circle be- ning at South line of Wilmette Av- ue to the North line of the first ey on the South; Main Street from Hage Limits on the North to a point 1.5 feet North of Elmwood Avenue d from the South line Of Elmwood enue to the North line of Isabella reet; 13th Street from the South line Chestnut Avenue,to the North line Lake Avenue; 12th Street from the uth line of Chestnut Avenue to the rth line of Central Avenue; 11th reet from th» Annth tfnft nt flftiest- t Avenue to the North line of Lake enue and from the South line Lake ?venue to the North line of Linden venue; loth Street from. Village mits on the North to North fine of regory Avenue; 9thff Street from auth line of Chestnut Avenue td the orth line ©f-©ftkwood ^imt"froTirthir uth line of Oakwood tbthe North ne of Isabella; 8th Street from the j»uth line of Chestnut Avenue to the orth line of Oakwood Avenue; 7th |treet from the South line of, Green- wood Avenue to a point 314 feet South the South line of Laurel Avenue: escent 1Place"frbm a point 224 .feet uth of the South line of Laurel Av- ue to the North line of Oakwood venue; Woodbine Avenue from-.the eat line uf Crescent Place to^ate forth line of Isabella Street; Broad - ray- from the {South line of Crescent ■pace to the North line of Isabella Itreet;ft Isabella Street; 5th Street from the South line of Forest Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 4th Street from the South line of Lake Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 3rd Street from the South line of Washington Avenue to the North line of Maple- Avenue and from the South line of Maple Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; Dupee Place front the South line of Maple Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; Golf Terrace from the South line of Maple Avenue to a point 239.7 feet South; Girard Avenue from Limits on the South to a point 208.8 feet bli- the North; Garrison Avenue from Vil- lage Limits in the South to a point 208.8 feet on the North; Sheridan Road from Village Limits on the North to Village limits on the South; Michigan Avenue from the intersection of Sher- idan Road at the North to the North line of Lake Avenue and front the South line Lake Avenue to the North line of Washington Avenue, and from the South line of Washington Avenue to the intersection of Sheridan Road and Michigan Avenue; Oakwood Av- enue beginning at the East line of Park Avenue to the West line of 8th Street; Bast Railroad Avenue begin- ning at the South, line of Wilmette Avehue tb the North line of Isabella Street, in said Village of Wilmette, the Ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, having applied t& the County Court of Cook County, Il- linois for an assessment Of the costs of said improvement, according to benefits, said assessment being payable on ten installments, each bearing in- terest at the rate of six per cent par and an assessment therefor m. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objec- tions in same Court, before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois. August 2nd^A^D* 1»23. . --^^^ L* B, SPRINGER, Commissioner appointed to make said Assessment. L40-2tc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE # ■■■■?■ '-..*. ■ . ■ '"■ -v; ■' WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT No. 143 ,.,£■""'■.;. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, JLLfifQIS^^^ SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. NOTICE..... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to-'all- persons interested that the village of Wilmette, Cook Codnty, Illinois, hav- ing ordered - the improvement of the central eighteen (18) feet of the Alley South of Block 24, Lake Shore Addi- tion to Wilmette. and North of the subdivision 'of Block 2 of Dempster's Addition to Wilmette, Illinois, extend- ing--from the West line of Seventh Street to the East line , of Eighth Street, and the Alley in said subdivi- sion or~Block 2 of Dempster's Addi- tion to Wilmette, Illinois, in thfi^rear of Lots One (1) to Ten (10T in- clusive, in the Village of Wilmette, Coofc County*, Illinois, by grading, paving with concrete, removing trees, and otherwise improvingr same, in ac- cordance with the ordinance recom- mended and estimate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements, submitted by the Board of Local Im- provements, and passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus- tees of the Village of Wilmette* Cook County, Illinois, on the 26th day of September, AD., l922^said ordlnaiice being on«e~lti the office of the Vil- lage Clerk. of the said Village, and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said proposed improvement according to the benefits, and an assessment there- for having been made and returned to said Court, the, final hearing thereon will be held oh the twentieth day of August, A D., 1923, at t«»l o'clock A. M.. or as soon thereafter as the busi- ness Of the said Court ^wlll permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said date, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment In ten annual installments with inter- est thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. ___ Dated. Wilmette, ♦Illinois, August 3, a. d., 1923. aarr--KiNG^ ^Person appointed by the President of the Board of LocaT Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, to-make~iaid special assessment. -. ! Mn.A«a>mr: ■kSM-Mzl^iiFREDERIC ^.CBOmfJBTji^m^tmi, .%fC Village Attorney, gfe^jgj^ i»40-»tc ;.":;:;;::village ■<&& wilmktte ~ wlllfETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ^^^^^^^ NoSc^ISAHlgS5f "M^-I peSbns interested that the *"»**»§ Wilmette, Cook County^ l*lj^^fe»ifr tng ordered I" J^tral eighteen (IS)' feet,of the alley fnBlSckflVinGage* *!««<>« toWU- iiette, and lying between the West line I^BjavpathS^ NckurefsJ)im in -*$:; ^URl^everra bountiful giver, and those who iRrork ^^-ip^^^^'iS^!^! ■>■■ in harmony with her irl blessed ■: wi|h richne^";a^^danc0^ mands thrift erf -.tho6e-^W;-MA: ^^J^ K* he^ blessing in abundant harvests. :^' Make your thrift;;^ith;'^M*^l.::^^'v.v yelr's harvest earn Nature-s genr '<% V:fffh # l£$^Mj}- mm. erous dividends in the harvests to come. Deposit your div- idends here. --■■- ■$mt <S^&" '€%!*** §^i$M 'ri^:ffMW?M&U ofWilmettb Member of the federal Reserve Bank ■^.iw^ ./jj,«f-«'_*Ssv' j:: SSk; tffifii-xfi' mette, Cook County Illinois, by grading, paving with concrete, removing trees, and otherwise improving same, in ac- cordance with the ordinance recom- mended and estimate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements, submitted by- the Board of Local Im- provements, and passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus- tees of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois/on the 26th day of September, AD., 1»22. said ordinance being on file in the ofiHce of the Vil- lage Clerk of the said Village, and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County. Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of saia proposed improvement according to the benefits, and an assessment there- for having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twentieth day of August, A D., 1923, at ten o'clock A. M or as soon thereafter as the busif 'hem' of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said date, and may appear oh the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten annual Installments with Inter-: est thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. Dated, Wilmette,, Illinois, August 3, ,A.rD^ »JS;S> / hoyt KING. 4 Person appointed by the President i lage Clerk of the said Village, and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said proposed improvement according......--to. the benefits, and an assessment there- for having been made and returned^ to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twentieth day of August, A. D„ 1923, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the busi- ness of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file Objections in said Court before said date, and may appear On the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten annual installments with inter- est thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. ----- Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, August 3, A. D., 1923. HOYT KING. Person appointed by--the- President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County. Illinois, to make said special assessment. . '. ,. ■■■ffi?i',"-:' FREDERIC B. CROSSLEY, Village Attorney. L40-2tc VILLAGE OP WILMETTE WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ^snsrs^z s?PrSi=u.» the ;***& c&Wt^f <**>* &3K 3SSS f-JSftS? «&2> *™*£*^^±™™- assessment.____^^.«~ FREDERIC R. CROSSLEY, Village Attorney. L40-2tC ;.;;-y. VILLAGE OF WBLMfflBTTB ;-;;.;;at WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT No. 146 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK 1 COUNTY. nJJNOIS.________^ SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HESRSIBf GIVEN to all persons Interested that the village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, hav* ing ordered the Improvement of the ieStrS eighteen (18) feet of_the first Sis? South of C^estnnt^Stree^ »nA lyjng hetwew the West line of Tenth Street^ and the Bast line of Eleventh itreel in Block 13 of ^M Addi- tion; In the Village of Wilmette, Cook County. Illinois, to Ngradlng, p^aviV-5itt^on^ett, *«movln» ,?««* kn4 b5erwlse Improving same. In ac- ^rdance with the ordinance recom- mended an? estimate of the President 5 the Board of l£c*r Improvements, »^J!^i^nS liSgnf^NrfS^^ K«?t»«? FTesldent &a Board~rm True-, SS the Village of^Wilmette, Cook rounS Illinois, on the 26th day of September, A. D„ 1922,^said ordinance NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persona interested that the village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, hav- ing ordered the Improvement--of the central sixteen (16) feet' df the Alley in Block 14, Gage's Addition to Wilmette, In the Village of Wilmette, Cook^ County, Illinois, by grading, paving with concrete, removing trees, and otherwise Improving same, in ac- cordance with the ordinance recom- mended and-estimate of "the-President of the Board of Local Improvements, submitted by".'the(Board of Local Im- provements, and passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus- tees of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, on the 26th day»of lage Clerk of the said Village, and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said proposed improvement according to the benefits, and an assessment there- for having been made and returned to ---------, ... said Court, the final' hearing thereon Av D., 1923. will be held on the twentieth day of August. A D., 1923, at ten o'clock A. M.. or a. mffon ■thnrrsmr «ff „thft hiwl- ness of the said Court will permit. 'i^m^fimmmA-ff^<:: :'}'^i ■siu'viaMA'^^MI^^^i^ISliS^al&iliS^^^^ 'Mf&f' At': ?Ss AttjierJMmsJ^^ririnjgLral^^^ in said Court before said date, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense, Sa^ provides for the' collection of said assessment in ten annual installments With inter- est thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. g >^JJate4>„^«meAto.JDl*n^fa^-A»sTlai» «||g A. D., 1923. . ■ r. ■ ::4m HOYT KING. *' Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, to make said special assessment.,;. .■....^. ■^'■^Uf^f^ FREDERIC B. CROSSMJY, :^s p Village Attorney;^ ;?t^S; L40-2tc "W'fk VILLAGE OF ^ILlIBTTE ' Z.&&M WILMETTE SPECIAL A^SESSMBirtP i No. 145 _Jt IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOKt COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. _JTOTICE_IS_HEREBYJG^VB»-to^a«- persons interested that the village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, hav- ing ordered the improvement of the central eighteen (18) feet of the alley in Block 11, Gagre's Addition to Wil- mette, in the Village of Wilmette^ II*? linois, and lying between the West line of Twelfth Street and the East line of Thirteenth Street, in said Village* by grading, paving with concrete, removing trees, and otherwise Im-. proving same, in accordance with the ordinance recommended and es- timate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements, sub- mitted by the Board of Local Im-fe provements, and passed and approved; by the President and Board of Trus»x tees of the Village of Wilmette. Cook County, Illinois, on the 26th day of September, A D., 1922, said ordinance being on file in the office of the Vil- lage Clerk of the said Village, and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of thei^o»*"«*HBii*^!^r proposed improvement according to_ proposed Improvement according the benefits, and an assessment there- for having been made and returned tofe said Court, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twentieth day of August. A D., 19*3. at ten o'clock A»i^ M., or as soon thereafter m Uw b«ri-g« coumy, iiwwiB, w« *»b «»*« «»^ ---- ness of the said Court .will permit. September. A D* 1922J_j«id_^^dinance All persons desiring may file objections being oh THe in the-bfllce of the VII- in said Court before said date, ana may'appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment In ten annual installments with inter-; est thereon at the rate of six per centum («%) per annum.' Dated, Wilmette. Illinois, August S, .... . 'HOYT^KtNa;., :aI Person appointed by the President; of the Board of Tiocsl Intpr----------*** of the Village of Wilmette. Cook County. Illinois, to make said special assessment. '.':. ■■__. ±_^^^^m \ ',' FREDERIC B: CROSSLEY^ & ViMW Attbrney^p^^^WtN^^^

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